Avoid Yandere Constellation

Chapter 61-1

Meanwhile, around that time, Riche and Kersey headed to the stadium where the ‘Grade Tournament’ was being held to watch Kane’s match.

Holding hands with Kersey, they arrived at their destination without realizing it.

“Hmm, the seats…?”

“Yeah? Riche, there’s a free seat over there!”

Kersey pointed to the empty seat he had found.

“Well done, Kersey.”


Kersey snorted with her arms crossed.

The two approached the empty seat, and just as they were about to reach it, Kersey tilted his head.

“Riche, isn’t that the Master’s ex-fiance and Skaya sitting next to the empty seat?”

“Yes, I think so. But…”

Why are they acting like that? Looking at the two, their bodies were trembling with heads down.

‘Is there a reason for them to act like this while watching the match?’

Not only were their reactions, but most of the spectators were also glancing at them.

‘Well, that’s not important.’

Riche sat next to Skaya, and Kersey climbed onto Riche’s lap.

Skaya, who only now noticed someone was next to her, turned her head to the side with a red face.

“Oh, when did you arrive?”

“We just arrived.”

“Ah, that’s a relief.”


Relief? Riche tilted her head in confusion.

“Did something happen? I feel like people around us keep staring at you two…”

“Oh, well…”

Skaya just explained what Jenny did.

After listening to the explanation, Riche nodded with an understanding expression and glanced briefly at Ilin.

“So, Eileen is in that state now?”

“Yeah…that’s right.”

Eileen is now trembling with a face that seems like she could faint at any moment.

If Jenny were next to her, she would have grabbed her by the neck and shook her.

However, Riche and Kersey ignored Eileen’s state as if they didn’t know anything, and turned their gaze to the arena.

At the same time, Dylan and Kane appeared on stage.

“Oh? It’s Master!”

Eileen flinched at those words, and looked at Kane, and then tilted her head in confusion.

“Something feels off…doesn’t it?”

“Yes, you’re right. The atmosphere is weird, and It like he already seem to be fighting with that guy Dylan.”

“Come to think of it…”

As the three of them felt the strangeness, Kersey used a word that didn’t fit with their conversation.

“Something feels like déjà vu.”

Upon hearing Kersey’s words, the other three also nodded their heads and briefly thought of Ortin.


Finally, it was my turn after waiting for so long. I put on the protective suit that William handed me.

Hmm, it’s not too uncomfortable.

It looks like the armor that Jeter wears in Dragon Ball, but it was comfortable like pajamas despite its appearance.

So, I put on the suit and faced Dylan.

Each of us took out our weapons from our pocket dimensions.

He mainly handles a spear. It definitely suits him better than a sword, as he has a pretty big build.

William explained the rules as he looked back and forth between us.

“The rules are simple. If your gauge reaches 0, you are considered defeated, and if you try to inflict more damage than the gauge, I’ll block it. Any questions?”

“No, there are none.”

With that said, the sound of the start of the match rang out.

We aimed our weapons at each other.

Now, how am I going to deal with this guy?

As I was thinking about it, Dylan gave me a wicked smile and said.

“I don’t know what the ‘Wizard’ is thinking by participating in this tournament.”


Did that jerk think I was a wizard and act so arrogantly?

If so, that behavior matches that guy.

In reality, most of the academy students have only seen me fight during the duel with Ortin.

They have not seen me fight anyone since then.

Hmm, well, it matters not whether he’s mistaken or not.

Soon, he’ll regret underestimating my abilities anyway.

As I thought so.

“I Won’t give you time to cast spells!”

Dylan runs towards me and swings his spear downwards, saying those words before hitting it hit me.

I block the attack with my sword without using any physical enhancements.


The clash of his spear and my sword rings out.

Dylan raises one corner of his mouth and reinforces his body with aura, gradually pushing my sword back with his strength.


It seems defeating him without physical enhancement is still impossible, even though I’ve grown stronger.

“Body reinforcement.”

The transparent mana power flows through my circuits due to the potion i drank last time.


At the same time as the clear magic power is emitted, it seeps into my body.

I put a little more strength into my hand.

“What, what is this?!”

Dylan is surprised by my strength. I swing my sword upwards, deflecting his spear.


Dylan, pushed back by my strength, looks at me with a slightly startled face and cold sweat on his face.

“What, what tricks did you use?”

“Fuu! Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

There are always those who mistakenly believe that if their own abilities don’t work, others are using tricks.

The person in front of me was just like those people.

As expected, from an extra whose name doesn’t even come up in the game.

Dylan glared at me fiercely as I spoke.

“Listen carefully. I didn’t do anything. You’re just became weak. Don’t try to rationalize it. People like you always blame everything else and make all kinds of excuses as if you’re entitled to something.”

“Weak! You b**tard…”

“Kid, don’t try to deny the facts that is right before your eyes.”

I continued speaking, ignoring his reaction.

“Well, let’s just fight and see who’s going to lose.”


Meanwhile, around that time.

Skaya and Eileen widened in surprise that their eyes to the point where their pupils almost popped out when they saw Kane’s shimmering mana.

“Him. Why is his mana so clear?”

“That’s not all. Unlike usual, he’s also using body reinforcement with ease.”

“Come to think of it. He doesn’t seem to be using mental reinforcement either. What could have happened in just a few days?”

In fact, it was not unreasonable for the two to be surprised.

Kane had said that Dylan was rationalizing himself, but even if it wasn’t him, the students and William who were watching the game were somewhat surprised.

Seeing the reactions of those around him, Kersey crosses her arm proudly.


However, unfortunately, there was no one paying attention to her.

The three of them ignored her and watched the game in front of them.

Eileen narrowed her eyes as she watched Kane’s movements.

“Kane’s movements aren’t normal, are they?”

“Yes. That’s definitely true. Something’s… ”

“It feels like he’s toying with him.”

Skaya agreed with Eileen’s opinion and nodded her head in agreement.

As she said, if Kane were to use his full power, he could finish off Dylan in less than three seconds.

However, at the moment, Kane seems to be aiming for something, playing Dylan and slowly lowering his gauge.

Watching his appearance, Ilene muttered without realizing it.

“Actually, Kane is probably doing that to relieve stress, right?”



There was a moment of silence in response to the question.

After 3 seconds passed, it was Kersey who broke the silence.

“Even if the Master’s a personality trash, he wouldn’t participate in the competition for that purpose.”

“Um, that’s true.”

“Yeah, I mean, would he really harass someone like that to relieve stress? Though he didn’t seem to be on good terms with the other person earlier, but there must be another reason.”

The three of them denied it, shaking their heads.

However, unlike them, from Riche’s perspective, who had seen Kane cross-dressing and trembling with embarrassment earlier.

The idea that he might be doing it to relieve stress was circulating in her mind.

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