Awakening Chronicles (A World Creation Novel)

Chapter 10 A Choice Made

A short and sweet chapter for you all <3.

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I stared at that list with hallowed reverence now. I was naïve, and quite frankly I still was. Sitting here and viewing this as a game, just to make processing this a bit easier was honestly a bit disrespectful. But this wasn’t a game. This was real life and all of this belonged to real people at some point. I should respect them and treat these classes with respect. With a new sense of determination, I reached out to the second class and rested my finger against it. This time the roar of thunder deafened me. Brilliant flashes of light scorched my eyes, and I could feel static in the air around me. The light here was so intense that I couldn’t even hope to open my eyes. ‘King of Kings. Master of the Heavens.’ These words came from the depths of my mind as I stood in the noble air of this class. This was the class of a monarch. Something that I was not. So I pulled my finger away from it. That would never be me. So, I would let that class be.

The next was the Eternal Blizzard. When I touched that class, all I felt was the biting cold of the end of times. Ice formed in the very air around me. The wind howled and the sky wept torrents of snow. ‘The end and the death. Nothing more.” The very air seemed to convey those words to me in this realm. This was the class of a being who only brought the end. There was no hope, and no desires. Only the cruel touch of an ending universe. I don’t know what happened to this being to make them like that. But that was not me, and I refused to embody that.

Water was the first thing I felt when I touched the next class. It crashed into my legs, and the sky swirled with storm gray clouds. Here there were no words to be conveyed, but emotion. It was the peace of an ocean, and the depth of the life it brought. Yet under it all was the unbridled rage of the sea. I knew that this class wasn’t for me. I didn’t know how to put it in to words, but I could feel it.

The next one was just light. It wasn’t the warm loving touch of light however. It was the cruel uncaring light that seared everything it touched. It brought life, but it brought death. It scorched everything it touched, and in its wake life flourished. Just like the last, this one had no words. But the meaning of this class was clear. This was a class of destruction that sought to bring life.

I shook my head, and pulled my hand away to gaze at the other classes. This was intense. Far more intense than I could have ever imagined. There was so much history and meaning in these classes that they left me weak. But I had to keep going. I needed to find my class.

Upon touching the next class I felt everything. It was nearly mind rendering in its completeness. I could feel the ground beneath my feet, and the world. Every shred of life and every gust of wind. I could feel the planet’s heartbeat that shook my core in steady intervals. “Life. We are one.” The words that came from this class sat heavy on my mind, as I struggled to pull away from this class. This was life in its utmost. Everything was one and connected, and I couldn’t do it. It was too much for me to bear.

I pulled away, and had to steady myself. That experience weighed down on every layer of my being. I didn’t want to be connected to everything on that level. That was too much, and my mind wasn’t designed to handle that. I had to take a breath and steady my nerves for a moment. Even though these were remnants they were powerful. Just the feelings alone were tangible. Just how powerful were they when they were alive?
The next touch set me in a world with a setting sun. It was warm, yet it was cold. It was peaceful, yet there was an edge there that sat on the back of my mind. Almost like I was an old man, who was watching the sun set, and pondering the meaning of the last few days of my life. In this class there were no words. Just resignation and acceptance of a life coming to it’s end. I shook my head as I pulled my hand away. This didn’t click right with me either. Though I admit that it was peaceful. Far more peaceful than I could have ever imagined. The strength of it washed away the trauma that the other classes left stained in my soul. Even the feeling of anxiety from the thoughts of my old life, were swept away by its power. Was acceptance and resignation that bad? Thank you whoever you are. I needed that.

Feeling rejuvenated, I reached out to the next one. This one felt like the world tree one, but also different. The steadiness of the Earth pushed against my feet. TIme moved slowly around me, as my thoughts spread out around me. I was rock solid, yet I was pliable. I was regal, and a lord, but I was also the bearer of life and it was my job to carry it on my back. This class made me feel like everything was going to be alright at the end of the day. But I knew it wasn’t what I wanted. Though that in itself was the problem. I didn’t know what I wanted, or needed.

I was starting to grow a little disappointed by this. If I had to search through every class like this, I was going to lose my mind. There wasn’t an if and or but about that. The strength that they all had was beating me down and honestly, I was starting to grow a little weary from it all. Feeling a bit defeated, I reached out to the next one, and I was taken away again to another place.

This time the world changed and I stood in a grassy plain. Across me was a figure who wielded a spear. Hanging from the bottom of the shaft was a tassel made of rose buds, that fell down in an endless stream. The wind gusted, kicking up a sea of various petals that danced through the air. Peace settled in my stomach, and serenity sat on my shoulder. “Life is a cycle. It grows, it blossoms, and then it dies. All that we can ever do is watch.” Flowers rose from the ground in a sea of colors, each quickly blooming before they wilted and turned to dust. As they did so the figure squatted down, and put something into the ground. Once they were finished a single tree sapling sat in the sea of ash. Its leaves stood viridescent in the sea of gray.

But before I knew it, I had faded from the realm. That class clicked with me on such a deep level. Unlike the others this one embraced the meaning of life. The cycle that guided everything. It embraced everything, and that I realized is what I needed. Without a second doubt I selected that class, not even bothering to glance at the final class on the list.

You are attempting to select the blossoming spear. Is the class you want?

I confirmed my choice. For a few fleeting seconds nothing happened. At least until the screen reappeared.

Class has been chosen. All withheld stat points related to this class have been released. Class selection has been finalized. Please move onto the next stage for weapon creation and stat distribution.

“Ah, you chose that class. Not a bad pick.” Arthurias gave me a wide grin as he stood up from his chair. “Congratulations! Now my good sir, onto the next area!” Before I could even blink he appeared next to me, and placed his hand on my shoulder and my world twisted once more.

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