Awakening to a Special-Grade Explorer

Book 2: Chapter 38

Chapter 38.

Tenji and Kaido looked into the 'MP atomic measuring Pearl' and tilted their heads in unison.

"Shachihachi Ke$"=>G+, 9-<em class="chakra-text css-0">Ksadw*+?"

The text was completely garbled.

Something that wasn't Japanese, a string of characters that made no sense, clearly indicated that it was unmeasurable. Tenji couldn't help but shrug at the result.

[I knew the concept of grade itself doesn't comply with the hell beast and this red demon sword. I thought it was weird to begin with, but now it's clear. In hell, the concept of grades must be different...There's still a lot we don't know about my calling.]

The Goblin's obviously deviated from the usual fifth grade and was so monstrous that it could even lift up huge trees.

Even Tenji, who is not a skilled swordsman, can easily slice through the thick branches of a giant tree with the red demon sword.

In short, the grade that Tenji and others know in this world has a separate standard than the grades of hell.

He acts to figure out his calling, but the results only add to the mystery.

"I don't know what it is. I've never seen the results being this garbled before."

"I wonder what it really is. It seems that my calling is a little distorted after all."

Tenji and Kaido agreed on mutual annoyance, and then fell back on the couch with a thump.

It was then.

A sweet, cookie-like aroma wafted into Tenji's nostrils.

It was the sweet vanilla perfume unique from a woman that made his nose twitch involuntarily.

"-hmm? What is this some kind of disastrous weapon... Oh no, it's a sword. Oh, well? And you? Are you a student?"

The woman approached without a sign of her presence, and Tenji's body involuntarily reacted with a startle. He turned his face in the direction of the voice with great haste.

Right next to his face, right in front of Tenji's eyes and nose, were the stunningly beautiful moonlit eyes of Chigo Shiroushi. Tenji was so close to the beauty that it took his breath away. He could not even think of any words to say to him.

"Chigo, your face is so close. Tenji-kun is startled."

"Oh, I'm sorry about this. It's so rare to have a guest in the house so I got carried away. When was the last time you had a student from the Explorers High School?... And that uniform color is unusual to be wearing..."

She judged that by looking at the color of Tenji's black uniform.

At the High School, students can designate their uniform color when they enter the school and when they advance to the next grade.

The color clearly defines the role as an explorer. However, you may change your mind, and the color of your uniform can be changed if you request it from the school each time.

The uniforms with white lines on a blue background, like the one worn by Rui, are called 'attackers' and are worn by students who aim to play the role of damage dealers to monsters. They are required to always be on the front line of the raid and perform lion-heartedly. That's why they have a tradition of wearing blue, which is said to restore calmness to the mind.

Aika was wearing a uniform of dark green with white lines, which has the role of 'support role'. Recovery, buffing, debuffing, the students who deal with these things wear this uniform.

They are always expected to coordinate, heal and give to the entire group. They often wear green, which is traditionally known for its healing properties.

Students with burgundy fabric and black lines are often referred to as 'shield players' or 'the shielders' and wear uniforms that are mainly red, which is said to be the only color monsters can see.

The red color also had the advantage of making it difficult to see blood. It is said that people with a strong mental focus are suited for the role of a shield because they are required to be unmindful of the monster's gaze and to ignore the blood. Another characteristic of the shielders is that many of them are former sportsmen.

And then there is Tenji's uniform, which is black with gray lines.

This uniform is a bit special and is worn by those who stand out on the basis of being 'unnoticeable'. There are various patterns, such as students who work part-time as luggage carriers like Tenji, or students who have a calling that specializes in secrecy.

That's why there were extremely few wearers, and they caught Chigo's eyes.

There are a few students in the high school who wear pure white uniforms. They are so rare that they are rarely seen in high school, and even Tenji hasn't met many of them.

White uniforms are a special color that only school recognized geniuses are allowed to wear.

The reason why the students of Nippon Explorers High School wear different colors of uniforms is so that when they form a group with professional explorers, they can understand their roles with a glance. It works in the same way as a sports uniform.

It was a system that had been introduced about ten years ago, so that at a glance it could be judged in an instant on the battlefield.

Chigo looks at Tenji in his unusual black uniform, and she curiously brings her face closer to his and begins to stare at him as if she's licking her whole body.

"Yes, yes! I'm Tenji Amagi, I'm 16 years old, I work part-time sometimes as a luggage carrier!"

"Oh, you're a luggage carrier. Hi Tenji! My name is Chigo, nice to meet you."

"Hey, nice to meet you too"

Kaido smiles unintentionally at Tenji.

When she saw a cute highschooler Chigo also smiled back.

Chigo immediately switched her gaze from Tenji to the red demon sword on the desk and reached out to grab it in a natural motion.

Tenji couldn't say anything or be alarmed.


Suddenly, A spark flew between the sword and Chigo's hand.

From the side, it looked like the red demon sword was rejecting her.

"This isn't an ordinary sword, is it?... What grade is this weapon?"

"Chigo, you've got the same thick nerves as ever. You shouldn't be the first one to try to touch an unknown weapon. That's the thing it's unmeasurable."

"Unmeasurable? You used the MP atom measuring Pearls we have, didn't you? I've never heard of it becoming unmeasurable."

"I don't understand that part either. It seems that this sword is created by Tenji's calling ability, but it gets garbled like this."

"Wow, that's a strange sword. Tenji, can you hold this?"

Chigo seems to have a tendency to be close to the personal area.

Tenji was so close to her face that he couldn't help but warp his back against the arm rests of the couch to escape.

She asked curiously as she looked into his eyes, right under his nose.

[Her eyes are shining yellow like the setting sun, even though she is supposed to be Japanese, and I feel that she has some kind of mysterious power.]

Tenji blushed and hurriedly averted his gaze, gripping the red demon sword as he escaped from Chigo.

Seeing the sword without sparks, she nodded her head several times and began to wriggle her fingertips as if she were manipulating a string puppet.

When she did so, she found a dense thread was taking shape in her hand, and a sword was complete.

It was pure white.

It was a slender western sword, and everything about it was white, from the blade down. The sword was hardly decorated with any ornaments, and the only thing that made it stand out was the white thread that seemed to be clinging to it.

The sword was reminiscent of a sacred beauty that suited Chigo's appearance.

"Just a little experiment."

Chigo said in a light tone and held that white sword in her left hand, turning her gaze to Tenji.

Tenji returned a questioning look, unsure of what he was getting at.


"Why don't you swing that sword down on this one as hard as you can? It's okay! This is consumable, and it won't matter if it breaks!"

"Well, let's see... I understand."

The eyes were so interested that there was no way Tenji could say no to her.

"Uh, uh... okay."

The sight of the shabby white skin slightly sweating was already unbearable for Tenji. It was more than unbearable; for Tenji, a young teenage male, it was a sight for sore eyes.

Tenji holds the Red Demon Sword in the upper position as if to shake off evil thoughts.

Then he decided to swing down as hard as he could as he was told.

He thought that he would be repelled normally.

But that shallow thinking was easily betrayed.

The red demon sword sliced the white sword in half as if it were slicing tofu with a kitchen knife. The white sword's tip fell to the floor with a thud. Chigo had a half-broken sword in her hands which she was not comfortable to hold.

"Eh, lies..."

"Wow, it's really sharp. That sword."

Tenji felt that he had done it, but Chigo let out a voice of admiration. Even Kaido, who was watching from the side, was stunned and left his mouth open.

"I'm sorry!"

Tenji hurriedly bowed his head.

Tenji had never imagined that something like this would happen, and the word 'compensation' instantly popped into his mind. He began to calculate the amount he would have to pay to compensate for that sword.

However, Chigo smiled and said as if she didn't care.

"It's fine. By the way, my Thread sword got sliced up like a toy. I like it, I want one too. Buy this for me."

Chigo sounded spoiled and gave an innocent smile to Kaido.

However, Kaido quickly shakes his head and denies it.

"I can't. This is Tenji's, and it's not for sale. This by the way is no ordinary sword as you can see. It sliced your thread rapier easily"

"Really, what is this..."

Kaido and Chigo's interest had completely shifted to Tenji.

Tenji, who had not expected such a situation, began to panic, his eyes darting left and right as to what he should do.

Then Kaido coughed and gave me a helping hand.

"I was just talking about it now. Chigo, if you're interested, come sit here and listen to what we have to say."

"What? Sure then."

Chigo replied with understanding and sat down next to Tenji.

Because of her appearance and overflowing talent, Chigo had no one she could call a friend except for Mr. Kaido. She had never even had a boyfriend.

Everyone takes one look at Chigo and either falls in love with her or reacts that she's beautiful. Then they get involved with her and weep about their lack of talent. They realize the wall of talent that separates them from her.

So far, this is the pattern of behavior of people who come in contact with Chigo.

"Oh, um, it's close to..."

"Don't worry about it, I'm always like this."

Chigo sat down close to him, almost skin to skin.

Chigo wouldn't leave. Tenji turned his gaze to Kaido, who was sitting opposite him, as if in contemplation.

"Does that sword have a name?"

"No, probably not."

Again, Tenji lied.

Since the red demon sword contains the word red demon, it was daringly hidden.

But in front of Chigo, the lie didn't work.

"No, you do. You definitely have a name, you can't fool my eyes, okay?"

"Hey, Chigo-chan. I told you not to use your skills in public, didn't I?"

Tenji was startled for just a moment when Chigo gave him a sharp shove, but Kaido stood up and attached a cup of hot tea to her neck as if to control her.

It seems he gave her a physical order, not just a verbal one. Chigo jumped up with a jerk and immediately curled up into a small ball like an angry pet.

"Hot... Ughhh, a little bit of that is fine..."

"I'm sure there are things you don't want to tell me."

"No! No! Not that one!"

"Then don't push Tenji if you don't want to. Okay?"

"Uh, okay. But it's not like that."

Seeing this, Tenji was suddenly released from his nervousness.

'' I'm sorry, Tenji-kun. I'll be your stopper if anything happens, so don't hesitate to tell me."

"Yes, well..."

Tenji decided to continue the conversation to get more information from Kaido.

Chigo joined him, but he decided not to pay too much attention to her. But it was inevitable that Tenji's eyes would glance at her ample breasts.

Editors Note: Thank you for supports as always! Happy reading to everyone!

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