Awakening With An Expert Identification Skill

Chapter 433: Personal attributes page has been upgraded again

Of course, these... have nothing to do with Lin Fan for the time being.

Compatibility is the most important thing!

There was not much left of that huge light group at this time, only the size of a fist.

Lin Fan didn't know how much immortal power was consumed. Anyway, it was a lot, and the amount was average. Lin Fan even suspected that it was enough for him to condense the immortal body!

At this time, there were still three gates in Lin Fan's body that were not condensed, Yunmen, Shenmen, and Qimen.

The first thing Lin Fan had to do with his orifices was the Yunmen acupoint.

However, Lin Fan didn't close his acupoints immediately, but paused for a while. Lin Fan seemed to have thought of something, and many things appeared in the open space in front of him.

He first took out everything in the Cloud Gate cave.

After all, he doesn't know if he is successful, will he lose all the things stored in his acupuncture points by then, so he should take it out first to be safe.

The middle grade star jade was piled up like a hill. Recently, Lin Fan accumulated a large number of star jade, and there are many treasures. Lin Fan only took half, and the other half was thrown to Wu Weicai and Tang Lie to cultivate people. At this time, the two of them had many subordinates, but neither of them were good teachers. They were good at gathering intelligence or being thugs, but they were really not good at teaching them. Lin Fan still had to solve this problem.

He took out the things that were stored in Yunmen's acupoint, and there was everything in a mess. Lin Fan threw a handful of soil into it, and immediately began to continue to fit in.

He is looking forward to how much his inner space can be expanded.

With the passage of time, the fist-sized light group was almost exhausted, and there were only a few dozen strands of immortal power left. Above Lin Fan's head, a door like a cloud appeared. The whole body was white and stood under the dome.

A successful fit!

Lin Fan immediately checked, and saw a cloud gate appeared in the cloud gate cave. At the same time, the space changed from the original three cubes to a total of six cubes. At this time, it was like a super large room, with a full sixty cubes, and the overall space was directly expanded ten times. , and the inside became clean, and the soil that was thrown in before was gone.

Lin Fan searched every corner, but couldn't find any soil.

Good guy!

Lin Fan was a little scared, but fortunately he took out everything.

Otherwise, my family will be ruined!

Cloud Gate stands on a wall in the space of Cloud Gate Acupuncture Point, but it does not affect the reserve.

Lin Fan looked at the light ball of immortality that was almost exhausted in front of him, feeling a little helpless, only two or two gates away.

This remaining immortal power is definitely not enough to condense another door!

However, Lin Fan still introduced the remaining power of immortality into his body. After the circulation of the nine-color golden pill, Lin Fan directly directed the power of immortality to his skin. When he was guiding the power of immortality before, Lin Fan noticed his The water skin also seems to emit some desire, the desire for immortal power.

At that time, Lin Fan was caring about the Cohesion Gate, how could he care about this thing!

However, the rest was guided by the hand, and the power of immortality was immediately pulled over, circulating on the skin with a special flow, without Lin Fan's control at all.

Lin Fan was stunned!

Is it fully automated again?

In other words, can the immortal power still flow on your skin?


What is this thing on your skin?

Lin Fan finally realized that something was wrong. He found that there seemed to be special lines on his skin, which seemed to contain a special energy. He opened his eyes and looked at his body.

The mysterious nine-color pattern is almost all over the body.

Unveiled his clothes, and also on his body.

At the same time, he also discovered that there are five patterns on the outside of the five internal organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney, namely, karmic fire, earth wood, breath earth, black gold, and sky water.

Dozens of strands of immortal power circulated on the lines, flowing through five patterns, each of which absorbed some of it, and actually changed, and the color seemed to be darker.

And the remaining ten strands of immortal power flowed, reaching the eyebrows, and finally disappeared.

Lin Fan immediately took out a mirror and looked at the top of his head. Sure enough, there was a pattern on the top of his head, a nine-color lightning pattern.

Gu Fei </span> Not only that, Lin Fan's cheeks were also covered with patterns, extending from the center of his eyebrows, the lines on both sides of his cheeks were like feathers, and looking in the mirror, not only did it not make Lin Fan's eyes The handsomeness has weakened, but instead a strange handsomeness has been added. His originally clear eyes were now filled with an unspeakable sense of oppression.

Is this yourself?

Lin Fan was a little unbelievable. Even if he looked at it, he felt a strong sense of oppression, and he didn't dare to look at him.

He admitted that he used to be so handsome that others were afraid to look directly at him, but now his aura is completely different.

"How did you become Harry Potter?" Lin Fan said casually. He was quite satisfied with his different handsomeness.

He knew in his heart that it should be mostly due to the Nine Colors Divine Lightning and the Five Elements Heaven Punishment.


Lin Fan remembered something, and hurriedly opened his personal attributes page. The Nine Colors Divine Lightning and the Five Elements Heaven Punishment he used to forge the water skin, and he almost forgot to improve the Eye of Destruction.

But when he opened the personal attributes page, Lin Fan was stunned!

The personal attributes page turned black again!

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Lin Fan's face. He was not as flustered as last time, but now he is happy.

Because the black screen represents an upgrade!

After the upgrade, new functions will appear. The last time was because of the upgrade.

However, Lin Fan was a little puzzled, what was the triggering condition for this person's attribute layout upgrade?

The last time it was wealth, but this time Lin Fan didn't put much star jade into it. Well, it has transformed a lot before. He originally wanted to upgrade the personal attributes page, but he didn't.

But now the screen is black again, is it because of his increased strength?

There is more than one trigger condition!

What is needed is a necessary and sufficient condition?

In any case, it is a good thing to upgrade the personal attribute layout.

Lin Fan is looking forward to how much he has grown by condensing the golden elixir this time!

After condensing the golden core, plus the wool forging of the two kinds of punishment, his physical quality has skyrocketed a lot.

And every time he gathers a door, it will also give feedback that his strength, speed, and spiritual power will skyrocket again. The nine-door realm is the fastest stage for the development of body secrets.

This time, Lin Fan condensed a total of eight gates, and at the same time, he also connected the Yangxi and Yanggu points.

If you only count the cohesive gate, plus the Shi gate and the life gate of Rendu's second vein, Lin Fan's realm is the tenth heaven of the nine gate realm!

If Yangxi Point and Yanggu Point are also counted, Lin Fan's actual realm is the Nine Gates and Twelve Heavens!

Lin Fan sensed the water skin, UU read www.uukanshu. The strength of the com is stronger, I don't know how many times, and the defense ability has skyrocketed.

It's just that Lin Fan didn't know if he was water skin or not. He had completely changed!

There is also the Illusory Shattering Eye. After being forged by the Nine Colors Divine Thunder, the Illusory Shattering Eye has completely changed. It seems that a prototype of the world is being formed and circulating. When Lin Fan opened the Illusory Shattering Eye, the ground above his head He couldn't completely block his eyes, and he could see the blue sky outside, and even the white clouds in the sky were as close as he could see.

Not only has perspective, but also has the function of telescope!

And the one with super clear pixels!

He couldn't help looking down the ground. After passing through layers of holes, the ground could not block Lin Fan's prying eyes. In the blink of an eye, a blood coffin immersed in a pool of blood appeared in front of him.

And Lin Fan's eyes shone with nine colors of light, and the layers of rune restrictions on the blood coffin were actually seen through layer by layer. Fan was still a little excited.

Bai Qi, who was consuming, was shocked and forcibly woke up from the retreat. He actually felt the prying eyes.

It's not that he spied on the blood coffin, but he who spied into the blood coffin!

The next second, he couldn't help crying and laughing!

It turned out to be this kid Lin Fan!


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