Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 134

Chapter 135 Fierce Battle On The Front Line! The Upcoming Duel Between Gruel And Raphael!

Draenor, Tanaan Jungle Front.

The Draenor racial alliance has quietly reached the front lines of the Legion of Justice.

The proto-thorn beasts in the front row have even been able to see the faces of the soldiers of the Just Legion.

The original ancestral thorn beast was a little excited, because those expressionless faces were about to become distorted, fearful, panic, and then killed by themselves.

And then being sucked out of his life by himself, which excites and delights him.

Closer! Closer! Closer!

Suddenly, the original ancestral thorn beasts saw a mocking smile on those expressionless faces.

When I was a little confused.

“Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah! 99

The sound that made their scalps go numb began to resound through the sky.

“We were found?

This is the last thought of the primitive thorn beasts.

“Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! 35

The ears are roaring, the earth is shaking, and this time it seems to be more violent than the battle in the Bastion Heights.

The five main armies of the Argent Dawn, except for the Knights Templar and the Mercy Corps, which are mainly rune tanks and armored vehicles, each of the remaining three armies are equipped with 500 rune artillery.

But now the Justice and Loyal Corps left all the heavy artillery to the Justice Corps on the frontal battlefield because they wanted to maneuver around.

5 bursts of 1500 rune artillery, and instantly poured 7500 shells towards the Draenor race union..

And it’s a heavy artillery, not a mortar…

Even the Argent Dawn side is the first time to use the rune cannons on such a large scale, and there is a feeling of fear of insufficient firepower.

A rain of artillery shells fell directly in front of the front of the Justice Corps.

“Roar! 35

A huge primitive thorn beast was hit by a cannonball, and the violent explosion caused a part of his body to be directly missing, and the part of his body that collapsed directly ripped off one of his horns.

The other parts flew to the four directions, and the other races around him suffered a disaster, and they burst into blood.

The severely injured Primordial Spiny Beast was instead aroused with fierceness, and let out a roar to continue to advance towards the front.

“Boom! 35


Two more shells fell, and the fierce proto-thorn beast was directly vaporized, leaving not even a remnant.

This is just a small tip of the entire battlefield.

The combined forward force of the Draenor race was basically evaporated by this firepower preparation, and the artillery bombardment stopped with the rune.

A terrifying battlefield with more visual impact than the ice field created by Raphael is displayed in front of both the enemy and the enemy.

The soldiers of the Justice Corps were also dumbfounded.

Not to mention the union of the enemy Draenor races.

“Damn it! This is our heavy artillery? Am I falling behind, or is the world developing too fast?”

“I can’t understand the world anymore!”

“Two years ago, I was still drawing a knife to cut people, and two years ago, it would be good to watch the heavy artillery!

“If Nima had this kind of equipment in World War I and World War II, the orcs wouldn’t even be able to get out of the Dark Portal!

“I really don’t want to launch a charge under the bombardment of such heavy artillery one day!

A regiment commander looked at the battlefield where a complete body could not be found.

And at the rear of the Draenor race, Ner’zhul and Talon Gorefiend were also stunned. How did Nima fight?

Thrall and Eitrigg, who were hidden among the orcs, watched this scene in shock.

“Going back to Azeroth must find a way to get this equipment!

Thrall thought silently.

The only thing that wasn’t shocking was Varimathras. After all, the Burning Legion even had such unscientific things as starships, and they even fought with swords.

On the other side, Raphael and his party, who were monitoring the battlefield through the magic mirror, also had their mouths slightly open except for Raphael.

“Raphael, this weapon must not be circulated!

“Too dangerous!”

“I don’t even think they should have been made!

Alleria frowned slightly as she looked at the battlefield with corpses in the mirror image.

“Think too much, Alleria! There is no right or wrong in power, it is only in the hands of those who master it!

“And it’s just that the other party hasn’t seen this attack mode and didn’t respond! 99

“It’s not that we can’t crack it, we are about to fall into a hard fight!

Raphael said to Alleria.

As for the 4 beauties, they have raised their ears and listened carefully to Raphael’s explanation, although they did not understand why Raphael said it.

But the big lord has never made a mistake on the battlefield, as long as he continues to read it, he will understand.

“Let’s press the whole army directly! 35

“Let the gronn build the earthen wall, this shelling has no penetrating power!

“Since it has been discovered, it is meaningless to hide, let the flying troops attack with all their strength!””

“Wooden creates forests for our soldiers to hide and charge!””

“Let Talon Gorefiend prepare, Hellfire is not bad, okay? 35

“If this wave is repelled, then use Gruul directly!

Varimathras spoke directly to Ner’zhul.

The Draenor racial alliance that received the order immediately began to evolve.

The original ancestral thorn beasts immediately began to retreat, and Goron was at the forefront of the front line.

Then the charge began, and the scene of the charge of nearly a million people was shocking…not to mention the huge Goron and the original thorn beast inside.

The running ground trembled.

“Prepare! Prep!

“Check the rune gun, the magic gun!

Lancelot shouted as he watched this million-dollar charge from the front.


High in the sky above the combined races of Draenor, black dragons and elven dragons began to appear..

In the open space in front of the potholes just now, those mutilated corpses began to grow small tree buds, and they began to grow at an alarming rate by absorbing the nutrients from those corpses.

“Send a letter to the heavy artillery position to support us!”

“The rune gun intercepts those black dragons and elven dragons!”

Lancelot began to give orders at the forward command post, knowing the hard battle was about to begin.

As soon as Lancelot’s voice fell, the entire sky turned fiery red. Lancelot, who had experienced several battles, naturally knew what it was.

“Gather the mages of Lordaeron, Gilneas, Dalaran, Stormgard, and the blood elves!”

“Our rune technology defense alone is not enough, let them put up the first layer of defense for me!”

“Follow us to eat and drink spicy food, now it’s time for them to contribute!”

Lancelot said to the signal soldier.

“Boo! Hah! Hah! Hah!”

After the Draenor racial union crossed the cordon, the Rune Cannons began bombarding again.


When the hissing of the cannonball sounded at the second time, a piece of earth wall appeared on the joint head of the Draenor race.

The rune artillery has no armor-piercing bullets. It can only bombard the earth wall. Of course, many cannonballs fall into the racial coalition army through the bombardment gap.

A piece of corpse was thrown up, but compared with the casualties caused by the first wave of unprepared opponents, there was a huge gap.

And the racial alliance is approaching the position little by little.

At this time, the black dragon and the fairy dragon in the air passed through the defense line of the Justice Corps and rushed directly to the heavy artillery formation.

“Fortunately, all the coalition forces have been dispatched, and then we will watch the performance of the high elf ranger!”

“It’s time for me to go to war!”

Alleria looked at the black dragon flying like a bomber in the sky and stood up, a glint of light flashed in her eyes.

“Heavy artillery units, continue to support the front line!

“Ranger troops prepare for air defense!

“Child! Mom is not a vase!!! Remember mom’s heroic appearance!”

Standing up, Alleria said to the signal soldier, and then lightly stroked her abdomen and muttered to herself.

“Tread! Tread! Tread!”

The troops of high elf rangers who received orders appeared in neat strides in front of the heavy artillery troops.


Alleria reaches for Xal’atath, Windrunner’s legacy…

Flame, ice, arcane, three arrows of different colors appeared in her hand.


The black dragon is close at hand..


“call out!”

Alleria gave an order and a rain of arrows shot up from the sky.

“Roar!!” X3

Alleria shot three black dragons directly with three arrows. One black dragon did not ignite, and the other turned into an ice cube and fell to the ground.

One of them exploded directly in the air.

“It seems that my skills are still not unfamiliar!”5

“The black dragon is handed over to me! Your target fairy dragon!”

Alleria said that three magic arrows were placed on Xal’atas’s bow again.

The elf dragon is not the five guardian dragons, nor does it have the defensive power of the guardian dragon.

For a time, the dragons in the sky roared and fell toward the ground.

On the frontal battlefield, the alliance was finally close to the defense line of the Justice Corps.

“Mortars are staring at me gronn bombardment!! They now support the earthen wall! There is no defense on the front!

…for flowers…

“The rest are free to find the target!


“Fire!! 39

Lancelot gave the order.


The hellfire was finally ready and began to descend. At the same time, a layer of blue protective shield above the front of the Justice Corps began to open, looming.

“Boom!! 39

The original thorn beast began to replace the work of the Goron catapult, and the huge stone mixed with hellfire flew to the position.

And it is specifically staring at the machine gun position.

War is indeed the fastest means of progress for that race.

The two sides, you and I, went to the entire battlefield and turned into a pot of porridge, and the cruel tug of war officially began.

“Boom! Boom!


A gorron was hit by a series of mortars and finally fell.

“What the hell, the defense is really strong enough, look for the next target! 35

The leader of the mortar team cursed.


“team leader!!”

The captain, who was still alive just now, was directly penetrated by a stone spear.

In front of the front, a tall wood spirit sneered at the captain who was penetrated by his spear. The next moment he sensed the danger and hid behind a tree that had just been induced to grow.

“Hey! sizzle! sizzle! sizzle!

“List! List! List!”

The muffled sound of the rune machine gun sounded, and the bullets hit the tree trunk and made a cry, which directly interrupted the lazy waist of the tree and concentrated on hiding behind the wood spirits.


Before the rune machine gun team could move to the next target, a boulder fell down and stuck on the rune defense.

The light of the rune dimmed, and the rune machine gun position completely lost its defense.

“Captain! We need to rearrange the runes!”

“Captain! Rune device exhausted!”9

“You! Go get the rune device!

“The fire can’t be cut off, keep firing!!”

The captain immediately gave an order, and the rune gun began to breathe blue fireworks again.

This kind of situation was staged non-stop throughout the battlefield, and both sides fought with all their strength and blood.

“Let the armored car come up!! I hit him with a counter-charge!!

Bode of the Justice Corps said to the Signal Corps while observing the situation of the entire front.

“Mad, this chapter of my Justice Corps is broken!”

“But everything is worth it, don’t even think about breaking through my front even if it’s finished!”

Bode looked at the gradually stable front and thought.

“Let Gruul come in! The enemy is on the verge of collapse, it’s time to lay the last straw!

Varimathras, who was at the rear of the racial union, looked at the steadfast defenses of the Legion of Justice and opened his eyes to talk nonsense.


Ner’zhul naturally understood what Varimathras meant, and it was time to prepare to activate the backup plan.

Began to communicate silently towards a small hill.

“Boom! 39

The small hill began to vibrate violently, and it turned out that it was not a small hill at all.

It was the dragon slayer Gruhl, who stood up and directly evolved into a big mountain.

“Tread! Tread! Tread!”

Every time Gruel took a step, the earth shook once, and the entire battlefield could see this walking giant with a cold glow in his scarlet one-eyed.

Behind him followed his six sons, the whole family was neat, except for Slager, who was killed by Raphael!

The orcs who were following behind them had not dealt much with the business, but now that the whole army was overwhelmed, they had no choice but to move.

“This is for revenge!

“Looks like it’s my turn! 35

“You four protect your commanders!!

Raphael, who has always been as steady as Mount Tai, also fought and slowly walked towards the battlefield.

“Roar!! 35

The bombardment of the heavy artillery flew to Gruer, and Gruer gently waved his hand and slapped the cannonball!

This is the embodiment of the extremely powerful individual strength, ignoring all low-level attacks.

This is also the reason why the Burning Legion has such unscientific weapons as starships, and also uses swords to fight…


Gruul, who slapped the cannonball, inserted his hands into the ground, and a small mountain rose from the ground… He was caught in his hands, and then flew towards the defensive position.

“Ao Blast!”

This mountain that just took off was directly blown to pieces!

“Tread! Tread! Tread!”

Raphael walked slowly to the center of the battlefield, every step seemed to be stepping on the heartbeat of everyone…

PS2 more!! Works.

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