Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 148

Chapter 149 Arthas Of The Expedition, Night Elves In Action!

Time flies…a week later.

Just when Ai Jiang was sleeping hard to recover herself.

Eastern Kingdom, northeast of Light’s Hope Chapel, Darrow Mill Coast, future Death Knights mobile fortress, Ebon Fortress is located here.

But today most of Lordaeron’s ships are assembled here.

Because Arthas, the prince of Lordaeron, will set sail here to expedition to Northrend.

Because he wants revenge.

He completely killed the culprit of the plague, the dread lord who appeared in front of the prince at the last moment, Mal’Ganis.

With 30,000 elite soldiers and more than 20 ships, they quietly left the eastern continent from the coast of East Darrow Mill.

The accountability of the Knights of the Silver Hand is still going through a long and cumbersome process.

Uther actually knew in his heart that this was Arthas’s expression of apology before he left.

Alsace could not admit mistakes, he could only delay in this way.

No one could have imagined what kind of frenzy would be set off when he returned from Northrend.

On the other side, the continent of Kalimdor, the holy mountain of Hyjal, the foot of the world tree Nordrassil, the inheritance country of the ancient elf empire.

The night elves who nominally ruled Kalimdor also held a crucial meeting.

These night elves with purple skin, long ears, enjoying the blessing of immortality, believing in the moon god Elune, with strong stature, and known as “children of the forest”, seemed a little flustered.

“A third of Ashenvale has fallen, and Azshara has completely fallen into the hands of those demons. It’s hard to believe that after 10,000 years, they are back!”

With bandages still wrapped around his arms, the male elf in fine leather armor sat on a wooden chair and said to the respected Moon Priest,

“The Sentinel can’t stop the vicious demons, who have opened their portals in Ashenvale and Azshara.

“An endless army of demons poured out from it, and I even saw the ugly figure 10,000 years ago.

“That pit lord known as “The Destroyer”.”

“It recognizes us… They come with hatred, offering sacrifices to your lord. 99

“Their goal is!

“Our Mother Tree! The World Tree! Lodrassil!”

This was obviously a secret conversation, with only four people sitting in the exquisite tree house.

In addition to this wounded elf, the most eye-catching is the female elf sitting in the center.

Compared with other night elves, her skin is fairer, she wears a white sacrificial robe, and there is a crescent-like emblem on her forehead.

Priestess of the Moon, Tyrande, Whisperwind.

“Why is this moment! The Fandral Deer Helm is not back!!

“What is the reason for his non-review!!

“We need all the strength!!

Tyrande felt a little helpless in his heart. The house leaked because it rained overnight, and Fandral actually left at this time. You must know that Fandral was the leader of the Cenarion Council.

“Of course they covet the World Tree, the Well of Eternity has been destroyed, and this tree carries the core power of the world.

“After all, we are not the elf empire 10,000 years ago, and our strength is not enough to deal with the demons that strike again.

“Well, Barnes, you tell the sentries to retreat to the middle of Ashenvale, and I’ll go and wake the druids.

“There are also the demigods who fought alongside us thousands of years ago, and we need their power.”5

Fandral was away, so Tyrande could only wake up the druids who were sleeping in the Emerald Dream.

Now is not the time to let those druids go to sleep…

“Wait! High priest, you seem to have forgotten that we can have other reinforcements!”

At this time, another female night elf in the conference room stopped Barnes and turned to Tyrande.


“Those orcs!?”

Tyrande immediately remembered the orcs who had always been in conflict with the night elves in Ashenvale.

“That’s it, apart from us, when my scouts were patrolling, they also found those orcs who called themselves the “Warsong Clan”.

“There is also another front against the demons, who are crazier than us, and who seem to have a stubborn hatred with those demons.

“I think, if we can, can we also unite those orcs…”

“After all, those barbarians are more suitable to stand in front of the war than our clansmen.”

“They proved it last time in Tanaris!!”

Shandris, Feather Moon nodded and said to Tyrande.

“But I remember, those orcs don’t seem to be a friendly race. It is said that they have been cutting down the trees in Ashenvale?”

“Because of this, we seem to be in constant friction with them!”

Tyrande thought for a while and said.

“High Priest!! You seem to have forgotten someone!!”

“A very important person!”

“Our messenger in Glory City has sent back news that the orcs seem to have brought back a lot of clansmen from the mysterious Dark Gate in the Eastern Continent!”

“And the Argent Dawn Lord can suppress these orcs very well!!”

“And the human kingdom in Un’Goro Crater seems to be able to help us very well!!

“After all, if we fail, the demons might be their next target!!””

Shandris said to Tyrande with the bow in his hand.

“Then, let’s send messengers and get in touch with them, if they are willing to devote themselves to resisting the devil!!

“If they want to!!

“I don’t mind drawing a sphere of influence with them after the war!!

Tyrande was silent for a while, then made up his mind and said to Shandris.

Durotar, Thrall carried a log and walked to the hot construction site.

This is building a new home for the Broken Hand, Thunder King, and Mag’har orcs brought back from Draenor.

Thrall opened his hands, his expression relaxed, calling the will of the element in his heart, accompanied by a slight bulge of the ground.

Soon, a khaki earth element twice as tall as him appeared beside him.

Under Thrall’s command, this huge earth element lifted the heavy stone and placed it on the building that was about to be completed.

As the sun went down, Thrall sat with the orc veterans, gossiping.

But before he could finish eating the dry biscuits in his hand, a troll messenger in a hurry, riding a tall raptor, rushed over from a distance.

Regardless of his exhaustion, the tall and powerful troll messenger quickly jumped down from the swift raptor when he approached Thrall.

As tall, but agile trolls, this kind of action is not a problem for them at all.

“Warchief, the night elf messenger of Ashenvale has sent a letter.”

“Chief Sen’jin doesn’t dare to make decisions alone, so I’m here to ask for your opinion!”

Hearing the word elf, Thrall’s face became serious, and he put the last piece of dry biscuit into his mouth.

He clapped his hands, took the letter from the troll, and after unfolding it, he glanced at it twice, and then closed his eyes.

“It’s finally here!!”

“Highlord! Is that why you freed your fellow Draenors back?”

Thrall closed his eyes and thought, remembering that in Draenor, Raphael asked him to prove his race was useful.

Thought it was only useful in Draenor.

Now it seems far more than just Draenor, is there still no peace for the orcs in Azeroth?

Those damn demons!!!

“Help me hand over Warlock Warlock, and prepare a few wolves by the way!!”

“It’s time to meet (cbci) the original occupants of Kalimdor!

In the night, on the red and barren land, the brave orc warriors rode on the black war wolf, and galloped towards the Warsong camp in Ashenvale with the wolf howling.

Un’Goro Crater, Hope City.

“Tiff, Anduin is three years old!!

“We should send him to Glory City! 99

“Uncle will teach him to be a good king! Just like me!!”

“Come on! My brother should be born soon, just in time to be playmates with Varian!!

Varian looked at the little prince who had fallen asleep and said to the queen.

“Well! You decide!

“I’m sure Auntie will take good care of him!

“Auntie is a very gentle person…”


Tiff was a little reluctant, and finally wanted to say that Varian was too young, but she didn’t say it, because she knew it was for Anduin’s good!!


“Your Majesty, the night elf ambassador has sent an urgent letter!

Just when Varian was about to comfort his queen…

Halford, the general who proved his valour at the Battle of Quicksand, stepped out to report to his king.

“Night Elf?”

Raphael took the letter from Halford’s hand and couldn’t help thinking about the purpose of the night elves…

Obviously the messenger is in Hope City, why send letters…

“Halfford prepares the 7th Legion for battle!!”

“Take a team of Paladins! We’re off to Ashenvale!! 39

“Let Bolvar stay in Hope City!”

“Go for the order!!”

Varian held the letter in his hand and gave Halford an order.

“Tiff! It seems that you have to take Anduin to Glory City ahead of time!

After Halford walked out of Varian’s bedroom, he turned his head and said to his queen.

“I see!”

Tiff looked at Varian, who had a very serious face, and knew that something big had happened.

Under the night, the light of the portal of the residence of the Night Elf Ambassador of Hope City shines.

Varian vanishes in the light of the portal with Halford and a small group of paladins…

Meanwhile, Ashenvale…

Ashenvale is a secret place, one of the entrances to the Emerald Dream, where Grom died in battle, and where the druids slept.

Even on the eastern seaboard, there are traces of Naga under the command of Queen Azshara.

But what secrets lie near the inaccessible Starfall Lake?

However, after walking along the shore of Falling Star Lake toward the northwest, after a section of overgrown woods, a path that curved upward unexpectedly appeared.

“Damn it! Someone still lives here?”

Jaina looked at Raphael who was leading the way in front of her and was a little speechless…

How did the great lord of such a remote place find it?

Or is the Argent Dawn’s intelligence system really that pervasive?

“Hmm! Fel energy!?”

“Jaina! We’re speeding up…”

After Tyr’s fall, Khadgar and Rhonin will stay in the ruins of Dalaran.

Naboa went straight to the Badlands because Raphael told him about Uldaman…

Raphael originally wanted to go to Ashenvale alone, but he thought of Jaina, an important human hero in the Battle of Hyjal.

So Raphael came here with Jaina.

“Evil energy!?”

“The same power that destroyed Dalaran?”

Jaina’s face became solemn, and she took a fighting stance, although she didn’t understand why the high lord would bring her as a rookie!!

“Devil Squad! Looks like we’re a step too late!”

“Hope they’re all right!”

“Jaina kill them all!!

“This is your test!

Raphael disappeared in a flash…

Jaina looked at the place where Raphael, who had already been silhouetted, had a speechless expression.

When did the big lord become so unreliable!!

“Mirror Art!”

Jaina began to cast scout spells.

She took a general look at the situation on the mountain, and it was unexpected for such a small place.

There was a rare dread demon patrolling back and forth, and an ultra-small demon camp was in sight.

They were surrounded by an elf-style room that had been more than half destroyed.

And the big lord of his own house watched the mirror image he released from the periphery of the house.


Jaina pursed her lips, and then began to gather magic power all over her body.

She didn’t want Raphael to underestimate it, it was the magician’s forte to cover and strike in a small space.

So Jaina directly activated her current strongest spell, Blizzard!

When snowflakes began to fall from the sky…

Raphael enters this half-ruined night elf house..


The trolls patrolling outside spotted Raphael and came towards him to attack.

Raphael didn’t even look at the attacking demon!

It found that it was walking slower and slower, and snowflakes fell on it…

In the end, its claws were only an inch away from Raphael who opened the door, but it couldn’t take another step forward.

Because it has turned into an ice sculpture….

Behind Raphael, all the demons in the entire demon camp maintained a posture of charging towards Raphael…

“Hello! Jarod, Shadowsong!!

PS one more!.

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