Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 152

Chapter 153 The Most Vicious Dog Licking In Azeroth! Illidan, Stormrage!

Mount Hyjal, outside the mysterious Watchmen headquarters.


With the appearance of Raphael, all the watchmen looked vigilantly in the direction of the source of the sound.

“Just a passerby!

“Don’t be so nervous! If you don’t need help! 99

“I can leave now!”

“But your sister can’t hold on any longer.”

Raphael slowly walked out of the woods and stood under the moonlight with a friendly smile on his face.

I have already started to think about how to deceive them into their subordinates. Is there a better intelligence officer than the watchman?


“Are you a priest? Know healing spells?”

“Why can’t I feel your energy fluctuations? 35

“No! There is no way for someone who is not a professional to come here!! 35

“Speak your purpose!”

Myra looked at Raphael who walked out of the jungle, and the gentle smile on her face made her lose her mind for a moment.

However, she immediately woke up, and the professional ethics of the watchman immediately made her aware of what was wrong.

“Okay! My purpose is you!””

“Otherwise, why would I come to this place where birds don’t shit?

“Can’t I still do it for Illidan?”

“My friendship with him is not as good as my friendship with Maiev!”

“After all, Maiev was able to bring back Illidan last time, didn’t I help?”5

“Oh! By the way! This is sincerity!”

Raphael still kept a smile, but a holy light flashed in his hand and flew to Cordana in Myra’s arms.

“Oh! It’s so comfortable! Sister!

“Am I leaving?

Cordana in Myra’s arms murmured softly, and then fell into a deep sleep, breathing steadily.

“You know Ms. Maiev?

Myra lightly touched Wiri Cordana’s face, confirmed Cordana’s state, and looked up at Raphael.

“It’s been a long time since we’ve seen everything! 99

“That’s when Illidan ran away!

Raphael kept his smile unchanged, like a monstrosity who abducted a little girl.

“Come for us! What do you want us to do?”

Maybe because of saving Cordana, Merlin’s attitude towards Raphael is much better, the best proof is that the hidden watchman has already stood in the open space.

“Then wait for your Lady Maiev to come back and talk!”

“Now you need to rest!

‘Need warm hot water! Delicious food! 35

“Already an invigorating hot shower!

“You are also aware of the situation outside! Demons are the first priority, aren’t they?”


“I promise you can rest in peace there!

Raphael said that a portal appeared beside the watcher.

“No! We still have sisters fighting!”

“I have to go back to support! 35

“You take Cordana with you!

Maureen stood up and ordered to the other watchmen.

“No need! You go too!”

“I’ll bring them here safely! 35

Raphael said and walked towards the Watcher headquarters, which is also the secret prison of the night elves.

Maureen gritted her teeth as she watched Raphael’s receding back, and walked into the portal with Cordana in her arms.

Because she knew that even going up to help those watchmen would be a burden in her current state, and she needed a quick rest to come back to support these sisters.

On the other side, Tyrande took a deep breath and walked into the dark passage.

Because this is the burrow of the watchmen, a secret prison built by the first generation of watchers, where thousands of dangerous creatures are held, from the mad dark troll sacrifice to the evil celestial demon.

In short, anything that has ever appeared in this world can be found here.

It is no exaggeration to say that if someone releases all the creatures here.

In an instant, destroying a country is not a problem.

However, the ancestors of the watchmen are not stupid guys. When the leader of each generation of watchmen dies, they will use their own strength to strengthen the enchantment of each cage.

For ten thousand years, 90 percent of the cages in this prison have been sealed and extremely strong.

Even the original evil, a large part, has dissipated in the ruthless time.

The prison is divided into five floors, and Tyrande walks easily into the elevator controlled by the organ.

When they didn’t fall out with Maiev, they were very good sisters, and even Maiev was an excellent moon god priest before she became a watchman.

Maiev had brought her here long ago, and she wasn’t alone.

Malfurion and Jarod, and the guy who is now locked in the deepest part of the Warden’s Vault.

Tyrande, it was for him.

The creaking sound of the elevator slowly descended from the top.

In this monotonous voice and the endless darkness, the sacrifice of the moon seemed to return to the time 10,000 years ago.

Those were the happiest childhoods of her and the Stormrage brothers, who were born commoners of the Elven Empire.

She doesn’t have a deep family background, and her life is not very rich, but if you want to talk about fame, Brother Stormrage is much more than her.

Malfurion was born with a pair of silver eyes, which is said to be the embodiment of the Druid’s talent.

And Illidan was even more amazing. He was born with a pair of amber golden eyes, a talent that had never been seen before in the entire history of the night elves.

On the day they were born, it was asserted.

Illidan will become the most outstanding druid in the history of elves, no one.

Tyrande was just an ordinary girl at that time, not pretty or cute.

But the Stormrage brothers have been protecting her, especially Illidan.

That brave boy, he is more impulsive than his brother and prefers to use violence to solve problems.

Malfurion, on the other hand, was more adept at using his wits.

At one time, Tyrande thought that the three of them would always live in such a plain and warm way.

Until everyone grew up, the irrepressible conflict finally broke out.

The wild demigod Cenarius is the druid mentor of the Stormrage Brothers, but unlike the others, he doesn’t like Illidan and prefers Malfurion.

Tyrande became a priest of the moon god, and it was at that time that she met Maiev-Shadowsong, who was also a priest, and her brother Jarod, who was a sheriff in the majestic city of Suramar.

With the passage of time, the Stormrage brothers have become very good Druids, but Illidan is more and more dissatisfied with Cenarius’ preference for his brother.

In the end, Illidan could not stand the boring teachings of Druids and his own indifference.

He had a big fight with Cenarius, and even turned against his brother, after accepting a small yellow flower from Tyrande.

He left the peaceful Val’sharah alone, and went to Jin-Azshara to learn the arcane magic popular with the Highborne.

In the pale days of the Moon Temple in his hometown, Tyrande often received letters from Illidan.

She knew that Illidan had become a famous magic genius of Jin-Azhara, and she also noticed the change in Illidan’s tone in the letter.

Tyrande felt flustered, because she didn’t know her true feelings about Illidan in her heart.

But soon, something worse happened, and Malfurion also expressed his love for Tyrande.

The intuition from the woman made Tyrande feel uneasy, but when she obeyed her heart and chose Malfurion.

When she was young, she didn’t know whether she had hurt the hearts of her friends from childhood to adulthood, or whether it was the kind of stab that would leave wounds that would never heal.

Knowing everything, Illidan didn’t go back to Val’sharah until a few years later, when he accidentally rescued Ravencrest, the lord of Black Rook Keep, and was appointed the captain of the Moon Guard of Black Rook Keep.

Illidan felt that he had already embarked on the road to a great man. If he wanted to become a great man, he had to use his strength to prove that he was better than Malfurion.

But the invasion of the Legion and the outbreak of the War of the Ancients completely ruined everything!

Lord Ravencrest refused to obey Queen Azshara’s will and fought the demons alone.

Garrod was implicated by the red dragon mage Krasus at this time, and joined Ravencrest’s command with his sister who had become a watchman.

In order to save the fate of Black Rook Castle, Illidan frantically used the arcane power in his body, and even did not hesitate to extract the magic power from the body of the Moon Guard.

But if the magic power is extracted, it means that life will also wither.

He did it! The demonic portal in Black Rook was destroyed by him alone!

He was supposed to be a hero, but the assassins sent by Azshara’s chief guard, Varok, assassinated Lord Ravencrest in the presence of Jarod, and everything went haywire.

Illidan was stigmatized as a murderer, and he was banished before the eyes of Malfurion and Tyrande, and disappeared without a trace.

Jarod became Ravencrest’s successor and continued to fight against the demons.

But just as Malfurion and Tyrande venture to destroy the Well of Eternity on a frantic, desperate journey.

Illidan has returned, with the power bestowed upon him by the demons, as a demon hunter.

He rescued Malfurion and Tyrande, who were surrounded by demons and ran out of ammunition, and helped them destroy the Well of Eternity together, ending the war completely.

Illidan no longer mentions his love for Tyrande, because he can no longer see his lover.

In exchange for power, he gave his amber eyes, which even the Dark Titans were amazed at, to the Demon King.

Then he was personally injected with power by Sargeras, who was in a good mood. He used a false way of taking refuge, and obtained the power to hunt down demons!

Illidan failed to become a hero in the end, and he lived alone in the corner of Mount Hyjal with the demon hunters who were willing to follow him.

No one knew what they were doing until Jarod, who felt remorse for Ravencrest’s death, wanted to apologize to Illidan, but accidentally discovered Illidan’s secret.

He secretly hid the water of the Well of Eternity, and these demon hunters are secretly breeding a new Well of Eternity!

This discovery shocked Jarod, who thought Illidan was crazy!

Because it is the power of the Well of Eternity, it has attracted the attention of the devil!

But Illidan wanted to rebuild the Well of Eternity at that sensitive time!

Jarod wanted to run away, but how could he possibly outrun the Demon Hunter without the power of his hands.

Illidan put the moonblade on Jarod’s neck, and Jarod thought he was going to die.

However, Illidan finally released the moon blade, and at this moment, Maiev, who was worried about his younger brother, rushed out of the forest with the watchman.

Everything was messed up, Illidan didn’t want to hurt his comrades, he chose to lay down his weapon.

The demon hunters who followed him also surrendered.

So they were sealed in the deepest depths of the Watcher’s Vault.

So far, a full 10,000 years!!!

And the miniature Well of Eternity created by Illidan is now the location of the World Tree Nordrassil.

It can even be said that without the adventures of Illidan, there would be no Mount Hyjal today.

Night elves can’t be an immortal race either!!

And it is such a person who is dedicated to the race and hunting demons!

Imprisoned for 10,000 years!!

I have to say this is really a tragedy…

While Illidan’s reasons for doing this are complex…

At least a large part of the reason is because of a woman!

But you have to admit that he has made outstanding contributions to the entire race of night elves, although some means are not desirable!

The door that had not been opened for ten thousand years quietly spread out in front of Tyrande on both sides.

A darkest road, that is the deepest darkness, the darkness that even light can cover.

Shadow Path!

The deepest secrets of the watchmen.

Tyrande walked into it, and five minutes later, she walked to the end of this empty dark road, and she saw the figure 10,000 years ago.

He was still the same, as young as he was, always lethargic, but he couldn’t help but pay attention.

He Jing (Nuo Wang Zhao) was naked, with the hideous and dazzling dark green devil pattern covering his body, and a black cloth covering his eyes.

Illidan sat on the edge of the suspended stone platform, surrounded by the most dangerous void.

Once you fall into it, even a powerful demon will never be able to escape.

But there was no fear on his face, on the contrary, it was a peaceful and quiet smile.

In his hand, he was holding a dry, little yellow flower that had been blessed by magic.

Ten thousand years have long since wiped out all the plants, but the flower is still in good condition.

Illidan sniffed the flower that had no fragrance for a long time, and the smile on his face was very content, which made him look like a lonely king living in his own world.

When Tyrande saw the little yellow flower, his body couldn’t help shaking.

The whole person leaned against the dark and translucent light wall, and fell softly on the path of shadow.

Her tears wet her beautiful face, but she didn’t know why she was crying.

At this moment, Tyrande no longer has the majesty of a leader, and no longer is as cold as icebergs.

In the quiet darkness, she cried silently.

Like a child, he even hugged his legs and curled himself into a ball.

This scene touched the softest corner of her heart.

She thought she forgot, but she didn’t… read.

In the darkness, separated by a wall, one person cried and the other laughed, like hell, like heaven.


In the same darkness, Raphael looked at the scene in front of him and sighed softly.


PS one more!! Illidan is indeed the biggest dick in Azeroth, licking dogs! But I must admit that he is very affectionate!! And he doesn’t like others either!! If you want to blame, you can only blame fate!!! ! Poor Illidan finally became the warden! I have to say it’s ironic!.

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