Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 156

Chapter 157 Three Lines Of Defense! Gardner! The Fully Evolved Illidan!

Kalimdor, Felwood.

Theodix had long understood the way the demon hunter fought.

“It is said that the demons have set up a darker sky here, and I can feel a force changing the ground beneath our feet.”

Illidan can only change his style, from frontal confrontation to guerrilla warfare!

There is only one group of people who can fight with the fel energy and fight against the Dread Lord.

Those demon hunters also disappeared.

Or, does this Demon King really take Gardnar’s Shadowcastle as his home?

The sneaky demon hunter finally appeared..

Along with Illidan’s action of drawing out the War Blade again, the magic lines on his body also lit up one by one.

In the entire narrow battlefield, only Bernholler and its few guards were left.

Those night hunters will use a spell similar to a fel cage to imprison the body of this powerful demon, making it impossible to escape.

This is not to say that Garrod wants to send humans and orcs to death, his plan is quite complicated.

It is like the sharpened blade of a samurai, like the arrow shot by a hunter, like the fangs of a beast.

It was two ink-colored bat wings spread out, blocking the creature’s body like a shield.

Otherwise, Illidan would probably kneel a long time ago!

Illidan sensed the powerful fel energy with the unique fel energy that belonged to demon hunters.

Liadrin’s eyes above the sky seemed to be burned by the frantically dancing fel energy.

Garrod planned to set up three layers of defense on Mount Hyjal, as a trump card to stop the demons’ attack. Humans and orcs were responsible for the first two lines of defense, while the night elves were responsible for the most important third line of defense.


“We’re here to complete the mission…not to play around!”

“There is no good life at all in this damn place!

Tioix’s disappeared in the Twisting Nether Fingers….

Demon Hunter’s group fighting ability is quite strong, especially Blade Dance and Eye Beam.

Liadrin turned to Jaina.

His height rose from 2.5 meters to 5 meters, and two curved devil horns appeared on his forehead.

Since the war 10,000 years ago, Felwood has remained in a state of fel pollution.

In this war, the strong bears were the front-line soldiers, and these old and weak women and children were responsible for logistical tasks such as logging and transporting supplies.

She was mercilessly cleaning up a plant that jumped out of the black ground with Queldra in her hand.

But there are so many talented guys left in this world.

How could she not remember.

The only thing it seems to be interested in is Shadowcastle and the underworld itself it has built.

Face the swarms of dreads and elite demon guards after the dreadlord lord Baneholer of Shadowhold joins the fray.

Liadrin said and snapped her fingers, and a huge figure fell from the sky. The Knights of the Round Table seemed to be more and more like to snap their fingers under the influence of Raphael.

Even after the Burning Legion returned to this world, Bernholler was at ease with his old masters.

The power of the head of Gul’dan, the power that burst out at one time, is so terrifying!


That’s why Illidan has been fighting alone, before entering Shadowcastle.

Theodix said to Illidan, he remembered this elf, the failure ten thousand years ago had a lot to do with the elf in front of him.

The Paladins in the front two lines of defense are from the Knights of the Silver Hand.

The other demon hunters sneaked in to get the container of powerful fel energy.

Among the holy mountains of Mount Hyjal.

After the demonization, the two sharp moon blades seemed to have their own souls. They danced in the air, chirping, and jumped back into Illidan’s hands.

The completely demonized Illidan, after 10,000 years, has finally become a real demon hunter!

“As for me? Girl, have you forgotten?”

At this moment, a round of jet-black sun exploded over Gardner!

They are a small group of demon deserters left over from the ancient war. When the Well of Eternity exploded, most of the demons were blown back into the void.

Illidan looked at the seriously injured Tiodicus and said.

The man stationed here is a powerful dread king named Bernholer.

It is the most loyal ally of the night elves and one of the few native creatures in Felwood.

Liadrin in the air felt the breath of the demon on the ground.

The fel energy that has been blazingly corroded has all been baked into a gray-black skeleton!

“But the Tomb of Sargeras must be familiar to you!!

“Maybe you don’t know this orc…”

Then Illidan didn’t know all of this, he took off the cloak on his body and threw it aside, naked.

“You are a paladin, not an assassin!””

“Look there!”

“Devil! No news is more important than a good meal!”

Every time these two super skills are used by Illidan, they will set off a bloody storm in the demon group around him.

The bat wings were tattered, like dry sails, but Liadrin dared not underestimate the creatures under the bat wings!

Perhaps this piece of land is destined to endure more disasters, in short, ten thousand years later, before this piece of land recovers its vitality, the demons once again occupied this place.

Ruowu’s demonic aura quickly attracted the attention of the eldest lady.

Without any hesitation, the demon hunter inhaled all the power of the skull into his body!

On one side, a tall figure was directing the demon hunters to fight frantically against the Dread Demon King who was already wounded.

But there are exceptions to everything, such as when Jaina and Liadrin were on guard on the outskirts of Deadwood.

The other paladins spread out to protect the local tribe of bearmen, who are said to be descendants of the wild demigods Ursoc and the brothers Ursol.

This can be seen from the crooked mountain road between the three lines of defense.

The water here is dark green poisonous water, only the most tenacious creatures can survive here, or the alien life that has been transformed by evil and disease.

This is the level of crushing.

Many places that have been contaminated by chaotic magical energy and demonic fel energy are beyond recovery.

Aregos had to continue to pull up into the air, and the holy energy in his whole body completely disobeyed Liadrin’s command at this moment.

“Stop! 35

It is said that the night elves are now using the power of the World Tree to resurrect the demigods of the wilderness. In short, the more time, the better!

It has controlled everything in the underworld of Shadowcastle for the past 10,000 years.

So he also knew how much the elves in front of him thirst for power.

“How did you get there? Did you kill all the way?

He knew that if he wanted to leave today, it seemed that he would have to pay a little price.

“I am a knight of the round table, or a dragon knight among the knights of the round table!”

However, Jaina could understand that the white-haired elf planned to use these two lines of defense to consume and delay the demon’s power.

PS one more!!.

For example, Jin-Azshara, the former capital of the Highborne, such as Durotar, the red earth, and Felwood, the once treasured land of the Kaldorei.

Liadrin followed Jaina with a speechless face. She didn’t understand how the high lord always taught herself this kind of babysitting task…

This is not far from the first line of defense, so generally speaking, there is no risk.

It was Illidan who was released by Tyrande and was hammered by Yrel in Ashenvale.

Therefore, most of the world was surrounded by green, and Azeroth was as beautiful as heaven at that time.

So the battle plan was in time for him to attract the attention of the demon head-on.

Under the power of the Dread Lord Lord to manipulate the blood, the blood of Illidan’s body was sucked out.

In addition, Illidan himself was seriously injured.

The strength of the dreadlord lord is absolutely formidable, and Illidan has no certainty to win one-on-one, let alone these elite demons who are responsible for guarding Bain Holler.

Fortunately, there are a large number of low-level demons here, allowing Illidan to absorb a lot of fel energy.

As she spoke, Jaina covered her nose with a handkerchief in disgust, and said 21 urns.

The strange magic lines that were curved like scorch marks, like the coolest tattoos, covered the body of the demon hunter.

Those demons that besieged Illidan!

This can be seen from the fact that the demons of Gardnar’s Shadowcastle did not join any of the legions that attacked Mount Hyjal.

“They want to turn this place into a perpetual evil territory, as a bridgehead for them to invade the whole world!”

It looks like the craziest graffiti, but with every breath of the demonized Illidan, those magic lines will light up a dark green light!

“Is this news enough to buy my life?”

Illidan stroked the dim green magic pattern on his body, and he was blasted by Yrel-Hammer in the Fire Blade Canyon.

As if he had encountered a natural enemy, he frantically poured out of his body, forming a golden barrier in front of him.

It just so happens that this guy also needs to be taught a lesson. He asked him to hand over that thing, but he dared not to hand it over…

But the blood-red dreadlord lord has already retreated quickly, and it seems that he intends to apply oil on the soles of his feet!

“My lord! Next!

In the very center of the hot black sand, a strange thing is lying there!

On the other side is Gardnar Shadowcastle.

His entire body was lifted nearly 5 meters abruptly, and at this moment, he completely gave up his defense.

And Bernholler’s dealings with Theodix were obviously unpleasant…. There are also scars on his body.

Except for those paranoid druids and night elf assassins who are good at hiding, all other troops have withdrawn into the final battlefield.

Although there are still trees, their shapes are distorted and evil, and the evil energy from the underground is affecting this land all the time.

But these demons hide themselves very well.

These guys restrained their behavior and contracted their minions.

“I really don’t know where those arrogant elves got the confidence to end all this in Mount Hyjal!”

They come here with a mission of their own…

However, this did not change the embarrassing situation Illidan faced.

This is probably the last time I have come to Felwood for logging. Two days ago, Varian officially entered the defense line with the commanders of the First Expeditionary Force.

This is absolutely the fatal blow!

“Gardnar, Shadowhold!

After that round of black sun disappeared, the Holy Light barrier in front of Liadrin was lifted.

The black, like a disgusting snake, was swept away by the hot holy light, and it turned into ashes and drifted into the distance.

Epic hero class…

“From my point of view, this is the best battlefield for decisive battles, and there is no need to worry about the impact on kind life.”

But after the mad Highborne summoned demons, and after the shattering of the War of the Ancients, the world fell apart.

His body was still naked, but the magic pattern, which was sufficiently bizarre, expanded again, and this time it covered his body.

The treacherous laughing Dread Demon King approached Illidan’s body like a blood-colored storm, with ten sharp blood claws.

In the black cloth that covered the eyes, two dark green flames were shining.

“I give you the information you want!! 35

The human defense line has the help of mages from Dalaran, and the construction of the camp of the human defense line is quite fast, and it is close to completion.

Jaina was also free, so she volunteered to bring the logisticians to Felwood to log wood.

Last time was the 101 Knights squad, this time it was Jaina.

Her curiosity is no ordinary heavy…

As a colleague, he is even more eager for power. If Yrel hadn’t kept his hand, that hammer would have killed him directly.

When the bat wings are opened, Illidan has completely changed into another appearance!

Therefore, in these ten thousand years, even the paranoid Druids have not been able to get rid of this group of demons.

If the demons planned to charge quickly and faced the long and narrow mountain road, they would have to leave most of the ordinary legions behind.

There are many great demons in Felwood, even giant dragons don’t dare to fly at low altitudes.

Miss Jaina, who was holding a staff, looked up at the sky and turned to Liadrin behind her.

The stench and the smell of sulphur make the whole land look like a black desert!

Illidan smelled the solemn smell of sulfur and looked at this place where demons have occupied for ten thousand years.

The dreadlord is Theodix….to face the siege of so many demon hunters who are familiar with demonic warfare.

In fact, apart from the high-level druids of the Cenarion Circle, few people know that there are demons in Gardnar.


Skull of Gul’dan.

Jaina looked at Liadrin with some worry, in fact, her heart also seemed to be going with her…

After the forest king Cenarius, who was in charge of the battle in Felwood, was ripped off by Archimonde, the land was completely in the hands of the devil.

Demon Hunter.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, because the skull overflowing with fel energy has fallen into Illidan’s hands.

Ten thousand years ago, before the outbreak of the War of the Ancients, the Eastern Continent, Kalimdor, Northrend and the mysterious Misty Continent were once a whole vast world.

At that time the kaldorei elves almost controlled the fate of the whole world, they liked nature.

There are freaks in every tribe, the Demon Lord Bernholler should be the freaks in this tribe.

“This is not the time to be willful…go back.

As expected of the legendary commander who commanded the ancient battle 10,000 years ago…

The eldest lady exclaimed, and Liadrin’s eyes under the helmet turned to the right, and sure enough, it was in the middle of the dark green lake in the distance.

“If this news can make your strength further?”

After a while, the huge figure flew high into the sky.

“I’m going to have a look!…31

The cunning dread lord, every time he wants to break open the space, or escape as a bat.

Facing the large group of demons coming from the other side, Illidan cracked his mouth, revealing sharper teeth than other elves, and the bloodthirsty aura unfolded at this moment.

“Return the first line of defense as soon as possible!!

Illidan was heartbroken… and finally gave an order.

After the demon army was blasted back into the void.

“Let me go!”

His feet turned into demon-like hooves, his arms turned into bone claws similar to those of the Dreadlord, and the craziest thing was the two dark green moon blades.

She looked at the battlefield below, and the scene made even Liadrin, who has experienced many battles, couldn’t help but take a deep breath!

“Skull of Gul’dan!”

If they’re going to be steady, the more time is left for the night elves to prepare.

The Demon Hunter’s ears stood up the moment before, at the moment 967 when the subordinate’s voice came.

On Illidan’s body, he mercilessly left ten scars with deep visible bones!

The evil energy in the body has been exhausted, and continue to absorb the evil energy of the big devil to restore himself..

However, because the place of Gardnar itself is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the demons built a fort called “Shadow Castle” in the deeper part of Gardnar.

It is not interested in conquest at all, and even the destruction in the dreadlord’s bones can be suppressed.

Liadrin hated the name, because it was the name of the orc commander who invaded Quel’Thalas the second time the orcs stood up.


Death also opens its arms to believers.

Illidan disappeared in this small green lake…

“I’ll let you go!

“You go back first!

A few mysterious guys in green cloaks are using fel energy to fight fiercely with a blood-red Dread Demon King.

Of course, the Knights Templar and the Avengers were transferred to the third line of defense.

No matter how you look at it, the front and rear defenses of these three camps are considered the finishing touch.

“Demon hunters…. the hunt has begun!

“But this is the stronghold of the devil! 99

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