Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 167

Chapter 168 With A Dutiful Son, Lordaeron Falls!

Tirephath Glades, Lordaeron.

“Let them all come! We can’t stop the coming undead, we all have to die here!

Like swinging a battle axe, it slammed down in the direction of Arthas.

The next moment, in the sky outside the palace, a dark fissure was opened.

“Come on, Your Royal Highness, His Majesty the King is waiting for you!”

But this… is just the beginning.

Therefore, to the old messenger, Arthas was like his son and nephew.

That violent shadow energy ripped apart almost everything in this palace.

He didn’t speak, just reached out and patted the old housekeeper’s shoulder.

Jaina said to Ronin beside her.

The undead of Andorhal were swept away once because of Raphael’s holy light burst.

PS2 is more… It’s really late, but I still code it out!!.

“Come, my warriors!”

A large fireball hit the undead’s chest, knocking it into the air.

This time, it’s no longer a Stratholme slaughter for justice, but a feast of evil!

The latter returned to his senses and handed the letter to Turalyon.

“But was ambushed by Arthas and a spider-beetle-like demon outside the city.”

Arthas used a very “gentle” tone to hold the corpse that was gradually frozen in his arms.

The two war horses rushed in from two directions, one after the other, all of them were messengers with feather helmets.

“They wake up the dead in every cemetery…”

Uther said after a moment of silence.

“Fortunately, those citizens were rescued..”

The bright light contrasted sharply with the black cloak on his body.

Outside Lordaeron, the court steward of King Terenas looked at the hooded Arthas with pride and kindness.

This is not a sound that a living person would make at all, it is simply like thunder in the sky.

“There is this thing!”

But what level of existence are the first few?

He looked at it before his eyes, and finally smiled disdainfully.

Under the advice of the old butler, the gate of the city of Lordaeron at dawn burst open.

The sight made the young archmage go cold, and King Terenas showed a hint of anger.

It was as if it had decayed for hundreds of years in time.

About to stab into the little girl’s body, the little girl has been frightened.

“Speaking of which, after the Battle of Sea Mountains came back, our Silver Hand seems to have something different!”

“Go! Ronin, let’s go to the palace!””

Arthas strode into the front hall, where the old King Terenas was sitting on a gorgeous throne.

No one noticed this, and the carnival citizens cheered for His Royal Highness.

Arthas followed behind the old butler and took Falek and Mavien into the city of Lordaeron.

When he reappeared, he was already in the middle of King Terenas and Arthas.

It is said that His Royal Highness has brought back treasures sufficient to fight the terrible plague.

“Ronin! Evacuate!”

Farrek and Mavien, the right-hand man of His Royal Highness.

The whole city is being slaughtered!

“The whole of Tirephath Glades has fallen..”

“Turalyon, proceed at this speed.

The light of the two flashes disappeared in the palace, at the moment when the breathless Ronin and the dignified Jaina appeared outside the palace.

With the passage of time, and his vitality.

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter! Uther!”


“Go away!

There are also those crypt demons who tore the ground and drilled up from the ground, and they slaughtered wildly!

“And I, will be crowned king!

Some people even lit a corner of the city, and billowing black smoke rose from the corner.

The great knight glanced at the badges on the chests of the two knights, and reached out to take Alessandro’s letter first.

Citizens along the way threw red petals excitedly.

Uther looked at the two knights and asked sharply.

Waiting for the audience of his son, who is also the future king of this country.

But they didn’t know at all what Alsace brought back.

He put King Terenas back on the throne.

Turalyon did not participate in the battle of Hyjal because he wanted to stay in the northern border.

Each griffin rider can carry around 60.

The old housekeeper left first, and King Terenas was sitting in the front hall of the palace at this time.

Both… how is that possible!

Jaina remembered Raphael’s last arrangement before departure.

“Are you crazy? Just the two of us?”

Unlike the loving King Terenas, Jaina was nervous now, and her palms were all sweaty.

A little girl who ran out of the house crying and crying, panicked and wanted to avoid the pursuit behind her.

Raphael originally wanted to witness the moment when Azeroth’s greatest son, Arthas, destroyed Lordaeron.

When it hit the ground, only a broken body was left.

In just an instant, it turned into the most dry color.

Luo Ning is also a ruthless character, seeing his side fall into a disadvantage.

But just relying on her and Luo Ning alone could not save the city at all.

Reached out and re-arranged a layer of ice armor for himself, shouting to the other side.

Can only relying on the Knights of the Silver Hand and the local legion, can they really stop the peak of soldiers with more than one million people?

Ronin wanted to explain.

“Back off! 35

With the force of his left hand, the hard crown slowly turned into a slag in his hand.

The two headed for the palace.

Accompanying the Prince’s Palace step by step up the 24 steps of the palace.

Ronin and Jaina appeared next to the two people embracing each other, Ronin was in charge of attacking, and Jaina was in charge of protection.

“Are you sure it’s Arthas?

For this kind of gesture, the old man seemed even more happy.

Step by step onto the throne, he simply ignored the battle that was taking place in the palace.

His Royal Highness almost grew up under his care.

Jaina couldn’t bear to see the slaughterhouse behind her, even though she desperately wanted to dispel the evil.

The second time was after the Knights of the Round Table were given the title by Raphael.

Step by step, he took the initiative to walk towards Alsace, who was standing there, open his hands, and hugged his icy body.

Flying over Andorhal, the elite dwarf sky knights.

How terrifying, the blow nearly razed the majestic palace to the ground.

“After Lord Mograine received the request for help from Lordaeron, he immediately rushed to Lordaeron with all the knights and priests of the Abbey of Holy Light.”5

“My child…you…what’s the matter with you?”

Facing the enthusiastic old butler, Arthas pulled a faint smile on his stiff face.

Turalyon sensed something was wrong on the old friend’s face, and reached out and patted Uther on the shoulder.

Seeing that Arthas had approached King Terenas, Ronin began to call the police frantically.

The sunlight and the light of the front hall merged together, making the dim light brighter.

Reaching out his hand, a large piece of ice froze the corpse and the throne with a horrified expression on his face.

“Evil! Go away!

The royal guards opened the doors of the vestibule.

Ronin was naturally sent to protect Jaina.

But just as the magic light in the hands of the two people appeared, it was blocked by two piercing sword lights.

He held Lordaeron’s scepter in his hand, his eyes still bright, looking at his son.

Behind Arthas, Frostmourne wrapped in a dim shroud slid across the old king’s neck.

So he didn’t know how tragic that war was.

For a time, he was actually suppressed in a palace that was not empty.

A life is lost.

“What did you say!! Lordaeron… Lordaeron ruined?”

But the messenger knight was obviously also in sadness and despair. He wiped his red eyes and endured the severe pain without saying a word.


The shadow of death grinned wildly and squeezed what was left of him out of his body.

The Wildhammer dwarves, who have always been friends with the Knights of the Silver Hand, dispatched their proud griffon squadron, and hundreds of griffins spread their wings.

“Fight for your master!

“”, where are you going? Alsace is still there!

It was an undead soldier in the uniform of Lordaeron, and it raised the long sword in his hand expressionlessly.

On the black-blue sword, seven different inscriptions gradually lighted up.

“His Royal Highness Arthas!”

What kind of existence is Alsace?

The old housekeeper was sitting on the ground in embarrassment, his strength was fading rapidly.

“Because the battlefield is the most inspiring to grow! 99

Those soldiers brought back by Alsace, they lost their disguise.

Luo Ning stretched out his hand towards the little girl, and the little girl threw herself into Luo Ning’s arms with a wow.

The light of the entire sky seemed to be inhaled by the dark back of Alsace.

Arthas looked at his father, his thin and pale face appeared in the air for the first time.

in a corner where no one cares.

He stretched out his hand and caught the red flower falling from his eyes.

The messenger said the unbelievable news of the two great knights with red eyes.

The first time was in the Second Orc War, when he rescued the Red Dragon Queen who was imprisoned by the Dragonmaw clan, and several Dragon Kings and Raphael saw it.

There were still many citizens who got up early and stood on both sides of the road, welcoming His Royal Highness who had returned from afar.

Finally, he picked up the heavy crown that had fallen to the ground.

His Royal Highness gently rubbed it with his hand, and the dried petals turned into broken leaves and landed at his feet as he continued to move forward.

Now it has been swept the ground by the Silver Hand, who had swept away from the Battle of Seamounts, and aerial bombardment by the Wildhammer dwarves.

Watch the breathtaking “show” going on in Andorhal’s sky with an engineering telescope.

“Father, I am relieved to see that you are safe and sound.”

“Father, your reign has come to an end…”

He held the staff in both hands, and the magic power of his whole body gathered together.

In just half a year…

He is so good.

Thousands of undead fires appeared in the streets and alleys of Lordaeron.

Who made Ronin the closest to Lordaeron.

Turalyon grabbed the knight’s shoulders with both hands, and his sturdy gauntlets squeaked.

Just as Uther and Turalyon were talking, they walked towards the Andorhal camp.

Just like when he was young, he is fearless, brave, and does not compromise with fate.

But no one will pay attention to these anymore.

The spiritual power of the mages is generally very strong, and Jaina and Ronin are the best among them.

Jaina waved a strategic beacon into her hand.

Until Turalyon’s hands were forcibly opened by Uther, the silent great knight was still a little afraid to believe.

Immediately afterwards, a whistling meteorite, wrapped in flames, fell from the sky and smashed down towards the already chaotic palace.

He waved his arms with difficulty, trying to grab a life-saving straw that didn’t exist.

However, Alleria’s birth period made him really useless.

Old souls emerged from the corpse that Arthas had held in his body.

Alsace stepped on the red luxurious carpet and walked up the steps of the palace step by step.

“Father, I have come to inherit your throne!

The little hand grabbed Luo Ning’s robe tightly, and she was terrified.

Just the sound of the sound, the energy in the surrounding space began to fluctuate violently.

This is a custom in Lordaeron’s etiquette that symbolizes victory.

Jaina held her short-handled staff in her hand and looked nervously at Arthas who stepped forward step by step.

Arthas didn’t speak, just raised his head and glanced at Ronin from the eyes under the dark hood.

“In two months at the most, we will be able to clean up Andorhal completely!”

Not only Jaina, but even Ronin felt the energy fluctuations hidden in His Royal Highness’s body, which made him tremble with fear.

Then it was sucked into the shining blade.

“My child, I am finally relieved to see that you are safe and sound.”

These bombs were imported from Glory City at a high cost, and they were relatively small in size.

“Praise you, Your Highness!”

But sudden earthquakes and cracks in the ground, and giant creatures like spiders and beetles churning from the ground.

Uther frowned, and he stretched out his hand, signaling both messengers to come.

Almost all of them are not destroyed, only those elite undead loyal to the summoner Araki are still hiding in the center of the city, lingering.

“The Knights Templar were there, escorting the commoners all the way to the Hillbrad Hills!

On the other side, Uther stood in Darrow Mill Lake, where the poisonous mist had been dispersed by the mages, and two people stood on a small boat.

Uther moved his shoulders, (Nuo Wang Zhao) opened the letter, but after only one glance, he was completely stunned.

He scoured the ruins of Dalaran for every item that might help the Magic Academy.

With the dying wailing and screaming, this originally majestic city is reflected like hell.

The meteorite also smashed above the palace, which brought together the attack of the power of the archmage.

So when Arthas approached the throne.

The entire palace began to shake, and Jaina and Ronin faced the unprecedented combination of martial arts and dark powers of Farek and Maveen.

Fear was like a hand that followed him, crawling over his body and grabbing his throat.

“Go save someone who can rebuild Lordaeron!”

Arthas looked up at the fluttering petals.

Along with her was the unfortunate Luo Ning.

“Oh! His Royal Highness! 35

King Terenas also felt that something was wrong at this time, because from his son’s arm, he could not feel a trace of warmth, he could only feel the chill.

The old king didn’t want to listen to Ronin’s explanation at all. He even got up from the throne with the help of the guards and pushed Ronin away with his thin hands.

“Why didn’t you take it out sooner!”

Ronin looked at Jaina in confusion.

Uther stared at the position of the west, he could not imagine, if Arthas really attacked the east.

The cheers of the crowd slowly fell silent.

“Yes, Knight Uther, we can be sure! 35

When it is close to the top of the undead, it will throw the bomb on the waist from the air to the ground.

Arthas raised Frostmourne high, then slammed to his knees on the ground.

He opened his mouth wide, but couldn’t breathe, like a fish thrown to the shore.

This is what Raphael gave her along with the task before she left.

She waved a swirling ice storm, pushing Farek back.

This level of energy fluctuation, Ronin swears, he has only seen it in a limited number of people.

At the time she didn’t understand why she was given a strategic beacon, but now she understands.

This was the first time Arthas spoke, and the moment his voice sounded, Ronin and Jaina moved at the same time.

“But Your Majesty…he…’

Some turbulent Lordaeron, returning to a normal state is definitely just around the corner.

But in the palace where father and son were supposed to meet, in addition to those loyal and brave royal guards, there were two more people at this time.

On the black gauntlet, the red petals withered quickly.

“Retreat, Mage”]!”

“Dangerous! Your Majesty!””

Had to let Jaina come to Lordaeron on the grounds of witnessing the victory of her fiancé.

But facing the oath made by the messenger knight to the Holy Light, Turalyon, together with all the knights around him, fell silent.

“Don’t disturb my meeting with my son!”

There was even a trace of abnormal flushing on the wrinkled face.

“His Royal Highness, welcome back!”

He stood up, his figure flashed, and the light of the flashing technique shattered in place.

“And who told you that we are even personal?”

Although it was not the normal time to wake up, last night’s messenger delivered the news of Arthas’ return to the royal city.

“Messenger! Go to Light’s Hope Chapel immediately and tell Gavinrad and the ascetic who are staying there, big trouble is coming! 35

The sharp blade in his hand also pierced the ground, traveling through the ground with dark magic.

“Lord Lord is seriously injured! We have suffered heavy losses! We can only retreat to the Holy Light Monastery!”

“Shh! Shh!”

There were no wounds on his body, but he could feel a terrible pulling force tearing at his soul.

No matter how long the road is, there is an end. After ten minutes, Arthas stood at the gate of Lordaeron Palace.


“Lordaeron…completely destroyed!”

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