Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 170

Chapter 171 The Retreating Arthas, The Born Ashes Messenger!

West Darrow Mill, Crusader fortress.


Save the whole world from the darkness of the undead.

“You mean… once Uther dies.”

But before he could speak, Ethan Lien stood up from his chair excitedly.

He looked at the crowd with excitement in his eyes,

“The soul will be sucked into it by the magic sword, and even become a tool for Arthas to help the tyrants?”

In the final face of the Lich King’s combat power, the most powerful warriors in the entire world have been assembled.

“But my holy light energy is too small, and it may not reach the limit of making it transform!”

He even has a very close relationship with the Holy Light Cathedral in Stormwind Kingdom.

“So the high lord must suppress the talents of these two children!

“It… Ashbringer, was born!”


“Bang! 99

“Hey… brothers, it’s me.”

Arthas had no intention of entering East Darrow Mill, and the Paladins would not allow him to enter there so easily.

Gavin Radhu stood up from the chair, the big knight is very low-key, which is also related to the path he chose.

“He was seriously injured!

“I have told you!””

But this is just the beginning!

That’s… enough to threaten his life!

“I asked the great lord to take action!”

Unless all the undead in the entire West Darrow Mill area are assembled, it is simply impossible.

Uther was lying in it, and the black scar on his chest, even through the ice, could make everyone feel chills.

Ethan Lien opened his eyes and tapped the surface of the gem with the staff in his hand.

Liadrin, who passed through the portal, carefully looked at the appearance of Team 101 and said dissatisfiedly.

“Don’t let them rush! 35

Although Tirion didn’t know why he called this gem the Ashbringer.

It was like waking up from a dream that the Paladins came to support the first wave of elf rangers who had already climbed the walls of the Crusader fortress and spread their bows.

This is the life-saving beacon given by her master. She doesn’t want to use it unless it is a last resort, because once it is used, it will represent the arrival of the Great Knight Commander Liadrin.

Ten minutes later, a tall figure in a gray cloak walked into the hall, and he glanced at the person standing here.

“And his daughter, the arcane talent is terrifying!

And the heavy darkness surged inside the gem, like a lake where the scenery inside the lake could not be clearly seen.

Sure enough, Liadrin’s impatient voice came from the portal.

“Why did the lord take a fancy to you!”

Liadrin shrank her eyes when she saw this scene.

“Go to the mage! Freeze it first!

The undead are starting to retreat…

After his appearance, the Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade, which had been separated for seven years, were reunited.

“Ma’am! I have no intention of doubting you! 99

The pierced Uther felt that his soul was pierced by the icy blade, and he fell to the ground weakly.

“Bang! 35

The rescued Alessandro’s eyes were red, even though he and Uther had philosophical differences.

Carefully opened this delicate box, and a black light bloomed from it.

“His son is almost the embodiment of the Light…”

Just when Gavin Rudd used the holy light in his body to suppress Uther’s fast and cold body, a voice came out.

“Don’t touch him! 35

“You guys are just utter rubbish!

“Don’t forget, I’m also a Paladin.

“As for Uther, the high lord himself will give him the glory!33

As Frostmourne passed through Uther’s body.

“That’s the only thing I took away from my self-exile!”

Yes, today, a legend was born!

With just such a simple action, a stunned dark spot of light stopped at the top of the staff, but it quickly dissipated.

Arthas held the sword in both hands, and the ferocious blow directly damaged Turalyon’s body and soul, and the holy light in his body was almost defeated!

As a former Paladin, Arthas understood what was buried under that chapel.

Just as Liadrin and Gavinrad looked at each other, Turayan leaned on his long sword and tried to block Arthas’s fierce slash.

The priests who had been prepared for a long time gathered together, and under the leadership of the old monks from the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel, they sang the sheltering magic from the Holy Light.

“Alsace, we meet again!”

Arthas pointed Frostmourne’s blade at Liadrin.

Calling on the holy light, holding the ashes messenger, smashed the magic sword Frostmourne with one sword.

That black gemstone has completely turned into a jewel of holy light.

Even Arthas had to turn around to defend.

Ethan Lien asked.

Alessandro glanced at the ice cube and said in a low voice.

“Charge! Soldiers of His Royal Highness!”

Ethan Lien stood up and aimed his staff at the black gem, and the others also held their weapons.

“These two little guys have just been born and almost destroyed half of the Glory City!

Liadrin of course saw Gavin Rader frowning, if it weren’t for Raphael’s concern for Uther.

He put his hand on the ice and asked with a sigh.

“There is another guest, and I will tell you when he arrives!

“Wow “nine eight three” wow!!””

“In that case! What are we waiting for!”

In the third demon invasion war decades later, Tirion and Fordring were besieged by the demon army, and finally fell on the beach of the Broken Isles.

Tiriolo’s eyes circled like an owl, and he repeated the words that Raphael told him.

“Marland should be in an emergency!”

Turalyon, who had reacted, also leaned on his long sword, propped up his body, and shouted at the Paladins who raised their weapons and prepared to fight with each other.

But before leaving from the City of Glory, the words that Raphael left made him feel the power of destiny.

Everyone looked at each other, Turalyon and Gavinrad didn’t speak, just closed their eyes and seemed to be recovering their spirits.

These Knights of the Silver Hand and the high commanders of Lordaeron were gathered here, and in their midst, a block of ice emitting a chill stood in place.

“The rest is up to you! 55

“One is his newborn baby!”

“The energy is dark, like ink and water, but it doesn’t actively affect the surrounding things, so I hid it.

“And the great lord is now inseparable from the City of Glory!”

“With all that said, make your own choice!

“This… what is this!

The trembling caused by the fighting spirit.

PS one update!! It seems like I have a cold today!! My nose is running! I feel dizzy! I have to go to sleep first!! If I can wake up, I will update two chapters!! If I can’t wake up!! more!.


Soon, a thin and tough Holy Light barrier was erected around the fortress. This barrier could effectively prevent the undead from stepping into the fortress area.

So he decided to call it “Ashbringer”!

General Abidis is an old soldier in his forties, dressed in a neat uniform and carrying a warhammer on his back.

“I need us to join forces!”

Liadrin looked at the battlefield suspiciously, just in time to see Gavin Rader preparing for Uther’s treatment.

“What is even more terrifying is that the Kingdom of Stormgard has detained the refugees from Lordaeron!

In all eyes, it began to shine, like the first point of light piercing the darkness, and then brighter and brighter.

“Destroy this place! In the name of His Royal Highness Arthas!”


“Hey! Thick evil!

After five consecutive salvos, they finally suppressed the advance of the undead vanguard, and cooperated with the knights to close the gate of the fortress.

“The Holy Light is the best choice to drive away the energy of death! 35

“Spiritual world… strike!”

“No one can save him here!”

But Turalyon did not notice that a blood-red light appeared on the surface of Frostmourne during the last slash.

“Back then in Blackrock Mountain, I led my team to stop the defeat of the orcs, and I found this gem on one of the orc warlocks.”

It completely absorbed the huge amount of holy light that came together.

“Go and bring the children back! It seems that the northern Xinjiang should also be resolved! 99

Facing Ethan Lien’s question, Tirion shook his head, took off the dagger on his body, and the inscription belonging to the Holy Light appeared in front of everyone’s eyes. 2.8

“Actually, just before you came, I tried to bombard it with holy light.

Attacking the body of Arthas, under this intensive and crazy attack.

“And now the defense line of the Silver Forest is in jeopardy, once it is broken through…”

But this can’t hide the friendship between the two who have fought side by side for decades, and he wields his long sword frantically.

“any solution?”

Especially when the Crusader Fortress is fully prepared.

Alessandro, who was holding a box, Ethan Lien, who came to support, Alessandro’s adjutant, High Priest Fairbanks, and General Abidis who returned with his remnants.

After Arthas left, Farek, who was the combat commander, glanced at the departing prince.

The aura of the Grand Knight Commander Liadrin…

Tirion didn’t go on, because everyone present could imagine the scene…

For any undead that dares to approach, there is a strong suppression, burning, and weakening effect.

Tirion, Fording took off the gray cloak, and the weather-beaten face appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was excited.

“So, is there any way to help Uther?”

And seven years later, the legendary paladin took over the fallen Ashbringer and restored the holy blade to its sanctity.

Kel’Thuzad’s voice resounded in Arthas’ heart.

The undead who lost the command of Arthas and became chaotic again were driven away.

“Close the gate! Defend! Let the priests expand the barrier!”

“Huh? Are you okay? 35

In the end, everyone closed their eyes or stretched out their hands to block the dazzling light.

The high lord’s gentle voice came from the portal, and then Liadrin passed through the portal.

It was also him who handed the Holy Blade – Ashbringer to the player.

“Just let him die!”

When the light subsided, Tirion was the first to open his eyes, and he saw the silver sun.

When the undead gathered in a hurry and did not prepare siege weapons at all, they wanted to break through this layer of enchantment that weakened their strength.

“Hahaha! The Holy Light is not extinguished, justice is not extinguished!”

“Let’s talk about the second thing!

This is also because he joined the church at Northshire Abbey when he was very young.

When the 101 Knight Squad Uther and Arthas fought, they had already rushed back to the Crusader Fortress.

“The Light is above! What a mighty power this is!

Gavinrad raised his head and wanted to reprimand the knight who delayed his rescue, but after seeing Liadrin, he could only frown slightly.

Liadrin stretched out her fingers, pulled her neck, and cut her throat wildly.

Unlike Uther’s preference for defending, Turalyon and Fording’s preference for attacking, Gavinrad’s path is more focused on healing.

“It’s okay, what are you doing to shred the road signs?

“I can’t go away!”

“You are now colliding with the death energy in your body with the Holy Light! 99

When they were defeated by the Lich King, Tirion stepped forward.

“Oh! Baby girl! Don’t cry!”

Tirion stepped forward and took out a box.

“But not long ago, the high lord told me that this gem is the key to fighting Arthas!”

Liadrin felt her body tremble. This was not fear or panic, but facing creatures of the same level, and two energies that could be called mortal enemies.

Turalyon and Gavinrad gave up the fight and brought Uther back to the knights’ camp as soon as possible.

But with the vigilance of the knights and the support of knights from Camp Coldwind and Hearthglen.

Liadrin hesitated and did not pursue, because this was not her task.

“For the time being, I can’t fight to the death with that man’s subordinates! 35

“Light on! Tirion! You’re back!”

“Bombard this gem with holy light!”

“My brother! Your light is restored!”

Alessandro glanced at the 101 squad standing aside, shook his head and said.

And the holy light is so strong that it even turned from yellow to silver.

“Okay! Leah!

“Oh! You don’t know! What a great talent that is! 35

Tirion, Fording is not an ordinary person. In the original history, among the five Paladins who were baptized in the first generation, he was the only survivor who escaped the disaster.

All in all, this is an absolute hero. His life was no less than that of Uther.

At this moment, everyone felt pure darkness permeating the room.

“Don’t touch him!

The people in the room, at this moment, directed all their holy light energy towards the gem.

“I will kill you, kill your brothers and friends, kill your lover…”

“The whole world seems to be turning to the Argent Dawn for help at the same time!

“Do you want to kill him?”

“Idiot! 35

Liadrin looked at Arthas with an indifferent expression.

And his body, like a cannonball, was smashed on the door.

The king of death knights urged the nerubians to retreat, and the upper reaches of the Sordo River, over the mountains there, can enter the sea.

“It’s got something!”

“Marlan! Have you failed again?

“He told me that the end of the light is darkness, but the end of the darkness is also the light.


Under the domineering suppression of Frostmourne, Holy Light energy quickly escaped from Uther’s body.

Tirion held the gem high, like a little sun.

“Won’t that do any damage to it?”

Marlan has been rubbing the large sign in his pocket, hesitating whether to open the sign.

It was rare for her to take care of Uther’s life and death.

After witnessing the battle, Marlan knew that this was not the level they could intervene.

“The only person who can save him can only be the great lord! 99

However, no one dared to underestimate the influence of Gavin Rader. In fact, among the first-generation Paladins, the one most deeply involved in Light’s Hope Chapel belonged to Gavin Rader.

But at the moment Uther was pierced, Marlan did not hesitate to crush the beacon.

“But the lord wants us to do it ourselves!”

Gavin Rudd stood up happily, in troubled times, every battle strength is precious.

With a rub, he pulled out the Soulless Long Sword from his waist.

Light’s Hope Chapel…

“Also, Khaz Modan’s dwarves and gnomes are in big trouble!”

“This sentence gave me a little idea, but I need your help!

“I’m here to take Uther to the Glory City!

In the deepest hall of the Crusader fortress, Turalyon, who was seriously injured, and Gavinrad, who was almost slashed to death by Arthas’ sword.

“That’s where we will fight!”

“Someone has offered a way, and that way may be the only hope of saving Uther’s soul.

“I swear!”

Liadrin scolded after stopping Gavin Rader.

“It was born! Behold! Hope over the undead and darkness!”

The battle in the Crusader Fortress lasted a whole day, and the Holy Light Fortress was finally destroyed by four nerubians who had sneaked into the fortress.

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