Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 172

Chapter 173 The Trap Of The Undead King, The Struggle Of Sylvanas!

Quel’Thalas, the base camp of the ranger, Qingfeng Village.

She couldn’t hide in the defensive rune and wait.

Sylvanas has lost her seventh ranger camp.

“Maybe…maybe Sylvanas can break through…”

Sylvanas was as light as a predating female leopard, turning the bow behind her back.

“The Knights Templar have never failed!

“Speed ​​up! 35

“Arthas even went so far as to dedicate a large number of troops to stop the only paladins who could inflict terrible damage on his legion.”

On the other side, the death knights lurking on the outskirts of the ghost land also received the master’s will from the spiritual network shared by Frostmourne.

Give up supporting the Silver Forest and build a defense line in the Blehilde Hills, ready to let the undead ravage the northern frontier.

Using the strength of Arthas swinging his sword as a push, his body was as light as a feather.

In the gargoyle’s spiritual connection, Arthas saw the sight of elven rangers stepping out of the defensive runes.

“Glory is my life!””

PS one more!!.

The sky and the earth are all burning with blood-red undead fire!

Under this dark sky, their hideousness is even more evident.

When the first worm-like nerubian appeared in the army of rangers from below the ground.

With one hand waved forward, the gargoyles hanging upside down on the dead tree trunks in the dense forest behind them flapped their wings and rushed into the sky screaming, covering the sky.

In fact, in the face of the magic sword Frostmourne, any mortal weapon is so powerless!

Another young ranger lord with golden hair, a silver headband, and a gorgeous heavy crossbow on his back, also nodded to indicate that he knew.

Lor’themar nodded as Sylvanas gave the order to the two lieutenants who were following behind him.

All this, Sylvanas, who is traveling at high speed, does not know!

When the ranger troops who fought and retreated entered the interior of the “surrounded” Tarqueline outpost.

4,000 rangers faced the undead surrounded from all directions, they did not wait to die, but continued to fight,

“Guardian Eagle!”

When she saw the smoke rising from Jinwu Village, she didn’t want to send troops to rescue, but she also discovered the weakness of her army.

Arthas’ purpose was to lead her into this ambush, even the reinforcements led by Lor’themar and Halduron!

After killing both haters with one blow, a coldness appeared in Sylvanas’ eyes.

Now, there is no obstacle between her and Arthas!

“Spiritual Turtle Guard!

Rangers, a branch of the hunter profession, forsake the ability to have powerful animal companions.

The Tower of the Morning Star and the Temple of the Sun at the Magi Council of Silvermoon City have been out of contact for three days.

This made the eyes of the King of Death Knights, who had been waiting for an opportunity, light up. He pulled out the magic sword Frostmourne from the stone in front of him, and when he lifted it lightly, the stone cracked.

Sylvanas gritted his teeth, put the bow on his arm, and swept across his body quickly, cutting off the heads of the five approaching ghouls.

Delicate and sharp scimitars slashed across the sides of the body, and the two high-level hated heads rose into the sky.

Liadrin held the shining Queldera infused with holy energy in her hand.

But again, Sylvanas couldn’t help…

Arthas was commanding from the periphery of the battlefield, which did not mean that Arthas was not good at martial arts.

High elf constitutions are heavily biased towards agility and magic.

He looked curiously at Sylvanas’ perfect body, but there was not a shred of appreciation in those eyes.

“Look! This is your death!”

Send troops today to bring back the heroes from Tarqueline Post.

The price is their lives!

Myra urged the war horse and galloped to Liadrin’s side, feeling a little uneasy, he said softly.

Then send troops to reclaim those lands.

Like she said to Liadrin, there are things she has to do!

The death knights Thassarian and Sylvanas, who had come up again, had 3 moves right.

She pinched the order sent from the Silver Moon Council, and her silver teeth were almost crushed.

Sylvanas couldn’t dodge in time, at the moment when the ice added.

“Howling Blast!”

Just as Leah’s brought the Templars closer to the battlefield, Sylvanas was desperate.

The last hunter’s secret art to save his life, Sylvanas, under the protection of the guardian of the tortoise, pressed his hands on the blade of Frostmourne.

The Knights Templar, who were preparing to evacuate, was summoned by the commander and came to the Land of Ghosts.

“”. Arthas! You’re dead!”

“Paladin, charge with me””!”

Eliadrin’s current holy energy, these are far from being powerful undead, almost as long as they come into contact with her holy light, they are the result of ashes.

Rangers only have a small shield that they can fight and carry, and they are not very good at wearing heavy armor, and the flexible leather armor that does not affect them is their best protection.

Therefore, the Silvermoon Council also put a lot of pressure on Sylvanas, demanding that she must pacify the hidden dangers of the undead as soon as possible.

Arthas, who was wearing blue-black skeleton armor, turned his gray eyes to Sylvanas, who was rushing towards him.

Liadrin looked at the direction in which the other gargoyles were fleeing, and turned back and shouted to the Paladins.

That’s the only way out for the Ranger Force!

Deported from the Kingdom of Stromgard for entering Stromgard’s borders without authorization.

But that perfect left leg was contaminated by the gust of cold air.

She looked up and looked around, undead! All undead!

It was the third time that Tarqueline Post had asked for help, and Sylvanas couldn’t make any more demands on this post that had persisted in the Sea of ​​the Undead for three days.

Countless pairs of blood-red undead fires ignited violently, and even the ground began to vibrate violently.

“A sword that pierced that man’s heart!

The female general took a last look at the bright sunshine of Qingfeng Village and Quel’Thalas, and the buildings with a strong elf style behind them.

After the Knights Templar completed their mission to escort the refugees of Lordaeron…

Only the lowest level of commoner elves would do this, so they tried to replace the wild and unyielding warriors with sophisticated martial skills and dexterity.

But Sylvanas knew that this dark monster must have filled the entire ghost land.

The leader is officially the Knight of the Round Table Liadrin.

To be precise, except for the large fortress Dysom at the far southernmost tip of the Ghostlands and the important encampment Tarqueline Post that has been surrounded.

Sylvanas sensed something was wrong.

Another hunter’s secret technique, of course, just a deterrent can’t stop Arthas’s sword.

This seems to have made Stromgard the new king Galin who just took over the crown, and Thorbane saw the hope of unifying the northern border.

But in the face of endless undead who won by numbers, the disadvantage of lacking a heavy-armor profession that can fight for a long time immediately appeared.

Then raised his left hand, waved down, and 4,000 rangers and mages marched forward.

Due to the small number of Dragon Eagle troops serving as reconnaissance, they were completely unable to clear the airspace.

Being swept by Arthas’ eyes, the Ranger General felt chills all over his body.

From three directions, they are rushing to the location of Tarqueline Post.

Frostmourne brought a faint blue light and slashed straight at the body of the Ranger General, but just before the sharp blade added him.

Although the amount of holy water was far from sufficient, Sylvanas decided.

Solidar, the wrath of the stars had fallen in her hands, and when she landed, a silver arrow had been placed on the bowstring…

Excellent rangers can even fight fiercely with warriors, and Sylvanas is one of them.

And under the blessing of His Majesty’s will, on the empty ground around him.

I didn’t keep that Liadrin by my side, because what she said had been confirmed one by one.

Liadrin is right, without holy water, without priests, ordinary soldiers have no hope of victory in the face of a huge number of undead!

“You would never want to see such a great lord!

Quickly following behind Liadrin, the other Paladins charged towards the sea of ​​undead that stood in front of the team.

On the other side, Alsace, who was sitting on a big icy rock, closed his eyes and meditated, and stood up.

Although it has been rooted in Quel’Thalas for 7000 years, now, the entire population of Quel’Thalas is only 200W.

This kind of tactics has won victory in the face of orcs and trolls.


After 7000 years, the high elves finally paid the price for their stubbornness, arrogance, and serious partiality!

Sylvanas’ plan was risky, but she believed that after the mage troops cleared the road from Clearwind Village to Tarqueline’s Outpost.

Sylvanas saw red fireworks rising from behind, a signal that reinforcements were attacked.

After being approached by fast ghouls, they hardly have much self-defense ability.

As long as he is killed, these well-coordinated undeads will return to their previous chaotic posture.

Leather armor can’t!

Even only a third of the total population of Lordaeron.

She only had time to tap her toes and moved her body to the left.

Every swipe, can set off a swirling frenzy in the sea of ​​undead.

But just before the sharp blade was added, Arthas’s palm turned forward, and a terrifyingly sharp ice energy spurted out from his palm.

So before the war, the Rangers lost their greatest advantage – stealth!

Sylvanas dodged the three-headed abomination’s shackle attack. She jumped onto the smashed shackle, dashed forward frantically, and jumped into the air for a perfect front flip.

High elves inherit the advantages of the elves and have a long life, but it is extremely difficult to reproduce.

Since the knights were not far apart, this piercing successfully separated a path of ashes in the sea of ​​​​the dead.

Tarquiline! Tarquiline was ruined long ago…

“Holy Light! Purify this land!”

Over 3 days, the rangers destroyed at least 100 gargoyles.

Not every ranger has melee abilities like Sylvanas.

It’s not a retreat because of the moment in the air.

“…In the eyes of those idiots, these 70,000 undead are just “hidden dangers”!

With a swipe of his hands on his waist, two machetes appeared in his hands.

But when Marduk in black and Mavien led the death knight squad, all composed of elven warriors, into the ranger army, everything became chaotic.

After turning over in the air for two weeks, he landed on the ground in a half-kneeling posture.

Only Stormgard and Gilneas remained, and Gilneas was mired in internal rebellion.

“Do you think our dear High Lord will go crazy?”

Liadrin rode on the tall Holy Light warhorse, calling out to her subordinates, Myra, and the Blade of Dawn to drive the warhorse.

After turning on the halo, the Paladin who followed him quickly smashed through the sea of ​​undead.

To make her proud, the speed of a gust of wind in the darkness slowed down in vain.

“This shows that he is determined to win for Sylvanas’ ranger force!”

Sylvanas has concluded that they are ambushed!

This is a despicable conspiracy!

At least until the destruction of Quel’Thalas, few elves would choose the vulgar way of the warrior.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

“Theron! After I leave.”

“Stop dreaming, Myra, you saw it too.

His arm was cut off and he had to withdraw from the fight.

“Believe me!

When facing the high-rank lords who tend to be agile, the abhorrent cumbersomeness has become their fatal wound.

Now she is like a flower of death in full bloom, beautiful and dangerous.

Put all your energy into shooting skills and melee martial arts.

All the civilians in Jinwu Village and Fengxing Village were slaughtered, which made the entire Quel’Thalas panic.

There are eight flying leaves on the silk thread, although it looks unremarkable.

When the gargoyle grabbed the plague jar and attacked the mages who were firmly protected from the sky.

The target of the Ranger General’s raid is very clear, that is, Arthas, who is firmly protected by the three haters.

Sylvanas looked at the sentry that had been razed to the ground, as if a heavy hammer had smashed into his heart.

Even with the help of the powerful magic of the mages, it can only temporarily equalize the situation. Although Quel’Thalas is known as the “city of mages”

This contemptuous action made General Ranger’s inner depression reach the highest point.

She decided that was the commander of this undead army.

The elf general landed lightly on the ground and shook his hand.

Sylvanas rode her chocobo when the 4,000 rangers set off, and she now regrets it.

The two crossed elven sabers touch Frostmourne.

“You will be my sharpest sword…”

Every elf’s life is precious, but now, Sylvanas has to put their lives at stake.

The Ranger General has lost his previous indifference.

She took out the short knife on her belt again, and threw it precisely at the head of the death knight Thassarian who was attacking her from the side, forcing him back.

The speed, which was already extremely fast, went up a step again, and it was really like a breeze passing by.

Arthas stepped on the neighing skeleton horse, his once favorite mount, invincible.

Three multiple arrows were fired from the Ranger General’s bow, clearing the direction she was charging.

Suddenly there was a bad feeling in her heart, she shook her head and threw it aside.

Arthas’ random strike pushed Sylvanas to the rear.

“You and Halduron each bring two Ranger troops, as a support, waiting for my news! 35

Bravely stepped out of the protection of Quel’Thalas defensive runes.

That look… as if looking at a weapon.

But Sylvanas overlooked something…

Sylvanas had lost the indifference and calmness of three days ago.

In the face of the same number of undead, it will not be defeated so quickly!

Even the local armies of Lordaeron, with their heavy armor and large shields.

“This guy… so powerful! Damn it! 35

Arthas pointed Frostmourne at Sylvanas, stretched out his left hand, and hooked at her.

Ignoring Danas, Thorbane strongly discouraged him, detained the refugees from Lordaeron, and expelled the Knights Templar.

So Sylvanas held the small tortoise shell rune on his wrist again, chanted the incantation, and a layer of green tortoise shell energy protection, blocking Frostmourne’s fox.

Blessed by Frostmourne’s death force, the skeleton warhorse flapped the black and tattered bat wings that should not exist, took a few steps, and flew into the sky with its villainous master.

“My good hunters, act!

Liadrin said to Myra while steering her swiftly galloping warhorse.

But the two sides who were about to meet did not find out that on the battlefield at the southernmost end of the ghost land, there were also teams waiting quietly, and they began to start slowly.

But the heavy armor can resist the claw and tear attacks of the ghouls, and even against the heavy weapons of the death knight, it can also give good protection.

Sylvanas with Hunter’s Arcane has a faster scimitar in both hands.

With the high mobility of the ranger troops, they can completely withdraw to the defensive rune before the undead encircle.

Sylvanas felt a little tricky, and Arthas stood on the spot with his sword in both hands.

“The prey is in the net!”

“Stop talking big! 35

But every time you fight Frostmourne, you can deflect the heavy blade.

He underestimated the power of the undead.

(No money is good) Sylvanas launched an attack again, this time driven by her emotions, a blue eagle light and shadow appeared in front of her elegant figure.

“I just can’t imagine how bad the situation will be when the revived rangers join Arthas’ army…”

Sylvanas quickly wiped the slender waist, and the iron wire like a pendant was thrown into the air by her.

Immediately afterwards, a killing dance appeared on the battlefield.

So at this moment, if you look down from the sky, you can see three black cavalry.

It was like two waving silver lights, swirling and slashing towards Arthas’s head and chest.

“Even Sylvanas, if her High Lord is transformed into a necromancer…”

Even at this moment of crisis, three of the five northern kingdoms have perished.


“Taquiline’s battle begins! Time is running out for us!”

But not every elves are qualified mages.


All Quel’Thalas strongholds in the Ghostlands have been removed.


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