Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 185

Chapter 186 Deep Into The Unknown Area! Residential Areas Recovered! Anyone Injured?

If Morrigan, unknown factory channel.

Palan dragged the corpse of the stone-jaw monster not far away, and the three of them began to smear the blood of the stone-jaw monster on their bodies.

“Don’t you know how important your safety is?

Flint still said stubbornly.

The dust at the entrance of the lair suddenly fluctuated, and something passed through there.

And it has begun to disperse into small groups to clear the entire city.

Vereesa said.

Tracey sighed.

“Our progress is already very fast, Your Excellency the Great Knight.”

“We’re already on our way to the next suburb.”

Flint said hesitantly.

But the sound of arrows driving into the wall caught their attention.

“But I still hope we can be faster, I originally expected to recover the entire city within half a month! 99

This unknown urban area has been completely unrecognizable, with gnome-style steel walls and floors torn to pieces.

Trish pursed her thin lips and shook her head.

“All midgets will cheer you on in that moment.” 2.8

A large stone-jawed monster walking behind “Nine Eight Three” suddenly shrugged its nose and turned around in confusion.

Raus looked at the map and replied.

Trixis flexed her body subconsciously, she knew she couldn’t stop it.

“Are you in a hurry to get out of here?”

The secondary invisibility on the cloak was about to expire, and Vereesa couldn’t determine where she was at all.

Vereesa jumped out of the tank, lowered her body and ran into the abandoned and randomly placed machinery.

It looks like a maze on the map.

“But thank you anyway, not everyone can do what you do.

He understood what Mekkatorque wanted to do, he wanted to liberate his city by himself.

“We have no idea what our goal is.

Lancelot nodded and turned to Jeremy who was standing beside him.

Its limited brain prevented it from thinking too much, and after a while it continued to rush towards the house, screaming and following its kind.

“At most half an hour, you must advance to the inner city!

The explosion of the light arrow ignited the surrounding stonejaw monsters and paralyzed tanks, and the monsters began to rush towards the fire.

But as long as you get close to those tall stone jaw monsters about 3 meters, there is a danger of being discovered.

The tunnel is very wide, taller and bigger than ordinary stone palate monsters, and stone paw monsters with different fur colors can be seen everywhere.

The gap is in sight, and Vereesa has already seen the situation inside the gate with the vision beyond mortals.

Vereesa nodded, and the three arrows were fired together, and the arrows were nailed in the soil.

They wear a pair of eyes capable of detecting secondary invisibility to identify their own location.

“The attention of the Stonejaw monsters has been attracted to the passage, and this is our chance!

“Your Excellency the Great Artisan has only just begun to repair the city defense system in the Mechanical District.

Vereesa took out her head, made a gesture backward, and Trish nodded in response behind her.

“The Great Knight Vereesa is back.”


Vanessa drew her longbow and aimed it at the place where the Stonejaw monsters were most densely located outside the window.

“I hold my opinion!”


Lancelot was agitated and prayed silently in his heart, hoping that it wouldn’t be the worst outcome…

“If anything happens to you! What will happen to the high lord? 55


The stick raised by the stone-jaw monster stiffened in the air, and Trish took two steps forward, supporting its corpse and slowly laying it down on the flesh.

“Your Majesty will not want you to do this, great knight!”

“Also thank the High Lord!

“How far is it?

Lancelot smiled and prepared to say that he had more important tasks.

“In our field hospital!”

There are no rails in the middle like the previous passage, although with the help of tanks and armored vehicles.

“Like just now, I will attract their attention first, and you will find a chance to enter the cave, and I will follow you.”

While Vereesa doubts they have the intelligence to assign guards, she needs to address them.


“My gut tells me that we are very close to our goal.”

“I’m just following orders!”


Even if only in form, because his people needed it.

“We have to get out.”

“Those stonejaws will come back sooner or later, and our rangers can’t hold them for too long! 95

“No! Great knights, it’s me who will attract their attention!”

“Are you going to argue this with me on the battlefield?””

Raus tapped his breastplate and ran to the front line with several paladins.

The air beside a stone-jaw monster suddenly twisted, and the stone-jaw monster shook its deformed nose and searched left and right.

Lancelot stood at the corner of a passage that was used as a temporary headquarters.

“But now it looks like it will be possible within a week.

The ranger behind him gestured, and they crouched behind a paralyzed mechanical tank and took out a short bow.


“A stonejaw leader? Or what?

Other stonejaws poured into the abandoned machinery, but found nothing.


“He’s bringing people here.””

Vereesa shook her head.

“Then hurry up and recharge the cloak.

With a move in his heart, holy light floated out from the golden light clusters on both wings of the longbow.

There’s fresh meat there!

“We need to get in there!”

“That’s what I’m here for!

Vereesa took out the dull dagger, her heartbeat and breath slowly subsided.

“Don’t stop after the troops clear the city, and gather here immediately.”

“I know there seems to be catastrophe in the North too.”

Koya nailed into the ground behind the corpse without hindrance.

It was like a sudden explosion when Trixis released the Buddha.

“Of course not. 35

“Are you afraid?

Vereesa withdrew and walked towards a house on the right along the shadow.

But obviously not now!

She sprinted a few steps and met a tall siege tank. The longbow in her hand was full, and the golden arrow of light rapidly condensed.

Vereesa has long been a warrior, she has a warrior’s heart, maybe it will soften at some point.

Vereesa shot an arrow again and sprang out of the room, opening and closing the longbow.

Several rangers nodded, bypassed a stone jaw monster, and continued to deepen.

Before the iron rod could be swung twice, a thin blood line suddenly appeared on its neck.

With a slight flash in his hand, a golden holy light longbow appeared in his hand.

Just as Raus was about to go out, a guard suddenly ran in.

Trixis sighed deeply and put on the cloak helplessly.

“No, I just hope we can start my visit soon in a ‘normal’ city.


Lancelot waved his hand.

In the eyes of the soldiers of the Argent Dawn Legion, glory is above all else, and this is also the concept instilled by Raphael.

Vereesa put a faint light in her hand and placed it on the cloak stacked on the side, and the golden holy light energy began to go towards the cloak.

“I’m always ready to sacrifice everything for glory!”

Vereesa aimed at the opposite side and quickly shot two light arrows, the golden longbow turned into silk threads and disappeared.

However, because of the complex terrain, the advancing speed itself is not very fast.

Five hours later, the troops had already advanced to the residential area.


Stonejaws’ trained eyesight prevents them from seeing the ropes that often follow arrows.

Lancelot stood in a survivor’s stronghold just found, talking to Captain Firestone.

The other stone-jaw monsters were stunned for a moment, then screamed and rushed to the room where the arrows were shot.

Although they have been smeared with the blood and body fluids of the Stonejaw.

Aiming at the opening at the gate, Vereesa ran quickly, followed by Trixis and Palan.

The blood from the neck was mixed with the meat, and the stench around him became stronger.

The iron rod waving in his hand froze in midair, and his body fell softly to the ground.

Vereesa frowned and glanced at Trixis.

Tracey said with a deep heart, of course she knew how dangerous it was to attract attention.

“I’ve never seen soldiers so powerful, they’re more reliable than machines!


Trixis and the others were squatting in a hidden corner of a tunnel, and she was whispering something to Vereesa.

Vereesa gestured and walked over the corpse of the Stonejaw monster.

Light Ya Fang Buddha became more solid, breathing stopped, longbow stable, fingers relaxed.

“too slow!”

“Walk for another half an hour, and if we haven’t found it yet, we’ll quit!

The golden light arrows continued to explode in the distance, and she ran to the left with those stone jaw monsters.

From time to time they landed on the floor and hurried along the road without the Stonejaw, and slowly, the gate was close at hand.

The light arrow passed through his head at a speed it couldn’t comprehend.

On the other side, the passage between the residential area and the mechanical area is intricate.

“I think they’ll thank you for your compliment.”

The golden mist ignited everything around them, and the stone-jaw monsters screamed and ran around like headless flies.

Flint bowed, and his entire body fell under the table.

The footsteps moved lightly, the head in his hand was gently sent out, the dagger slowly approached the neck of the stone palate monster, the arm was tensed, and the head suddenly loosened.

He waved the iron rod in his hand that he didn’t know where it came from.

Flint showed a somewhat bald head behind the map.

Vereesa expressionlessly summoned a golden longbow.

They had been in the cave for more than two hours.

“The plan is simple.”

Lancelot said with a smile.

Vereesa and Trixis were hiding at the window of a room, observing the central area of ​​the city.

“Less than two thousand yards.

If she could allow Veresa to be willful just now, this is her bottom line.

The three rangers carefully stopped and walked against the corner of the wall. Those tall stone-jawed monsters had a very sensitive sense of smell.

“We’ll be stuck in here then!

Guangya slammed into the air and let out a sharp whistle, the stone palate at the entrance of the lair turned his head abruptly, and the iron rod in his right hand froze in the air.

It looks like this is the biggest lair of the monsters.

Lancelot bit the word ally very hard.

“Do not.


Vereesa and the three scouts hopped around on the Stonejaw’s head.

Four light arrows passed through the body of the stone jaw monster, Ju Lou, and exploded on the steel floor.

A tall stonejaw stood in their way.

The cave of seven twists and eight twists is simply a huge labyrinth, filled with all kinds of forks…

“We are high elves rangers, maybe we are not now!”

It was beating a piece of fresh-looking meat with a wooden stick, which was about to be minced by it.

Vereesa took the short bows in their hands and tied them to the paralyzed tank.

The longbow was released, the light arrow flew out, her hand turned into an afterimage, and the other three light arrows condensed in her hand shot out almost at the same time.

Dozens of monsters that were obviously half the size of the ordinary stone jaw monsters were blocked at the gate.

They can feel the light vector coming out of the line, because the colorless light is hot!

But there is nothing there.

“Helping each other is called ‘ally’, doesn’t it?”

Vereesa looked at the right side of the gate, where a steel plate fell off, exposing the mud behind it.

In the huge lair, there are several tall stonejaws that do not move, they are like specialized guards.

The other stone palate monsters looked suspiciously at the same kind who suddenly fell to the ground, not understanding what happened.

Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion, splashing mud and rocks, and the surrounding stone jaw monsters were blown away.


“But you have to always remember one thing: we – the ‘arrow in the bag’!”

“Anyone hurt?!

With damp dirt and demos exposed in the air, the town looked like a wide newly dug cave.

Flint asked curiously.

There was a huge pit with a width of about five meters, and tall stone-jaw monsters kept going in and out there.

Vereesa drew blood on her face.

A tall stonejaw shouted for the fresh chunk of meat that would go.

The bright color made the Stonejaw, who had little eyesight, also noticed it.

PS two more!

“The Great Knight!”

“Your Excellency the Great Knight, the Great Artisan has just sent a message. 99

Coupled with the need to clear the stone jaw monster nest in the passage, the speed is not fast.

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