Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 217

Chapter 217 Soldiers Of Glory City! Glory Of Glory City!

Just when Vaina was about to take the elf troops to go deep into the Dragonblight to find Sylvanas.


Raphael whispered in his ear.

For some unknown reason, this elemental princess suddenly visited Glory City.

To avoid the trouble of eyewashing in the future, Raphael deliberately asked Van Cleef to receive the princess on the grounds that he was busy with military affairs.

Glory City, thousands of miles away, received a very special mission.

“However, I have a small unkind request. You see, your knights are all on the ground and can’t get up. I’m afraid they won’t be able to apologize to our citizens. 99

“How? Do you dare to fight?”

This was not a battle at all! It was a one-sided slaughter!

Although he never really met Princess Theradras, Raphael survived the title of “the most beautiful princess of Warcraft”.

It turned out that Veresa volunteered to take up the job of guarding Princess Theradras without Raphael’s knowledge.

Because Raphael’s fist has been swung towards a laughing guard, the guard flew out like a paper man, and the teeth in his mouth were all broken and scattered all over the ground.

Originally, this was an extremely simple task, because Princess Theradras would probably only stay in Glory City for two to three days before leaving. Therefore, Vereesa only needs to guard the safety of the princess at all times for two to three days.

Princess Theradras held out her big belly and looked at Raphael proudly

“Arrogant flesh and blood!”

That soldier is none other than Raphael by Joe Zhuang!

He has said this four or five times, and finally, this time, he got a response.

“Don’t be afraid.”

“His Royal Highness, I think you have misunderstood the power bow.”

This guy is at least 1.9 meters tall, and Raphael, who is almost 1.8 meters tall, is the first to stand in front of him. At least in terms of size, Raphael is not his opponent.

“It’s a beggar, and it’s a citizen of Glory City!

“Sir, what I just said was an apology! Not compensation! 35

Princess Theradras rushed to Raphael angrily and asked loudly.

“Since this soldier wants to be injured so much, let’s satisfy him!”

In their eyes, the sharp movements are as funny as slow motion in Raphael’s eyes.

However, Raphael’s figure is far away, and he may not have heard Van Cleef’s words at all.

Raphael said firmly.

“I’ve had enough!!

“Who among you is willing to teach this flesh and blood a lesson?”

Raphael looked at the guard, and a sneer flashed across his mouth.

“But don’t throw it next to that beggar later, after all, we want to leave some dignity to Mr. Soldier! 95

Raphael’s words awakened Princess Theradras, she restrained her fear a little, looked at Raphael, and said angrily.

“I’m coming!”

Seeing that Raphael’s fighting power was so terrifying, two guards did not dare to confront him directly, so they chose to attack him from behind!

“”, you all did it just now, right? In this case, I’m too lazy to come one by one, let’s go together! I’m in a hurry?

“Rush all the people who contact Glory City and let them take care of their own people!”

“You hurt my people! You must apologize!”

“Your knight may have a high status in your country, but I’m sorry, this is the City of Glory! If you don’t want to apologize, you can. We the people of the City of Glory have a saying, it’s a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Raphael replied word for word:


“I am a soldier in Glory City.”

“Well, but the great lord! Don’t kill people, or you will end up badly. 35

“Vereesa? Cause trouble?”

“Sorry, there are no pariahs in Glory City, only citizens.

A guard who fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, (the king’s) struggled to draw a dagger from his waist and pointed at Raphael.

Vereesa said without changing her face.

Raphael’s fists show no emotion at all, and every punch hits the face of these guards!

Raphael walked over to the poor beggar and took a look, then walked slowly to the Marathon soldiers.

Raphael walked up to Vereesa.

“Oh, Your Excellency General, I really cannot meet your unreasonable demands! 55

But at this moment, Princess Theradras, who should have left Fengqing Street long ago, sat in her sedan chair impatiently and asked her left and right.

And just in front of the vehicle, Vereesa looked at the four or five elemental Marathon soldiers in front of her, and said without fear.

The bodyguard replied.

“Are you going to use a weapon? I’m sure I’ll fight back in the same way!

“Really? You mean you want to do something to my knight?”

That is the daughter of the Stone Mother, Princess Theradras, Lord of Maraudon of Desolace!

“I won’t hurt you, you are a guest after all.”

“Can you handle our wrath? Soldier? Want the city to be crushed by my right?”

“What’s the matter? Is that crazy woman still not giving way?”

This is also the last fighting strength of this knight escort group!

A soldier with a complexion like steel took a step forward and moved his shoulders.

Princess Theradras said angrily.

“Remember! This is the City of Glory! Not a place where you can go wild!

“Power is another name for power. And obviously, you don’t have power over me. You can only discredit me, and I can end your life! Now, who do you think has more power than me?” ?”

The Maraudon soldier named Paul heard this and didn’t know what Raphael wanted to do, so he nodded and said.

“Is it your hands?”

The Marathon soldier seemed to be suppressing his anger, and then shouted loudly to the surroundings.

Van Cleef looked at Raphael and said.

As soon as these sarcastic words came out, all the guards of Princess Theradras laughed out loud!

Raphael glanced at the man and pointed at all the guards present.

But the next second, they couldn’t laugh.

This was a small accident, but it was not only the people from Glory City who were responsible for the security work of Stuttgart, but also the soldiers of their Marathon.

“Soldiers? Huh?

According to the established procedure, after Princess Theradras arrived in Glory City this morning, she will visit several local attractions. But on the way to the first scenic spot, an accident occurred.

“That crazy woman is too stubborn”||!”


“She insisted on asking Paul and the others to apologize to that blind beggar! How is this possible? Paul is a nobleman of generations, how can he apologize to the pariahs, or human beings!”

Van Cleef looked at Raphael and said respectfully.

After eliminating all the guards, Raphael walked over to Princess Theradras who was shivering and looked at the princess.

A Maraudon soldier finally couldn’t take it anymore!

Princess Theradras snorted and said nothing more.

Even so, Raphael didn’t do his best. After all, Van Cleef had already said hello in advance, so that he would not be killed. This face, Raphael will still give Van Cleef.

Princess Theradras pointed her finger at Raphael’s face and shouted.

“I support you unconditionally, my lord!”

“Understood, I will settle this matter.

“Get everything sorted out before I get mad! 35

Princess Theradras smiled complacently.

The commercial area of ​​Glory City was originally one of the busiest places in the city, but today it is deserted.

“This girl is crazy!”

Raphael asked calmly.

Princess Theradras ordered.

“that power?

Princess Theradras’s guards shouted and rushed towards Raphael. These guards were all excellent fighters carefully selected by the Maraudon soldiers. Their fighting skills were much better than those of street gangsters and even some ordinary soldiers. .

“The mission is over, go and rest. 35

He took out a handful of cash from his pocket, walked to the blind beggar who was moaning in pain, and sprinkled all the money on the blind beggar.

After VanCleef finished speaking, he pushed it aside.

“Big lord! It’s not good, something happened! Something happened to Vereesa!

After hearing Raphael’s words, Princess Theradras sneered.

“In that case, ask this soldier to make way for me, I’ve had enough of this shit!

“You are against me, you are against the elements! Against the Ring of Earth!”

Princess Theradras was shocked by the sight in front of her and panicked. She never imagined that the knight escort group she was proud of would be so vulnerable under the hands of this young man in Glory City.

After hearing the whole thing, Raphael’s face was ashen, and he only spoke to Van Cleef, who had been in charge of foreign affairs.

“That’s right, but now is not the time to say this, our princess is already a little impatient!”

Raphael hit Paul in the stomach with a heavy hammer. Paul’s eyes widened, in addition to the pain, there was still some surprise in his eyes.

“Make way? Simple, ask your guard to apologize to the beggar, and get the beggar’s forgiveness, I’ll make way out of the way!”

And Raphael didn’t even look back, just a leg sweep! Everyone around fell down!

And how could those Maraudon soldiers be willing to apologize to a blind vagabond? So the two gangs became deadlocked like this, and it even affected Princess Theradras’ itinerary.

The guard’s body trembled, and his eyes were full of fear, as if he saw the god of death, and he fainted from fright!

Vereesa looked at Raphael dressed as an ordinary soldier strangely, restrained her curiosity, nodded, and left.

“How…you…how is that possible?

“I think my words are clear. 35

“In addition, I have to remind you that I am a soldier of Glory City, please pay attention to etiquette when talking to me.

“The City of Glory said their representatives are coming.”

“Go together?”

Raphael asked.

Princess Theradras rolled her eyes at Raphael and turned around.

“A long time ago, their ancestors were noble knights!”

A Maraudon soldier said.

Princess Theradras couldn’t believe what she saw, and even her lips were trembling uncontrollably.

“As a princess, shouldn’t you apologize to the knights for helping our citizens?”

Unfortunately, their enemy is Raphael!

“My God! Paul!”

However, Raphael, who originally thought nothing would happen and hid in the castle to tease the child, was unexpectedly approached by a flustered Van Cleef.

“I am willing to fight for you, my princess!

“Little girl! Get out of the way! The money is enough for him to live the rest of his life.”

“What’s the matter?”

“I am the daughter of the Stone Mother!? Princess Theradras! Who is Your Excellency? Why are you attacking my escort?

She had to make those Maraudon soldiers apologize to the tramp no matter what!

“I am the daughter of Shi Mu!

“Just because of a beggar? Is there something wrong with your brain?”

“It is my responsibility to protect the citizens of the glorious city! And your guard has hurt our citizens, so I will make him pay the corresponding price!”

“Shouldn’t Vereesa be in the army? How could it be related to that princess?”

Coincidentally, at this moment, Princess Theradras got out of her car and saw Raphael’s hands.

“Another lunatic!”

Originally it was just a matter of driving the homeless man away, but a few tall Marathon soldiers actually beat the blind homeless man who was over 500 years old to half to death, and then threw them into the stinky ditch. inside!

“Doesn’t your knight have such courage?”

“You know, knights can die with honor! And you actually ask my knights to bow their noble heads and apologize to a pariah? This is impossible!”

For no other reason, Princess Theradras said that she wanted to experience the traditional culture of Glory City, so Van Cleef specially closed the place and only opened it up for Princess Theradras alone.

‘You may not know my guards, my guards are all hereditary nobles in my country!

Maybe it’s because the soldiers of Marathon are used to being arrogant on weekdays because they have the support of the stone mother, or because they look down on humans in their hearts.

As a soldier of Glory City, Vereesa saw how unscrupulous the foreign soldiers bullied the people of Glory City so unscrupulously on their own land of Glory City, how could she swallow this breath?

“Have already been contacted.”

“I support my sister in this matter, how about you?

Raphael blinked inexplicably, he stretched out his hand, grabbed Princess Theradras’ neck, lifted her into the air, and watched her struggling in his hands.

A blind homeless man somehow appeared on the road that Princess Theradras was going to pass by.

I saw a Glory City State diplomat running over sweating profusely, followed by a soldier in full gear.

“Don’t worry, your sister didn’t break the military rules. But she provoked Princess Theradras?

“What about the officials of the City of Glory? Can you please leave this woman with a problem in her mind?

Raphael was very surprised. In his memory, Vereesa always regarded military regulations as iron laws, what could cause trouble?

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