Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 79

Chapter 80 Development, Future, Arrangement!

Glory City Administrative Affairs Office.

Vereesa was crawling on the table and sleeping soundly.

Last night was noisy in the middle of the night, and I was caught anyway, so I can rest assured to sleep.

Just when he fell asleep.

There are 4 high-level executives of the Silver Dawn at a time, just watch~ Watch her sleep like this.

Raphael, Alleria, Van Cleef, Jeremy.

Jeremy’s face hurts as he follows Raphael.

“The so-called brother-in-law of this eldest miss is the big lord?

“Did you say it earlier?”

“The great lord has just returned!”

“Aren’t you going to find a chance to train me?

Jeremy felt a chill behind his back at the thought of the eldest lady yelling to sue or something.

Looking at Veresa, who was sleeping soundly with a trace of saliva left on the corner of her mouth.

Raphael and Alleria both had black lines on their faces.

“It’s still up to you!

“You two come with me!”

After thinking about it, Vereesa should be handed over to Alleria!

Bears are so scary.

Raphael said to Alleria and handed Vereesa to her.

After Alleria nodded in agreement, Raphael led Van Cleef and Jeremy into Van Cleef’s office.

“I don’t have much time off this time!””

“Soon to the Burning Steppes front!

“Tell us about our development!”

Raphael was in Van Cleef’s position, casually looking at the scenery outside the window and saying.

66 ‘The Glory City is completely built! 99

“It’s all small construction sites now!””

“Belonging to the refugees from the northern countries!

“The Wild West is almost overpopulated”

“Recovery in Elwynn Forest is less than satisfactory! 35

“Before we knocked Redridge down, because the Kuli front was too close! 95

“No one wants to go there, even if we offer good deals!”

“After the fall of the Redridge Mountains, plus the influx of refugees from the northern countries!”

“The restoration of Elwynn Forest is accelerating!”

“Don’t go to Stormwind City, because it needs to be repaired, plus the original dock!”

“Recovery is fast! 35

“Duskwood is now a total lumber mill and mine!

“The one over there is also developing very fast because of resources!”

“It’s the beast, and the monster has begun to emerge again!”

‘The Vale of Stranglethorn is now an important grain producing area for us!35

“It’s just that the troll problem is coming to the fore!””

“Many post-labor trolls demand the treatment of citizens!

Van Cleef’s report from place to place to Raphael.

All are more difficult big things, and there is no need to bother Raphael with small things.

Raphael was stunned, especially at the end of the troll’s claim for citizenship.

Mad, when did trolls become so good, and can they really coexist peacefully with humans?

Raphael knocked on the desk belonging to Van Cleef, and the whole office fell silent.

The old people of the Silver Dawn knew that this was Raphael’s habit of thinking, and he didn’t bother, just waited quietly.

“First the problem of overpopulation in the Wild West. 35


“Better conditions in Duskwood, Elwynn Forest, and Stranglethorn Vale!”

“Easier access to land, easier access to identification! Easier access to jobs! 35

“Properly improve the conditions of the Westfall!

“Stormwind has been changed to a fortress! 35

“Except for the main force on the border and the local garrison, the rest of the standing main force is stationed in Stormwind Fortress!”

“The military members are also stationed!

“I don’t believe that such a large number of soldiers can’t afford the economy!

“As for Duskwood!”

“Let’s make arrangements after the battle is over!

“As for Stranglethorn Vale!

“Vancliffe, it looks like you’re going to Stranglethorn Vale!”

“If the trolls really haven’t reformed, it’s not okay to want citizenship!

“But there should be better places for them..”

Raphael explains everything to Van Cleef..

“I hope that by the end of the war, these problems will be resolved!

Raphael finally turned to Jeremy at the conclusion of Van Cleef.

“Big lord!”

“The army needs talent!”

“Our troops are rapidly expanding!

“And the veterans are all on the front lines!””

“The quality of newly trained soldiers is declining!

“According to your request, the entire Argent Dawn army will be expanded to 500,000! 39

“According to the setting of a standing army!”

“The personnel are there, the equipment is there, and the backbone is not! Neither are the officers!

“It’s all a squad leader doing the squad leader’s job now!””

“The captain is doing the work of the regiment captain!”

‘The regiment commander does the work of the legion commander!’

“However, according to the requirements of the great lord, the basic qualities of soldiers are still there! 99

“It’s combat power…”

Jeremy complains to Raphael.

The left-behind second knight of the Knights of the Round Table had a bitter expression on his face, and if he could choose, he would rather go to the front line.

I don’t want to train troops in the back, the key number is still so huge.

A one-time conscription of 350,000!

What a terrifying number in Azeroth, almost all the troops of a country.

It can also be seen how exaggerated the populations migrated from the northern countries to the Silver Dawn.

“Simply go around the battlefield! It’s a veteran!”

“This final battle rests the soldiers of the Legion of Glory!”

“Replace the garrison!

“All the newly trained troops and garrison troops are pulled up!

“The army still has to see blood to become the elite!

“Let the Knights Templar be the backbone to fill these legions first! 35

“As for the officers!

“very soon!”

“Let’s do this for now!”

The military affairs have also come to an end. After the war, the second generation of knights after the silver, the group of Scarlet Crusaders will be very good junior officers.

Raphael prepares the corner.

“That’s right! Van Cleef! 39

“Are there any nobles from the northern countries who came to take refuge!?”

Raphael looked at Van Cleef and asked suddenly.


“Yes! And quite a few!”

“However, they are all honestly reporting in!”9

“And brought in a lot of money!99

“Everything is also lived according to the rules of the Argent Dawn! 35

“So we didn’t pay much attention to them!

Van Cleef was taken aback by Raphael’s sudden question, but he still answered fluently.

“Will they be so honest?”

Raphael is a bit incredible, and for the nobility, there may be a small number of good role models.

Such as Lothar, Bolvar, the first generation of Paladins and so on.

But most nobles are greedy.

There is nothing wrong with greed, it is human nature, but it is wrong to be greedy. .

“Forget it! It’s so! Then it’s nothing!”

“Is there any logistical problem in supplying 480,000 troops? 99

In the end Raphael was concerned with logistical issues.

“Lord, it depends on how long you are going to fight! 99

“Now it’s just the resources piling up at the Eastern Lumber Mills!

“You can support the army to fight for a year! 39′

“As long as it’s not a ten-year war! The Argent Dawn will definitely be able to supply the logistics resources of 500,000 troops!

Van Cleef is very confident.

“very good!”

“I am very satisfied with your performance!”

“After the war, you will get the glory that belongs to you!

Raphael nodded to the two of them and said that he could leave.

“That! Great lord!”

“This is my office!”

“Your office is on the top floor!”

Van Cleef stepped out of the office door with one foot! Suddenly it felt wrong.


“Look at me! Get used to it!”

Raphael got up, and the leg left Van Cleef’s office as if it had been fitted with a motor.

After Raphael left, Van Cleef had a smile on his face.

Maybe no one is perfect, the big lord is very confused in life.

“What are you doing with me?

“Go and do your own thing!”

Raphael walked out of Van Cleef’s office to find Jeremy following him.

“How can there be no guards around the great lord!

“This is an order issued by you, Lord!

“An officer at the rank of legionnaire must be guarded by a paladin at the level of a grand knight!

“To prevent the assassination of the enemy!

Jeremy looked at Raphael with a smile on his face, it was great to be able to be lazy.

“If you don’t tell me, I forgot!”

“My escort knight has someone!”

“Aren’t you short of officers?”

“Go and get Liras and Liadrin to meet me at the council hall! 99

Raphael remembered Lyras and Liadrin who had not yet been arranged.


Jeremy looked at Raphael in disbelief.

“What kind of expression do you have!

…for flowers….

“You can’t necessarily beat him! 39

Rafael said he completely saw through Jeremy’s attempt.


Just as Jeremy was about to say something.

A figure crossed Jeremy and climbed directly on Raphael’s back.


Jeremy’s knife was about to be drawn out, and he glanced at the figure of himself that had passed over.

Immediately withdrew the knife, and was ready to slip away.

Because the figure who crossed her is the eldest lady who claims to be suing..

“I said Vereesa!”

“It was just cleaned up by your sister!”

“It’s still skinny now?”

Raphael let Vereesa hang on his body motionless, anyway, he was not the one who was injured for a while.


“Brother help!

“Sister is sending me back to Quel’Thalas!

“I don’t want to go back!”

“Hurry up and persuade my eldest sister!”

Vereesa left Raphael’s back and glanced at Alleria who was walking over.

Put your hands together, please Raphael.

“It’s no use asking anyone!

“Grow up, the wings are hard!”

“How dare you run away! You forgot…”

Alleria couldn’t go on talking, this was the scar on the hearts of all of them.

“I’m sorry! Miss!”

“Second sister, there is a mother to accompany you!

“I want to be with you!”

“In case your brother-in-law bullies you, you still have a helper, right!”


Veresa’s eyes also flashed a bit of sadness, but then she put on a smile and walked to Alleria to act like a spoiled child.

And don’t forget to sell Raphael to be good.

“Damn girl! Does this sell me?

Raphael looked at Vereesa speechlessly.

“Let her stay!

“Forgot what happened last night?”

“Let her follow along!

“A little more self-preservation is always good!

“When the war is over, let Shiva and mother come too!”

Raphael laughed and scolded Vereesa and said to Alleria.

“Let the cargo fleet deliver letters to Mother and Shiva! 35

“Otherwise they don’t know how to be in such a hurry!

Alleria thought for a moment, then looked at her sister’s longing eyes again.

Finally agreed.


Vereesa jumped up excitedly.

“High Lord! 99

At this time, Jeremy led Liras and Liadrin to the office.

“Big Lord!” X2

Liras and Liadrin saluted Raphael at the same time.

“All right!”

“It’s not in the military, it’s not that particular! 95

“Lyras will be my exclusive escort knight in the future!””

“Liadrin, as Jeremy’s deputy, obey Jeremy’s arrangements!”5

“Familiarize yourself with the Argent Dawn Legion as soon as possible.”

“Your burden will be heavy in the future!”

“And those high elves who came to pursue the way of the Holy Light, please arrange it!

Raphael had already made arrangements for the two.

Liadrin is definitely the best candidate for an officer, the leader of the blood knights, a well-organized figure managed by the blood knight army.

It’s a waste not to have troops.

As for Liras, because of the broken side of the soul that has lost his feelings, he does things in a strict manner.

It is really not suitable to go to the army to lead troops, the captain of the guard is already his current limit.

So Rafael is still prepared to keep him by his side.

“Follow! Great lord!”

Liadrin was a little excited, this was her trust.

Arrived at Glory City yesterday, plus chatted with the old knights of the Knights Templar when nothing on the boat.

She already knew where Jeremy was in the Argent Dawn system.

I can become such a person when I first arrived, what is not trust?

In addition, there is Queldera, which can be given to this Jeremy, but given to himself.

A scholar dies for a confidant…

At this moment, Liadrin made up her mind to dedicate her life to the Argent Dawn and to the Holy Light.

And Liras, who has lost his emotions, said it doesn’t matter…

Only Jeremy, who had been with the two of them, felt uncomfortable at the moment.

Because since he came here, he has been preparing a pair of eyes to stare at him.

This look naturally came from Miss Veresa..

PS one more update! Regarding Veresa’s question, please get out of the way to revise it later.. It’s because you are confused.. I revised it later!! Attached are the three sisters’ drawings.

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