Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 90

Chapter 91 Request, Reason, Decisive Battle Of The Second Orc War!

Burning Steppes, Argent Dawn Stronghold.

within the tent.

“What are you trying to say?”


“Does the Wrynn family consider me a bloodline?”


“The plan to drive the orcs all the way across the South has failed!

“The hope of regaining the Kingdom of Stormwind has failed!

“The demise of Stormwind Kingdom is doomed!”

“Now talk to me about blood? 35

Raphael looked at Lothar, a playmate who grew up with him when he was a child, with a mocking expression on his face.


“Whether you admit it or deny it!”

“You have Wrynn’s blood running through your body!””

“And do you think you’re the only one suffering?”

“Lion, Bolvar, Varian, me, even the old king who made the decision to banish you!”

“No one else knows!””

“Take you crazy! 35

“Don’t we know how talented you are!”

“But you’re in a hurry!””

“I’ve never quite understood why you are so anxious!

“In a hurry to deny everything that is old!”

“You know when you propose a constitutional monarchy!99

“Did the old king plan to stay awake all night?”

“I thought you were bewitched by someone!

“We were all very young back then!

“The old king secretly investigated everyone around you!”

“Including me, do you know how many MI7 spies were in my Bolvar family at the time?”

“Because of me, Bolvar and you, Ryan grew up together!

“You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t!”

“You shouldn’t leak your words!

“Do you know how many nobles at that time wanted “eight sixty” to your death?”5

“Falling water, flower pots, flying swords!

“The old king sent you to the dark swamp in the name of exile to protect you!”9

“Of course the orc attack you mentioned at the time, no one took it seriously!

“Thinking that you are imagining a threat because your suggestion was not adopted!

“Don’t believe it! You can ask your confidant!”

“Lancelot! He was definitely one of the men the old king sent to protect you!”

Lothar looked at Raphael with complicated eyes and spoke to him.

Speaking of words that ruined Raphael’s three views.


“How do you explain that legion commander?”

“Ryan took the throne and didn’t even call me back! 35

“Even his funeral, ordered me not to return to Stormwind! 35

“The arrival of the orcs at last has proven me right!”

“You still refuse me to enter Stormwind!”

“I was all about saving Stormwind at that moment! 55

Raphael knew that Lothar said that the high probability may be true, but he couldn’t imagine that all these bloody things would happen to him.


“Do you know how long you’ve been banished?”

“But those nobles still remember you, the exiled prince!”

“Because your threat to them is too great!”

“The old king wanted to invite you back to Stormwind before he was about to leave! 99

66′ Ryan wanted to give you the title of Prince and invite you back to China after he took the throne! 99

“It was also stopped by those nobles who were frightened by you!”

‘The nobles unite to force the royal family!

“Choose them or choose you!”

“If the old king or Ryan chose you at that time, they would probably support a great noble to be king!”

“Civil war is about to break out!

“Do I need to say anything about that legion commander?”

“I want to call you back again and again!

“Caused the vigilance of those nobles!

“Why after your return!

“Ryan is alienating you?”

“Do you still need me to continue?

Lothar looked at Raphael wistfully.

Raphael wanted to convince himself that Lothar was lying to himself, but he knew it wasn’t.

Because all this can be explained, why the royal family treats him like this.

“Why didn’t you say it when Stormwind was under siege?

“At that time, the nobles were no longer a concern, right?”

Raphael asked Lothar in a dying struggle.

“Lane stopped it!”

“Don’t put your eggs in the same basket!””

“If something goes wrong in the kingdom of Stormwind that needs shelter!

“At least you’re still in the Wild West!”

Lothar’s question and answer left Raphael speechless, this is not the normal practice of the big family.

The direct son inherits the family property, and the rest of the children go out separately.

This is the normal practice to ensure that the family will not be cut off.

“Then why are you telling me this again today?”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Bring the Argent Dawn back to Varian?”

“And then make him king?”

Raphael stared at Lothar and asked word by word.

“Do not!

“I also understood!”

“What you said is impossible!”

“You also have a large number of subordinates now!

“And the whole Argent Dawn is alive!

“Maybe your path is right!

“We nobles are really rotten! Not worth saving!”

“But for the sake of your own blood!

“Give Stormwind Kingdom a place to live after the war!”

“Support Varian’s smooth coronation!”

Lothar made a sincere request to Raphael.

“You want Alterac?

Raphael asked in an uncertain tone.

“No! 55

“I know Terenas too well! 35

“He couldn’t have the Kingdom of Stormwind built on Lordaeron’s side!

“And he’s drooling over Andorhal too!”

“It is absolutely impossible for Alterac who lost Andorhal to establish a country!”

“I just want you to take care of Varian!”

“Let them build a country in due time!”

Lothar looked at Raphael with piercing eyes, and he could hear that Raphael had loosened up a bit, and this was likely to happen.




After listening to Lothar’s request, Raphael kept tapping his fingers on the command table and thinking.

Every knock was like a beating heart in Lothar.

Before Raphael agreed, everything had not been settled, and his heart had been raised in the air.

“it is good!”

“I promise!””

“Even if it was the last thing I did for the blood in my body!

“From now on! Wrynn’s to Wrynn!

“The Argent Dawn of the Argent Dawn!”

“Whatever the reason, the inside story!

“I’m done with Wrynn’s favor!”

Halfway through, Raphael stopped tapping and agreed.

Because he wants to have a clear conscience..

“Good! 35

“Then! 35

“Big lord! I bid farewell!”

“I think this will be the last time we meet! 35

“Goodbye, old friend!”

Lothar’s heart finally fell at the moment Raphael agreed.

He is no longer worried, life and death are determined..

“Goodbye! Old friend!

“Never see you again!”

Raphael murmured as he watched Lothar’s retreating back.

After Lothar left, Alleria walked into the main tent and looked at Raphael slightly absent-minded.

Some felt distressed and walked over, without saying anything, just rubbing and kowtow gently for Raphael.

She knew that she just needed to be with him quietly at this time.

He also knows her mind…

After two days…

The Burning Steppes, on the vast plains between Blackrock Keep and the Ruins of Thaurissan.

The two armies are slowly forming a formation.

The human beings lined up with the power of victory, majestic and full of confidence.

On the other hand, the orcs with their backs against the Blackstone Fortress had a tragic expression on their faces.

After being besieged by humans for nine days, the supplies in Blackrock Spire were squandered by 400,000 orcs.

The road to the Dark Portal was blocked by the army of the Argent Dawn.

This is their last stand.

If they cannot annihilate or overwhelm the human army in front of them, they will only be left to perish.

So they are full of death will.

Orgrim is at the forefront of this team.

He was surrounded by the only Kor’kron Guards left, and Saurfang.

The chieftains of the orcs were scattered, and the spirit of invading the Dark Portal was completely gone.

“Warriors of the Orcs!”

“We came to this land to survive!”

“We conquer most of this continent!

“Then now the mountains and rivers are exhausted!

“We still haven’t failed!”

“We are for the survival of the race! 35

“We are honored!

“Today we will go to glory!

Orgrim boosted morale before starting the front.

The human side, Lothar, also stood at the forefront of the front.

Unlike Orgrim, his side is full of talents.

Uther, Fordring, Turalyon, Dathohan, Gavin Rader, Lor’themar, Sylvanas, Lancelot, Antony, etc…


“We started the hunt for the orcs from the beautiful Tiriphas Glades! 35

“To the snow-capped Alterac Mountains!”

“The dangerous Hinterlands, the rolling hills of Hillbrad, and the endless Arathi Highlands!”

“Finally arrive in this harsh Burning Steppe!

“There is only one purpose!

“That is to annihilate these in front of us and invade our homeland!

“The cruel enslavement of our wives, children and children!

“Even the beasts who sacrificed our human beings!


“Today! We are finally reaching our goal!”

“They have nowhere to go!””

“We must win!”

“I will be with you!

“Let us meet the final glory! 33

Losara raised the head of the warhorse, raised his sword with one hand and shouted to the army!

“Victory! Victory!”

The shouts of 700,000 soldiers are loud…

“loktar, ogar! 35

Not to be outdone, the orcs also started roaring.

The two sides shouted at each other unwillingly.

“For the Alliance!

“Charge! 35

The Lothar sword slashed down and shouted, and then began to charge towards the orc front.

“For the Alliance!

“Charge! 35

The Knights Templar and the Knights of the Silver Hand start at the same time!

Followed behind Lothar and began to charge..

“For the Alliance!


Then the ordinary cavalry troops, and then the infantry troops, all began to charge towards the orc front.

If you look at the whole plain from the sky.

You will find that a huge triangle is rapidly hitting a long line.

There are no rules at all, just a head-to-head decisive battle!

An intensive charge of 700,000 people.

The earth of the Burning Steppes trembled..

I don’t know when the direction of the black tooth hut, a silver line appeared on this small plain,

Raphael watched this epic showdown from a small mountain.

“Big lord!”

“When do we start charging?”

Liadrin looked at the charge below with sparkling eyes, feeling that her blood was boiling too.

I have no regrets to participate in such a battle in this life!

“Not urgent!

“This is a battle of 2 million people!

“Calm down!”

“There will be time for an appearance!”

Raphael said to Liadrin.

Just as the human charge was getting closer and closer to the orcs.

“loktar, ogar!!!

“Stay the line!

“Defend this wave of charges!”

“It’s time for us to fight back!

At the forefront of the Orc Front, Orgrim, who felt the earthquake shaking, shouted at his 2.8 Front.

“Saurfang! Take the wolf troopers to the flank!””

“Once we defend against this charge!”

“You immediately charge the flanks to the flanks of the human army!”

Orgrim ordered to Saurfang.

“As you order! Great Chief!”

The situation on the battlefield was changing rapidly, and Saurfang knew that there would be no delay.

Immediately said to Orgrimmar, and then retreated behind the front line with the wolf cavalry.

“loktar, ogar! 35

Orgrim saw Saurfang retreat with the wolf cavalry.

Turned around and shouted at the approaching humans.


The orcs who followed Orgrim shouted.

Finally Orgrim saw Lothar, the first man in the human charge.







The warhorse slammed into the orc front.

People, horses, wolves, and beasts dashed in a mess, the sound of a crash, the sound of broken bones, and a scream!

The sound of the flying orcs and the intercepted human cavalry landing.

The neighing of war horses and the neighing of war wolves..

Immediately gathered together.

The final battle of the Second Orc War officially begins…

PS3 even more! Some big guys say typos that affect reading! Changes from this chapter! It should be greatly reduced in the future. In addition, I have tried my best to intersperse the background in the story. Introducing the background, there are some suspicions about the number of water words… There are really big guys who don’t understand! Please click on Baidu!!.

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