Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 94

Chapter 95 Uneven Distribution Of Accounts, The Alliance That Is About To Fall Apart, Teach Varian!

Lordaeron Palace, Council Hall.

Raphael and Varian, who followed the palace guards, walked through the council hall.

Terenas, King of Lordaeron, Menethil.

Admiral Kul Tiras, Daelin, Promord.

Thoras, King of Stormgard, Thorne Bell.

King Jean of Gilneas, Greymane.

The magical kingdom of Dalaran represents Antonidas.

Kael’thas, Prince of Quel’Thalas.

Dwarf Kingdom

Stormwind Kingdom ~ Varian, Wrynn.

Argent Dawn Highlord Raphael -, Argent Dawn.

Except for the Kingdom of Alterac, which was expelled from the Alliance and took over the entire territory, all the top leaders of the Alliance gathered in the council hall of the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

“Now that we’re all here, let’s get started!”

“The war against the orcs has been won, and today’s meeting is for the rest of the aftermath!”

“First thing! The remains of Alliance Marshal Lothar are still in Lordaeron!”

“It doesn’t matter whether Marshal Lothar is a meritorious deed of running around for the establishment of the Alliance, or a meritorious deed of fighting on the front lines to defeat the Orcs since the establishment of the Alliance! 99

“Lothar deserves the title of Alliance Hero! 35

“He fell at the last moment of victory! It’s a shame!

“His funeral is the business of the whole league! Heroes can’t be chilled!

“So where is he buried?”

Terenas obviously wanted to have a gradual process, so he threw out Lothar’s funeral first.

“Let him be under the walls of Thoradin, the glory of his ancestors! Let him return to the Clan!95

“Build a memorial for him at the Battlegrounds of the Burning Steppes!”

“Are there any objections?”

Terenas looked around the crowd and then said his proposal to the crowd.

“Agree!” X8

No one would disagree with Terenas about Lothar, saying that the arrangement was reasonable, and the meeting continued one thing after another.

“Then, the next question of attribution of Alterac!””

“Let’s talk about it! 35

Following Terenas’ words, everyone cheered up, and the meeting finally came to the most important process.

“What? No one said anything?”

“Then I’ll come first, Gilneas is too far from Alterac! We have no territorial claims on Alterac!

“Gilneas is also incapable of managing an enclave!”

“Therefore, whoever gets the territory of Alterac!”

“Isn’t it too much for Gilneas to ask for compensation?

Gene’s temper was notoriously bad at the top of the league, otherwise Gilneas wouldn’t have been fighting from the beginning to the end of the timeline on another day.

“The same goes for Kul Tiras!”

“Want to take Alterac! No problem!”

“Kul Tiras demands proper compensation!

Dai Lin’s temper was not much better than Jean’s, so the two had similar odors within the alliance and wore a pair of trousers.

“The same is true for the Kingdom of Quel’Thalas!”

“From the beginning of the Arathor Empire, the high elves have no interest in the land!”

“There is also no territorial claim to Alterac!35

After Jean and Daelin spoke, the remaining members spoke one after another, and Kael’thas also expressed the demands of the high elves.

After the high elves, the dwarves also expressed no demands.

The only kingdoms that have not made a statement are Lordaeron, Dalaran, Stormwind, Stormgard and the Argent Dawn.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Raphael, who had been expressing his position.

“Dont look at me!”

“The same as the ones in front of me!”

“The difference is that there is no compensation!”

“But Swamp of Sorrows, Dark Swamp, Silver Dawn! 39

Raphael also put forward his own appeal, taking this opportunity to determine the legitimate rule of the Silver Dawn over the entire southern border.

The high-ranking members of the alliance present blinked when they heard Raphael’s words. If the Argent Dawn really included the Swamp of Sorrows and the Dark Swamp into the territory, then it would be the largest human nation worthy of the name.

The territory is even the strongest kingdom of Lordaeron.

“Cough cough!””

“At present Alterac is hosted by Stromgard! Stromgard has been at the forefront of this war!””

“Stormgard manages Alterac for granted!

“But compensation!”

“Stormgard suffered heavy losses in the war, and cannot be compensated for the time being!”

“Hopefully everyone can take it easy!

Thoras and Thorne Bell have never concealed their ambitions for Alterac, which can be seen from the fact that Stromgard has never withdrawn from Alterac.

“Dalaran also suffered heavy losses in the war!

“We’re very close to Alterac too!

“The land in Dalaran is obviously not enough, we don’t ask for the whole land! A small area will do!

“As for compensation, there is no material in Dalaran, but after the war Dalaran is open to all children who want to learn magic! 35

Antonidas also said after Torn Bell finished speaking, a small area is self-evidently the elite area of ​​Darrow Mill or Andorhal.

“The Kingdom of Stormwind also suffered heavy losses in the war!”

“Without even a pillar like Lothar, we are in desperate need of recuperation!99

“We have no ambitions for Alterac!

“Just want the Alterac Mountains as a place to recuperate!

“I don’t think Stormwind Kingdom’s request is too much!”

Varian’s childish voice sounded, it was the first time he took the initiative to express his opinion on this occasion.

Terenas looked at Raphael the first time after Varian expressed his opinion, and Varian went to Raphael’s Palace in the morning.

The palace guards reported it to him at the first time. Was Varian’s opinion really not Raphael’s advice?

Noticing Terenas’ gaze, Raphael gave him a smile.

“Ahem! 35

“Lordaeron agrees to Stormwind’s request!

“Darommel is taken over by Lordaeron!”

66′ Land near Silverpine Forest is taken over by Dalaran! 39

‘The eastern mountains near the Hillbrad Foothills can be assigned to Stormgard’

“The Alterac Mountains are taking over by the Kingdom of Stormwind!”

“The compensation for Kul Tiras, Gilneas, and the high elves will be borne by Lordaeron!”

“Who approves and who opposes? Reason?”

Terenas domineeringly looked at everyone present and made a final summary speech.

“Against! Kul Tiras has no territorial claim to Alterac!”

“However, Alterac’s betrayal of the Alliance was Aiden’s fault and should not be counted on the head of the Perenold family!”

“I suggest that the rest of the Pinorid family inherit the throne, and compensate the person who inherits the throne to honor it!

Under the influence of Terenas, Gentoo made his own proposal, and the other members of the so-called Pinorid family were the nephews of Aiden who had been studying in Gilneas.

Although Jean said that he had no territorial claim to Alterac, he actually wanted to control the whole of Alterac through Aiden’s nephew.

“This family is unbelievable!

“Not even all the original nobles are worth believing!

“Gene, what you said is impossible!

“And even if he ascends the throne, what can he offer to compensate us?”

Terenas sneered in his heart after hearing Genn’s proposal, did he really take everyone present as a fool?

“be opposed to!”

“It’s also a huge loss!”

“Why did the Kingdom of Stormwind get the entire Alterac Mountains!”

“Stormgard can only get a little bit of territory in the Eastern Mountains!””

“Stormgard demands the entire Eastern Mountains!

Solas also stood up to oppose, not suffering from widowhood but inequity, this is human beings.

“Your Majesty Thoras!”

‘The Kingdom of Stormwind only asks for 20 years! 95

“Return the Alterac Mountains to the Alliance after 20 years!

“This is the promise of Stormwind Kingdom!

“Alliance Witness!”

Varian said to Thoras.


Everyone present looked at Varian, only Terenas looked at Raphael.

What kind of medicine is sold in this gourd? However, it is not easy to ask questions on this occasion.


Terenas looked the same as Jean.

“Agree!” X6

Except for Stormgard and Gilneas who both voted yes.

“Then the question of Alterac attribution ends here!”

“The next issue of orc captives!”

“I propose to build prisoner-of-war camps and separate them! After the war, we are in desperate need of labor! 35

“Every land is a ruin!

“These orcs are just right to atone for what they did!”

Another big question was thrown out by Terenas.

Except for the Argent Dawn and the lonely Kul Tiras, the country is not a ruin, but Quel’Thalas and the Argent Dawn have a large number of troll slaves.

Dalaran because there is only one city, and magic is not more convenient than hard labor?


The postwar reconstruction of that country was not about staring at the orc captives.

Therefore, just after the victory, there was a quarrel in Lothar’s tent. After all, how the Silver Dawn started, these countries have all studied.

It turns out that captives can still use it! A whole country wants to emulate the Argent Dawn.

“be opposed to!”

“Those orc cubs should all be killed to solve the trouble!

Dai Lin was furious. His son was sacrificed in the battle of Zude, but he kept trying to kill all these orcs.

“Dailyn! Don’t be impatient!

“The people are the most important!”

“We need a lot of labor!55

“If Kul Tiras doesn’t need it, Lordaeron can exchange supplies for these captives!

Terenas said to Daelin.

“Agreed! 35



Raphael, Kaelsas, Anthony abstained, and all the other countries agreed.

“You will regret it!

Dai Lin slapped the table angrily and almost walked away from the table, but in the end she held back and folded her arms without saying a word.

Then the countries started to argue again about how many prisoners to allocate.

Finally, the loot-sharing meeting that lasted from morning to night was completely over.

Except for Terenas and Varian, every king is suitable for a dissatisfied face, and the spoils are unevenly divided!

Raphael watched everything coldly from the corner.


Without the external pressure of the Orcs, the Alliance is about to fall apart!

“With everyone’s cooperation, this meeting was successfully concluded!”

“Even if there are some minor issues that have not been agreed upon! We can come down and talk!

“If there are no more questions! The meeting is over!”

Terenas said to everyone present.

“Your Majesty Terenas!”

“The Orcs have been defeated! The threat of war is gone!

“The last bloodline of Thoradin the Great is cut off!”

“Quel’Thalas has fulfilled his covenant! 99

“Please allow Quel’Thalas to withdraw from the Alliance!

Kael’thas dropped a bombshell after bowing to the crowd.

“Is there anything wrong with the Alliance to treat the High Elves?

“Why quit the league?”

The smile on Terenas’ face disappeared, and he was a little caught off guard. This was hitting him, the Alliance Leader, in the face.

“The high elves, love peace, and live without contention! 39

“We can’t maintain an alliance with a certain force for a long time!

“If one day, mankind has launched a civil war, or launched a war against a certain race!

“Then under the constraints of the covenant, the high elves are bound to participate in the war!”

“The High Elves have always been a covenant-keeping race!””

“But that’s against the nature of the high elves!

“So please forgive me! Quel’Thalas’ withdrawal from the Alliance is imperative! 35

“I’m sure the league won’t owe Quel’Thalas compensation!95

“Then! Guys, it’s not suitable for me to stay!”

“Please allow me to retire first!

After Kael’thas saluted Terenas, he walked out of the chamber.


After Kael’thas left, Terenas announced the meeting with a livid face, and then waved away.

Looking at the kings who gathered together in twos and threes to discuss immediately.

Raphael shook his head and turned and walked out of the chamber.


“Why do uncles who are usually very good make such a quarrel?

Varian asked Raphael from behind.

“Because of profit!”

“Remember Varian! Never stand against most people until you have no strength!

“You can fight the few with the many!”

“And then the majority of the majority against the minority of the majority!

“Eliminate the minority one step at a time!”

“Although there are some twists and turns, but you remember it right!”

“Uncle’s exile before is the end of standing in the majority of people!

Raphael taught Varian, isn’t that the trick that Terenas uses today!

In one fell swoop, Lordaeron’s power for the next 20 years was established until the return of Azeroth’s most dutiful son from Northrend. .

PS One more update! Hey! A big guy asked where the Stormwind Kingdom was arranged in Kalimdor!! I can only say that it is related to the Battle of Quicksand, if there is more, the spoiler will be spoiled ha!!! Can’t say pull!! Work.

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