Azeroth: Please Be A Human And Stay Away From Me!

Chapter 98

Chapter 99 Education, School, Legion Arrangement!

Glory City, City Hall, Raphael’s Office.

“High Lord! 39

“What do you mean by Military Academy, Magic Academy, Political Academy, Holy Light Academy? 35

“What is a school? How old are school-age children?”

Azeroth did not have the concept of a school, so VanCleef was at a loss.

“Military academy, officers of the Silver Dawn in the future must study at the military academy if they want to be promoted!

“At the same time, recruit students from various local schools who are interested in becoming soldiers and train them as reserve officers!”

“There are various arms departments below, such as the cavalry command system, the infantry command department, and the Paladin command department! An analogy!

“The Magic Academy recruits students from various local schools who are interested in the path of magic and have a talent for magic!

“There are various magic classification departments below, such as ice-related subjects and fire-related subjects.

“And so on for the rest of the schools, and of course there will be more schools in the future, such as the Institute of Technology, the Institute of Manufacturing, etc.!35

“As for local schools, separate junior and senior!”

‘6-12 years old is primary school, 12-18 years old is senior school!

“These schools teach children the most common knowledge, cultivate their interest and hands-on ability, and prepare for entering the college in the future!”

“Even if you can’t enter the academy, you can learn a skill and contribute to the society!

Raphael, dry-mouthed VanCleef, explained the usefulness of the school.

As for Van Cleef, the more he listened, the more excited he became. He had been a political officer for so long, how could he not see the power of Raphael’s measure.

This has almost single-handedly cut off the monopoly of the nobility in knowledge. Why can the nobility firmly control the passage of ascending?

Do you really think it’s a noble bloodline? Naole? It’s just that knowledge is almost only circulated among nobles. They have books and teachers!

What do commoners have? Only the craftsmanship and life experience handed down from generation to generation!

Don’t look at the thriving Silver Dawn now, in a few years, if there is no school for the commoners to ascend, a new noble class will be formed immediately.

Look at the first generation, the second generation Paladin will understand, does the first generation Paladin have a commoner besides Turalyon? Turalyon is still a disciple of Fao.

The second generation is even worse, there is no one! The noble children of Yishui.

And Raphael’s measures undoubtedly broke this monopoly.

“Big lord, wise!”

“What a natural ruler you are! 55

“I think as soon as this news comes out, there will be a total madness among the Ping 860 businessmen!

Van Cleef was excited, praising Raphael sincerely, even incoherent.

Lancelot and Jeremy were also excited, because they were also civilians, and they naturally knew the difficulties of civilians.

And the high elves of Liadrin, Vereesa, and Liras are all nobles, but the high elves don’t have these problems.

Because of population and longevity, every child of the High Elves can receive an elite education.

There is no way to live long and learn a little about everything.

“Okay! It’s enough for you to understand! After the meeting is over, start planning!

This will definitely boost the economy of Stormwind City, and the one around the university town in the previous life was not earning a lot of money.

“Big lord!”

“There are a lot of students, where do teachers come from? Especially teachers in junior and senior schools, that is not a small number! 35

Van Cleef suddenly thought of this question.

“Do you still need me to teach this? Those poor nobles! The nobles who fled! Isn’t it a ready-made teacher?”

“What else do they have besides knowledge?”

“Give them a job!”

Raphael to Van Cleef.

“Okay, now for the third topic! Victory Day Parade!”

“A thousand meritorious soldiers are drawn from each legion, and prepare to participate in the parade!”5

“I want every legion to have a Founder who passes through the Glory Gate!

“In addition, only a thousand soldiers who are about the same height and handsome in appearance are selected!”

“I only have one request, neat!! Every step is neat!! I only hear the sound of soldiers stepping on their feet!”

“Can it be done?”

Raphael turned to look at the five soldiers!


The five of them tapped the breastplate at the same time and assured.

“Okay! Don’t underestimate this military parade! This is a ceremony that increases the confidence and cohesion of the people!

“It is also your honor ceremony, I will give the name of the legion at the military parade!

“Don’t drop the chain for me!”

Raphael gave a final warning.

“Great lord! Parade! Victory ceremony!””

“Need to invite countries?

VanCleef asked after Raphael had finished.

“I’ll talk about this after discussing 7 items, now let’s talk about item 4, the reorganization of the legion!”

“It used to be a special event, and we’ve been at war too!”

“Now that the state of war is over, it is inappropriate for the military to manage the city’s law and order!

“The sheriff and the garrison are completely separated from the military and handed over to the Government Office!”

“The Government Affairs Office put forward the establishment requirements to the military, and the military will make up for it from the garrison if the number is not enough!

“In addition to the Knights Templar and the Legion of Glory, we are setting up 5 legions, each with 50,000 people!”

“The rest of the legions are all turned into garrison legions in the name of the garrison area!”

“The garrison army must be complete!

“After the soldiers of the main legion retire, select outstanding soldiers from each garrison to make up for it!

“The garrisoned regiment is replenished with soldiers and officers from the military academies and various places!

“Do you have an opinion?”

Raphael stared sternly at several military officers!


Several people looked at each other and said at the same time.

“very good!

Raphael glanced at several chief officers, military power has always been more sensitive.

Raphael’s raising this issue is not a test.

“The fifth issue, clean up Dustwallow Marsh and Dark Marsh!”

“Who do you want to go?”

Raphael looked at the five.

“High Lord! 35

“Me! I’ve always been behind in this battle!”

“It’s my turn!

Jeremy quickly stood up from among the five and cried to Raphael.


The rest of Lancelot, Vereesa, and Liadrin who wanted to grab them couldn’t help laughing.

I don’t plan to fight anymore, Jeremy seems to be miserable.

“Okay! Just go and get back before the Victory Day parade!

“Otherwise, your knight title will be gone, and your legion title will be gone!”

“You just wait for the people below to hunt you down!

Raphael looked at Jeremy with a smile.


“Understood! Be sure to be back before parade day!”

Jeremy’s face was bitter, and he wanted to stay longer.

“Before you leave, remember to leave the parade day soldiers behind!

Raphael exhorted.

“Article 6, form an expeditionary army!

“The Orcs have crossed the Dark Portal and entered the world of Azeroth!

“We have defeated them in our world, but they still do us irreparable damage!

“We know nothing about their world!”

“Maybe there’s a treasure there for us!

“So I decided to go through the Dark Portal and expedition to the orc world!

“After Victory Day, an expedition will be formed, and I will only leave the Knights Templar in China!

“The rest of the legions form an expedition!”9

“Who wants to go on an expedition to the orc world? 35

Raphael looked at several military officers.

Several people looked at each other and stood up.

“Big lord! I have to count on this kind of thing! 35

“I was chased and crushed by orcs, but now I can finally beat it back! 35 (cbci)

“I must go!”

Lancelot watched several people stand up and hurriedly said to Raphael.

“Big lord!”

“The orc killed my brother!

“And I haven’t proved myself yet! I want to prove myself! 55

Vereesa did not call her brother-in-law this time, but the High Lord. She seemed to be completely integrated into the Argent Dawn.

Liadrin and Jeremy also looked at Raphael.

Lilas didn’t care, how Raphael arranged for him to do it.

“Don’t think about it, Vereesa!”

“Don’t even think about Liadrin, you stay to lead the Knights Templar!”5

“Lancelot, Jeremy, Liszt, all three of you!

“Liszt, you only need to escort the commander of the expedition force!””

“Lanstro and Jeremy hope you can help the Commander as much as you can!”

Raphael explained to the three.

“Big lord!”

“Listen to what you mean, are you not going to command the expeditionary force?”

“Who is the commander in chief?”

Lancelot and Jeremy looked at each other and Lancelot asked.

“I have other things! Can’t go for the time being!”

“Expedition Commander Alleria, Windrunner!””

“Any comments?”

Raphael answered the doubts of the two, and the two looked suddenly enlightened.


“Brother-in-law! You are partial!”

“Why can my sister go but I can’t?”

Veresa was dissatisfied, and the word brother-in-law popped up and asked with a pouting.

“Call me the lord!”

“This is a military meeting!

“But it seems that the military discussion is over!”

“Vereesa! I won’t let both Windrunners go on an expedition!

“You follow me to do other things, are you satisfied? 35

Raphael said Vereesa seriously, and then said helplessly.

“Really? Don’t lie to me?

“Tell you! Brother-in-law! I’m very good now!””

“When you were away, I realized the Holy Light!””

Vereesa condensed an arrow of holy light in her hand as if asking for credit, and motioned for Raphael to look.



“Tell me in detail later!”

Raphael looked at the arrow in Veresa’s hand with a rare excitement, and originally wanted to guide Veresa, but she didn’t expect that she realized it herself.

Just infuse Vereesa with Holy Light!


Seeing Raphael’s reaction, Vereesa nodded in satisfaction.

“Now the last issue! It’s my personal, and of course, business!

“Your high lord, the leader of the Argent Dawn, Raphael, the Argent Dawn will marry Alleria, the Windrunner!

“Just before the military parade!”

“Although this is my private matter, I don’t need to inform you at all, or tell it at the meeting!”

“But the marriage of a leader of a country is never a trivial matter!

“So I’ll discuss it with you!

“I don’t think there is any objection to me getting married?

“Isn’t there any objection that my marriage partner is Alleria?””

Raphael looked at the crowd and asked.


Everyone witnessed the relationship between Raphael and Alleria, and most of them even witnessed Raphael’s marriage proposal.

Certainly not right, and even Van Cleef was particularly supportive.

After all, it was a feudal era. In his opinion, Raphael was definitely going to become a king, and whether the king had heirs or not was related to the future of the kingdom.

“It’s just, how the lord is going to organize this wedding!

VanCleef asked Raphael.

“Just under the door of glory!”

“Send invitations to all countries!

“Let Lord Fao be my officiant, I don’t think he will refuse! 99

Raphael said with a headache.

“Understood! Let me prepare for the wedding!

“The Great Lord will not be disappointed!”

“Big lord, shouldn’t it be time for us to build a country! Shouldn’t your name be changed too!”

“Otherwise, the lady of the great lord will always feel that she is not worthy of Lord Alleria, only the queen is worthy!”

VanCleef saw this as an opportunity and took the opportunity to encourage Raphael to become king.

“Now is not the right time!””

“Get ready for the wedding!”

“That’s it for today’s meeting!”9

“Let’s each do their own work! 55

“Veresa, remember to go home for dinner tonight! 35

Raphael had a slight movement, but he endured it and said to the crowd.

Queen? At least the queen can accompany me, Alleria, Raphael thought to himself.

“The round table thing has to be done right away!”

“Otherwise you’ll have to exhaust yourself to death!

Raphael worked as a humanoid stamping machine in the office for a day. The body is not tired, but the key is tired.

Drag the tired body back to the big lord’s mansion.

Alleria was already serving dishes on the table, and Alleria never asked the maids to do this in the mansion of the great lord.

Because she feels that home needs the atmosphere of home.

Vereesa and an unexpected guest are also helping.

Rafael felt very good just looking at this warmth, and after a tired day, he also returned to his own harbor.

Smile and walk in.

“you’re back!”

Alleria raised a smile to welcome her lover home!!

PS2 more.

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