Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 110

Chapter 12 . Epiphany-the Dominator of the Old

Speed ​​up, spin, speed up, spin again.

Dick is like hanging on a high-speed flying plane with a rope, and like being thrown into the drum of a washing machine, spinning around, day and night without light, and when he almost spit out last night’s meal, he will accompany him. After almost half a year, the Dragon Hook finally couldn’t bear it. After all, it was the madness of a nightmare dragon.


The sound of metal breaking came into Dick’s mind. Soon, he felt like a bird without wings, gliding in the air with difficulty. In fact, Dick should thank Queen Ysera, the Emerald Dream It’s not as cruel as it is in this world. The air here is very mild, even if it is flying at super high speed, it has not become bitterly cold.

“I am a leaf falling in the wind, see how I fly…”

This sentence suddenly flashed in Dick’s chaotic mind, but before he carefully savored the rare flying experience, a crimson withered tree trunk appeared in front of him.


With a perfect parabolic movement, Dick, who smashed into the dead tree like a cannonball out of the chamber, fell to the ground against the branches in a slimy posture.

The good news is that he doesn’t have to endure the terrible dizziness anymore. The severe pain makes his mind clearer. The bad news is that just where he fell, a few nightmare beasts jumped out of the shadows, just like Like wild dogs, they rushed to the place where Dick slipped.

The nightmare beast is a monster formed by the nightmare of all creatures in the world. It has an indescribable body, a mouth full of sharp teeth and mucus, a barbed tongue, and a messy body. , Spread out, all kinds of claws, or tentacles, in short, look like a diseased blood-colored flesh.

It’s disgusting, it’s weird!

Dick almost vomited when he saw the monster, not because of the terrifying body, but because of the chaotic aura attached to them, which caused the world in front of him to be shattered after the Buddha was released. The chaotic piecing together, the visual difference made Dick’s spirit dizzy.

But soon, Anwina’s exclamation reawakened Dick’s spirit like an avalanche.

“Dick! Dick! Dick! Dick! Get rid of those monsters, it’s disgusting, people can’t sleep! You are not allowed to use the holy hammer, it’s disgusting!”

Well, Dick, the spirit of the sun, can’t provoke him for the time being. He quickly drew out the Grand Crusader sword hanging from his waist, threw a few jerky sword flowers, and endured the soreness and pain from his body. Swelled up and rushed into those nightmare beasts.

It looks terrifying, but these weak chickens are not even an adult who can beat them. Their biggest threat is the chaotic aura of the body and the terrifying appearance. That thing is mentally hurt.

Once these two advantages are lost, waiting for these almost intangible guys can only return to peace.

After killing the Nightmare Beast, Dick raised his head and looked around. He didn’t know where the crazy Tyral took him. He only knew that this was the Emerald Dream. This dream world was even wider than the real world. Some, there are also magnificent creatures that are not in the real world.

In the legend of the night elf druids, the Emerald Dream is the most beautiful place in the world. It is like heaven. Tigers and monkeys live together quietly. Fish and bears can also play together. It is the most harmonious eternal life of all things. territory.

But now, Dick looked around, surrounded by black and withered trees, like burnt trees. There were some magic patterns on the branches. It was a scarlet, embers-like magic pattern. It was twisted. It didn’t look like a kind thing. The ground was green grass, and it was also covered with ashes. After Dick walked a few steps, he felt that the land was dead.

Yes, the dead land has no breath of life at all, and in the death of this land, something has been distorted. It is a mysterious realm that Dick does not yet understand. In short, As he walked all the way, he could always feel that something was watching him behind his back.

That is a vicious look!

“This should be the edge of the Emerald Dream being polluted by the nightmare.”

Dick held his left hand. From just now, this metal palm began to heat up, just like he did when he encountered a devil, but in this emerald dream, there can be no demons, so the power that exists here, It must come from ancient times, another life and death enemy of the guardians left by the Titans.

The ancient god, the unnamed one! The monsters that were thrown into this world by the princes of the void, relying on the “evil” of the world’s origin to grow, are also the vanguards of the princes of the void to corrupt the infinite universe.

Dick knew who the power of this chaos came from, N’Zoth, the demon of dreams, one of the three ancient gods who survived the ancients. The body of that guy should be lurking in the deepest trench of the endless sea. Change should be the handwriting of Harves, the nightmare king under its command.

In Dick’s somewhat vague memory, Harves should be a wizard lord of the upper elves, madly worshiping the power of demons, and in an encounter, Malfurion united Krasus (yes, where All have this guy.) He was hit hard, and his dying body was thrown into the Well of Eternity. When he died, he was lucky enough to meet Sargeras, the dark Titan in another world.

Sargeras believed that Harves had contributed to the invasion of Azeroth by the devil, so he personally took action and bestowed him with magic power, transforming his dead body into the first and most powerful one in history. The satyr demon, Harves accepted the order of the new owner and returned to Azeroth to spread the curse of satyr.

But he accidentally captured Tyrande in an operation. Before the hapless guy could do anything to Tyrande, Malfurion, who was enraged, killed him and killed a druid. The cruel creation-the seed of the bloodthirsty oak tree, was planted in Harvey’s body, trying to kill him.

However, the power of the Dark Titan sheltered Harves, but his body was swallowed by the growing oak tree and turned into a tree. Later, after the big explosion in the Well of Eternity, Harves was blown into the sea. I don’t know. Is this guy lucky or unfortunate, he escaped death for the third time, and this time, he met the second master.

N’Zoth, the demon of dreams brought Harvis under his command and gave him the power to control dreams and nightmares. So this oak that was unwilling to fail and longing for revenge, in ten thousand years, went crazy toward the sea. In the direction of Mount Garr, his branches stretched out. In the end, he successfully reached the coast of Azshara and invaded the Emerald Dream with the help of the dreams of creatures.

This is the first half of Harvis’s Revenge, but something went wrong with Dick. Dick remembers this kind of event very clearly. Harves uses the world tree “Teldrassil” that has not yet been born at this point. Pulling most of the world’s creatures into the corrupted emerald dream, this big event happened 7 years later, that is to say, at this point in time, Harves’ conspiracy should not have been discovered yet.

Even Ysera, the king of dreams, should not be able to discover the existence of Harves, but now the Green Dragon Legion has been corroded in advance…Wait, that’s not right!

Dick’s footsteps stopped suddenly, and he suddenly realized a problem. He thought that his rescue of Garrod had actually changed history, but when you think about it, history is actually only when he, Garrod and Tyrande decide to save It was only at Ysera that the deflection really happened.

In history, for the second demon invasion, neither Jarod, Ysera nor the Guardian Dragon appeared. The first appearance of the Nightmare Dragon should be at the beginning of the game, at the end of the 24th year of the Dark Portal. At that time, four years had passed since the second demon war.

The appearance of the Four Nightmare Dragons is the second historical event in the game after the “Scourge Invasion”. It was also the first time the Guardian Dragon Legion appeared, and Ysera appeared later, and has reached the Dark Portal 27 In -28 years, the nightmare disaster was over. In order to thank the night elves for their efforts to expel the nightmare, she and the Red Dragon Queen planted the world tree for the night elves in the 22nd year of the Dark Portal. The “Teldrasil” that ruined the entire world blessed the Dragon King.

In other words, in the next 7 years, Ysera has not appeared, and there is not even a single word of news. Then can you think that Ysera has been imprisoned in the corrupted Emerald Dream for these 7 years? inner?

Even the druids who are most closely connected to the Emerald Dream can’t get the news, because since the end of the Demon War, the druids who fell asleep can no longer wake up, including even the most powerful Druids. Imafario-Stormrage!

In fact, according to Tyrande’s description, it has become quite obscure for the druids to enter and exit the Emerald Dream, which means that this world actually has problems very early! And the druids were busy with the invasion of the devil, and they didn’t find the Emerald Dream disease at all!

Having figured this out, Dick’s eyes suddenly opened up. Harves did not launch the “Nightmare Cataclysm” in the 27th year of the Dark Portal, but 20 years, or even earlier, from the Dark Portal that the demons invaded. Start to invade this world!

Reminiscent of a few years later, the completely abnormal activity of the Black Dragon Legion that has always been hidden, and the subsequent “Battle of Ahn’Qiraj”, the ancient god, the demon of Thousand Eyes, C’Thun, who inexplicably broke through the seal of Titan, And after the battle of the devil, the cult of worshiping the ancient gods-Twilight’s Hammer, which took root in the whole world, even the resurrection of the evil **** Hakkar, the sudden rise of the Amani troll, the frenzy of the elemental lord, the destruction The reappearance of the Dragon Deathwing and so on.

The more Dick thought about it, the more excited he became. He was in a daze, and he had already touched the root of the whole world in the next 20 years!

Those catastrophes, those chaos, there is only one black hand behind them!

It is Harves, the nightmare king who is hiding in the darkness of the Emerald Dream, planning to subvert the world. No, Harves is not enough, N’Zoth… This is in the game, even if the counterattack demon base camp is already in the world of Argus When the four ancient gods died, only one of them was left, the mysterious ancient **** who still did not show up, this conspirator hiding in the ocean.

Dick took a step back. He remembered the prototype of N’Zoth, Cthulhu, the most famous old ruler in the myth of Cthulhu, who was also an indescribable evil **** who tried to subvert the world.

“The old ruler…”

Dick murmured. When the fog hidden behind history was unraveled, even though he is not yet qualified to face the most powerful of the ancient gods, he already knew who his enemy was. ,that’s enough!

If Dick wants to turn the world and integrate the power of the world, he must try his best to avoid the catastrophes that cause the entire Azeroth to slowly lose blood. To avoid these catastrophes, it is necessary to confront N’Zoth and the ancient gods. , Even the demons and evil gods, instead of being killed by a dagger from the dark in the ignorance, even if he died, Dick also had to know whose hands he died.

“Then… After the Demon War is over, the main thing to focus on is… Twilight’s Hammer!”

Dick’s eyes narrowed slightly. This evil god-worshiping organization was active in the world even during the 35 years of the Dark Portal. Behind every catastrophe, there are more or less traces of this organization. It is difficult to eradicate it. , But Dick at least has a direction, in other words, he is no longer confused, no longer does not know where to start.

However, just as Dick reinvigorated his spirit and planned to step out of this dark forest, a faint and weird wave of power suddenly stopped Dick. He looked left and right, turned and walked back. After a dozen steps, he rushed to a dark withered tree.

Dick took out the engineering telescope from behind his waist and adjusted the resolution. A figure in a black robe appeared far away in his field of vision.

The Paladin took a close look at the black-robed man, and when he noticed the sickle-like staff on his back, Dick’s brows quickly frowned.

“Why is it him!”

————————————————– ————————————————– —

Brothers, take a wave of collections. . . It has been dropping these days. . . I was frightened to see it.

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