Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 121

Chapter 23 .Tu Di Mo

As mentioned in the previous article, the orcs are not native creatures of Azeroth. They originally lived in a world called Draenor. However, due to some inaccuracies, the second person in the Burning Legion, the Great Demon, and fraud , Kil’jaeden set his sights on these brave and combative orcs.

It first tempted Ner’zhul, the great shaman of the orc, and bestowed him with the power of mana. Then, through the hand of Ner’zhul’s disciple, the great warlock Gul’dan, the blood of the devil was distributed to those who desire to be stronger. Powerful orc chiefs and orc warriors.

This process is very complicated. The Great Demon is very patient. It slowly and imperceptibly changes the minds of the orcs until the entire Draenor is slaughtered by the crazy orcs. It lures the orcs and keeps their eyes open. On the rich Azeroth.

Ner’zhul finally betrayed the demon, and was captured. His soul was frozen in the ice. He was thrown into Azeroth and became the advance army of the Burning Legion in Azeroth, the Lich King and its undead Scourge. .

However, in the second orc war, the moment the orcs were closest to victory, Gul’dan suddenly disappeared with the Shadow Council. The orcs soon ushered in defeat. This defeat was a complete defeat. After the war, they were imprisoned in the east. In asylums all over the mainland, here, they suffered from a mysterious disease, “toxemia.”

This is not so much a disease as the curse of the blood of the devil. The orcs are weakened and weakened in spirit. They are ashamed, like a walking dead, just like a drug addict who has lost drugs.

Thrall took the Warsong clan to liberate a part of the orcs and took them to Kalimdor, preparing to build a new homeland, but to be honest, if the toxemia problem cannot be solved, the orcs will not be able to establish a real country.

There is only one way to completely solve toxemia!

That is to kill the demon who gave blood to the orcs!

Now they found this demon, Malonos the Destroyer, the leader of the Abyss Lord. Gul’dan got its blood back then. The blood containing the desire for destruction and destruction was among the first beasts that drank the blood of the devil. The flow in people’s blood vessels causes toxemia!

But to be honest, if the blood of the saboteurs gave the orcs such a strong force at the beginning, they would have no way to cholera most of the Eastern Continent. This is based on the physical fitness of Thrall and Varok and Grom. You can see it.

100 wolf cavalry were walking quietly in the dense forest. Not far away were the Paladins led by Herod and Dalyan. After the wolf cavalry solved the patrolling demons, the Paladins and the expeditionary army were riding on their horses. The soldiers will rush into the Flaming Blade Canyon, and there will be young green dragons flying in the sky. Their task is to create chaos.

Some of the watchmen who have recovered, under the leadership of Melin and Mirana, have already dived in the shadows and dived into the canyon. These female wolves in the shadows will assassinate as many as possible before the battle begins. Those demon commanders, after the battle began, the demons here were in a mess, and they could not be allowed to effectively reinforce Malonos.

The elven sentries came uninvited, probably accepting orders from the upper level, but Dick has not dealt with these guys. The huntress and the elven archers are hidden in the jungle. These guys are worthy of the children of the forest, when they were hidden. At that time, even Dick didn’t pay attention and couldn’t distinguish them from the woods.

The three heroes of the orcs, the sentry commander and Dick and others who were invited to come are waiting in full battle, ready to rush into the Flaming Blade Canyon, and carry out the “decapitate” battle against Malonos!

Dick also has his own selfish motives. The Blaze Blade Canyon is located in his war zone, like a malignant tumor. If left alone, it will definitely cause very troublesome consequences. This time, he will use the forces of the orcs and elves to eradicate the fire in one fell swoop. Demon of Blade Canyon.

Everyone was waiting. Dick’s fingers were beating back and forth on the hammer handle of the fire of justice with his eyes closed. Thrall, who was sitting beside him, was also a little nervous. Grom, who was not far away, was walking anxiously. Varok used a beastbone dagger to cut a small piece of wood.

The soldiers quietly cultivated in their own way. The atmosphere before the war had gathered. The birds and beasts in the forest fled this area that was shrouded in slaughter. It is foreseeable that a crazy fight is about to begin.


The purple fireworks from the depths of the Flaming Blade Canyon rushed straight into the sky. That was the signal that the watchers succeeded. The demon commander has been cleaned up. For these assassins hiding in the shadows, it will not disturb others. Under circumstances, assassinating the target is simply the most basic technique.


Dick’s eyes opened and he turned on his horse. Other heroes also mounted their mounts. Erigore flicked the flag. In the wind, the fist flag of the Silver Hand and Stratholme’s warhammer flag fluttered high.

Putting on the helmet and grabbing the dragon spear, Dick didn’t say anything. He just raised the dragon spear in his hand high. All the knights and sergeants were quickly challenging their positions. The dragon spear in Dick’s hand turned towards Falling down, a dry leaf just flew in front of Dick.

The yellow leaves whirled down from the wind, and the sharp dragon spear pierced the air, blowing the free fallen leaves to one side. After the fallen leaves, the war horses collapsed and the ground quivered, causing more yellow fallen leaves from the top of the tree After falling, when the tough-faced knights urged their horses and began to charge, the fallen leaves were blown to the ground by the wind, and under the trampling of the horses’ hoofs, they merged with the ground of Ashenvale.

Falling leaves return to the roots of longing, but longing does not belong to today’s battlefield. Because the warriors who set foot on the battlefield don’t need that weak thing.

Looking down from the sky, a little bit of gold formed a triangular arrow in the galloping paladin cluster. They broke through the densely packed demons. Behind them, the free attacking wolf cavalry and elf huntresses ripped the knights apart. The line of defense is slowly expanding.

The shadow of the dragon flies over the heads of the warriors who have stepped into the battlefield. With every breath, they can disperse a large group of demons. Once the demons gathered together are dispelled, they can only be knocked down and trampled by the knights. On the ground that has been stained red.

Just a carefully prepared wave of charges, the first third of the Fire Blade Canyon has been penetrated, Dick knocked down several demons in a row, turned a somewhat curved dragon spear and threw it on the ground, amidst the flames and hustle and bustle of the battlefield. , Turned around and shouted to Erigore,

“Erigor, I’m giving you this place! This time, I want to disperse the demons here!”

The middle-aged knight grabbed his spear and nodded to Dick. Holding the silver spear high, he pierced the head of a demon hound and threw it away.

“Knights, come with me!”

Leaving the shouts and roars of the battlefield behind him, Dick left the knight group alone, followed Thrall and the others, and headed towards the depths of the Flaming Blade Canyon.

Grom rides on his giant wolf, brandishing a blood-red battle axe with one hand and Gorehowl, opening the way for the heroes behind him. For warriors like him who have stepped into the advanced realm of samurai, low-level demons It’s not a threat at all.

Often a blood-red light flashed, and the demons in front of them fell down a row.

Stepping into the lord, you have already begun to comprehend the mystery of energy attacks, but for a pure hand-to-hand combat profession like warriors, what they comprehend is an advanced technique called “anger control”, and they use their body’s emotions skillfully. To increase their combat effectiveness, heroes like Grom and Varok have reached an extremely astonishing level of control over their own power.

Just like Grom now, every axe thrown does not touch the bodies of the demons at all, but the air struck by the battle axe, under the control of a huge force, forms a sharp compressed air blade, which is not lethal. Weaker than the real blade.

This method made Dick amazed, which was no different from the “sword spirit” in his memory.

All the way to the impact, everyone rushed into the deepest depression of the Burning Blade Canyon at the fastest speed. This was originally a lush canyon woodland, but now it has been completely destroyed by the dark green evil fire and the smell of demons.

All the green color disappeared. When Dick stepped into this depression, the ground under his feet was not like the ground that the forest should have, but rather like the yellow ground and the cracked ground in the memory, gradually turning into the desert. , Make Dick shocking!

The life of this land is being quickly extracted! And the source of all is the giant monster in front of you that is being pinned down by the watchers!

It’s like the Abyss Lord that Dick had seen on Quel’Danas Island, but the body in front of him was three times larger than the original one, and it was as huge as Tyral with fully extended wings. The dragon-shaped body was like Like being soaked in green magma, even after hundreds of years, Dick could smell the rich smell of sulfur.

This demon just straightened his body, his ugly inverted triangular head, and he was close to the top of the canyon. Every time his heavy body moved, it would shake the ground. This demon weighed more than tens of tons. He had a double-headed halberd in his hand. , Every time he waved it, it would leave a dark green flame trace in the air, like driving away a fly, driving the watchmen jumping back and forth in the air.

The length of the war halberd made Dick’s eyes shrink. The giant sculpture at the gate of Stormwind seemed a bit too big, and the paladin also noticed the dark green demon roaring in anger. On the chest of his upper body, there was a large piece of blood oozing, blackened wound, and the scales around the wound were shattered, which looked extremely miserable.

This should be Tylar, the Dragon of Nightmare, a “souvenir” for Malonos.

Malonos, the destroyer, the leader of the abyss lord, Archimonde’s right-hand man, apart from Archimonde who had seen him from a distance, this was the first time Dick faced the demon’s super-strong fighting power.

Just looking at it, Dick felt that his spirit had been hit by an invisible heavy hammer. He couldn’t help but stepped back. His heart was very stuffy. He wanted to vomit, but he couldn’t vomit. a feeling of!

Mental coercion! The instinctive erosion of non-ordered creatures on orderly creatures! The high-level forces essentially oppress the low-level forces!

This demon, this is definitely a true epic hero! Unlike Arthas’s inferior product that has reached the edge of an epic hero with the help of a magic weapon, Malonos is definitely a super demon who has truly mastered the essence of power!

But just when Dick was stunned, the three heroes of the orcs and the elf assassin named “Barnes” of the sentinel had already fought with Malonos. The guards who were in charge of containment took this opportunity to jump. Into the shadows, begin preparations for assassination in battle.

After Grom trembling body, an axe slashed on the devil’s front hoof, and tore a hideous wound, Mannoroth roared and activated the Abyss Lord’s talent skills.

Dick saw it once, and the meteorite fell!

The howling, red-hot meteorite fell from the sky and hit the people in the depression.

Thrall held the Doomhammer high, and used blue-violet lightning in the sky to build a dense network of thunder and lightning in the sky as he did when he attacked Tylar, and he madly attacked the meteorite. Every time he touched it, he would The meteorite shattered into a small piece, and when Thrall fired his fifth lightning, he finally smashed the meteorite completely!

But the small stones that fell from the sky completely covered this area, like an indiscriminate full-cover blow, smashing the originally miserable ground, and even more pitted apocalyptic scenes.

With lightning flying and falling meteorites as a sign, this great battle known as the “slaughter of demons” against the siege of the abyss lord has officially kicked off!

————————————————– ——————————————-

I have seen everyone’s opinions, but there really is no such thing as Dick’s slow improvement in strength… He only took a year to complete the journey of other paladins that took more than ten years or even decades. slow. And the reason why everyone thinks he is playing soy sauce is just because the famous and surnamed guys who played in the Holy War of Mount Hyjal are too UG. It can be said that the Battle of Seamounts is almost all the top of the Dark Portal 20 years ago. The great concentration of combat power is the last battle at the end of the old era. Look at the people who played in this battle. The weakest are Jaina, heroes like Thrall, and finally the great demon Archimonde. The guy comes on stage.

So, if there is no comparison, there will be no harm If Dick can punch Thrall and kick Tyrande here, then there is no need to write so twists and turns in the subsequent plot, just go all the way. That’s it, don’t you think?

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