Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 124

Chapter 26 .Hero’s End

On the third day after the end of the Battle of Demons, Dick woke up from his deep sleep.

He was lying on the bed in the command room, but his consciousness remained on the battlefield of killing the demon. As soon as his eyes opened, the whole person jumped out of the bed. As a result, he was sore and weak, and his body was overwhelmed with pain. With the scream of sorrow, Dick jumped into the air, and then fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassing form.


With a muffled sound, Dick rubbed his head and got up from the ground.

The chest, abdomen, legs, and the whole body, except the left arm is not painful, almost nothing is normal. It is tingling, just like the feeling after being burned.

The Paladin moved his body to the chair with difficulty, opened the drawer, took out the Archmage’s pipe, inhaled the air-conditioning, and held it in his mouth.

“Wisdom is priceless!”

The whisper was spoken, and the empty ebony pipe appeared full of tobacco leaves, and then it ignited automatically.


The white smoke enveloped Dick’s face, he leaned on the chair, put his other hand in front of his eyes, and a familiar number jumped into his eyes.

“Dick Don”


“23 years old, male, healthy”

“Strength), Agility), Energy), Holy Power

“Professional template: Paladin-when the opponent is a non-order creature, the damage is increased by 100%”

“Lord Template: Stratholme. Follower-Elite Paladin Liadrin”

Evaluation: The power of the dragon has been activated. Although it is an elementary blessing, you may have a nickname called “Dragon Knight” in the future? ”

Dick’s eyes widened. The dragon’s power of “all attributes +30” was the reward for saving the Green Dragon Queen and Eranikus last time. It was personally blessed by Eranikus, who had recovered his sanity. The blessing given to Dick is said to be opened after it is fully fitted with the body. So Dick is not curious.

What really surprised him was that his true energy value, that is, endurance and life, doubled strangely!

“What’s the situation? Is the plug-in I recharged finally activated?”

Dick muttered to himself and clenched his fists, feeling the blood flowing in his body. Unsurprisingly, whether it was the toughness of the body or the viscosity of the blood, it had improved a lot, which meant that Dick’s Fighting ability and healing ability have been improved a lot.

Although it wouldn’t be doubled out of thin air like a number, this “surprise joy” still made Dick’s face serious.

The inexplicable increase in strength is not simply a good thing, especially in the wonderful world of Azeroth, there are many ways to make a person’s strength several times out of thin air, but without exception, it is fatal. Happening.

“Anvina, do you know… what happened after I was in a coma?”

Dick put his finger on the handle of the holy hammer on the weapon rack by the table, and the weak voice of Lori came into Dick’s mind.

“Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! People don’t want to care about you! So uncomfortable…”

“what’s happenin?”

Dick frowned and asked. He noticed that the light on the holy hammer had also become thinner, which made him a little worried. In the perilous demon battlefield, the “Holy Light Out of the Sheath” provided by the fire of justice for free was missing. , Dick’s combat effectiveness will be reduced by at least one-fifth out of thin air.

Although he usually spoils Anwina and tries his best not to disturb the dormancy of the sun spirit, little Lori can’t do anything about this kind of life-related matter.

“Oh! I don’t know… I just feel that I’m getting closer and better with the Holy Hammer! It may take a while to truly connect myself with the Holy Hammer, it’s so uncomfortable! Idiot, waiting for others to complete With this connection, your holy hammer can become bigger and smaller !”


Dick rubbed the corners of his eyebrows. This feature was completely unattractive.

“Except for getting bigger and smaller? Are there no other functions? For example, it can triple my combat effectiveness…”


Anwina’s roar shook back and forth in Dick’s mind, and the Paladin covered her ears, but there was no use for eggs, so she could only grit her teeth and convince her to lose.

“Alright! Your state has already affected the Holy Hammer… How long will it take you? Also, what happened after telling me that I was in a coma?”

“People don’t know how long it will take! And they don’t want to talk now, it’s so uncomfortable!”


“Idiot! Go and see for yourself!”

Accompanied by Anvina’s painful whimper, a weak force was transmitted from the handle of the holy hammer. Dick did not resist. When his eyes went dark, he felt that he had entered an illusion from a third-party perspective.

In front of him, Grom’s weak body was falling from the head of the Abyss Lord, his blood-red battle axe was left on the skull of Malonos which had been chopped off, and the hot dark green blood was on his red-stained body. The upper exploded continuously, and the Orc Sword Saint finally fell helplessly onto the dusty battlefield.

At this time, a staggered figure rushed to the body and swelled three times, watching Malonos, who was about to explode, with two hands on the body of the abyss lord, and then there was a chilling buffalo drinking water. the sound of.


In this rhythmic sound of liquid flow, Malonos’s swelling body calmed down strangely, and with the passage of time, it had lost its vital body and was still shrinking further, eventually reaching ten After a few minutes of sucking, Malonos’ body disappeared, and what remained in place was a huge pair of bones and an ugly skull that was chopped off by an axe.

The blood-red battle axe stayed straight on the top of the skull.

The blood-red vines were separated from the tops of the ten fingers. Among the white bones, the roots spread as if they were pulled out, shocking and dense.

In the end, the shaky figure retracted his hands, and the slender blood-red branches, like a flowing snake, retracted into his fingertips.

The figure turned his body, lowered his head, walked two steps forward, and then fell to the ground with one head. Before he fell, his face flickered in front of the grim-faced Dick’s eyes, and the whole environment changed. It became darkness and then disappeared.

The paladin’s fist squeaked, and he bit his pipe and squeezed out two words between his teeth.

“Deer Helmet…Bloody Oak…Fuck!”

————————————————– ——————————-

“Clang ”

The deep bell sounded in the depths of the completely cleared Flaming Blade Canyon in three days.

Thirty wolf cavalry in traditional costumes stood not far away, singing the ballads of the Warsong clan. 10 heavily armed Paladins walked on both sides, carrying heavy sarcophagi. Dick was wearing a black dress and standing beside him. The eldest lady and Liadrin in a black dress were standing behind them with solemn expressions of Errigal and Dalyan.

Herod, the strongest body, was naked, holding the white skull left by the Abyss Lord on his shoulders, and walking in front of the sarcophagus.

Even the elves, rarely sent a few messengers, they came from Mount Hyjal, and brought Tyrande, Malfurion and Jarod’s condolences.

Thrall and Varok were still wrapped in heavy bandages, but two orcs, each with a shovel, silently leveled the cemetery that had already been dug.

The meticulously carved stone stele by the dwarves of the First Expeditionary Corps was placed in front of the cemetery. It was a black stele with the hero’s life deeds and prayers written for him by Thrall.

“Here lies Grom Hellscream,

The chief of the Warsong clan.

The beginning and end of our nation’s curse are closely related to it.

The meaning of his name in our old saying is “the heart of a giant”,

He is worthy of the name!

His giant body stood in front of Malonos like an iron tower, using his blood to win freedom and glory for us. Salute to you!

My brother, may the war song never die. ?”

This was also the prayer that Thrall, with red eyes, uttered sadly before the sarcophagus was covered with soil.

This is probably the first time that the commanders of the First Expeditionary Army participated in the funeral of an orc, but at this moment, in this so solemn and suffocating scene, no one expressed their disdain and hatred. No one stared at those tall orcs with hatred.

Perhaps after today, they will meet on the battlefield and will desperately chop weapons into each other’s body, but at least at this moment, Grom used his own sacrifice to open a path of peace for the two races of blood and blood.

All soldiers, all veterans, worship heroes, and this era of chaos will require such heroes, more than ever before, the appearance of heroes!

The sarcophagus was covered with soil. Everyone stepped forward in order and placed the white flowers in their hands on the black stone monument. The orcs put their daggers and daggers in the tomb. This is to bless their chiefs and their brothers. After arriving in another world, there will be no shortage of weapons to kill the enemy.

This is a glorious tradition.

Dick stepped forward. He untied his Grand Crusader Sword from his waist, bent over and placed it in the pile of weapons, placing his left hand on his chest.

“I wish you a good journey, my comrade-in-arms, my brother!”

Seeing Dick’s actions, Thrall didn’t stop him. Dick had this right. Although no one knew what happened at the end of that day, but the last Thrall who fainted was sure that Dick inspired Grom. His courage, otherwise, with the state of the orc sword saint at the time, it would be impossible to complete that incredible counter-kill.

“Wait, Dick!”

Thrall stopped Dick, who turned around and saw that the warchief had taken the blood-red axe from Varok with dark green blood stains on it.

This is a pure black heavy battle axe, even from the eyes of the most critical dwarves, this is a nearly perfect weapon, cruel and wild, ferocious and strength, all the qualities that belong to the warrior. On this weapon, all the traces it deserves can be found.

The barb-shaped thick axe blade and the animal bone spurs on the back of the battle axe make this weapon full of barbaric style. The black animal skin is cut into strips and wrapped around the axe handle. Let this weapon have a kind of restrained demeanor.

Dick looked at Thrall in a puzzled way, watching him hand the tomahawk that belonged to Grom to his eyes.

“Accept it, Dick, at Grom… at the last moment of my brother’s life, he passed it to you, he said, I hope you will give it to its next owner, this tomahawk is called…”

“It’s called Gorehowl, a weapon passed down by the Hellscream family for thousands of years, the symbol of the Warsong clan, the hand of the patriarch!”

Dick interrupted Thrall, and he looked at the orc warchief seriously.

“Is this kind of weapon with such obvious symbolism really appropriate to give me a human being?”

Thrall’s unsightly face squeezed an ugly smile, and his blue eyes were full of sadness.

“The new country of the orcs, the new home has been established, that world, the world that left us with tragic memories, has no meaning, we can’t go back, I will give it to you, hoping to become an orc A memorial of Ramo’s peace.”

Dick took a deep breath. Facing this legendary weapon, which man would not like, his hand trembled a little, but in the end he stretched out and grasped Gorehowl’s axe handle.

He even felt that the battle axe trembled at this moment, seeming to be resisting, but it quickly became quiet again.

“Don’t worry, Thrall, I know what Grom meant, and I will find its true owner for it!”

Dick held the battle axe in his hand, feeling the heavy, wild and **** rushing towards his face, he narrowed his eyes.

“In the name of a Paladin! I swear, I will make its owner worthy of it!”

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