Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 134

Chapter 36 .Battle of Mount Hyjal-A Game of the Bra

“The Holy Light is out of the sheath! Cut!”

Like the last time, Dick grabbed his right hand on Lord Delia Serra’s dragon horn, and when the green dragon flew sideways over a passing dread monster, his left hand slashed down with **** diagonally.

The brilliant sword of light jumped out of the sword of Dick, and a sword pierced the wings of the dread demon with its teeth and claws. This flying demon has not yet reached the point where it can stay in the air by magic, so after its wings are pierced, it Whining, helplessly flapping the wings that had lost control, spiraling from the sky and falling into the black demon sea below.

It’s not deadly, but the frantic demons below will help him do the next thing.

A dozen other “passengers” used their own means to fix their bodies on the broad back of the green dragon. The four warlocks condensed black chains from their palms and hung them on the bone spurs of Delia Sera’s body. The druids The easiest, in the state of the storm crow, they can easily follow the green dragon. Commander Barnes seems to be a good player. Although there is no fixed object, no matter how the green dragon shakes or rotates, his The body seemed to be flat, standing firmly on the dragon’s back.

The most surprising thing is the watchmen. Melin didn’t know what kind of thinking she was in. She brought Mirana and the watchman named Marais tightly to Dick’s side, although these iceberg roses often Not seen all day, but with them by his side, Dick felt relieved.

Flying over the battlefield of demons by a giant dragon is a very risky thing. The battle on the earth is fierce, and it is never easy in mid-air. Gargoyles and mephits are everywhere, and occasionally there are one or two cunning dread demons. After all, Lord Delia Serra was only an adult green dragon, not a powerful emerald dragon. When facing the dense enemy, he broke through two lines of air defense. The green dragon’s body was already deployed. Full of scars.

This is still in the case of Dick and a group of lords desperately saving!

Before the quality reaches a certain level, quantity is always an important factor in determining the situation of the battle.

“Hold on! Delia Sera, there are still 150 meters!”

Dick lay on top of Ms. Green Dragon’s head and shouted at her. The Green Dragon opened his mouth and responded with difficulty.

“I know! I can see that demon… it’s right there… be careful!”

Before Ms. Green Dragon’s words were finished, her yellow dragon pupils suddenly enlarged, her huge wings quickly closed, and her whole body spun in the air.

The next moment, a large group of black and ink shadow **** smashed from somewhere below, wiping the green dragon’s body dangerously and dangerously and flew into the high air. A druid master couldn’t dodge, and the front was shadowed. The ball hits and wailing falls to the ground from high altitude.

But there was no time for everyone to feel sad, because when Dick recovered from the short-term dizziness, Delia Sela, who uttered painful cries after another, was like a kite with a broken thread, rolling diagonally. Fell down.

Dick looked back and saw that Ms. Green Dragon’s abdomen was cut with a burnt black wound by the shadow ball, which almost penetrated her entire body, but even with this kind of injury, Ms. Green Dragon still struggled The body was arched, and the crowd was shielded with wings. Dick, Barnes and others went black before their eyes, and then there was a violent impact.


Ms. Green Dragon’s body length is nearly 30 meters, and she formed a ball on her own. She fell to the ground from an altitude of several thousand meters. This blow was definitely stronger than the meteor landing. A large depression appeared on the ground. The demons within more than ten meters around were all smashed into meat sauce.


But with just this kind of attack, there was absolutely no way to stop the demons coming from all directions. The green dragon endured the pain of being swallowed and bitten by the demons and pierced by a weapon, like a powerful war elephant, after falling to the ground. , Will still be torn to bones by the humble marching ants.

Delia Serra is not a war elephant, and the devil is not a marching ant. Just 3 seconds after landing, Ms. Green Dragon’s left wing was abruptly torn from her body!


In the intense pain, Delia Sera’s yellow dragon eyes flashed with determination. She swept away with the dragon tail, like a bat that had hit the ball, and threw everyone who was protected by her high. , Threw it in the direction of the tall khaki demon in the distance.

“Go to **** with me!!”

Dick’s body in the air turned back with difficulty. When he was thrown out, he saw the determination in Ms. Green Dragon’s eyes. Sure enough, at the moment he looked back, a huge energy impact came from behind, like It was like a nuclear bomb was detonated!

After the roar of the angry dragon, that is the horror of flesh and blood, that is the final blow with life! An adult dragon shattered the dragon’s heart, detonating the power of the whole body, and instantly cleared the surrounding battlefield for hundreds of meters. This blow at least took the lives of nearly 10,000 demons! They also sent Dick everyone into the ground only tens of meters away from the doom lord Kazloga by means of air waves.

But Dick definitely doesn’t want to get here in this way!

Although he also knows that the green dragon is born with two lives. After losing his body, Lord Delia Serra can still live in the Emerald Dream in the form of a dream, but this still can’t change the paladin’s witness. The comrades who talked together, the anger of such a tragic death in front of him.

The watchmen jumped into the shadows the moment they landed, and the druids completed their transformation in mid-air. They didn’t even have time to pay tribute to the heroic green dragon, while the four warlocks were a little at a loss, they did. They are powerful half-heroes, but they have been walking in the dark for most of their lives, have they ever seen such a great sacrifice?

Just to protect my comrades in order to reach their destination faster, can they choose to sacrifice their precious lives?

The behavior of the noble will give endless encouragement to the latecomers, even if it is death, the world will remember them forever!

Dick took off the crooked helmet without saying a word, threw it aside, grabbed the battle axe, turned and strode towards the Doomlord Kazloga sitting on the bone throne, and the Watcher was hidden. In his shadow, the druids who descended from the sky chose their respective battle locations. Everyone knew that in this situation of sending them to death, they had no choice but to fight to the end.

Demon, this was originally an unusually chaotic race, but the Burning Legion was an exception, probably because even after the fall of the Dark Titan Sargeras, there was a persistent order in his bones, so in the Burning Legion, Except for those demons who are naturally fond of conspiracy and tricks, other demons follow the strong and weak points abnormally.

At least around the lord of the doomsday, even in the case of an enemy invasion, before the answer of the lord of the doomsday, no demon dared to cross that invisible boundary.

In fact, the arrogant doomsday lord Kazloga didn’t think that he would need the power of those incompetent wastes!

Doomsday lord, this is a very powerful kind of the complex types of demons in the Burning Legion. This can be seen from their names. This type of demons generally have huge bodies, and their skin is ochre or blood red. , Of course, there are also rare dark purples, their power is not as powerful as the reptile-like abyss lord, the magical power is not as good as the Eredar Demon, and even the flexibility is not as good as the Blade Demon and the Dread Demon.

But one thing is that all the abilities of the Doomsday Lord are the most balanced among all high-level demons.

This also means that although the doom lords have obvious advantages, it is difficult to find their shortcomings when fighting, which is a difficult opponent to deal with.

Especially the Doomlord Kazloga, who has left a name in history, is even more difficult to deal with, although Dick knows that because of his reason, the Doomsday Lord Kazzak, who should have participated in the Holy War on Mount Hyjal, is absent. Yes, but the demon Kazloga is equally difficult to deal with.

But what about it?

“No one can retreat all over after hurting my companion!”

Dick went from fast walking to running, getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a high-speed advancing like a charge. His eyes burst with anger, driven by emotions, even without the strong blessings of the Holy Avenger. , But this time Dick did not use his will to suppress the **** oak agitation in his body.

“Let’s grow, grow! Give me stronger strength!”

“Hahaha, fragile bug, you will die here just like the sad dragon! So dance as much as you want and let me see your despair!!”

The doom lord who stood up from the bone throne tore open the void with his thick hands, and drew a black-red door giant sword from it, and rushed forward two steps. On the hard ground, dense cracks, dark green flames and dark green flames appeared. The magma rushed out from the cracks, rendering the battlefield like a black hell.

Dick leaped high, holding the golden blazing battle axe in his hand, and the sharp holy light spread rapidly on the wild axe blades, and finally formed a unique arc-shaped battle axe with a round blade, in the shadow of his leaping. , Two slender figures sprang out from the left and the other right. Accompanied by the harsh sound of the chain stretching, the two chains secretly made by the watchman were wrapped around Katzgalo’s arm.

Mirana and Marai landed on the ground one by one, running quickly to each other, their chains stretched straight!

The watchmen are definitely not good at power, but this time, they are no longer alone rangers. The four-headed druid-incarnation reindeer quickly rushed out from both sides, and when they got close to the watchmen, the green transfiguration gleamed lightly. After falling apart, the huge brown bear man with iron temples stood up, ripped the chain with his claws, and retreated madly.

And the druids who transformed into owl beasts are also using the power of the stars to summon meteors or starlight to interfere with the attacks of the doom lord.

Wilfred and Pejuka among the four warlocks also used the “demon-bound” shadow chains that the warlocks are good at, and locked them to Kazloga’s neck and the left hand holding the great sword. Arm.

The orc warlock Letzin held a bone staff in his hand, one curse after one curse was thrown on Kazloga’s body, constantly weakening its power, and the head of the four warlocks, the human Kanrethad, touched it from his arms. Two dark secret shackles with a dark luster flowing on the surface and a magician magic book made of unknown leather came out. There was a word in the mouth, and a black energy storm surrounded the warlock’s body.

He is ready to restrain the devil!

With the help of these new forces, the sword that Kazloga was going to slash on Dick’s head was changed abruptly and landed on Dick’s side. A terrifying crack was in the force of the force. The bottom appeared, flying sand and rocks spreading forward, but the Paladin didn’t even notice the blow that broke the ground.

His body is flying in the air, but there is still a bit of it from the head of the lord of the doomsday, which is 10 meters high, and he is about to fall. The last watchman, Mai Lin’s body is in the shimmering white light, and the knife wheel in his hand touches it. Holds Dick’s toes and pushes upwards fiercely!

The Paladin jumped twice, and the sharp battle axe in his hand finally slashed into Kazloga’s head in his roar. The giant light flail waved with his left hand accurately hit Kazloga’s. In the head, in anger, it seemed that even the power of order in his left arm was boiling, and his left eye exploded abruptly in the hot feeling!

And the right arm of Ms. Maiev, the strongest watcher, the elite watcher Mailin-Bladewing, this female elf like a leopard, even with the help of this reverse thrust, used the knife wheel in her hand to slash the lord of the doomsday. In the abdomen, at the moment when he was stuck in the air, all 12 poison extraction daggers were pierced under the hard demon skin of Khazroga.

“Trash its legs!”

The figure of the sentinel commander, Moonblade Assassin Barnes, and several druids transformed into Nightsaber appeared on the left leg of the doom lord, in the shining figure of Barnes, green blood Kaszroga was full of confidence in flying with the minced meat, but he did not expect it to fall into an absolute disadvantage just at the moment of the battle.

It’s just that everyone knows that this kind of offensive is really far from enough in the face of a high-level demon whose vitality is strong enough to make people ridiculous!

36. Battle of Mount Hyjal-Fallen Leaves in the Wind Reappear

Throughout history, many strong people, whether they are the righteous or the evil, have suffered from carelessness.

Of course, if you can crush the ant in front of you with one hand, you won’t be too vigilant about the ant before being bitten by the ant. Kazloga is in this predicament now, and it Even worse, this powerful high-level demon commander was not only bitten by an ant, but also blinded by a ferocious ant with one eye and one leg.

Everything happened in a blink of an eye. When Dick fell from the top of the demon’s head with a battle axe to the ground, the Doomsday Lord discovered his awful situation. His two arms were tightly entangled by the watchman’s secret chain. The huge power of the druids on the left and right is not a joke together, so that Kazroc can’t even counterattack in an instant, and the hamstring of his left leg will be cut by those despicable sneakers, but This guy did not lose sight of being able to leave his own name in history. He endured the pain and launched a counterattack despite all the disadvantages.

“Ah! Pain! This fierce pain!”

“War trampled!”


Kazloga raised his right leg, and the hoof like a sheep’s hoof was chopped on the ground fiercely. This blow was not pure physical strength. The high-level demon also used the magical energy in the body, so this blow was The power was amazing. In the semicircle where its right hoof fell, the ground was shattered, and circles of storm-like vigor mixed with green, spewing mana, covered almost half of the battlefield at this moment.

Dick, who had just landed, was hit head-on by this green wave of air unsuspectingly, and he flew upside down.

This blow not only forced Barnes and others to retreat temporarily, but also burned the tightening chains on the side of Mira the Watcher. In fact, if it weren’t for the dwarf warlock Wilfred and the female undead Pejuka had been using Shadow The chain fettered Kazloga’s arm, and the red and black epee in its left hand must have slashed on the watchmen and druids who had nowhere to dodge.

But the effect of this blow was more than that. When Kazloga recovered most of his mobility, it was the attackers’ turn to be unlucky. With a wave of the other hand of the Doomsday Lord, more than a dozen green lights flew out of its palm. The ugly demon walked forward with a grin. Although the form of limping makes people laugh, Those attackers who were hit by the green light ball, this ridiculous posture was not funny at all.

Because they can’t act!

Those light groups thrown by the doomsday lord are completely non-aggressive! There was no harm at all, it was a devil’s spell, “crippling spell”, the housekeeping skills of the doomsday lord!

The nerves of both legs of the guy who was hit seemed to have been cut off. Standing in place, he could only move to the sides with difficulty, facing the shadow ball thrown by the doomsday lord and the heavy sword that was smashed by the head, these guys in addition to confrontation. Besides, there is no other way to deal with it.

But to be honest, are the spells and attacks of a heroic devil so resistant?

“Don’t get in my way, bug!”


Cut down with the heavy sword and transformed into a giant bear with iron mane, in this strongest defensive state, he was still slashed with a sword by the mad doom lord, although the thick fur and the weakening spells continuously blessed by the warlocks, Let them stay alive, but continue to fight, absolutely no need to think about it.

Although the three watchmen have moved as quickly as possible to save people, after Kazloga’s three attacks, the warriors who came with Dick were still reduced by nearly a quarter!

The real brave game, only those guys who are lucky enough can survive to the end!

Dick’s luck wasn’t good either, because Katzloga clearly came towards him. Demon creatures are very vengeful. Dick smashed his left eye. It was just this behavior. It’s enough for the Doomsday Lord to be his number one goal!

In other words, Dick has now firmly held back the hatred of the Doomsday Lord. With just one blow, Dick has caused such a considerable effect. Dick is absolutely qualified to be called the “mocking face”. The supreme glory of an MT!

“You! That’s you! Kazloga sentenced you to death!”

The devil held the blood black giant sword in his hands with both hands, the blade raised a dangerous angle in the air, and then cut through the air, pulling out a deadly arc in the air!

“Vicious Cleave!”

Where this arc goes, the air, the ground, and everything is divided into two. Dick blocked the battle axe in front of him, and he could clearly see the blood-black giant sword, the name The faint green attached to the blade of the long sword of “Blade of Disaster” is the blade of mana. The principle is the same as that of the blade of holy light that he had gathered on the blade of Gorehowl, but it is more destructive!

Dick kicked the druid lying next to him, and then clenched his left hand into a fist. The golden fist phantom appeared on his head, and then the shield-shaped brilliance and the light of the crossed blades surged over his head. Like golden crowns.

Blessing of strength, protection aura, punishment aura!

break out!

Dick, who had reached the pinnacle of the lord again, faced the whirring sound of the giant sword from the door, his hair was blown, but his vision contained determination.

Fear and cowardice cannot change the outcome of this blow! So why should you be afraid? Why are you still cowardly?

“Come on! See who is better!”

The roaring paladin took the initiative to rush up to meet the giant sword, Gorehowl was swung behind him, and then cut out with the power of the whole body!


A white sonic cloud appeared at the place where the great sword and the battle axe intersected, and the air was shattered, breaking open in all directions like broken glass. At this moment, Barnes and Watchman appeared beside Kazloga. The people, as well as the druids, watched the giant sword and battle axe in amazement and paused for nearly a second, and then saw the shining Dick, like a baseball, swept away!

In most cases, courage cannot change the huge power gap, but courage can do many things, such as boosting morale!

“Wilfred, Pejuka! Bind it to me! Letzine, strengthen and weaken! I’m going to go!”

Kanrisad was holding the dark secret shackles, and the black shadows gathered behind him into a pair of black wings. His original vicissitudes face was also shrouded in black light. This half-hero warlock keenly discovered something wrong with the Lord of Doom. After cutting off Dick, its huge body actually stagnated there.

Mai Lin saw it more clearly. The elf’s natural vision and the hunter’s keen perception made her see Kazloga’s trembling hands and the palms of the bloodstained cracked debut at a glance!

The watchman’s eyes widened! Dick, that human actually did it!

The mere lord, actually hurt a powerful demon hero like Kazloga! What exactly is going on?

The answer is simple. The first-level punishment aura will cause 20% of the light burn damage to the attacker. Dick used this aura on the battlefield in the past. A huge number of attackers frantically attacked, and they often lost their lives. Faster, this is the first time that Dick has turned on this halo when facing a hero-level opponent!

The effect is huge!

How strong is Kazloga’s full blow?

No one knows, but just from the ground that was cut apart, the smooth abyss-like cracks can be seen. This blow is absolutely shocking!

What about the 20% anti-injury?

It may not be a threat to Kazloga’s body, but it is absolutely okay to let it fall into a state where it can’t fight back!

This blow is equivalent to Kazloga slashing himself! The pain is beyond words.

Kanrezad used this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to throw the dark secret shackles in his hand to Kazloga. This kind of magical treasure developed by warlocks specifically to imprison demons will grow into the wind the moment it is thrown out. It seemed to become huge, and finally it was accurately slapped on the wrist of the doomsday lord!

The three warlocks also increased their restraints!

The dwarf warlock and the necromancer opened their hands, each with six chains, a total of twelve dark energy chains flew out from behind, locking Kazloga’s neck, hands, arms, legs, waist, and wings. The orc warlock also wielded his staff frantically, and various curses that focused on weakening continued to fall on the devil’s body. For a while, Kazloga’s ugly face seemed to become colorful.

This kind of full outburst will certainly not last long, but what Kanrezad needs is such a little time!

The human warlock put on a peculiar handprint on his hands, turned his head and shouted to survivors like the Watcher and Barnes,

“Attack it! Weaken its strength! The weaker it is, the higher the probability of success in enslavement!”

Merlin and Barnes glanced at each other. The nature of the elves determined that they had absolutely no favor with these warlocks who used the dark ability, but everyone knew what was going on right now. If they couldn’t make it by Dick. This wave of good opportunities knocked Kazloga down. Once it slowed down and let the surrounding demons join the battlefield, everything was over!

So without hesitation, everyone drew out their weapons and joined the siege of Kazloga!

But Kanrezad, who had linked his spirit with that of Kazloga, became extremely pale. At the moment when the spirits collided, he fell to the ground, holding his head and yelling frantically. ,

“Not enough! Not enough! Its resistance…too strong! I can’t…”

At this time, on the edge of the hot battlefield, Dick crawled out of the dirt pit under the smashed tree. His current state is definitely not good, even if all the sacred powers are turned into sacred barriers. In front of him, this limited “invincibility” still failed to protect him intact.

But compared to the half-dead druids who were hacked by the doomsday lord, he was in a very good state, except for his chest tightness, his two arms were so painful as if they were broken, and blood was oozing out of his nostrils and mouth , Except that the holy energy in the body is completely dried up, there is basically no bad sequelae.

But when he saw Kanrezad who was half kneeling on the ground and rolling his head, the paladin’s face changed, and the restraint ceremony must not go smoothly! He remembered that this warlock once said that in order to completely restrain a high-level demon, he had to constantly weaken its strength!

It is exactly the same as the setting in the game! Dick looked up at Kazloga, who was roaring and wanted to break free from the shadow chains, and then at the companions who slashed and killed the devil’s body frantically. He gritted his teeth!

“Hilde! Take me to the sky!”

Dick walked to the druid who was sitting on the side clutching his stomach and gasping for breath. This is the druid who was kicked by him just now. It is a bird of prey who is good at hiding and investigating among all the druids who came to help. Rui.

Heard’s eyes widened when he heard Dick’s words.

“What are you going to do?”

“It’s too late to elaborate! Anyway, you take me to the sky! The higher the better!”

Hilde, who has purple hair, glanced at him, then looked at the battlefield, gritted his teeth.

“Okay! Take my hand!”

In the next moment, the green transfiguration light on the druid of the bird of prey gleamed. After the mist filled the shape, a loud eagle rang on the battlefield, and the calf-sized storm crow clasped Dick’s left hand with its claws. Take him soaring into the sky!

One thousand meters! Two kilometers! Five kilometers! In the shadow of Tuan Mie, the speed of the Storm Crow is amazing!

“This height? Is it enough?”

Hilde’s transformed Stormcrow uttered words, Dick glanced at the surrounding clouds, and drew his battle axe from behind with his other hand, shouting,

“Help me calibrate my position! Hilde, I’m going to land above the head of the Doomsday Lord!”

“This position is directly above it! Wait, you are crazy!!! Don’t jump!”

“No, this is our only chance! Bless me, friend!”

With a hard smile, Dick let go of Hilde’s paws, and once again felt the sensation of the rapid descent of the cold wind slapping his face. He adjusted his body, and the two bottles of holy water in his hand poured into his body, holy flames. Burning, like a meteorite meteor surrounded by golden flames, Hilde quickly dived, trying to catch Dick, but he still passed by Dick who was free to land!

This paladin is crazy!

Dick spread his limbs, lowered his head, and fell directly below. At this time, he suddenly remembered the sentence he once liked very much in his mind.

“I am a leaf falling in the wind, see how I fly!!!”

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