Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 145

Chapter 4 .corrosion

“Nonsense! You are challenging my last patience! Get out of here!”

The old Mograine almost gritted his teeth and spit out these words, but Errigal’s solemn voice planned Alessandro’s roar.

“Great knight, it’s you who should calm down! Do you really think we are crazy enough to use 300 Paladins to attack this holy place? We have never had such a crazy idea. If you still have a trace of sanity, please distance Dathrohan. The great knight is farther away! Don’t you smell the devilish smell from him?”

“You traitors!”

Dathrohan, who had been silent, suddenly stood up from his chair, his eyes shining with unconcealable anger, and he stretched out his finger to scold Erigore.

“It is you who really humiliated the Silver Hand! Are you still here to provoke our relationship? Alessandro, let us rush out from here! They can’t stop us!”

“Hehehe, you Paladins always pride themselves on justice, but the Holy Light has given you the power to get rid of evil, but it has not given you the eyes to distinguish evil! Take a good look, who is the real evil!”

The dwarf semi-hero warlock Wilfred smirked and removed a white skull from his hand. The eye sockets were shining with green fel. This was obviously the hapless lich, the head of Recchi Winterchill, Wilfer. Reid had already made it into a magic weapon. With a wave of his small hand with only four fingers, a green light appeared from the skull.

But at this moment, the long sword behind Alessandro was unsheathed, and a touch of domineering holy light instantly cut across the ground in front of the dwarf. Wilfred, who was caught off guard, let out a wailing, and the whole person was embarrassed Climbing down at Erigore’s feet, and then escaped the ashes-like blow of the Ashbringer!

“Mr. Mograine, you are playing with fire!”

The 300 knights drew their weapons together, and the green dragon in the sky also roared and flicked its tail. Liadrin sounded in the hall with angry voices. The blow just now almost killed the unsuspecting Will. Fred, this dwarf warlock is an official member of Theramore. If he dies, it will have a serious impact.

This time, even the Paladin Erigore, who has always had a good impression of the Hand of Silver, turned gloomy.

“Great Knight, I need a reason! Why are you attacking the official members of Theramore! Do you know what terrible consequences this will cause?”

The old knight Mograine shook his head in a daze. He looked down at the flaming golden holy blade he was holding in his left hand. A faint voice told him in his heart that he was doing the right thing. Is maintaining the authority of the Silver Hand!

Yes, these traitors dared to walk into this holy land in a magnificent manner!

They even found sordid sorcerers to play their evil tricks in this sacred place!

This behavior is provocative!

It is a provocation to the Silver Hand!

To fight back!

fight back!

“I…get out! Get out with your warlock!”

Old Mograine squeezed his right hand, his mind seemed to become firmer, the voice said right, yes, to drive them away! Maintain the authority of the Silver Hand!

“Good job! Alessandro, that’s it! They can’t beat us! The Silver Hand has never surrendered to others. If you want to trample on our glory, just walk over our bodies!”

Dathrohan seemed to be inspired by Mograine’s actions. He drew out the Crusader’s longsword on his back. This action seemed to ignite the fighting spirit of the Silver Hand Paladin.

“Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!”

The weapon was out of the sheath, the holy light was shining, and in the small hall, the momentum was drawn to the extreme!

The most terrible thing is that Dathrohan took out the firework for help from behind. The roof of the hall was lifted by the dragons, just in time for the red firework to rise into the air. When a red fist symbol exploded in the air, The soldiers of the Silver Dawn took a step forward in unison.

Many of them are from the hands of Silver, and naturally understand what this fiery red firework represents!

That’s the signal of an attack! Seeing this signal, the soldiers who dominate the nearby guard towers will rush over at the fastest speed! At that time, the small number of Silver Dawn will inevitably fall into a bitter battle.

damn it! They are really going to fight to the death!

The launch of this firework truly represents the breakdown of the negotiation between the two parties, but to be honest, Dathrohan’s move not only changed the complexion of Liadrin and the Silver Dawn, but also had a lot of brains on the Silver Hand. The commanders who were still sober watched the red firework exploding in amazement!

But not everyone is sober. After all, those who can become Paladins are not afraid of them. Seeing that the conflict is about to erupt, these brazen men stand at the forefront with their weapons in their hands, with red eyes intending to have a hearty heart. battle!

The Silver Dawn here is intended to be clearly corrupted. In addition to the victory of the Battle of Mount Gard in Shanghai, these young men are full of courage and confidence. Looking at the provocations on the opposite side, the Saints headed by Herod are here. The knight, not to be outdone, drew out his weapon and pressed it over!

Conflict is on the verge of!

But just as the increasingly savage-looking Ashbringer raised the holy sword and planned to make another ash storm-like slash, Whitemane, whose arm was held by Dalyan, suddenly broke free from his brother’s arm and rushed into the hall. Among them, opened his hands to block in front of the eager Paladins of the Silver Dawn.

“Father! Don’t! Wake up!”

“Mograine, what are you hesitating? All the traitors on the opposite side! All should be executed! Beheaded, you will become the true hero of the Silver Hand!”

With tears streaming down his face, his body was trembling, but Whitemane, who was still in the middle of the two sides, and the voice of Dathrohan gritted his teeth, quieted the two sides who had already fought the weapons for a while, and the old man whose holy blade was already in the air. Mograine’s arms trembled. Archmage Duan and General Abidis glanced at each other, and immediately rushed up, binding the old knight’s arm from left to right, dragging him away, obviously something was wrong. Dathrohan’s side.

“Mograine, old brother, look at your side, they have betrayed! They have betrayed this just cause! Look, they are still going to slander the friendship between you and me! Alessandro, lift yours sword!”

Dathrohan brandished his weapon and was still inspiring the trembling old knight with an extremely inciting voice. Duane and Abidis, plus the young and strong Tyran Fording, could not suppress it. Living in the stiff body of the old knight, his eyes have become confused, but obviously, Alessandro is fighting against some kind of evil in his heart!

Those impulsive Paladins were also temporarily persuaded by the calm brothers on both sides!

The current situation is already obvious. Although the Paladin of the Silver Hand is very reluctant to admit it, the words of Dathrohan Grand Knight just now are indeed a bit wrong! This is simply not what a respected Paladin should say!

“Wilfred! Do it!”

Under Liadrin’s sweet drink, a green light, mixed with scary phantoms of skeletons, was caught off guard by everyone, hitting the body of the extremely excited Dathrohan knight who was waving a weapon. Come, knock him out!

This obviously offensive action made the Silver Hand Paladin who had just calmed down again to noisy. The impatient knights broke free from the shackles of their companions and were about to rush to fight Silver Dawn desperately, but at this moment, Eli Gore’s roar stopped everyone in place.

“Enough! Look back and see what else you are being directed by!”

The Paladins turned their heads subconsciously, and then…

“Clang! Clang! Clang!”

The sound of the weapon falling to the ground caused everyone present to cast their eyes behind them. The knocked-out Saidan Dathrohan, one of the first great knights of the Silver Hand, fell on his body in the ruins. The light intertwined with black and purple was emerging, and it was clearly a power that did not belong to the Paladin.

“Quack, look at what you guys are doing! I was almost able to succeed, cut! A bug is a bug!”

The disguise of the human form was removed, and a tall, purple-black distorted figure stood up from the ruins, pale head, ferocious long horns, sharp claws, bat wings on the back, and that gorgeous excessive armor. .

All this proves the identity of this guy-Nathrezim! Dreadlord!

Barnazar, who originally attacked Dathrohan in history and disguised himself as a great knight, was the conspirator who eventually commanded the Scarlet Crusade of Stratholme. In fact, in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, when Dick was from Kanri After Thad heard that the Silver Hand was being watched by the devil, he immediately thought of the side effects of the reversal of fate. Obviously, the trend of historical events has become chaotic.

Barnazar’s trick, ahead of schedule!

Later, after the war ended, through the gossip of some intelligence organizations in Dalaran, Dick initially proved his thoughts. The Great Knight of Dassault Khan still seemed to have not escaped the disaster. Liadrin and his party traveled north.

Under the eyes of everyone, the disguised Dreadlord faced the attack of the four-headed dragon. As soon as it turned around with a smile, its entire body turned into a large group of vampire bats and disappeared into the air. Of course, there are still sulky voices remaining in this upturned hall.

“Don’t be too early, bug! The war you want has just begun!”

Everyone, including the green dragons who have lost their goals and transformed into green elves, can’t help but feel headaches when they look at the situation in front of them! The Silver Hand was really thrown out of shape this time, and of course, worse things are still to come.

Abidis deserves to be a long-time veteran. At the moment Banazar disappeared, he shouted at the paladin commanders around him,

“What are you still doing here? Go to the Crusader fortress! That’s where Dathrohan is stationed. We must ensure the stability of the battle. Go!”

Although the Paladins had moved quickly, this series of conspiracies was definitely not accidental, so less than half an hour later, a series of bad news reached the Light’s Hope Chapel. Everyone, wrapped Liadrin. And Dalyan’s complexion became extremely solemn.

“Report! Crusader fortress is under attack! Lich Les-Frost has commanded the Frost Dragon to rush through the Crusader fortress defense line, and is quickly attacking East Dronmir! Commander Lord Kurtaz still insists! Lord Fording, who was patrolling by the soldiers, was seriously injured by the attack, and was retreating to Hearthglen with the disabled army!”

“Report! Coldwind camp was attacked! The whole of Andorhal’s undead popped out, and it was Araki the Lich who led them!”

“Report! A large number of elite undead appeared in Silverpine Forest! The Hillbrad Hill Defense Line is in a hurry!”

The pale-faced old Mograine curled up in a chair. This old knight relied on his own will to defeat the temptation of the devil. After waking up, the Buddha was ten years old for an instant. He held the hand of the report. All trembling.

This shocking situation, in almost an hour, fell to a worse point than before. In this little half year, his efforts to recover Lordaeron were almost in vain, and he even set up a Crusader fortress. , Even Tirion almost died!

In fact, if it weren’t for the silver dawn to intervene, the old Mograine would even think about it. If the Scarlet Crusade was really handed over to Dathrohan, then… then everything is over!

“I admit that there has been corrosion in the Silver Hand, shocking corrosion, and I also thank you for your help.”

The dizzy old knight stood up hard and bent over Liadrin and the commanders of the Silver Dawn. This frightened Errigal and others. Who didn’t know, the old Mograine had just lived his life. Hard, never bowed his head to anyone, but right now, he apologized sincerely. This scene was enough to smooth everyone’s anger.

But the old knight is the old knight. What he said next made the face of Silver Dawn look bad.

“In the current situation, I decided to separate East Dallone Mill, Stratholme and Ghostlands, I beg you!”

Well, after going around for a long time, we still have to exclude Silver Dawn from the circle of Silver Hand. This stubborn old man made Liadrin and Errigal unable to persuade, and finally could only accept this proposal.

After they left, Mograine seemed to have lost all his strength and fell into the chair. His loyal deputy Farbanks brought him a cup of hot coffee. This is also a fierce Farban. While talking about the coffee on the table, X asked carefully,

“My lord, is it a bit too…”

“No, Falbanks, you don’t understand! The problem inside the Silver Hand is more serious than you think, Dathrohan… That demon left a mess. Just ask, after experiencing all of this today , In the future, who would dare to trust the comrades around him unconditionally? That demon has corroded the roots of the Knights, do you understand?”

The old knight picked up the coffee and sipped it gently. His voice was low and only he could hear it.

“So… the Scarlet Crusade must be established! This time, I will come personally!”

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