Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 148

Chapter 7 .Fight in the forest

Although it was a tense sword at the meeting, Dick would not be reckless enough to really fight with Meri Dongfeng.

If you can’t fight, you can say that there is actually no contradiction between the two of them, so after a confrontation for more than ten seconds, the old mage turned sideways and made a “please” posture.

Dick bent down, carefully picked up the blue flame rose on the ground, blown off the grass clippings on it, and strode into the dark forest. Mediian, who was beaten up, was reluctant. Holding his magic book, followed Meri and disappeared behind Dick.

The Crow Ridge Cemetery in the game still occupies a very luxurious area, but in the world, the area of ​​this cemetery is beyond Dick’s imagination, it is as big as a small town!

In the deep darkness, so many tombstones are put together, plus a few green ghost fires in the air from time to time, all this makes this area full of indifference and fear that no stranger should enter! On the way Dick came from Stranglethorn Vale to the Twilight Forest, he heard from the patrolling Kursen soldiers that there were still undead here.

Dick felt it silently. There was indeed a scattered breath of undead, but they should all be in the large tomb of the “morning light forest” below the ground. It was a public tomb for a small number of noble families in the Stormwind Kingdom. After spreading to this forest, the natural undead aroused by the dark atmosphere had nothing to do with Arthas.

But Dick knew that soon, maybe next year, there will be real undead natural disasters here, and there will even be a weird lich Morbent-Fair stationed here all the year round, and later appeared to make all novice players frightened. The undead paladin-powerful Moradim, but to be honest, until the end of the game, the number of undead natural disasters here is very small, and there has been no climate.

Some players even joked that the undead of Crow Ridge and the undead natural disasters are completely two camps!

But these have nothing to do with Dick. Even when the undead of Crow Ridge wins, they will not be put in the eyes of him now, so all his attention now is placed in front of him, which is cooking quietly. The old undead of tea.

Meili Dongfeng, this is not only a name, but also a symbol of an era.

Remember before saying that the world’s first undead was made by the elven empire of Quel’Thalas, which has a highly developed magical civilization?

That was the first time that the human empire Arathor and Quel’Thalas joined forces during the Battle of the Trolls in the Northern Territory 3000 years ago, facing the mad heyday of the Troll Kingdom of Amani. At that time, the Elf Mage suffered heavy casualties. , And even selected hundreds of young people with excellent magic talents from the human empire to teach magic as the back power of the mages.

These hundreds of young people were the beginning of the magical world of mankind and the original creator of Dalaran.

Meili-Winterwind is one of them, and it is the most talented kind, but in a battle, Meili died unexpectedly. Due to the urgency of the battle at the time, the wizard wizard of Quel’Thalas used forbidden magic. Resurrect Meili as an undead, continue to fight!

An undead was almost impossible to integrate into any group under the circumstances, so Meili disappeared mysteriously after the war. It was not until hundreds of years later that the mysterious organization Tirisfal Council in Dalaran was established. To deal with the various alien creatures seduce due to crazy magic experiments, he decided to create a strong magical guardian.

But in order to prevent the guardians from falling into the abyss of power, they decided to find a guide for the council! According to the ancestor’s manuscripts, these wizards found the reclusive Meili Dongfeng and invited this undead who had been alone for more than 100 years to join the Council of Tirisfal.

Since then, the Tirisfal Council has an “immortal” leader!

The guardian tradition lasted for more than 2,000 years, until the last guardian Medivh’s mother, the last guardian Aegwynn, this maverick female mage was unwilling to surrender her power, so the Tirisfal Council existed in name only. , But after Aegwynn accidentally encountered a decline in strength and sneaked into the world of the dark Titan Sargeras, and defeated him, Medivh’s story began.

That is another story. Due to Aegwynn’s rebellion, Meri Winterwind lived in seclusion again, but when he accepted the request of his friend Garona, he reappeared and took away her and Medivh’s blood, Mediian. , And stayed in seclusion with this child in the twilight forest ever since.

The old mage in front of him is really a living fossil of the past 3000 years, and the things he experienced were unimaginable by Dick.

In the face of this experience, even the proud Paladin had to use a humble attitude to deal with the unfathomable Necromancer in front of him.

“Medivine… is he still dead?”

Meri placed a cup of tea in front of Dick. Facing his question, the Paladin nodded with unconcealed sadness, and the atmosphere was silent again.

The humble hut was located in the deepest part of the forest, and the sulking Madion sat outside the house alone, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a few seconds, Meri spoke again.

“Are you just here to see this kid? Or is there something else?”

The time of 3000 years has made Meri lonely and indifferent. Only when facing Medien, his mood will fluctuate. Besides, he seems to be cold like a combination of wood and ice. .

Dick didn’t care, he took a black key from his arms and put it on the table in front of May.

“I have two things I need your help.”


“The first thing, I hope you can take me to Karazhan, that mysterious and dangerous mage tower, now only you are familiar with the structure.”

Meili groaned for a few seconds, then nodded.

“Yes, it just so happens that Madion’s magic book also needs to be replaced. Let’s set off in a while. Recently, the dark energy of the Upwind Trail has spread too fast. We have to find a way to seal the energy that escapes in Karazhan. The second piece What’s the matter?”

This time the Paladin did not reply immediately, but rubbed his chin first, then said slowly.

“I would like to ask you to take Madion to Theramore.”

“the reason?”

“My friend, Miss Jaina, the mage of Dalaran, saw a reclusive mage in the swamp outside Theramore. Although the identity of the mage cannot be determined, we suspect that the old mage should be Medivh. Mr.’s mother, Madian’s grandmother, Ms. Aegwynn.”

Dick looked up at Merrie’s expression and continued tentatively.

“This child of Medivh still has relatives alive. I think he has the right to meet Ms. Aegwynn and the last battlefield of Mr. Medivh. I also hope that he can take a look. He doesn’t even understand. What a great man his father is, it shouldn’t be!”

After Dick finished speaking, he took up his teacup and shut his mouth. Meri closed his eyes, and there was a look of nostalgia on his skinny, skeleton-like face.

“Aegwynn…she’s still alive.”

After a long time, Meri opened his eyes and glanced at Medien, who was sitting with his back to them, but his ears were clearly erected, and for the first time he showed Dick an extremely ugly smile.

“Well, after the trip to Karazhan, I will take this child to Theramore. You are right, he has this power, and if it is really Aegwynn, she is better suited to teach this child than I am. ”

After speaking, Meili beckoned, and the magical power like a breeze escaped from both sides of Dick’s body. In less than 3 seconds, the two simple cabins were like a story in a myth, quickly shrunk to the size of a fist. It fell on Meili’s palm and was thrown into the leather bag around his waist.

“Median, pack things up, let’s go to Karazhan.”

Looking at the busy figures of Meili and Madian, Dick, who was blown cold by the night wind, sat there a little cramped with a cup of tea, saying that the ancient wizards were extremely powerful, but this was too fast. !

The tea hasn’t finished yet, so are we going to Karazhan?

————————————————– ————————–

“Just a few months ago, the dark magic escaping from Karazhan became stronger and stronger! The range of the dark sky also enveloped the entire twilight forest. I think this is probably after Medivh really died. The impact of a sad tower.”

Meri sat cross-legged in front of the magic carpet flying close to the ground, carelessly controlling the direction of this magical magical creation, while saying to Dick,

“Karazhan is not just a mage tower, it is a place where this world and the endless universe meet. Medivh built this tower on the one hand to protect the world, and on the other hand, he The darkness in the soul can be more convenient to contact the evil spirits in the void. You’d better not underestimate that place. I don’t go there many times, but I can feel that the tower is alive and has its own. Consciousness!”

Meri’s overcast tone made Dick a chill, but the paladin is not a weak chicken who doesn’t know anything now. He has the key delivered by Medivh and the apprenticeship recognized by the Astral Master. This is just this. One point is enough to protect his safety.

But thinking of going to Karazhan to explore, Dick was still a little excited. Karazhan in the game is a big treasure house. I don’t know what Medivh has left. It is really exciting!

Mediian was sitting at the back of the magic carpet. He was still a child. Although he had a lot of quarrel with Dick before, after Dick gave him a sharp elven dagger, the child started to play with it enthusiastically That beautiful dagger from Kaldorei’s treasury.

But just as this simple and luxurious magic carpet quickly passed a farm in the twilight forest, Dick suddenly raised his brows.

“Master Meili, stop for a while!”


The undead looked back at him, Dick jumped off the magic carpet, reached out his hand and drew out the tomahawk wrapped in coarse cloth behind him, raised it gently, and the coarse cloth was taken off. The hideous tomahawk gorehowl was wild and wild. The breath appeared in front of Madian, and it immediately attracted the child’s attention.

“I feel the dark breath, there!”

Dick pointed to the depths of the dark farm, “There is a battle going on there! I’ll check it out, and I’ll be back soon!”

After speaking, the paladin leaped over the railings of the farm and ran towards the deepest hillside of the farm.

Mediian wanted to go with Dick too. He glanced carefully at Uncle Meri, who put his dry palm on his shoulder and smiled at him.

“Go, boy, you should also see the real battle!”

The child nodded excitedly, holding his little magic wand in his left hand, holding the hilt of the dagger in his right hand, and ran to Dick’s position quickly.

After Mediian disappeared, Meili turned his gaze to the corner of the magic carpet.

“My old friend, do you think I should take Medien to see Aegwynn?”

The air in the empty corner seemed to be peeled off at this moment. A petite orc woman with pale green skin appeared there. She was different from ordinary orcs. The most prominent thing was that the fangs at the corner of her mouth were very short. , Very delicate, and her face is softer than that of an orc, and she looks like she has a trace of wild beauty.

This is Garona, a hybrid of Epic Assassin, Orc and Draenei, and the mother of Medien.

Faced with an old friend’s question, Garona’s expression was a bit stiff, but she still smiled and said,

“Go, take him to see her grandma. I have guarded him for 16 years. It’s time to do my own thing. The dark world has even lost my name. As you know, I owed a lot. Favors, take this opportunity to pay back those favors.”

“Then before you leave, don’t you plan to recognize this child? He always thought that he had no relatives, he didn’t even know, you have been silently protecting him.”

Meri was not surprised by Garona’s decision, but his suggestion was also rejected by Garona. This slender orc female lightly jumped off the magic carpet and moved her body.

“Forget it, I’m the darkness in Medivh’s life, just like Medivh. Don’t tell him about me. I’m a person walking in the darkness. Just let him think I’m dead. This will treat me and him. all good.”

“Merry, thank you for doing so many things for me and Medivh. After the Karazhan trip, I will be leaving. Don’t you really give me a hug?”

“Well… be careful all the way, don’t die in any corner, I have to collect the body for you.”

“Don’t worry about this. The one who can kill me hasn’t appeared yet.”

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