Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 153

Chapter 12 .The Treasure of Another World-Naaru Cry

“Even with the master’s magic power and the obscure and mysterious knowledge he has, he has spent five days in front of the star trails of the observatory before he has caught this rare star realm from the mysterious star realm. Pegasus, I heard you call it Xingyao? What a good name.”

Moros glanced at the Astral Pegasus gently sticking out his transparent tongue, licking Dick’s cheek, and has restored its original appearance under the mysterious effect of the blue flame rose. A gentle smile flashed in his eyes. After getting the flame rose that he put in his collar carefully, the undead suddenly became much quieter.

It’s as if he has restored the appearance of a creature, which is surprising.

“The master asked the group of cosmic exiles temporarily living in the upper level to take action and create a set of secret horse reins for this astral Pegasus. You only need to recite a spell to put it in the horse reins. .”

Dick reached out and touched the exquisite leather rein on the neck of Xing Hao, who was very close to him. The magic pattern swept across the skin of his fingertips, and the Paladin said the uncomplicated spell.



The whole body of the tall star Pegasus turned into a beautiful starlight, flowing into the rein like a whip in Dick’s palm. He threw it in the palm of his hand. It is hard to believe that such a behemoth has been so small. In the reins of the magic world, it is so wonderful.

The paladin stuck the horse’s rein on his belt. He raised his head and looked at the last box on the obsidian star track table, a set of priceless armor, and the only BMW in the world. These two things let Dick already felt that his trip was worthwhile. He was very curious now, what kind of shocking things were in this last box?

But just when he was about to reach out and open the box, it was stopped by Moros.

“Knight Dick, before you open this box, I have a warning left by the master to tell you.”


Dick’s outstretched hand stopped where he was. He looked back at Moros, and the old butler closed his eyes and said,

“This is not just a blessing. When you open it, it also means that a mysterious destiny is blessed on you. The power of destiny sends it to me, but I don’t know who will become it. the host.”

Moros opened his blue eyes, looked at Dick, and said the last sentence seriously.

“When you open it, a part of the truth of the entire universe will be revealed in front of you!”

“What the **** does this mean?”

Dick’s brows were raised high. Sometimes, he felt really tired talking to these godly mages. They could tell things clearly in two sentences, and they had to use a very vague and mysterious tone. Come out, those ambiguous and vague language will often provide the recipient with information that is likely to be different, which is simply too bad.

It’s not just Medivh’s, in fact, sometimes her own mage is like this too.

Facing Dick’s question, Morros smiled helplessly.

“The master’s wisdom, I dare not speculate, but I can tell you, Mr. Dick, the things in this box are the masters manipulated by the darkness when the orcs crossed the Dark Portal in 0 years, from I have found something in another world, I have seen him mutter to this box alone, so if I were you, I would be careful, careful, and then careful.”


Dick’s expression became serious. Although in the game, Dick went to the barren land of Delano, which is now called “Outland”, and Delano, which has not collapsed in the timeline world 30 years ago, but To be honest, the players don’t know much about that mysterious world. There are no ancient gods and no Titans, but the secrets in that mysterious world are still terrifying.

The huge ogre empire, the tower of the arakkoa, the ancient and mysterious heritage of the orcs, the life and reproduction of the draenei the cosmic exile, etc., all cast a veil of mystery on that world.

But after thinking for a few minutes, Dick took a deep breath and reached out to the box.

“If this is really a revelation of fate, then I will accept it without reservation!”

A stubbornness flashed in the paladin’s eyes, “Because I never believe in fate! I only believe in my own hands!”

Then he opened the box, and when the green light “flowed” out of the box, even Dick, who had just finished his rhetoric, his body was fixed in place as if he had been petrified.

“This…this Nima…”

A foul language was exploded by Dick, which was different from the usual reaction of Dick, who now abides by the way of the Holy Light, but the Paladin has no time to take care of that much.

Before opening the box, he imagined countless things that appeared in the history of Draenor, even Gul’dan blocked the “Curse Code” of the elements of the Draenor world, the elemental slab inherited from the ogre empire, and even the crow. The gilt rings of the human world have been considered, but when he really opened the box, he discovered that Medivh was indeed Medivh.

What can be regarded by him as an unknown strange thing is really not something that can be compared with those who are small.

The things in that box, even if it was Dick, who was almost “all-knowing”, he had just touched a trace of legend during his long gaming career.

————————————————– ——————————–

Holy light is a kind of will!

Dick knew this for a long time, and he had even heard the voice of the will!

But the essence of the Holy Light cannot be clearly stated in one or two sentences. In the infinite universe, the Holy Light is also a very unique energy. Since it is energy, it must have its own form of expression.

Different from the magic light and shadow on the land of Azeroth, somewhere in the infinite universe, there is a group of quite unique “holy light creatures”, they are born from the purest holy light, and die in the most dazzling holy light , And then transformed into the deepest shadow, in thousands of years of time, just like this interlaced back and forth between light and shadow.

They call themselves “Naru”, which means “light of origin”. If the Holy Light has an appointed spokesperson, then Naru is the most suitable candidate.

These are rare, mysterious creatures whose bodies are like luminous jigsaw puzzles can travel through the universe. They hold unknown powers. In fact, even in games and official history, the recorded Naaru is not. There will be more than 13, and the Naaru use different colors to distinguish each other. This is a mysterious and noble creature.

They have their own souls and their own consciousness. They seem to have been fighting against all the enemies of the Holy Light, the demons, the void, and the evil gods. The first contact in history with the Naaru is from Argus, who has been occupied by demons and transformed. The draenei exiles to whom the world fled, and even a naaru existed in the draenei space battleship to protect them from the Burning Legion.

But Dick knew that when the world of Argus was in ancient times, Naaru had contact with the ancient Eredans and gave them a special gift-Atama Crystal.

It was the most precious holy artifact of the draenei. When the prophet Velen, who had lived for at least 25,000 years, fled the world of Argus with the Eredans who were unwilling to succumb to the Burning Legion, the Atama crystal split into Seven pieces of red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, and purple were taken out of the world of Argus by Vinylon.

But when the eredars who fled, the current draenei, after a long cosmic journey, arrived in the world of Draenor 1,000 years ago, they lived in peace with the local simple and brave orcs, but kept their distance carefully. , Until the Dark Portal more than 900 years later-5 years later, the orcs were deceived by the great shaman Ner’zhul to fight the orcs!

Velen planned to personally end the war, but he failed. The draenei city was breached by the orcs, and the whereabouts of four of the seven crystals were unknown.

When the draenei city of Telmo was attacked by the Frostwolf Chief Durotan, countless draenei died tragically, and the shadow of the green crystal leaf preserved here was lost in the war.

Dick has come into contact with the legend of Atama crystal in the game, because the gem that was cast in the legend of Ashbringer was found by Mograine from an orc warlock during Lothar’s war to expel the orcs. Gem, that is the bright yellow crystal among the seven crystals, the most aggressive crystal.

This is also the reason why the Ashbringer is so powerful!

Because its power comes from the gift of the Holy Light Creature-Naaru!

Except for the Ashbringer, who is suspected to be the shining day, the only one known to the player is the purple crystal of the prophet Velen, the song of the soul, which gives the prophet a powerful insight into the future!

The other five crystals have been lost in history. Dick originally thought it was a legend until he opened the last box left by Medivh.

The green, clear crystal like an opal was lying in a box made of black velvet. The green light continuously “flowed” from the surface of the crystal, and soon filled the entire observatory, even lying on it. Under this power, the old dragon “Void” in the center of the observatory also hummed comfortably.

Dick stretched out his trembling hand and pointed his finger on the surface of the green crystal-the shadow of the leaves. At this moment, the cool power flowed into his body. The one that had taken root in his body made Dick love again. The hated bloodthirsty oak seemed to be awakened by this, struggling to spur a small piece of black vine from Dick’s fingertips, rolling up the green crystal.

The Paladin felt a clear emotion for the first time from the bloodthirsty oak in the abdomen!

It likes this crystal!

Even Dick could feel its prayer. When Dick used the mithril lock left by Medivh to buckle the shadow of the leaves into it, the moment he stayed on his neck, a cheer came from the paladin’s body! Then he felt that in return for his prayers, the **** oak that was originally irrational and acted only by instinct had given him a small part of command!

In other words, with the help of this Atama crystal, Dick has limited control of the tree in his body that lives with him.


Dick let out a long sigh, and his heart felt relieved. Since the **** Stag Helmet implanted this seed into his body, this is the first time he has woken up from the same nightmare that Harves had encountered. He is not willing That day, like the tragic King of Satyr, the King of Nightmare, turned into a poor oak.

And the paladin put his hand on the pendant of the shadow of the leaves with a sense of feeling, the next moment, in the surprised eyes of Moros, Dick disappeared in place, not the kind of rush, nor the assassin. Use the power of the shadow to enter the stealth, but truly disappear! Even the breath has disappeared!

Two seconds later, Dick appeared behind Moros. He had let go of the shadow of the leaves in his hand. The paladin who appeared suddenly put his hand on Moros’ shoulder. This action shocked the old butler. When he turned around, two sharp emerald-shaped daggers sprang out from the palm of his hand, one left and one right around the paladin’s arm, and placed on Dick’s neck.

This series of quick movements brought up afterimages in the air, and the moment that they were suppressed in place by the obviously poisoned dagger, Dick remembered that the old butler who could blow down a weak gust of wind in front of him, actually There was still a hidden assassin.

“Oh, offended, Mr. Dick.”

Moros retracted the daggers a little gaffefully. The two daggers turned lightly in his palms and disappeared in his cuffs. The old butler glanced at Dick.

“But next time, you still don’t do these dangerous moves in Karazhan!”

Dick smiled and stroked his still cold neck, and followed the expressionless Moros out of the observatory.

There was no words for a night, and early the next morning, Dick took advantage of the opportunity of Madian not to sleep, and said hello to Meri Dongfeng who walked out of the library with a heavy book, and then quietly left. Karazhan who “lived”.

There is still nearly a week before the time to seal the dark power that Meili said, the old mage needs to prepare a lot of things, so Dick plans to take this opportunity to take a trip to the swamp of sorrow not far from here.

Don’t forget, he still has a series of quests to be completed on “Eranikus’s Redemption”.

Before leaving, Dick did not forget to remove the big stone blocking the cellar, intending to take the poor Ms. Willinde with him, but when he just opened the broken wooden door, a dark shadow , Coming with a strong wind!

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