Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 155

Chapter 14 .Dragon-Hrunis

“The Atalai trolls were exiled by the Gurubashi troll tribe for their evil crimes of serving the soulslayers, but this did not change the beliefs of these trolls. Among them, the priest who served the soulslayer Hakkar was called For Hakkari, which means Hakka’s servants, these guys use the power of shadows and necromancy, and occasionally use the evil witchcraft inherited by trolls. In short, they are not a good enemy to deal with.”

Dick held the torch high and walked in the dim and damp temple hallway. The green dragon Demetrius and the werewolf Villinde followed him. After an unwilling to recall an underwater journey, The three men entered the dark temple.

Then Demitil was surprised to discover that this paladin who claimed to have been here in the future had much more knowledge about this dark temple than he did. You know, Demitil was stationed here when he became an adult. Among these temples, it has been more than 100 years ago.

However, considering the lazy nature of the dragons, Demitil hadn’t really wandered in this well-connected temple.

“Come with me, I know a shortcut that can lead to the gathering point of those Atalai trolls as fast as possible!”

The Paladin beckoned backwards, and Demetril hurried to follow. Ms. Villinde looked back at the dark passage behind with a little fear. In the darkness, nothing could escape her green eyes, but the more In this way, she is more afraid.

Of course, don’t blame poor Ms. Verinde for this. Before becoming a werewolf because of Dick, Ms. Verinde was just a priest of the Moon God. Although she would also participate in military operations, she stayed in the Moon most of the time. Pray in the temple or heal the wounded warriors.

Such an adventure of entering a dangerous place alone, but she had never experienced it before.

In addition to being timid, the lady unexpectedly found that she still had a hint of freedom in her heart!

“The Moon God is on! I think I must be crazy!”

Verinde murmured to herself, and then quickly followed Dick and Demetril who had turned in front of her. Although the Moon God’s Scythe gave her a powerful force that she could not even imagine, it was obvious that except for the previous When the black knights were in desperate situation, apart from the outburst of complete loss of reason, Ms. Villinde still failed to adapt to the changes in her body.

This has to be said, it is a pity!

At least Dick knows that a true high-level werewolf can still fight with a clear mind while being dominated by wild fury. In that state, the werewolf’s bloodline hunting instinct has been raised to the limit, even the body Self-healing power will be extremely improved. Fighting in the moonlight is said to have a bonus. It is simply a **** battlefield butcher. Even the most violent demons will choose to retreat.

Yes, in the game, Dick has seen a scene of a high-level werewolf showing off more than once, it is almost like a **** nightmare.

Dick looked back at Ms. Willinde, who was cowering and had a straight tail. He felt a headache that he seemed to have picked up a fake werewolf, which was too timid.

And the most terrible thing is that the ignorant Ms. Villinde may not know what happened, but Dick knew that at the moment he personally pierced the Moon God’s sickle into her heart, the fate of this timid werewolf, Just **** with myself.

Moreover, it is estimated that Verinde herself does not know what kind of power is contained in her petite body. In a crazy state, she can even easily repel Dick head-on, her agility attribute has even reached the peak of the lord, this guy Unlike the original Liadrin, she was transformed and recognized by the artifact, so her natural attributes were much stronger than that of the high elf lady.

But Dick knew that Villinde was not the opponent of Liadrin who had broken through the lord at all. The latter could even easily defeat the former with only 3 points. The absence of him was purely due to his mentality.

But soon, Dick didn’t have time to worry about Villinde, because just as the three people came out of the rot-smelling tunnel, a large group of weird Atal’ai trolls were kneeling respectfully. On the dirty ground, a skinny troll wearing a green robe was holding his staff high, chanting chaotic prayers.

A sturdy dragon who was still struggling was **** by tree vines and placed on the **** altar. In order to carry this behemoth to the altar, the trolls even used more than a dozen people, but the expressions of those trolls were dull, and the whole body was also There are no strands, and even a few people’s bodies are mutilated.

“Damn it! That’s… That’s Hrunis!”

Demitier’s face was a little weird. He seemed to want to rush out to save his companion, but he stopped abruptly. This weird movement made Dick’s brows raised.

“What is this Hrunis, what does it do? Is it your friend?”

“He is not my friend!”

Dmitry’s delicate eyes narrowed, and his voice lowered, “Thirty years ago, Hrunes and I came here from the Emerald Dream together, but soon, Hrunes, who was irritable by nature, was sad because he lived in seclusion. The broken people in the northwest of the swamp clashed. Those broken profiteers cheated him. As a result, Hrunis massacred two villages! Then he was exiled by Lord Eranikus.”

The green dragon looked at the exile who was about to be dedicated to the evil god, his narrowed eyes flashed with intolerance and doubt.

“I haven’t heard of Hrunis in the past 30 years, but I heard from my compatriots that this guy has been active in Stranglethorn Vale and has established his own small power. I don’t know why this guy came back, maybe Did he see that we were down and want to come back for revenge?”

“Do you want to save him?”

The Paladin asked, the green dragon’s fingers moving back and forth, obviously thinking, he finally opened his eyes.

“Save! Although this guy has been banished, I can’t just watch my compatriots be killed by a lowly troll!”


Dick stretched out his finger and pressed it to his chest, “It’s up to me!”

The next moment, in the surprised eyes of Demetrius and Villinde, the paladin disappeared into the air.

He disappeared completely, not even a trace of breath, only the footprints on the dusty ground appeared one after another, proving that he was quietly walking towards the group of crazy trolls.

The concealment effect of the shadow of the leaves is outstanding! This Naaru crystal can even make a city disappear, let alone a person.

After entering the gray space, Dick took the Gorehowl from behind, and gently swiped his finger on the axe blade, the golden blazing blade appeared on the axe blade, and the paladin walked lightly towards the axe and grabbed the sacrifice. The Hakkari troll sacrificing the sword, he stood behind him and put Gorehowl in the most slashing position.

“The Soul Slayer is supreme! For Haka!”

The skinny troll sacrificial body exudes a weird smell. He frantically shouted the name of the soul-saver, and the recursive and hideous sacrificial knife in his hand was about to pierce the emerald dragon’s most vulnerable abdomen. About to offer a powerful dragon man as a sacrifice to his god, the great Haka will be pleased, and then he will bestow unimaginable gifts and powers!

Let the prophet Gamalan go to hell! Under his leadership, Hakkari will defeat the group of green dragons that have fallen into chaos, and then take the faith of the soul-saver and step onto the ground under the sun again! They will regain their homeland, and under the blessing of the chaotic power of Haka, Atalai will surely rise!


The vicious wind rang from behind interrupted the troll’s ritual fantasies. He only had time to spread his own power throughout his body, and then he felt his perspective jump quickly, when the sad head hit the ground. , The troll sacrifice suddenly saw his headless body slowly falling, and the human standing behind his corpse with golden light all over his body and holding a wild battle axe.

Is this the feeling of death?

The next moment, before his eyes, there was darkness!

How strong is the cutting power of the highly compressed Holy Light Blade and the sharp axe blade of Gorehowl, Dick has already experienced in the battle of Mount Hyjal, the strength of this troll sacrifice is too weak In fact, if it weren’t for the fear that the huge number of trolls and zombies infused with dark energy were commanded as a whole by this sacrifice, how could Dick use this kind of adventurous tactics?

The Paladin completed the assault. With his left hand and **** together, the compressed Holy Energy spurted out from the fingertips. The dark power of the trees and vines entwined around the dragonman’s body were like gasoline. It started when it encountered the Mars of the Holy Light. Burning.

Dick stepped out, slashed with the battle axe, swung the light flail, and swept the chaotic rushing trolls and zombies, and the human form Demetrius also rushed out of the hiding place, waving two green hands in his hands. With the stabbing sword and the sword light flying, one after another troll zombies were swept away.

“Hey! Damn stranger, you cut up my scales, it’s so rude! But I still have to thank you for getting rid of all these disgusting craps first!”

The escaped dragon man moved his arms wildly. On the dragon-shaped head of this tall and sturdy guy, a grinning smile appeared. He grabbed the arms of two zombies and used the two unlucky ones as weapons. Sweep left and right.

It can be seen that the troll should have poured some medicine into this dragon man. His footsteps are a bit vain, but there is no problem with self-protection. The troll zombies who have lost their command have no wisdom and can only attack by instinct. In the arrow-like slashing, they and Demitier quickly turned, and then jumped back into the narrow corridor.

Dick chopped down the wall of the tunnel exit with an axe. Demetril opened his mouth and sprayed a green and corrosive dragon’s breath. Accompanied by the sound of collapsing echoing in the tunnel, the exit was quickly blocked. .

The troll zombies are the ones who have died once, so unless their heads are cut off, otherwise these rough-skinned guys who have been strengthened by the dark power can beat Dick and his party to the ground.

time! What they need most is time!

The Paladin took a deep breath and turned to look at the werewolf lady Villinde, who was lying on the corner of the corridor, holding her sharp lunar scythe and squatting on her head. She couldn’t help but shook her head. Being able to join the battle, the three of my own will definitely not be embarrassed to such a degree, but, hey…

It is worth mentioning that there is a troll zombie corpse in front of Villinde. Looks like that, it should have been cut into three pieces by a sharp lunar scythe. There is no such magic weapon, but the owner is helpless. Fuck, this is embarrassing!

“Yo, look at who this is! Demi, what? You came to see me making a joke? Just like when you chose to banish me because of a few lowly broken people?”

After the dragonman Hrunis escaped his death, he snorted the moment he saw Demitil. This guy didn’t know where he took out a purple crystal ball, and his sharp claws rubbed it. After a few moments, purple smoke rose and enveloped the tall dragonman. A few seconds later, a young man with a dark green cloak, a bone spear, and a dwarven musketeer appeared at his waist. In front of a few people.

He looked back at Dick who was re-igniting the torch, then looked at Demetrius with disdain, and then said to the Paladin,

“Hi, buddy! I think you guys are going to fight with those disgusting trolls, what about me?”

The Paladin snorted, lit a torch, pulled up his followers, and then looked back at the dragon man named Hrunis, tilted his head and asked.

“Give me a reason!”

“Damn Jindo put me along! My brothers are dead here. To tell you the truth, there are some…”private conflicts” between me and these trolls who deserve to go to hell!”

Hrunis grinned with white teeth, Dick turned his head to look at the silent Demetrius, and finally nodded.

“Then, you are welcome to join the “Dick’s Death Squad”, Mr. Dragon!”

“Hey, I like your decisiveness, friend, by the way, call me Das.”

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