Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 162

Chapter 20 .Stalkers and hunters-plus four more

Outside the Temple of Atahaka, beside the clear lake, Dick, Demetrius, and Das the Dragon are standing there and bid farewell to Eranikus’s Apparition, the Werewolf Werewolf Linde, carrying the shining scythe, was curiously teasing a deer running to the lake to drink water.

After a series of thrilling journeys, they will leave this ghost place where clouds cover the sky almost all the time, go to another place, and continue their journey of life.

Dick and Eranikus’s Mirage stood very close. Before he left, he decided to tell all the green dragons who were about to evacuate the Atahaka Temple.

“Mr. Eranikus, the Atalai troll is just an offshoot of the Gurubashi trolls in Stranglethorn Vale, and I heard that the Hakkari priest and the Gurubashi trolls had a close relationship before. I I doubt that Hakkar’s faith has been revived in that lost city, and maybe we will deal with this soul-reaver again at some point in the future.”

The paladin’s eyes were serious, while Eranikus looked relaxed.

“Relax, Dick, as long as it is not in this temple, Hakkar’s threat is far less than you think. If Hakkar still can’t remember the lesson, I don’t mind moving my body. Azeroth is not casual. A guy who claims to be a Cthulhu can come if he wants to, so don’t think about Hakkar’s affairs anymore.”

Seeing Eranikus’s full of confidence, Dick couldn’t help but remembered that in the Emerald Dream, the guy who was incarnate as the “Dream Tyrant”, hit Tyrande with one-half of his power. The group of people hugged their heads and squirmed, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

With Eranikus’s assurance, he really didn’t have to worry about the ugly evil **** coming for at least a short time.

The people bid farewell to each other in a friendly manner, and in the slightly sad eyes of Demitil and Das, they embarked on the road back to the city.

Frankly speaking, the Swamp of Sorrows is really not a suitable land to live in. Those disgusting, ubiquitous quagmire quickly filled Dick’s shoes with mud, and finally the Paladin summoned it out of shame. Xing Hao, with the werewolf girl who was no longer afraid of flying high, rushed into the sky.

As for Demetrius and Das, Dick said that there is no need to worry about them. The two green dragons also know the location of Karazhan. They are ready to fight here to let Dick go first, and also said that they will definitely compare Dick came first.

In the moist air filled with water vapor, Dick held the horse reins of the Astral Pegasus, and allowed the stars who strayed in the air to take them back to Karazhan along a winding trajectory. He was held in his arms. Verinde’s ears stood up, and she looked up at Dick, whose eyes were out of focus, who was obviously in thought, and couldn’t help but ask.

“You…do you have something on your mind?”

Verind’s follower transformation is over long ago. Now she and Liadrin have shared Dick. All the memories except rebirth, the gap between the two people, are also in this atmosphere of sharing secrets. fading away.

Dick was awakened by the werewolf’s hoarse voice. The latter hummed, but did not speak. He didn’t speak until a few minutes later.

“After the Karazhan incident is over, you and I will go to Northern Xinjiang, where you will find moonlight grass and other herbs to transform your werewolf form, which is somewhat inconvenient.”

“Well, Beijiang, when I brought the Moon God’s sickle and docked from Stranglethorn Vale, I wanted to go to Beijiang.”

Velind’s voice also became melancholy, “After the werewolves I summoned in Felwood were out of control, I could only send them all back to the Emerald Dream, and then I heard that there was also a wizard in Northern Xinjiang. Werewolves were summoned in the dream, and I plan to find him and see how he controls those guys.”


Dick sneered, “That’s a lunatic, expecting him to control the werewolf? No, no, now it is estimated that he has been controlled by the werewolf.”

“Yes, when I truly become a werewolf, I know that no one can control us.”

Verinde frankly accepted the reality of becoming a werewolf, her voice and body trembling, “No one can manipulate freedom. It stems from the wildness, killing, hunting, and madness in our bones. It goes deep into the spinal cord. Crazy, if there is no Moon God Scythe, I am afraid, I am afraid I would have been lost in that instinct.”

“An Xin! Good boy, peace of mind!”

Dick felt Vilind’s trembling, and he stretched out his hand and touched the female werewolf’s head, “You are different from other werewolves, uh… at least they don’t have your beautiful tail.”


Verinde was depressed, and her drooping ears stood up. Her eyes lit up, “Really? Do other werewolves have no tails?”

Dick scratched his head, quickly searched one side in his memory, and then said uncertainly, “It seems that other werewolves really don’t have tails, and their ears don’t grow on top of their heads. They grow behind their faces like humans. No Like your ears, you can stand up.”

“So? Am I unique?”

After becoming a werewolf, the originally quiet priestess had a strange personality. After repeatedly confirming that she was unique, her mood soon improved, and she even hummed a night elf tune.

Sure enough, as Villinde said, after becoming a werewolf, her behavior became more and more weird. At least Dick didn’t know why having a tail was worth making her so happy.

So in the unique minor singing, the astral Pegasus **** its gorgeous wings and breaks through the clouds, leaving a large string of starlight trails in the air, like dreams and illusions.

————————————————– ————————————

The abnormal green sea waves hit the black shore, the sky above is full of black clouds and lightning, those unknown landscapes circling and forming a black and white whirlpool in the sky, strong wind blows, pulling on the rusty weapons on the beach There was a whistling sound.

This is a barren land!

In the light of lightning that lit up from time to time, not far from the beach, a dark green stone building stood there. In the dark background, there was a stronger smell than darkness, although the building’s door was open, But any normal creature would not be willing to walk in.

However, there are always exceptions. At the moment when the light of a flash of lightning was extremely instant, the light of two sharp knives lit up at the entrance of the building.

The moonlight blade pierced the air and slashed into the darkness fiercely. Then there was the sound of Jiao drink and the clash of weapons. One large and one small shadow moved back and forth in a small space. Every time it approached, it let The chilling murderous intent rushed to the surroundings.

Under the shining light of the lightning, the two shadows also entered this gloomy picture.

It was a tall shadow with dark green smoke and flames, with huge black bat wings growing behind him, and double horns curved like demons on top of his head. Under the light of lightning, the red upper body’s magic pattern was in the dark. Emitting a green light, he held two meniscus-shaped war blades in both hands. Even in the deep darkness, the dark green light emitted from the blades can make people horrified.

Those two knives are like laughing butchers, they are eager to harvest life!

On the other side, there is a petite shadow. The iron owl helmet covers the woman’s face. The armor on her body is a mixture of chain and plate armor, as well as the cloak studded with blades that covers almost the whole body. She looked like a predator from the myth.

In fact, this is indeed the case. After the next contact between the knife wheel and the war blade, the two shadows retreated to both sides. It can be seen that this fight has been going on for too long.

“Maiev, I have said so many times, stay away from me!”

The demon hunter put away his war blade and carried it behind his back, but the demon transformation was not lifted. Faced with a watchman like Maiev-Shadow Song, even for a second, even a blink of an eye. It is possible to lose their lives.

Illidan’s voice was much more hoarse than when he said goodbye to Dick, and it was also a lot more vicissitudes of life. His tone was harsh, but there was a little helplessness in it.

“I’m doing a very important thing, so don’t get in my way!”

“Don’t think about it! Prisoner, follow me back to Watch Island, otherwise you will die!”

Maiev also held the knife wheel in front of her in the palm of her hand. This huge and hideous weapon supported her body. At the moment Maiev spoke, large drops of rain fell from the sky and left her on her helmet. There were water marks after another.

“The Tomb of Sargeras… what did you find in it? Illidan, hand it over!”

The demon hunter looked up at the tearful sky. Of course, he couldn’t see the raindrops, but in the case of the devil’s transformation, only relying on perception, he could also “see” the appearance of every drop of rain falling from the sky, as well as in the rain. In the middle, Maiev showed a complete outline, the jailer who had guarded him for ten thousand years.

“Sorry, but I really can’t give you this thing!”

The demon hunter shrugged, “And you didn’t find out? Maiev, you are no longer my opponent, so… go back, go wherever you go, don’t follow me!”

Facing the provocation of the demon hunter, after a flash of lightning, Maiev’s voice faintly passed into Illidan’s ears.

“Really? Are you really so…confident in your own strength?”


A faint white shadow appeared silently from the space behind Illidan. The vague but barely visible shadow was in the form of a watchman, raising the wheel of thorns in his hand and slashing down towards the demon hunter. Then Illidan, who was caught off guard, barely blocked the blow with the sword behind him.

Youbai’s shadow obviously didn’t have enough killing intent, but after this blow, it disappeared invisible, but soon, she reappeared behind Maiev.

“This is just a greeting, next time, it will be cut on your head!”

The faint voice of the watchman came from the rain curtain, and Illidan’s face became serious.

“The spirit of vengeance, the undead summoned by your soul…you are such a lunatic!”

“Thanks for the compliment, aren’t you?”

Maiev raised the knife wheel again, and she could see that she was serious.

Facing the watcher, Illidan stepped back cautiously, and then took out a small black ball from the palm of his hand.

“It’s a pity that I don’t have much time to spend here with you, Maiev, listen to my advice, go back, don’t show up in front of me, next time, my sword won’t be so weak!”


The demon hunter smashed the small black ball in the palm of his hand, and then the whole ground began to crack, began to tremble, and began to roar. In the watcher’s surprised gaze, in the distance, the black building that had just stood on the beach began to collapse. Quick, terrible crash!

That solid building, that stone temple, that prison! Like being pushed down by an invisible hand, it collapsed with a rumble.

“No! Nasha!”

Maiev could no longer pursue the escaped Illidan. She rushed towards the completely collapsed building, like a black shadow in the wind. There…there was buried her most loyal subordinate, whom she regarded as a relative. sisters.

“Ilidan!!! I swear, I swear to kill you!”

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