Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 166

Chapter 24 .It’s bound to happen-add eight more

Illidan was standing in the center of the ruins of Dalaran. In the ruins around him, hundreds of naga mages were swaming with their tails to check the surrounding magic circle.

Speaking of it, Archimonde’s quasi-head thrown at the time was really good. He threw Dalaran directly to the edge of the Dalaran Plain, very close to the Alterac Mountains. This natural disaster-like boulder landed completely. Changed the surrounding terrain!

The entire plain ground seems to have been smashed into a pothole, don’t forget, the bottom of Dalaran is a very hard stone cone, and the buildings on top are all smoothed by the big devil, like a king-size The nails were driven directly into the ground, forming a shape like a “mushroom platform”!

The naga quickly cleared a piece of land on the top of the Dalaran platform. With the busyness of the naga mages, they used the magic net line of the “violet enchantment” as the basis to create a super large energy gathering method. Array!

These naga mages are all high-level elves of the year. In terms of magic skills, they are much stronger than the high-level elves of Quel’Thalas! This kind of modification work was done quickly.

So when the leader of this Naga army, Ms. Vaschi herself took the tall Naga royal guards to guard, Illidan took out a palm-sized wooden box from the leather bag around his waist, and It opened it carefully, and a perfect amber spar appeared in the box. The moment the spar appeared, the energy-gathering array began to operate, even in the black sky, under the traction of some kind of force. , Formed a whirlpool in the air! Even the bright moon disappeared at this moment…

The wind stopped!

The dark energy is too strong!

The Eye of Sargeras, of course, this is not Sargeras’ eyeballs, but the Dark Titan’s self-sealed power back then. When he sneaked into Azeroth, he carried one of the two artifacts on his body that could be used by the Dark Titan. If you carry it with you, the energy intensity can be imagined. Even an epic hero like Illidan, without resorting to the magic circle under his feet, forcibly mobilized the power in this amber stone, it would be swallowed instantly.

And unlike Archimonde’s darkness, which is full of corrosion and malice, the darkness in this amber stone is pure darkness, without a trace of impurities, just like warm sunlight, which attracts people. Like the feeling of being close, this amber stone is also exuding this pure darkness, just like the night, attracting everyone’s attention.

Even Illidan, the demon hunter, his hands trembled when he held the amber stone high, and there was a voice in his heart screaming, “Possess it! Get it! Absorb it!”

That was his wild mind, the instinctive pursuit of power, and the symptom that his soul was attracted by pure darkness!

Vasiqi’s six hands are holding different weapons, and her tail twitches quickly on the ground. Judging from her red cheeks, this high-ranking naga is also suffering a huge amount of temptation!


A bony long arrow pierced a Naga royal guard who couldn’t help but walked towards Illidan. Vashj closed his eyes fiercely and yelled to those intently behind him,

“Asshole! Don’t go there!”

The pungent smell of blood exploded at this moment, and everyone was awake for a short time. Even the demon hunter’s sanity was restored at this moment. He knew that this could not go on, otherwise the Naga behind him, Will be the first victim of this spar.

He gritted his teeth and pointed a tip above the spar to the north. The energy gathering process was too fast. In just a few seconds, Illidan himself was submerged by a storm of darkness gathering, and the darkness was like a rising tide. In Illidan’s body, his Demon Transformation awakened spontaneously, but even the horrible form of Demon Transformation, under the constant tide of darkness, was constantly shaking!

The sheer darkness will not harm Illidan’s body, but it will definitely tempt his soul!

Can’t drag on any longer!

Illidan felt like a lone traveler facing the abyss, and the abyss was looking back at him!

But at the moment when he felt that he could not hold up the chaotic and crazy energy, a neighing sound of war horses came from the distant sky, and Vasiqi looked up. It was in the fading moonlight of the night, and a horse rushed in first. Dark shadows in vision.

In the high-speed galloping, the violent cold wind was blowing the bone-white hair. For the first time, there was an expression on Alsace’s face. It was anxiety, anger, and suppressed fear!

Behind the invincible galloping in the sky, the movement of dozens of faintly blue frost dragons flapping their wings made Naga look like an enemy, but before Alsace swooped and rushed towards the man who was preparing to bombard the Ice Throne with concentration Illidan, a group of black and red energy, flew out from the dark ground, and accurately hit the fast-moving Alsace.

The death knight king was caught off guard, and was abruptly pulled from the invincible saddle, and was caught to the ground in the direction of the dark energy surge.

“Hahaha! Look at who this is!”

A rough and low voice sounded in the darkness, and Arthas’s eyes widened suddenly at this moment!

He jumped a few times on the ground, and when he landed steadily on the ground, the black and blue Frostmourne was already in his hand, but a blood-red bone sword also caught his eye, especially The hilt made of the dreadlord’s skull and the unusually familiar figure made Arthas take a step back.

“My dear disciple, have you… forgotten me?”

Uther, wearing a black crown-shaped helmet, strode out of the darkness. He tilted his head. The blue undead fire under the helmet stared at Arthas, who was on the verge of an enemy. Uther sneered. , Opened his left hand, faced the King of Death Knight, and shook it twice.

“Come on, let me see! How much have you grown!”

Hunting in the cold wind, Arthas, who must have been rushed to stop the terrible revenge from the Burning Legion, suddenly found himself in another predicament.

He clenched Frostmourne tightly and watched his whole body breath equal to his own, and even gathered behind two Uthers with black bat wings. He watched this man who crawled out of **** for the first time. , Had the urge to turn around and run away.

A few seconds later, on the earth shrouded in darkness, two frantic vortices bursting into the sky spread across the battered Dalaran Plain, and the death battle began!

However, even though Arthas was entangled by Uther who suddenly came out, the frost dragon he brought with him still did not lose control. Obviously, besides Arthas, the other undead commanders also coming!

For example, the slow, heartless Bone Lich who jumped out of the space not far from the ruins of Dalaran, the traveling Trojan horse staff in his hand swung forward freely, the frost dragon in the sky The dense gargoyle whizzed and rushed towards Illidan.

On the ground, hundreds of spider monsters, led by Anub’arak, who was huge as a monster, also rushed towards the direction of the ruins of Dalaran. In an instant, under the entire Dalaran platform, the ground began to grow slightly. Trembling!

“Raise! Shoot!”

With an order from Vasiqi, hundreds of sharp arrows were shot into the sky. Although the number was small, Naga’s archers had 6 arms. The shooting speed was definitely not comparable to that of other races, so it was just a wave of arrows. The number of gargoyles in the sky is reduced by a quarter.

Then the naga mages also began to show their might, and layer after layer of magic shields appeared over this small area. The purpose was not to kill. They only needed to hold on until Illidan’s Eye of Sargeras was charged. That’s it!

But at this moment, a magnificent pillar of moonlight fell from the sky and hit the place where Vasiqi was. One second before the hot moonlight came, Vasiqi’s body was like a spring, and it scurried quickly. Going out, the four Naga royal guards standing around her were flashed directly by the moonlight and killed instantly.

Vasiqi opened her bow and set arrows. When her body was still moving at high speed, three arrows shot out, but before they hit the target, she was hit by three arrows coming from the opposite direction, and those three were carrying them. The sharp arrow of the moonlight pierced the air and flew towards Vashj.

The next moment, the dazzling light of the sword lit up, and Ms. Naga pulled out two long bone knives from her waist with the two arms below, danced into a crescent moon, and flew the arrow with divine art.

She blocked the double knives in front of her, her free arms clenched the long-handled sabers behind her, and watched vigilantly at the white elf that appeared in the moonlight.

She recognizes that woman!

It was the woman who ruined everything she cherished!

When Tyrande’s iconic face appeared, all the chains of reason were instantly broken by the flood of anger and hatred. Vashj’s body rushed forward in a serpentine shape, as if it were a predator. The earthly python, like a berserker, rushed towards the Moon Sacrifice holding a flowering bow.

“Tyrande, **** you!!!”

A frantic and sharp roar floated in the air, and the moonlight of the Moon Sacrifice suddenly shrank, and at the moment she and Vasiqi came into contact, it exploded suddenly. The sound of thunder made the darkness of the night more light. A woman, ten thousand years of hatred, at this moment, pouring out like a water bottle that has been broken.

On the other side, Malfurion’s body turned into a giant eagle soared in the air and dived towards the ground, but his landing point was not Illidan, which had been completely bulged by darkness, but under the Dalaran platform. The undead flying towards the platform.

Between Illidan and the undead, Malfurion finally chose the undead. Although the brotherhood had cracked thousands of years ago, the archdruid still couldn’t make that determination when he wanted to fight against each other.


With a wild roar that resounded across the plains, an iron maned bear that was at least 5 times larger than the usual brown bear appeared in front of the arachnid. When the archdruid really entered the fighting state, even Anu Barak stopped the rushing charge, and the spider demons who rushed forward were all slapped flying by Malfurion’s claws!

The brown bear man stood up, slapped his chest frantically, with the emerald green light appearing, layer after layer of thorns wrapped around the brown bear’s body, and soon formed the armor made of trees, the twin eyes , Staring closely at the huge body of the Crypt Lord.

The implications are quite obvious.

Want to go there? Get past me first!

The forces of nature flowed swiftly, and 8 spawned treants emerged from the rippling green light, like railings, stubbornly blocking the way the Nerubians charged.

Anub’arak let out a sharp roar of unknown meaning, and his whole body rushed towards Malfurion like a tank that was activated. The Archdruid did not show any weakness and chose the wildest confrontation. The huge body also began to charge, and the confrontation between the two land beasts fully unfolded at this moment.

The three-way battlefield has started war, and the space around Illidan has entered the weakest undefended scene. Just when the thick, dark storm covering the moonlight was slightly weaker, a figure jumped out of Illidan’s shadow. .

warder! The sharpest and craziest sharp knife!

That group of sword wheels flew, in Maiev’s indifferent eyes, severely broke through the storm of dark energy, and slashed towards Illidan’s neck, who was trembling all over.

“This blow is for Nasha! Bastard!”


But just before the thorn blade wheel touched Illidan’s skin and interrupted the energy transmission ritual, a thin, but steel-like golden shield appeared in the air around the demon hunter.

The energy of the holy light only flashed for less than a second before it was completely swallowed by the darkness, but Maiev’s fatal blow was still blocked after all.

Then a domineering and scorching holy light slashed towards the watcher, Maiev stepped back several steps, and looked viciously at Dick, who appeared from the air beside Illidan, holding a green pendant, and the gray-haired man. Paladin.

“Dick…you…you are fine!!!”

“Maiev… Sister, I’m sorry, but you can’t disturb Illidan! At least now…no!”

“Traitor! You don’t deserve to be called my sister!”

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