Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 17

Chapter 1 .The little lover of the eldest lady

In May 20th, the Lordaeron Empire, which had just stabilized, experienced drastic changes again. The undead plague broke out within the empire. In just one month, the eastern hinterland of the empire, West Dallonemir, fell completely, and the number of people affected was as high as 100. For a while, people in the empire were panicked.

In the Tirisfal area, a carriage is moving fast on the avenue from the small town of Brill to the West Dallonemere area. This originally prosperous business road has not many people. For ordinary businessmen, the current West Dalungmir is like a hell.

Although the speed of the carriage was fast enough, the coachman was still dissatisfied. He shook his whip, and the whip made a crisp sound in the air, and the four steeds pulling the carriage accelerated again.

On the carriage of the carriage, at the door of the carriage, the royal coat of arms of the Lordaeron Empire is sealed, which shows that this is a carriage belonging to the royal family, so no one dares to stop it along the way. Let it be at a crazy speed. Running wildly on the road.

In the carriage, Jaina was sitting on Dick’s lap with a gloomy face. The eldest lady’s face was ugly now, not only because of the fatigue of the long journey, but also because of the scroll she was holding in her hand.

That was Dalaran’s envoy, and it was delivered to Jaina. Although it was in the form of a scroll, it was actually a letter. Dick was leaning against the swaying carriage, and his eyes swept down. You can see the final signature of the envelope.

It was a text that jumped like flames, like a living thing made up of light, that represented a name that people couldn’t ignore, Antonidas.

“Oh, the instructor is fainted.”

Jaina irritably crumpled the scroll in her hand and threw it on the ground. She sighed, buried her head in Dick’s chest, and said with an urn sound,

“I have sent Kel’Thuzad’s relics to him, but he hasn’t realized the seriousness of this matter yet, and he kept asking me to return to Dalaran and let Ronin’s idiot take care of the finishing touches.”

“Master Antonidas is worried about you too.”

Dick stretched out his hand and stroked Jaina’s back. After he woke up that day, the relationship between the two began to advance by leaps and bounds. Although due to Jaina’s identity, Dick could only act as her guard in the public. Appears, but this can’t stop the love affair between the two people.

It only took a day for Dick to hit second base, but it was not so easy to continue.

Returning from the destroyed Unknown Valley to the Tirisfal region, it was already a day after Kel’Thuzad’s death. Jaina did not lose time. She broke into the court of King Terenas as quickly as possible, and The trap designed by Kel’Thuzad for Alsace was told to the wise old king.

Although King Terenas, who grew up from the war, was old, he was still very decisive. After listening to Jaina’s narration, he immediately wrote an order, entrusting Jaina to bring him to the Silver Lord who was active in the Andorhal area. The hand knights, let the “light paladin” Uther lead the team to rescue Arthas.

This is why Jaina and Dick are now sitting in this running wagon.

Jaina didn’t want to see Arthas fall into the trap, but this was different from the previous love. It was just a simple responsibility, and Dick had to return to Stratholme because of the mission.

“Trigger Task: Large Historical Node-Stratholme”

“Note: Save Stratholme’s fate.”

“Reward: 2%-6% of the world’s twisting degree”

If Dick was still hesitating before, how to get 70% of the world twist, when he met King Terenas, this task was triggered, which made Dick see hope. The Pantheon, which has been completely killed by the Dark Titans, is the atmosphere. Not only the historical nodes are marked, but they are also released in the form of tasks.

This is equivalent to drawing a bright avenue for Dick in the confusion, as long as he can walk firmly, sooner or later he can complete the main task.

“What are you thinking? Little villain”

Jaina looked up at Dick, who was squinting, with a wink. The latter was shocked. He pursed his lips, leaned down, and joined the four lips. After two minutes, he felt something wrong under him. The eldest lady broke away from Dick’s arms with a flushed face, and sat angrily on the opposite chair.

But this annoyance only lasted for a few seconds. Her gaze was placed on Dick’s black gloved left hand. It was with Missy’s superhuman wisdom, when faced with this special palm. , And also a little frustrated.

“They really…really grow together?”

Seeing the curious look of the eldest lady, Dick, who was still pale, shrugged, reached out and took off the glove of his left hand, revealing the silver-white fist.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but it really grew on the broken arm just one night.”

Dick moved his fingers. The delicate, living-like silver left hand actually made very flexible movements under his control, just like a real palm. In addition to pain, All complete touch.

It can be said that apart from the different skin color, this silver hand left by Tyre has completely become a part of Dick’s body. Although it is not certain, Dick guessed that this thing should be the completion of the task of “living and dying.” After that, in addition to the 15-point full attribute improvement, another reward.

“Unbelievable, the relic left by the Titans was actually obtained by you in this way!”

Jaina put on a pair of special rimless glasses, pulled Dick’s left hand in front of her, and watched carefully. She also took out her short-handled staff and concentrated her magic on the head, but the purple When the spot of light came into contact with this silver fist, it disappeared instantly like ink dripping into the sea.

But Dick’s whole body trembled abruptly. He felt the stimulation of the magic light and the weak pain, which made him bark his teeth. The quiet left hand also jerked forward, and once again caught the unprepared eldest lady. Into his arms.

“Bad… let me go… uh… hate…”

————————————————– —————————

The Crusader Bulwark has now become the temporary resident of the Knights of the Silver Hand. It, Hearthglen in the north of West Dallonemere, and the Empire’s army to the west, form a triangular battlefield, which will bring the undead creatures the most aggressive offensive. Andorhal is firmly locked in the center of this triangle.

The Dalongmir region is an important grain-producing area of ​​the empire. The flat terrain here is full of large and small farms. There is only one Andorhal in the large city. This is the only thing that satisfies Uther, the current commander of the Dalongmir region. thing.

The three parties joined forces. On the third day when Prince Alsace notified the situation in Andorhal, he had eliminated other wandering undead in this land, but facing Andorhal, which had completely become the city of the undead, the three legions always Failed to open the defense.

Ordinary soldiers do not have much advantage in the face of undead creatures. The only thing that can effectively restrain the attack of the undead is the paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand. However, the profession of paladins has been established since the establishment of Bishop Alonthos-Fao. Now, in just fourteen years, the number of Imperial Paladins is too small.

The three-day continuous battle has also exhausted these Paladins to the extreme.

Uther held the golden warhammer in both hands and led a small group of Paladins, blocking the front of the Andorhal Bridge. His whole body was almost filled with the energy of the Holy Light, like a group of walking rays, every time he attacked , Can make more than a dozen undead wailing and turning to ashes.

It was like an invisible golden line blocking Uther’s body, no one could cross this line without permission.

But even so, in the face of nearly a million undead, the defense line of the Silver Hand is constantly being compressed, and this time the Lich Araki of Andorhal has even dispatched a war weapon-Abomination.

This is completely made of fresh blood, and the whole body is exuding a dark green plague atmosphere. It is 4 meters tall and weighs nearly one ton. There is also a deformed arm sewn on the back, holding a blood-stained bone-cutting axe and bone-cutting. The sickle, and a hideous black chain monster, is simply the evil product of all nightmares.

They are infinitely powerful and will not be exhausted. Unless they are burned to ashes by the light of great energy, they will continue to attack even if they are chopped down. In the past three days, this monster has killed at least 15 people. Paladin.

Right now, in the laughter of Araki, who has become a lich, two abhorrent and one left and right came to the wall of Andorhal, waved the battle axe in his hand, and cut out the hard wall in three or two strokes. In a depression, a large number of ghouls and skeleton soldiers rushed out from the notch.

“Dathrohan, you go to close that gap, and you can’t let those monsters rush to the line of defense!”

Uther narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene, and immediately shouted at the strong man who was fighting with him behind him. The strong man holding the heavy hammer did not answer, but turned around and rushed to the left alone. The hatred of the attack.

Saidan Dathrohan, one of the five knights of the Silver Hand, is enough to deal with the undead coming from the left.

But what about the right?

Seeing those crazy ghouls getting closer and closer to the panicked rear line, Uther regretted at this moment. Why did he listen to the villain Barthilas’s slander and agree to abolish Tirion’s light? Zhili, if the old man was still here, he would have no worries at all.

And Turalyon, who disappeared in the Second World War, was what a powerful and wise warrior of the Holy Light. The first five Paladins, now there are only him and Dathrohan, and he is not good at frontal combat. Gavinrad is three of them.

“Hold on, I’ll be back soon!”

Uther yelled to the Paladins behind him, and he rushed towards the Sea of ​​Undead on the right, which had plunged into the battle line, but when he was halfway through, a roar of rage sounded on the battle line behind him. ,

“Go away! Evil!”

A young man, a young man wearing a black attendant gown, carrying a two-handed sword that intersects with blue and red, rushed out of the battle line and rushed straight into the wave of the undead.

He was very brave, but after slaying a few ghouls unstoppable, he was still surrounded by undead.

Uther quickened his pace. He couldn’t watch a warrior fall in front of him, but as he approached the battlefield, a holy power that made him look at him suddenly burst into the sea of ​​undead. .

“Holy light is on!”

Uther watched the young man kneeling on the ground sincerely. The long sword in his hands had been replaced by a heavy golden warhammer. The light visible to the naked eye formed a burning enchantment around him. Any undead who dared to approach this halo were ruthlessly burned to ashes.

Under this halo, the fastest ghouls wailed and fled around, and even the fierce hatred stopped rushing forward.

“He actually became a Paladin at this time!”

Uther was messed up in an instant. As the first-generation paladin, he knew better than anyone how difficult it is to produce a paladin. First of all, he must have a sincere belief in the Holy Light, preferably a priest, and then undergo a series of harsh martial arts training. , It takes at least a year, and then after the previous generation of paladins injected them with the seeds of light, those who have embarked on the road of knights need to be baptized by the archbishop before they can officially become a warrior of the light.

But this young man has subverted Uther’s three views. He can be sure that when this young man rushed into the battlefield, he didn’t even have the breath of holy light, but in a blink of an eye, the holy light descended on grace and let He became a Paladin on the battlefield!

how can that be! !

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