Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 170

Chapter 28 .No War in Northern Xinjiang–Additional

Illidan lay on the simple wooden bed, his eyes widened, his breathing became much weaker, and every few minutes he would cough hard for several times. He was hit by the energy in the center of the explosion and was rescued by Dick. At the time, the demon hunter had almost only a small half-life left. If Dick was a treacherous villain, and he made a knife at this time, Illidan would cry without tears.

Fortunately, the relationship between the two people is good, and Dick is also a very principled person, so that kind of **** thing did not happen.

However, the atmosphere in the room is still a bit subtle, because on another bed not far from Illidan, the bandaged watchman is even more miserable than him. He is still in a coma. Maiev’s distance and distance Illidan was even less than 1 meter, and he almost ate the heavyweight explosion from start to finish.

And it wasn’t just Maiev, those guys who were standing on the Dalaran platform at the time, except for Tyrande, who was protected by the moonlight, were basically seriously injured! It can be described as heavy casualties!

In fact, if it were not for Alsace’s group of people who had also suffered heavy losses and fled in a hurry, the righteous forces in Northern Xinjiang would probably have been wiped out in that confrontation.

The situation is relatively good. Old Mograine was picked up by the Paladins to the Light’s Hope Chapel. After the war, Tyrande quietly returned to Mount Hyjal with Malfurion that was affected. , Quel’Thalas’s forces are the best preserved. After Kael’thas and Dick discussed the handover of Stratholme, they quickly returned to Sunshine Island.

Uther and his entourage Thassarian did not know where they were.

This lively scene ended so quietly.

When the first ray of sunlight hits the Great Plains of Dalaran, it has become another scene of hell, broken, leaving only one-third of the Dalaran platform standing alone on a dark scorched earth. Among them, apart from the fallen corpse, there was no other life there.

Death, darkness, holy light, shadow, flame, frost, all kinds of energies entangled and spread on that land, the ground was lifted, the land became dry, everything lost its original color, when Dick sat in Dalaran On the edge of the platform, he witnessed the destructive power of the hero once again as he watched the sun shine on the barren scorched earth.

Except for the undead, no one would break into here rashly anymore, right?


The door on the second floor of the Nanhai Town Hotel was pushed open. Dick came in with two breakfasts. Illidan tried to get up, but Dick stopped it.

He obviously didn’t sleep all night, his eyes turned red, and his face was dim. The Paladin sat on the edge of his bed and asked seriously.

“Are you still going to keep going as you think?”

“Ahem…I’ve reached this point, it would be too stupid to give up.”

The demon hunter blinked, and his blood-stained face showed a difficult smile, “Thank you, Dick, I owe you my life.”

Dick waved his hand and handed the fragrant breakfast to Illidan, who struggled to prop up his body, and he was not welcome, and he took it and gobbled it up.

The demon hunter’s resilience is simply frightening. In just one night, Dick saw that the shocking wounds on his body had shown signs of healing, and the paladin calculated the next move of the demon hunter.

The memory in his memory is not very clear. He only remembers that after bombarding the Ice Throne, Illidan will continue to go to Northrend under Kil’jaeden’s order to kill the dying Lich King. Ke couldn’t ask, he waited for the demon hunter to finish two breakfasts, watching him rub his stomach comfortably, the Paladin asked again.

“Then what are your plans next?”

“I’m going to Northrend!”

Illidan squeezed his deformed left arm, his eyes were still covered with black cloth, but his expression really didn’t look like a blind man, “Must go!”

“Hunt and kill Arthas?”

“No, kill the Lich King!”

The demon hunter lifted his body from the bed and took the black hood that the Paladin handed over and covered his whole body. As he passed by the Paladin, he lowered his voice.

“Kil’jaeden is a must-see guy. You have been there in the Legion’s two consecutive failures to invade Azeroth. Be careful, you are caught by him.”

The Paladin nodded slightly, then stuffed something into the palm of the demon hunter.

“You can save your life when it’s critical, don’t forget, you still owe me a Sargerite keystone, don’t die!”

Illidan surpassed Dick with a hearty smile, then opened the window, and leaped out of the room amidst the early morning mist. After a few movements and ups and downs, the blackness disappeared in the outskirts of Nanhai Town. In the forest.

“What a windy man!”

Dick touched his chin, said something inexplicable, then looked at the two empty bowls on the table, shook his head, and walked out of the room. He had to take another breakfast for the guardian who had been in a coma. As for the coma, she should How to eat it, this is Dick’s part.

In fact, even if Dick wanted to do something to Maiev, who had no power to resist, he had no chance. The dozen or so watchmen who had belonged to the knights of Theramore’s inner court were almost non-stop day and night. Hiding in the dark, protecting their Maiev.

Although under Dick’s strict orders, these watchmen did not act on Illidan, but the demon hunter chose to leave, and Dick was relieved. Although he did not want to admit it, Illidan is indeed a troublesome walking. Even Malfurion acquiesced in allowing Dick to take him away.

In Nanhai Town, although it was early morning, the atmosphere of the meeting was already very enthusiastic. The hand of Silver ordered the knight to post a brand new notice on the bulletin board, and the enthusiastic townsfolk surrounded him and asked loudly. With the latest news.

“Have the undead been chased away?”

“It was thunder and lightning last night. Did the Ashbringer kill Arthas?”

“Master Knight, Master Knight, can we return to East Dallone Mill?”

The knight who sent the order was soon unable to answer the questions of these townspeople, and he simply shouted,

“The leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the great Ashbringer, last night, with his righteous allies, defeated the dark boss in one fell swoop in the Plains of Dalaran, and Arthas, who betrayed us, knew nothing about the life and death of the dead. A piece of loose sand! The Silver Hand will soon regain West Dallonemir!”

“Justice will be carried out!”

“Oh oh oh!”

“Hurray! Hurray!”

Under the loud shouts of the Paladins, the townspeople also shouted like a carnival. The town soon became lively in the early morning. The good news was spread by word of mouth, even the town that has always been very serious. Long Heni Mareb also joined the townspeople’s carnival with his entourage.

The mayor of aristocratic origin also sent a messenger to report to Tarren Mill and Dunhold. It can be seen that the civilians have been suppressed and uncomfortable in the battle of the undead, which has been going on for more than a year. With this great news, everyone quickly fell into a carnival mood.

However, Dick, who was standing by the window on the second floor of the hotel, looked at the Herald knight walking through the crowd seriously. To be precise, Dick saw the knight in the silver hand armor with the blood red engraved on his chest. Signet of Lordaeron.

Dick clenched his fists, “The Scarlet Crusade… Mograine, you are playing with fire!”

Dick, who has personally experienced the insane behavior of the Scarlet Crusade in the game where we kill all enemies, has always been very vigilant about the establishment of the Scarlet Crusade. These fanatical Paladins may have just appeared when they first appeared. In order to clear the dead, but with the death of the old Mograine, their beliefs became more paranoid and distorted.

In the end it turned into a fanatical declaration similar to monotheism: those who do not agree with us are all heretics that need to be purified!

They were even so crazy that they raised their butcher knives against the Silver Hand, who was also on the front of the undead, and eventually became an extreme force entrenched in northern Xinjiang.

Although the Scarlet Crusade’s enthusiasm for fighting the undead cannot be denied, Dick really does not want this double-edged sword that hurts the enemy and himself. But it still appeared!

The Paladin shook his head. He was in a terrible mood. He suffered successive setbacks, which made all his previous thoughts go to nothing. Moreover, as the situation in the Kingdom of Stormwind in the southern part of the continent began to deteriorate, he really didn’t have much time. Wasted in what is now northern Xinjiang.

The significance of the Dalaran melee is definitely not just to defeat the undead forces that have raised their heads again after the battle of the devil. The biggest significance of the melee last night is that it was twisted into a rope by Arthas again. The undead of Northern Xinjiang lost their commander again, and changed back to a situation of scattered sand.

In that case, they couldn’t stop the siege of the silver hand and the increasing number of mercenary adventurers. Dick could foresee that the situation in northern Xinjiang had returned to the normal state of history, and it became in Alsace. In the years before the Lich King regained his awakening, the undead would completely fall into a passive defense dilemma.

In other words, there is no more battle worthy of Dick in Beijiang!

If Stratholme is temporarily transferred to the Sin’dorei knights just built in Quel’Thalas as a stronghold, this city will still assume the base camp has been transferred to Theramore’s training and growth base for the Argent Dawn recruits.

After Liadrin brought the Silver Dawn to the Light’s Wish Chapel, the division of East Dallonemir has become a foregone conclusion. Stratholme and Ghostlands belong to the Silver Dawn, and the other areas belong to the Silver Hand. This This weird situation will continue until the next upheaval.

In this regard, Dick said it was acceptable!

Herod, the heroic knight of the Silver Dawn, the Dawnbringer, will bring a part of the old knights to stay in Stratholme for a long time, and the other paladins will protect Medien and return to Theramore, and Dick, he will also set foot on the new Journey.

But before that, Dick had one last thing to do.

“Dalyan, you have to stay in Stratholme.”

The Paladin looked at the stubborn young man with a headache. In battle after battle, this young young man has become a qualified warrior, especially the knife marks on his eyes. Human temperament tends to be serious and gloomy.

But this has unexpectedly increased him a lot of fate for women. It is said that as long as Dalyan appears in the tavern in Nanhai Town, the maids will find ways to stay with him.

“I don’t want to stay here!”

Dalyan was a little aggrieved, he touched the hilt of the long sword behind him, and came up with another reason, “And the old man is not willing to let me stay here!”

Dick shook his head, he lowered his voice.

“There is a reason for you to stay here! Remember the dreadlord disguised as the great knight Dathrohan? Do you think its target is only Dathrohan? You are wrong, Dalyan, its target is yours Father! Ashbringer!”

“Old Mr. Mograine has now become the leader of the northern frontiers, just like a banner against the undead. In this case, bright swords and dark arrows will definitely emerge in endlessly. I don’t worry about the frontal battlefield. There will be ashes. The Holy Blade of the Messenger, except for Arthas’s return, no one is his opponent! But what about the conspiracy?”

Dick increased his tone.

“How many heroes have fallen under the conspiracy, can you watch your father being calculated? Even because of those despicable conspiracies? Lost his life because of those despicable conspiracies? Although there are conflicts in ideas, he is a true warrior. Die for the dirty cause, understand? Dalyan, this is the responsibility on your shoulders!”

“I really want to fall into the quagmire of conspiracy, who can old Mograine rely on? Is your brother who can’t support the wall with mud?”

Dalyan was silent, even the war sword that had been buzzing behind him was also silent. Obviously, Dick persuaded him for this reason, and also persuaded the rebellious Scamdor.

“Well, I will stay in Stratholme, but I am not for the stubborn old man! I…I am for the civilians in Northern Xinjiang!”

“Well, no matter what it’s for, the best thing you can think of is that!”

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