Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 173

Chapter 2 .Black Iron Bar-Land of Legends—plus 1

The Dark Iron Dwarves are one of the three branches of the Dwarves. They lost in the Battle of the Three Hammers 300 years ago and were expelled together with the Wildhammer Dwarves. The Wildhammer went further north, and Dark Iron came to the south because In some accidents, they had to cross the barren land and enter the scorching canyon, but even after being exiled, the love of digging in the dwarf’s bones still failed to fade.

So the Dark Iron dwarves spent 300 years excavating a huge dungeon under the mountains in the center of the Scorching Gorge and the Burning Plain, and built a majestic city comparable to Ironforge with heavy obsidian. Named “The Dark Furnace City”.

There is a gossip that the Blackrock Tower of the Blackrock Orcs was actually built by the Black Iron Dwarves, but it was taken over by the Blackrock Orcs who were defeated in the Burning Steppes and used it as their base.

But in any case, Blackrock Tower and Darkforge City are definitely the overlords of the Searing Gorge and Burning Plains at present, and no one can challenge their majesty in these two places.

Dick held Liadrin’s hand, and walked reservedly in the majestic aisle that was nearly 5 meters high and decorated with chandeliers and wall lamps. Two black iron guards led the way, behind Dick. , The Paladins also gathered together in twos and threes, whispering to discuss this underground structure completely different from the human world.

Yes, Dick finally chose the bodyguard service that was said to be “bad”, because the Paladin did not plan to confront the Dark Iron dwarves head-on here. No matter how crazy he was, he would never think of using his dozens of people to deal with a whole body. The kingdom of the dwarves and the orcs are purely looking for death.

“300 years ago this was not called Searing Gorge and Burning Plain.”

Dick whispered to Liadrin and Velindkope about the dark iron dwarves, “After they were defeated, in order to fight back in the Jedi, at the call of the Great Thaurissan, the dark iron dwarves’ spellcasters tried Summoned a powerful magical creature to turn the tide of the battle, but they got rid of it.”

“It’s stupid to put all bets on magic.”

Liadrin sneered at the adventures of the Dark Iron dwarves. “Quel’Thalas also had a crazy time in the history. At that time, most of the magic experiments in preparation for war caused extreme consequences, and the mana cage was also there. It was built at the time.”

Verinde was also attracted by Dick’s story. While loosening her tight chest, she put the well-behaved black cat on her shoulder and asked in a low voice.

“What did these dwarves summon?”

Dick glanced at her, his eyes swept across the alluring semicircle inadvertently, then lowered his voice and said in a negative tone,

“They summoned the elemental prince, of course, not the complete body, otherwise this continent would be finished. They summoned the Lord of the Balrog, the leader of the fire source, the phantom of Ragnaros, the ultimate body. The instant the fire element appeared, it summoned the sky-reaching volcanic magma, submerging the entire burning plain and the searing gorge, and the kingdom of Thaurissan established in the Redridge Mountains was destroyed. The worst thing is that these dwarves were forced to become Servant of the Balrog!”

“The cursed blood is flowing in their veins, unable to defy the order of the Balrog, and they finally migrated here, built the Darkforge City, and just lingered.”

Dick lifted his leg and walked through the last step of the aisle. His eyes suddenly opened up. The hot and crazy breath rushed over his face. Dick couldn’t help but stretch out his hand and block it in front of him. Go, a dreamlike scene appeared before Dick’s eyes.

This is the interior of the Black Rock Mountain. The entire mountain is hollowed out, like a large egg shell. Densely dense obsidian is embedded in the interior of the mountain by the dwarves to reinforce the mountain. Within Dick’s horizon, the magma is removed from the obsidian. Flowing out of the reserved hole, poured into the stove-like magma pool below, splashing with flames of extremely high temperature from time to time.

Yes, a pool of magma, under the mountain, Dick knew that it was a lava river, a lava river that emerged from the power of Ragnaros, in which strange creatures such as fire demon and pterodactyl survive. .

This is the best lighting. In this orange light, Dick’s gaze turned to the surroundings. Eight huge stone statues, apparently supposed to be the hero sculptures in the legend of the Dark Iron Dwarf, were all carved into stretched hands. It looked like, four thick chains with two people spread out from the palm of the sculpture, across the sky, fastened to the conical tower in the center of the magma.

Around the heads of the four stone statues, there is a horizontal row of passages built on the mountain, and there are still figures flashing inside.

Dick’s excellent vision allowed him to spot the figures walking in the passage for the first time. They were orcs, black-skinned orcs, stronger and more savage than Thrall’s orcs.

It was the Blackrock Orc, the main body of the old tribal coalition, a militant and bloodthirsty guy.

Dick retracted his gaze and looked back at Liadrin and the other Paladins, who were also attracted by this peculiar and difficult-to-see scenery. The Dark Iron Guards who acted as guides had obviously turned a blind eye to this scene. They were very concerned about the newcomer. ‘S shock was also used to it. Three minutes later, the rude guard yelled,

“Big people, let’s go! The Dark Iron Bar is still far away!”

Dick shrugged, retired Liadrin’s slender waist, and followed the two dark iron guards towards the chain pontoon erected on the edge of the stone statue.

“Did you see the stone statue on your left? There is a hidden road to the Blackrock Tower controlled by the Blackrock Orcs, Velind, let your cat go out and let it sneak into the Blackrock Tower to investigate!”

The Paladin said to Miss Werewolf that the latter reluctantly put the black cat to her mouth, muttered a few words, and then bent over and placed the kitten on the ground. This action made Miss Werewolf’s figure appear astonishing. In an arc, the black cat rubbed his fur on Velinde’s leg with nostalgia, and then swiftly rushed into the darkness.

The natural affinity of the druids is unfavorable to control the small animals. This black cat was bought by Velind in the Gilnean market and asked Liadrin to buy it for her. It cost 13 gold coins. , Can be called a luxury! It is said that she saw this black cat, which is said to have “noble blood” at a glance, and the cat is also very sticky to her, and then she has been brought here.

Speaking of it, this cat is really a bit special. At least Dick will definitely ignore the existence of this black cat if he doesn’t deliberately observe it. It is simply the best with the druid talent that Willind slowly awakens. Little scout.

This action did not attract the attention of the dark iron dwarves. In fact, the two drunks led the way while continuously pouring the spicy dark iron ale, so they did not fall into the lava lake below. They were already lucky. Naturally they can’t notice anything.

Approaching the dangling pontoon, which was made by dwarves using iron plates to add to those chains, it seemed extremely dangerous to dangling. Dick felt Liadlin’s hand holding her arm tightened. Obviously a little scared, there was a smile on the corner of the Paladin’s mouth, woman.

So in an exclamation of Liadrin, Dick picked him up, and used the most romantic princess hug, and then strode onto the pontoon. The high elf blushed and his arms wrapped around Di. On K’s neck, his head rested on Dick’s chest, letting him hold himself and walk across the pontoon.

It looks dangerous, but Dick, who has walked countless times in the game, until the chain is very strong, even on the road from Darkforge City to Molten Heart, there is no pontoon bridge. Players have to walk on Only on the iron cable can you reach the entrance located on the bank of the magma river. That is the real crazy move.

Dick estimated that these dark iron dwarves must have a secret passage in the central cone black tower, leading directly to the dark iron bar. This is also proved by Darth and Demetrius. They did not walk at all. Players often walk. The road enters the Darkforge City.

King Thaurissan was not a lunatic either. He allowed these lawless adventurers to walk back and forth in his own kingdom. Sure enough, after crossing the chain bridge, the drunken black iron guard pointed to the weird equipment placed in a room.

“Stand inside, 10 people at a time, it only takes 5 minutes to reach the black iron bar!”

Dick shrugged, it really was this thing!

Black iron drilling machine! The creation of engineering, this thing is very magical in the game. You can reach the dark iron bar by using it anywhere, but in the real world, it must pass through pre-set tracks, but this is nothing. Dick missed seeing this kind of thing in the real world.

Accompanied by the rumbling of the black iron drilling machine, Dick sat on the leather sofa inside the large drilling machine. These black iron dwarves really had the idea to make this ghost like those tall elevators.

Five minutes later, the gate of the black iron drilling machine opened, and then the lively, noisy, fanatical atmosphere like a nightclub plunged into Dick’s ears.

Black Iron Bar, here it is!

————————————————– ———————————

“Ah, Mr. Eberlock, long time no see!”

Three minutes before Dick came to the bar, in the hustle and bustle of the black iron bar, on the corner table, two low-key and restrained guys were talking, looking like a pair of old friends.

The black-haired man known as Baron Eberlock raised his head. His green eyes looked a little horrible. Humans rarely have such eyesight, but after seeing the visitor clearly, Baron Eberlock stiffened. A smile appeared on his face.

“Mr. Gacoyne, it’s been a long time since I saw you, how are you doing these days?”

The middle-aged man in a black tuxedo sat opposite the Baron Eberlock and picked up his pipe. This is a pipe made of white bone with a skeleton sculpture on it. It looks very conspicuous and has an unusually evil feeling. But both of them turned a blind eye to this. Faced with Baron Eberlock’s greetings, Gacoin silently took a pipe and said,

“What else? When I stayed in Gnomeregan before, I always felt that the dwarves there were too noisy, but until we lost the base of freedom of thought and had to move to the mouse hole in Ironforge, I just feel the value of it. Magni has been watching us and being wary of us, so recently I had to go back to Stormwind. I hate that place, even though it is my home. Hey, don’t talk about me, listen. Saying that you have gained a lot in Mount Hyjal not long ago, has the group you have been planning finally established?”

Baron Eberlock tapped his fingers lightly on the table, and after a few seconds, he spoke.

“Jakkoin, my old friend, the Black Scythe Council needs fresh blood. No one else is more suitable than you. Who remembers that you gave up the career of a mage and devoted yourself to the research of the sorcerer’s spell for the royal family and the people? This country is so bad, my friend, I know you can’t let go of your business for more than ten years, but listen to me, our harvest in Mount Hyjal is far beyond your imagination, as long as you join us, this Everything, I can open to you, as long as you nod your head.”

Gakoin’s face changed slightly, and his smoking pipe stopped. “But…but from the shadow castle…”

“Forget the Shadow Castle, my friend, those who walk in the dark always leave a way for themselves. We are your way!”

After Baron Eberlock finished speaking, he closed his mouth and left the time to Gacoyne. He believed that this old friend could make a correct judgment. At this moment, the sound of the black iron drilling machine reached his ears. In, the regular customers of the Black Iron Bar know that this is the arrival of a newcomer.

The baron casually cast his gaze on the room outside the bar. He was completely uninterested in these newcomers, because they could not access the real secrets of the black iron bar, but when the young man in a black dress walked out of the room, the Lord Baron took his hand. The wine glass inside slipped from the palm of his hand and hit his expensive robe, creating ugly stains.

“What’s wrong? My friend?”

Gacoyne asked in a low voice, Baron Eberlock did not answer, but stood up, put two gold coins on the corner of the table, and whispered to Gacoyne,

“My friend, consider my proposal! The door of the Black Scythe Council is open to you, I have to go, there is a… well, an old friend is here, forgive me for being rude, but I have to go and receive him.”

(S: The remaining five shifts will be given tomorrow… 2 will be restored next week, and 3 will be opened next month. As for next month, ah, such a distant matter, let’s talk about it after a while. Thanks to Brother Death I will add more rewards for you tomorrow, and I will sort out the reward list tomorrow, thank you brothers!)

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