Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 180

Chapter 9 .Morgan Watch

Things in the world are like this. Often you think you have made a profit. In fact, you can’t even keep your underwear at a loss. But sometimes, you think you have lost, but things always turn out unexpectedly.

Dick was in this sudden joy at this time. Every time he noticed the dazzling orange drawing that appeared in his forging interface, he couldn’t help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and couldn’t help it.

“Sulfuron’s Hammer”, this is the rare orange weapon “Safras-Hand of the Balrog” in its initial form. Thaurissan gave Dick this drawing, but after Dick’s careful observation, The complete forging drawing of the hand of the flame demon also appeared in Dick’s forging drawing.

This means that as long as you can defeat the avatar of the Balrog King and get the Eye of Sulfuras, Dick will be able to forge a legendary weapon! This is a surprise!

In fact, it’s hard to say which artifact or legendary weapon is better. Artifacts are valuable for growth, and the overbearing special effects of legendary weapons are difficult to let go. And as soon as this blueprint appeared, Anvina also felt the crisis, she has been talking loudly to the Paladin In his mind, he played a small temper, and repeatedly asked Dick to promise that he would not abandon the fire of justice.

Well, this kind of “harem fighting for favor” has made Dick a little erratic. Only when there is competition, progress can be made!

Of course, the blueprint taken from Thaurissan also gave Dick another secret. The blueprint for the Hammer of Savron in the game can only be bought from the Thorium Brotherhood. This organization aims to fight against the Balrog. The king’s ruthless enslavement of the Dark Iron Dwarves. At first, Dick only thought that this resistance organization was organized by those uncontrolled Dark Iron Dwarves, but now it seems that there may be Thaurissan behind the Thorium Brotherhood!

This guy is playing the game of “palm, back of the hand”, playing with clapping players who think he is smart. Sure enough, none of these old guys are easy to deal with!

Dick spit on the ground fiercely, then tightened his hood, and under the whip wielded by the black iron jailer, he moved “difficultly” towards the southern gate of Blackstone Mountain.

This operation of transporting slaves and prisoners of war was carried out almost every day, and the Blackrock Orcs guarding the southern gate did not stop them. Although they had fought with the Black Iron dwarves for several years, the two sides lived together in the narrow Black Rock Mountain after all. Place, so in addition to the frequent conflicts, the two sides also have a tacit understanding.

There are also many orcs frequent visitors in the Dark Iron Bar. The orcs are in the fortresses of the Burning Plains and often hire Dark Iron Dwarves to repair them. In short, these two exiled races are still in a very contradictory situation in the poor mountains and rivers. Coexisted with each other.

After walking out of the southern gate of Black Rock Mountain, the scenery of the Burning Plain appeared in Dick’s eyes for the first time. Well, there is actually no scenery here. It looks like a searing gorge, with terrible hot winds everywhere. Black soil, barren land, magma everywhere, and the vicious guys living here, flame scorpions, black snakes, molten spiders, any of them can easily kill an ordinary person.

Poor mountains and evil waters, that’s where we are talking!

However, when Dick and others appeared in the Burning Plain, it was the setting sun, and the beautiful and vast red glow hung on the horizon, covering everything here with a layer of red gauze.

“How about? This scenery is beautiful, right?”

Wen De Sole, who unfastened his handcuffs, walked to Dick’s side while rubbing his wrists, looked at the setting sun in the sky, and took a deep breath.

“It was here that year, we defeated the orcs, and finally won, but it is also here that Sir Lothar died in battle. It was a really bad time. Every day there will be familiar people dying by your side, and every day there will be new people by your side. It’s really too bad to join.”

The Paladin ignored the old marshal’s complaint, he took out a rolled up letter from his arms and placed it in the old marshal’s hands.

“This is the letter. The Dark Iron Dwarf’s occultist has deciphered it, but Marshal, you have to be mentally prepared, because what you are about to see is a desperate future!”

Windsor glanced at Dick. He had seen this paladin’s magical powers more than once. He went out for 2 hours that night and brought back the queen of the Dark Iron Kingdom alone and above ten thousand people. When Laila showed up at the Black Iron Bar, she almost freaked out the poor dwarf boss.

Poor Prager thought that Dick had tied the queen back. Maybe in the next moment, tens of thousands of Dark Iron Guards would rush into the Dark Iron Bar and kill all the living creatures inside.

The veteran put aside the mess of thoughts in his mind, then opened the letter, and the first sentence at the beginning made him stunned.

“To my dear sister Katerina from afar:”

“Father’s orders are still chaotic as always, but fortunately you and I are used to it. The research on the colorful dragon beasts has reached the final stage. Thank you for the experimental materials you found for me in that smelly human city. .”

“Speaking of which, I remember that you mentioned a nasty human last time, named Windsor or something. As a gift to me, I will help you solve this trouble, but my dear sister, I hope you will be with you When those low-level creatures play the game, don’t forget your father’s command, and cooperate with the Twilight Prophet to control the city!”

“Of course, I know you have always dismissed my orders, but I hope you can really take this advice to heart. Father is playing for real this time. My sister, don’t challenge his patience. Both you and me. I know, that’s a lunatic who the six relatives don’t recognize.”

“At the end of this letter, when I fell asleep every night in the last few days, I could hear another voice calling me in the far north. I don’t know who it was, but there is no doubt that at that time, there was another voice calling me. A clan stronger than you and me, if you have similar symptoms, please take time to come to the Blackrock Tower, this is very important!”

“I wish you all the best in your game!”

“Your dear brother: Nefarian Presto”

Windsor was in a trance, the thin letter paper slipped from the tips of his fingers, his eyes became dull, he took a step forward, muttering in his mouth,

“Impossible…this…this is impossible.”


The old marshal fell to the ground. In the flipped horizon and the sky, he saw Dick and the Paladins running towards him, but… there was no hope anymore.

The fact that Earl Catalina was disguised as a black dragon was only an accident, but the prophet Twilight, that person, just thinking about that possibility, Wen De Sole felt that the world in his eyes was collapsing.

The Holy Light is on! How is it possible…all of this, how is it possible!

————————————————– ————————————

Morgan’s sentry is the garrison of the militia group brought by Windsor. This sentry is located on the mountain northwest of the Burning Plains. There is only one road going down and down, so it is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

When Dick and the Paladin rushed into the outpost occupied by the Dark Iron dwarves, the dwarves who had been ordered in advance only symbolically “resisted” for a short while, and fled the place in a rush.

Thaurissan’s work was fairly generous. He said he was released together with the captured Morgan Militia soldiers, but most of the soldiers in this army actually died in the Black Dragon raid that night, so he was in front of everyone. When I returned to this place again, I felt a sense of sadness.

The Paladins and the militia were tidying up the things in the sentry post, and they suffered a nervous breakdown, as if Windsor, who was an instant old teenager, was placed in the only room that was still intact, Dick and Liard. Lin was by his side.

After reading the letter, the old marshal became like this, just like a demented guy, his eyes stopped moving, and he kept mumbling “This is impossible” and the like.

It seemed that the letter hit him really hard.

The Paladin shook his head. Of course he could imagine the state of Windsor at this time. When an old friend of decades suddenly turned into the villain behind all the disasters that happened to you, You will be like this too, this is purely a collapse of the worldview.

Liadrin winked at Dick, and the two quietly walked out of the room, and after closing the door, in the corner of the wall, Liadrin asked in a low voice,

“What should I do now? Villinde took 20 knights and escorted Queen Laila from the Searing Gorge back to Ironforge. We are left with more than 20 people. Those militias are very effective. Bad, relying on them, there is no way to **** Windsor back to Stormwind City.”

Dick’s face is also a bit ugly, mainly because the plot of Windsor and the Black Dragon Princess is three years ahead of schedule. Although King Varian has not disappeared yet, the situation is actually not much different from three years later, Black Dragon Princess O’Neill Xia disguised as Count Catalina to confuse the regent Bourwal Fortagan and banished the old marshal Windsor. There is now chaos in Stormwind.

The most terrible thing is that Dick has read the letter more than once. Although it is somewhat unacceptable, the Black Dragon Princess is indeed on a united front with the Twilight Prophet, and from the meaning of Nefarian’s words, all this It’s the Deathwing who is leading it behind the scenes, hell! Shouldn’t the World Destroyer cultivate his void dragon in Outland at this time?

The current situation is beyond what Dick and the crowd can handle. To be honest, he regrets a bit now, why didn’t he bring out all the high-end combat power of Silver Dawn, so there is still hope to make a fuss in Stormwind. Regarding Liadrin’s question, Dick pondered for a few minutes and made up his mind.

“Go back to Theramore first! Take Windsor back with you. Once the news that he is still alive, the Black Dragon Prince will not let us leave here so easily. Hey, our strength is too weak. ”

Liadrin nodded, she also felt that she shouldn’t rush into it anymore, especially after seeing the number of Blackrock Orcs with her own eyes, and then the little black cat of Velind sneaked into the Blackrock Tower to investigate. Everyone put out the idea of ​​confronting the Blackrock Orcs head-on.

There are too many of them! There is more than one black dragon commanding in secret, and the meaning behind this is terrible.

In the southern part of the mainland, apart from the serious Stormwind Kingdom that can be confronted head-on, there is no force that can deal with these re-prosperous Blackrock Orcs. But with the bird in Stormwind, even Dick, who is familiar with the plot, has no hope for them.

Before Varian returned, this country was not even qualified to be on the world stage.

And with the Twilight Prophet sitting in Stormwind, Dick didn’t plan to put his two or two flesh into the Maelstrom. If he was caught by the Twilight Hammer’s No. 2 figure now, Dick felt He might die miserably.

“By the way, what do these two slabs do?”

The High Elf took a cloth bag with two small stone slabs from Dick’s hand, and asked curiously, Dick explained,

“This is a gift from Princess Leila. It is Thaurissan’s spoils when he fought the Blackrock Orcs and the Black Dragon. It contains a special kind of magic. You only need to read it to make all the illusions in front of you. Disappeared, she thought I might use this thing!”

Dick smiled mysteriously and pointed to his eyes and said, “I think I may never use this stuff! But the princess is kind, and it’s not bad to take this thing back to Princess Kalia. In short, save it.”

The Paladin didn’t notice it, but in the room separated by a wall, Windsor’s chaotic eyes lit up with his ears close to the wall.

The old marshal walked back to his bed and took out a medal from his pocket. It was the medal that Marshal Lothar personally placed in his hand when he was a soldier.

Windsor will never forget how the human soldiers who were united in this land defeated the unstoppable orc coalition in this land, right here, on this land full of heroic blood.

The old marshal bent down, grabbed a handful of dust on the ground, and held it tightly, as if grasping his own responsibility, and then he let go of the dust.

When he stood up, the weakness and collapse disappeared from his body without a trace, his chaotic eyes became bright again, he turned his head, looked in the direction of Stormwind, and clenched his fist.

“I swear I will guard this country! Yes, I swear!”

“Stormwind City, Stormwind Kingdom, Lord Ryan, Marshal Lothar, General Turalyon, I will not be ashamed of my identity, nor will I be ashamed of my experience, I will protect it!”

“I swear! Swear with my life!”

(S: During the double monthly pass, brothers can get two votes per ticket. After the end of this weekend, if I can get 600 votes, I will desperately add five more for the brothers on the weekend! In addition, today there is an offer to the Anros brothers. Add more! Thank you brothers for your support!)

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