Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 182

Chapter 11 .Dawn of Stormwind 2

It takes about 30 minutes to ride a horse from Flash Gold Town to Stormwind City. Because it is close to the capital, the roads here are very well trimmed and flat. The roads in the quiet Elwynn Forest are paved during this season. After the open and withered dovetail flowers, when the sound of horseshoes crossed the forest path, the beautiful flowers were lifted from the ground. After the horseshoes, a whirring wind drifted to both sides.

Windsor was riding on a war horse, his body beating with the beating of the war horse. The old marshal of the military horse’s life was very skilled in riding. He galloped all the way towards the white city in the distance. Behind him, Du Han and others Some veterans who heard the news followed the Marshal. When they reached Stormwind City, there were already more than a dozen soldiers in armor behind Windsor.

Most of them are the same age as Doohan, but there are also a few gray-haired old men. These are veterans who have retired after the Orc War. Before Stormwind City becomes chaotic, these veterans will be treated preferentially. They Most of them were scattered in towns around the capital to serve as sheriffs.

Stormwind City is very close to North County. The beautiful prologue contains one of the three holy sites of the Holy Light Church on the East Continent, the North County Abbey. There is also a 500-man army stationed there. Windsor could have gone there to seek help. But after receiving that letter, the old marshal gave up this idea.

Although it is just a guess, what if that terrible guess comes true?

The North County Abbey is a direct institution of the Cathedral of Light. If the nightmare comes true, going there is like throwing yourself into the net.

Windsor is unwilling to take this risk, and he is not here to attack Stormwind. With too many people, there will be some unexpected problems.

These questions and those conjectures weighed heavily on Wen De Sole’s shoulders, making the old man breathless.

Ten minutes later, at the gate of Stormwind, Windsor stopped the horse’s rein, rolled over and dismounted, looking at the majestic white stone city wall and the solid iron wood gate, Windsor Subconsciously touched his waist pocket, then strode forward.

The soldiers behind him also dismounted one after another, and under the leadership of a few real white-haired veterans, they guarded Windsor.


The guards guarding the gates of Stormwind saw the dozen soldiers coming from a long distance, but because Windsor wore the armor of private soldiers instead of the conspicuous golden marshal’s armor, it was not until Yuan complained. In front of the guards, those guards who leaned on the blue lion ribbon of Stormwind and decorated with spears, discovered the old marshal who had suddenly returned.

“Salute you! Marshal Windsor!”


The four guards gathered their heels together, placed their palms on their chests, standing straight {There is unconcealable respect in our eyes. The old marshal in front of you is a great man who created the revival of Stormwind. Really The legendary man!

However, their duties prevented them from letting Windsor over so easily, so the captain of the guard asked heartily.

“Master Marshal, you are now supervising the battle in the Burning Plains. Why did you suddenly return to Stormwind City? Did you receive the royal order?”

“NO, I have not!”

The captain of the guard changed his face. The commander-in-chief was not recruited and returned to the capital without permission. This is not allowed by the laws of Stormwind, but he swallowed hard when he looked at the kind old marshal in front of him.

“Then…I’m sorry, Marshal, I can’t let you pass!”


As soon as the words fell, the veteran behind Windsor drew out a sharp sword. This was a signal to let the Buddha go. A dozen veterans drew out their weapons in unison, and the veteran who drew out the weapons strode forward. Before, scolded,

“Corporal Henry! I order you to move away. You are standing in front of you with a hero who really thinks about this country. You are preventing a great cause, stupid!”

Windsor smiled and shook. He reached out and held down the weapon raised by the veteran, then turned his head and looked behind him, watching the murderous followers.

“Today, all of this will be over. Brothers, don’t be afraid, we will win!”

Under the marshal’s stop, the veterans angrily put their weapons back into their scabbards, but the atmosphere of the sword still existed. Wen De Sole turned his head and looked at Corporal Henry, who was holding the hilt anxiously.

“Child, don’t you see the chaos in Stormwind? There is a conspiracy behind all this, and I am here for it!”

The old marshal stepped forward, resting his chest on the spears raised by the soldiers.

“Children, are you going to stop me?”

Privates, look at me, I look at you, and then took a step back. Corporal Henry’s face was pale. He knew that today’s Stormwind City was destined to be in chaos.

But he must make an ulcer now!

Henry looked at the marshal in front of him, then looked at the veteran who was looking at him angrily, thinking about the chaotic sights he had seen when he was on duty in Storm City recently, and finally gritted his teeth and raised his left hand.

“Let down your weapons? Soldiers, **** Marshal Windsor into Stormwind City!”

As soon as this order was issued, the five soldiers in his Anri immediately turned their gun heads and swiftly gave way to a path. When Wen De Sole led the soldiers into the city gate, Henry even held the sword hilt. Leading the soldiers followed behind these veterans.

“Child, you don’t have to do this!”

Doohan turned his head and said to Henry, “Go back to your post. Let us veterans take care of these things.”

Henry took a deep breath.

“No, sir, I’m walking with a hero!”

The first veteran who drew his weapon just a few steps behind, stood beside Henry, and patted Henry on the shoulder with admiration.

“Huh, Xing, I didn’t shame me!”

“This is my glory! Father.”

Windsor strode behind the gate of Stormwind. On the 300-meter-long white stone bridge, on both sides of the bridge, four statues were erected on the piers, which was when the army entered the darkness. The door, closed the door from the other side, heroes who gave everything for this world.

That was Windsor’s former comrade-in-arms, Danath Trollbane, the pure bloodline of Stromgarde, the fearless general and the bravest warrior, Dekuran-Wildhammer, the hero of the Wildhammer dwarves, daring and giant The great commander of Long Zhengfeng.

Alleria-Windrunner, the ranger captain of the Quel’Thalas expeditionary army, the beautiful and fearless archer, Khadgar, Medivh’s apprentice, Windsor and him during the battle in Karazhan Fighting side by side, that is the smartest human mage.

There is also the statue on the white bridge, Turalyon, the first five knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand, the adjutant of Marshal Lothar, the head boss of Windsor, and the first to carry an army. The general who rushed into the dark gate, the testimony of human courage.

Wen De Sole walked in the center of these five sculptures. He could feel that his former partners were watching him, and they were still standing behind him, standing behind him, standing side by side with him at any time, behind him. , Marshal Lothar Fangfo was watching him with a smile on his face, as well as the first king Lane, as well as the soldiers and generals who died on the battlefield.

The heroic spirits watched him in the sky. At this moment, Windsor assumed the will of those heroic spirits.

Infinite power emerged in his heart. Behind him, the soldiers no longer blocked the team led by the veterans. On the contrary, under the call of Corporal Henry, the soldiers joined the parade.

When Windsor walked to the front of Turalyon’s statue, a rush of blood was flowing in his body, the old warrior mobilized his whole body and shouted towards Stormwind City,

“Just like it was destined in Karazhan a long time ago! Monster, here I come! Come with a fair verdict!”

Driven by the power of the high-ranking warriors, this wave surging back and forth in Stormwind City, countless people looked up at the sky, and they heard whose voice it was!

Wen De Sole, he is back!

That stubborn old man, he really came back!

Storm Fortress, Council Chamber, the black-haired, black-eyed Count Catalina’s complexion changed drastically. This woman has the most perfect figure and the most exquisite face. Next to him, the Regent Balwal’s face is also a little weird.

“Guard, catch a despicable criminal and his accomplice!”

Catalina gritted her teeth and yelled to the royal guard next to her. The royal guard turned and took the other guards towards the exit of Stormwind Fortress. It stands to reason that their transfer requires the consent of the Duke of Bourval, but right now However, these guards did not pay attention to Bolvar’s opinion at all, and strode out of the council chamber at the request of Count Catalina.

As soon as the Duke of Bourval wanted to speak, Catalina turned away, and pitifully slammed his arm, “Dear Bourval, would you bear to watch that old madman come and take me? You know, I do. Everything is for this country!”

A struggling flashed in the Duke’s eyes, and finally his face turned cold.

“Wender Sole is crazy. Send an order to the defensive general to get him up. Don’t let him disturb the upcoming meeting!”

The attendant of the Duke of Bourval took the order. In the corner that the Duke did not see, a smug smile flashed on Catalina’s delicate face, and there was also a smug smile in her black eyes.

Stormwind, huh, this country will soon fall into the palm of the Prestor family!

Also at this moment, in the corner of the old town, in the headquarters of the “MI7” intelligence organization of Sergeant Stormwind, Matthias Sean, the commander of MI7, was replaced with a black leather armor. Said to a dozen high-level assassins standing in front of him,

“Marshal Windsor has returned to G Storm City and the order is about to be restored, now I order!”


The high-level assassins gathered their heels together, ready to accept orders.

Sean swept across the faces of these lords with satisfaction.

“I order that MI7 all be dispatched to ensure that the road from the trade zone to Stormwind Fortress is unblocked! Any attempt to stop Marshal Windsor will be regarded as treason!”

“Brothers, we all know that this city is sick, now it’s time to treat it! Let’s go!”

At the next moment, all the assassins’ figures merged into the shadows. MI7, the behemoth in the dark, began to operate again, but unlike the previous assassinations in the dark, this time, it will appear as a positive force. Believe me, Such opportunities are definitely rare.

At the same time when the roar rang through the sky, in a hidden corner of the garden area of ​​Stormwind, a lonely child sitting on a bench reading a book suddenly raised his head and looked towards the empty sky.

His mouth grew up at this moment, and then quickly threw away the book, and ran towards the trade zone alone.

But just as the child passed through a stubborn child full of flowers, two indifferent guards stood in front of him, and they said mechanically,

“His Royal Highness, you have to stay here, this is an order from the Duke of Bourval and Lady Catalina!”

“I don’t want to stay here! I have been here for half a month!”

Xuzi Anduin straightened his delicate clothes, and the blue ribbon on his clothes, and shouted passionately, “I want to see the bad guys like my father and king, let me go, I will take the crown of the Crown Prince of Stormwind. Your status commands you, get out!”

Xuzi’s face was full of blushes after excitement, but unfortunately, this generous shout did not take effect. The two heavily armed guards still stood indifferently in front of the alley, without giving way. Plan.

“Marshal Windsor is back, you bad guys, I’m going to see him! Get out of me!”

Anduin rushed up, trying to squeeze the two guards away, but he was only a filial son, and a fierce light flashed in the guard’s eyes. With a wave of his hand, Anduin was thrown away like a rag doll. Go out and fall to the ground.

Xuzi fell heavily this time, his eyes filled with tears, but when he raised his head and looked at the guards who came step by step, his expression suddenly solidified.

“Xuzi, I advise you to be quiet, otherwise, I don’t mind…”


Before the guard had finished speaking, a tall black shadow falling diagonally from the sky hit the guard’s body. The giant curtain knocked the guard out. The other guard just pulled out his weapon, a sharp one. The golden light exploded on his body, and the indifferent guy let out a mournful wailing, and then his head was cut off by the swept golden battle axe.

After completely losing his life, all the disguise had no effect. A tall, headless corpse of a dragon fell to the ground, and the stench of blood stained the ground nearby.

“Bah, Heilonglongren, filthy thing!”

Dick retracted his battle axe and moved his body a little bit cold because he was galloping in the sky at super high speed. He turned his head, the star warhorse Xing Hao, this super-strength companion, was also panting quickly, riding a lion. Eagles need 4-5 oblique distances, and he arrives in more than one oblique time.

The star neighed in a low voice, urging Dick to take it back into the rein. This beautiful creature was so tired that he couldn’t wait to take a good rest, but when Dick took out the magic horse rein, the star But he screamed again, flapped his wings, and frightened the child in front of him who had the courage to touch its front legs and sat on the ground.

“Hey, why is Xiao Anduin here?”

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