Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 187

Chapter 16 .Pirates of war

The Kingdom of Theramore, Theramore City, this city just one year old is waking up from sleep. Old citizens from Lordaeron are walking in twos and threes on the street, and the small vendors get up early and push their clothes. Trolleys full of goods walk up the street. This city near the sea has unique scenery.

It is the tide catchers who got up very early. The coast of Kalimdor has hardly been developed. There are abundant fish resources. Fortunate fishermen can even catch large lobsters that are nearly one meter long. Of course, they will not venture outside the coast. Place, there are many lobster people living there, that is a very dangerous creature.

The wheat field outside the city is about to be harvested. When the sun shines, a golden luster represents this year’s harvest. With the help of the druids from the Cenarion Circle, the harvest every year may not be realistic, but it is definitely There will be no tragedy of no harvest.

In short, this is a vibrant city although it is still a bit crude.

In the deepest palace in Theramore, Archmage Jaina awakened from deep meditation. She walked out of the meditation room, opened the window, and the cool sea breeze blew into her room. She was born in the island country of Kulti. Jaina of Lars is very familiar with this slightly fishy sea breeze, which can quickly calm her mind.

But when the archmage raised his right hand, a golden pendant appeared in her eyes on the white jade-like wrist. Jaina placed it in her hand and opened it gently. Dick’s magical image moved in it, exposing to her. Gave a hearty smile.

“I don’t know where that guy went, it’s been almost 2 months, and he hasn’t come back yet!”

Jaina pursed her mouth, a little annoyed, caressed the golden hair on her temples, turned and left the mage tower. Today is the day for Ms. Aegwynn to give lectures. For this princess Kalia ran 4 times in person before she got out of the swamp Even Jaina did not dare to neglect the former guardian who had been invited back from the depths.

In fact, even the late Archmage Antonidas, when facing Aegwynn, he would have to respectfully obey his disciples, but since her grandson, Madian, he has a bad temper. The former guardian also became tolerant, putting almost all of her energy on her only blood.

But just as Jaina walked into the hallway of the palace, her shadow was slightly distorted, and a watchman who enveloped her body in a green cloak quietly appeared behind Jaina, whispering in a hoarse voice,

“Miss Jaina, we got information about Mr. Dick!”


The eldest suddenly turned her head in joy and looked at the watcher who was full of coldness.

“Sister Nasha, is he back?”

The half-hero watcher who was left by Ms. Maiev in Theramore hesitated for a moment, and said with some uncertainty,

“Mr. Dick did not come back, but while my sister in the northern fortress was patrolling, she encountered a goblin attacked by a coyote. He brought the news of Dick back. It is said that Mr. Paladin is now trapped in a “Warrior” In the pirate stronghold on the island, which is on the eastern coastline of the Barrens, the Herod Knights have set out with 500 soldiers, preparing to destroy the group of pirates.

Jaina’s eyes narrowed, and she held Nasha’s arm behind her.

“Northern Fortress, right?”

The next moment, the blue light of teleportation illuminates around the two people. After 2 seconds, Jaina and Nasha disappeared into the court.

The fluctuation of teleportation disturbed Mediian, who was condensing magic power under the guidance of his grandmother. The boy turned his head and looked in the direction of the fluctuation of mana, and then was knocked on the back of his hand by the pointer in Ms. Aegwynn’s hand.

“Concentrate! My child, you can control your magic perfectly only if you concentrate on it!”

“Yes, my grandmother!”

————————————————– ———————————

Time always flows by inadvertently. Dick felt like he had just closed his eyes, and in a blink of an eye he was awakened.

The Paladin opened his eyes, and what caught his eyes was a big fist. The rich combat experience made Dick’s head tilted outward, and the fist brushed Dick’s head towards the back.

His hands were chained and unable to move, but his legs were still there. The paladin’s legs with heavy fetters were kicked on the belly of the dressed-up bells and whistles, the big and big pirate, the pirate staggered back several steps. , Fell to the ground, and at the same time, a sharp pain came from Dick’s waist.

The body still hasn’t recovered!

This shadow flame is really troublesome!

“Hey! Hey! Hey!”

Three notched knives were placed on Dick’s body, but seeing the miserable end of the companions rolling on the ground holding their stomachs, these pirates did not have any extra actions, but shouted in a vicious voice,

“Get up and follow us! Boss Ash wants to see you!”

Dick moved his waist, stood up, and walked out of the cell with difficulty under the “guard” of the pirates. Before leaving the gate, Dick shouted without looking back.

“Your Excellency, be smart, lest you lose your life.”

Senxia, ​​who had been watching all this, was stunned, then curled his mouth, took out a piece of moldy bread from behind, looked at it frowning, shook his head, closed his eyes and stuffed it into his mouth.

When Dick walked out of the dungeon, his eyes squinted. In the dim cell, the time he recorded was always inaccurate. Now it seems that it is the afternoon of the next day. Looking out from Warrior Island, A fire-red sunset hung down above the sea surface, and most of the sea surface was dyed orange red. The scenery is very beautiful!

If it weren’t for the rude pirates who weren’t like it, Dick would have an interest in taking a leisurely time to experience life.

Pushed all the way by pirates, these scums seemed to be fun to torture people. They wanted to see Dick’s pain from rubbing his skin with heavy fetters, but they were disappointed. Dick’s face was very calm, even almost indifferent. He even wanted to observe the dirty pirates who fell asleep on the ground when they were drunk by the side of the road.

I even saw several guys lying in the pigsty sleeping soundly, and I don’t know how these guys ignore the smell.

The group walked to the humble house in the middle of Warrior Island. The pirate pushed Dick in and closed the door.

Three guys in black woolen coats were sitting on the table opposite Dick. It was obviously a looted table. The legs of the table were engraved with various patterns. Dick’s storage backpack and Gorehowl Tomahawk were placed on the table. On the table, Dick also saw the fire of justice, but the pendant was thrown in the corner of the table by these unsightly pirates.

Next to the table, the complete Judgement Armor was placed on a cross-shaped shelf. It can be seen that these pirates wanted to try it through, but it is a pity that the magic of the astral wizard made this armor only admit Dick is a master, others can’t wear it at all, the world of magic is so wonderful.

“Are you the Paladin of the Silver Hand?”

The old man sitting among the three was holding Dick’s high-ranking knight badge in his hand, looking at Dick with a gloomy expression, a light flashed across the paladin’s face.

“Of course, high-ranking knight Dick Don!”

After finishing talking, before the old man could continue to ask, Dick said to himself, “Apart from that identity, I am the demon-slayering hero of the Kaldorei elves, the protector of the world tree, and Theramore’s. The Earl of the North, the Great Knight of Order of the Silver Dawn, the commander of the First Expeditionary Force of the Human Alliance Kalimdor.”

The words made the three pirates standing in the room dumbfounded. The young man holding the whip beside the old man snorted coldly, mocking with contempt.

“Why don’t you say that you are the famous “Fire of Justice” in Beijiang?”

The corners of Dick’s mouth curled up.

“Ah, it turns out that you also know my name. I always think it is not prestigious enough. What do you think of the name “Holy Hammer’s Resolute”?”

Dick took a step back. The three looked at each other, and then looked at Dick with foolish eyes. The old man knocked on the table impatiently.

“Well, I don’t have time to talk nonsense with you here, tell me the opening spell of this rucksack! Otherwise I will cut off your arm and feed the shark a little bit!”

Dick shrugged, and his shadow twisted strangely in the corner no one had noticed.

Seeing Dick not speaking and that cold face, the old man snorted, and the middle-aged man next to him took out the stabbing sword in his hand and walked towards Dick.


Dick looked at the stabbing sword lying horizontally in front of him and the emerald green color on the blade’s edge, and spit out a number in a flat tone.

“What? What does 15 mean? Turn on the password?”

The middle-aged man who was blinded one eye looked back at the old man. The latter shook his head, and then slammed his mouth. The middle-aged man viciously grabbed the collar of Dick’s shirt.

“Say! What does 15 mean?”

The Paladin glanced at him like he was looking at a dead person.



The middle-aged man raised the blade of the stabbing sword and pointed it at the paladin’s heart. To his surprise, Dick did not dodge at all, allowing the stabbing sword to pierce under the heart.

This action made the middle-aged man couldn’t help but take a step back, and felt the threatening **** oak rushing out of Dick’s fingers quickly, like ten black poisonous snakes, entangled in the middle-aged man’s dodge. body.

Dick now looks like a real demon!

“3, 2, 1! Gentlemen who wear noble dresses, but still can’t hide the smell of their bodies, it’s a pity, we could have played a little longer! But… Boss Ashes, I think you will have a better one Destiny! Believe me, you will like “there”!”

“Huh! Huh! Huh!”

Three sword lights lit up on the necks of the three pirate chiefs, and two spatula lights appeared beside the Paladin’s shackles. Nasha, the indifferent watchman leader, appeared by Dick’s side, and the Paladin moved a bit. With a light draw of his wrist, the stabbing sword without a trace of blood was thrown on the ground.

The Paladin stretched out, reached out and hugged the slender waist of the eldest next to Nasha, kissed her gently on the cheek, and then said to Herod and the Paladins who broke in,

“Clear this disgusting place, here will be a good forward base! Send all those pirates back to Northern Xinjiang, the ghostland battlefield needs enough new people, let them go to the **** to confess.

No one opposed this decision, and no one dared to oppose this decision. Outside the opened door, the pirates who tried to resist have been stabbed to the ground by the recruits of the northern fortress one by one, while the rest of the guys trembled. Kneeling in a row holding his head tremblingly.

Further afield, the Griffin Riders of the northern fortress were patrolling in the sky, and three warships with Theramore flags provided by Kul Tiras were clearing the harbour.

The battle was over before it started, after all, it was just a bunch of pirates.

Dick never looked at them, and there are more troublesome things waiting for him to solve them.

(S: Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket Various tickets Grand Summoning! Today there will be an update for Erdou Dadios, a little later.)

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