Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 206

Chapter 35 .End of the Dragon’s Scourge

The fighting outside has already ceased.

When Nefarian was hit by Dick and flew out from Clomathus’ console, the monster dragon stopped all its movements and lost the blessing of life. It could only let out a mournful cry. Then fell from the sky, and finally fell on the ruins of the upper layer of the Blackrock Tower.

The dragon kings cautiously used magic and breath to continue their attacks. Although it still couldn’t hurt the monster, it really seemed to be dead, without a slight reaction.

A few minutes later, the dragon king and heroic dragons transformed into human forms fell among the ruins, and surrounded the body of Chromatus. Ysera cautiously placed her hands on the uneven skin of the strange dragon. On, after repeated testing, he turned his head and said to the other dragon kings,

“It… it’s dead!”


Malygos’ eyes widened. After the battle, the old blue dragon seemed to be much younger. He looked at the huge dragon corpse in surprise.

“It’s just dead? Our attack hurt it so weakly, how could it just die like this?”

“Its structure is weird!”

Alexstrasza, who has the most profound research on life creation, dressed in the same style as Ysera, and with a more mature atmosphere, wriggled his slender waist and walked to Chromatus’s side, holding his hand. I placed it on the dragon’s corpse and felt it for a moment, and his beautiful brows wrinkled tightly.

“Its unparalleled strength and powerful magic resistance are supported by the dragon’s talents, but just to drive these talents requires strong vitality. According to the activity frequency of this creature, even if it is death, it needs at least one. Weeks or longer, there is no sudden death at once, and I found that the internal organs of this creature were built in an unbelievable way. If it replenishes energy by eating, it needs to be eaten at least every day. Dozens of tons of meat are enough to survive!”

The Red Dragon Queen shook her head.

“The ecology of Azeroth can’t support the existence of this monster at all! Unless it depends on another way I don’t know to live…for example, magic!”

“The magic hub has not been abnormal in the past three hundred years!”

Malygos said categorically, “Such a huge amount of magic power, I will be aware of it the first time.”

After speaking, the blue dragon looked at Nozdormu, who had been silent. The prophet of the dragon squinted his eyes slightly. The old **** was there. When he saw Malygos’s gaze, he also shook his head.

“This is the first time I have seen… my brother, time is not everything, and I don’t know the heels and feet of this monster.”

“Black Dragon! These lunatics always like to do these dangerous things!”

Alexstrasza bitterly punched the dragon corpse, “We can’t even destroy it! Maybe in a few months, it will come back to life again! This is terrible!”

“No! It won’t survive.”

A tired voice entered the Dragon King’s conversation. Ysera turned her head and saw Dick walking out of the ruins with a person on his back. The paladin’s face was embarrassed by dust and blood. Behind him, the Master The young lady used magic to hold an emerald green crystal ball, and the emerald green liquid rolled back and forth in it, and Jaina could only carefully maintain its balance.

Dick put Nefarian’s body beside Chromatus, and the paladin didn’t cut off the black dragon’s head in the end, although it was safer.

“It is just a corpse. Nefarian told me everything before he died. This is the conspiracy of Deathwing and the Twilight Cultists. The lunatic believes that the “Twilight Judgment” will come, and all creatures including him and This world is about to die. This monster was also made by Nefarian instructed by Deathwing. It hasn’t really been completed yet, otherwise it will become a real “Dragon Scourge.”

Dick motioned to Jaina to hand over the emerald green crystal ball to Alexstrasza, then the clean water summoned by Miss Mage washed her face, and said to the Red Dragon Queen seriously,

“Your Majesty, keep it well and put it where no one can find it, otherwise it will definitely become your nightmare and the nightmare of this world someday!”

The Red Dragon Queen and Ysera looked at each other, and then took the crystal ball. She glanced at the huge dragon corpse with fear, and then at Dick and the corpse of Nefarian on the ground.

“Human warrior, you put an end to the chaos brought about by the black dragon, and your good deeds will be rewarded from the dragonflight.”

After speaking, Alexstrasza thought for a while, stretched out her finger, and touched the purple crystal surface on her neck. A red light lingered on her fingertips, and she touched Dick’s forehead again, the red one. The essence penetrated Dick’s body, and all the fatigue disappeared at this moment.

“In the name of the life-binder, I give you a stronger body!”

“Dip… the blessing of the life-binder, energy +500!”

Then there is Nozdormu. This mysterious dragon king has had many exchanges with Dick before, but this is the first time that he is actually face to face. Nozdormu’s dress is exactly the same as in the game, with an exquisite hourglass on his left shoulder. , The quicksand in it keeps falling, but it never decreases.

He looked at Dick, and Dick also looked at him. Finally, the King of Time narrowed his eyes slightly.

“Good job! Dick, maybe you’re right, I’m still…too conservative.”

He stretched out his fingers, and the hexagonal crystals wrapped in the quicksand appeared on the fingertips, and then penetrated into Dick’s chest. The power filled his body again, and even became stronger every minute and every second!

“In the name of the King of Time, I will give you the reward you deserve!”

“Drip… the essence of the bronze dragon is being poured… the power of the dragon reaches the third stage! All attributes +60!”

Nozdormu took a step back and Malygos stepped up. The momentum of the old blue dragon was definitely the strongest among the four dragon kings. It was like an immortal sword. His eyes were silver and blue. When focusing on Dick, the Paladin felt a strong pressure.

“I used to dismiss mortals, but now, I think I should re-examine you, a warrior like you, I haven’t seen you in a long time.”

Malygos’ eyes finally fell on the warhammer pendant on Dick’s wrist, his outstretched fingertips burst with blue light, and then he spoke again.

“The blood of the blue dragon is already very thin, so I can’t give you the power of the blue dragon, but I can give you something else. Your weapon is still a little flawed, and the warrior should have a god-worthy soldier. Sharp weapon.”

“So in the name of the King of Magic, I will give you a blade that is always sharp!”

The light of the blue dragon fell on the surface of the fire of justice, Anvina’s iconic yelling sounded in Dick’s mind again,

“Wow, idiot, idiot! Look! People’s palace has become more beautiful! This old dragon is not bad! People like him!”

The blue light on the surface of the fire of justice is like a little starlight, and finally introverted. Dick can feel that the shortcomings of the fire of justice that require the infusion of holy energy to transform its appearance have been corrected by Malygos, and this person is standing in Azeroth. The old blue dragon at the pinnacle of Sorcerer’s magic also personally took action and attached a powerful magic to this weapon. Even though Dick didn’t know what it was, the spells that Malygos applied by himself would definitely not be too unreasonable. .

The last person who walked up was the Green Dragon Queen, Dick’s old acquaintance. This **** mature woman can make Dick’s heart beat faster every time, but this time, he appears very peaceful, not because Ysera’s charm has decreased. , But Dick has entered the high-level lord, and can resist the temptation from the Emerald Dream that Ysera emits all the time.

“We meet again, Warrior! Every time you appear, you can surprise me.”

Ysera smiled with a white jade finger deep in Dick’s heart.

“I can feel that there is a grumpy force in your body, that is… the **** oak that has sprouted, right?”

Dick nodded, and then he saw Ysera’s fingertips shine brightly, and the green breath penetrated his body. He could feel the **** oak struggle and scream, but in the end, in his body, that The weird plant that had taken root in flesh and blood, under the control of the King of Dreams, turned back into an egg-sized seed again.

“I have driven off the irritability and greed of its nature.”

Ysera handed the seed to Dick, “In fact, for melee fighters, this thing is very precious. You can choose to reintegrate it into your body or give it to others. It will no longer threaten you. Life is gone.”

The Paladin carefully packed the seeds in his backpack. Although he was greedy for the advantage of **** oak that could save his life when necessary, the strange perception that another creature was stored in his body still made him thank insensitive. He didn’t want to To bear that weird feeling again.

Dick opened his mouth and wanted to talk to the Dragon King about the threat of the Twilight Cultists, but at this moment, the four Dragon Kings collectively turned their heads to look north, as if something suddenly happened there.

“It’s Icecrown!”

Malygos disappeared in a flash, his voice still wandering, “there is the breath of the great devil there!”

“Oh…fateful battle!”

Nozdormu let out a sigh of emotion, and his whole body turned into quicksand and disappeared in place. Ysera waved her hand with Dick in a friendly manner, and fell into a dream with Eranikus and other dragons, Alex Tassa was the last to leave, and she also took the bodies of Cromatus and Nefarian.

The dragon in the sky also left with the departure of the Dragon King, so in an instant, only Dick and Jaina were left standing in the scorching air of Blackrock Mountain in the ruins of the Blackrock Tower that was still lively just now.

Dick stared far to the north. From Malygos’ words, he guessed what happened. Illidan and Arthas finally started fighting. After a long few months, the demons were The liquidation of the betrayed undead natural disaster finally began.

I don’t know if this time, it will continue to develop according to the original plot.

But this has nothing to do with him. It is too far away. The ancient and mysterious land in Northrend is not something he can set foot in now, and he can only wish Illidan not to run away like he did before.

Jaina stretched out her hand and stroked her long golden hair waving in the wind behind her, and quietly took Dick’s hand.

“What are we going to do now? Little villain.”

Dick turned his head and kissed the smooth forehead of Miss Mage. He looked at the black wing blood ring that had become a ruin, and shrugged.

“The warrior has already conquered evil, so it’s time to reap his trophies! Although Nefarian is a lunatic, his taste is really good.”

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