Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 23

Chapter 7 .guard

Hearing Dick’s ambiguous words, Alsace was silent for a moment, but thinking of Uther and Alessandro’s relentless reprimand, Alsace felt that Dick’s words were so heartwarming, at least Dick did not disobey his orders, and he did not consider Stratholme’s backdoor defense. Thinking of this, he smiled and patted Dick on the shoulder.

“Go and do it, Dick, when I get rid of the plague, I will definitely give you a bright future! A hero like you should not be buried!”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

Dick took Errigal and Dalyan with a puzzled look, as well as a dozen other young Paladins, stepped on their horses, and marched towards Stratholme’s back door, which was still a few miles away. Before leaving, he made a “meet” gesture towards Jaina, and the lady nodded.

After Dick left, Jaina walked up to Arthas and looked at the once proud lion-like prince, Jaina sighed.

“Alsace, the same crown prince, I can understand your approach, but have you ever considered how this will affect your reputation after it spreads out?”

“No, Jaina, I know what I’m doing.”

Arthas took off the warhammer behind him exhaustedly. A girl chased by the undead ran out of the alley frantically. She saw Arthas and the soldiers, got rid of the undead excitedly, and rushed to Alsace’s. I couldn’t cry under my feet.

“Woo, Your Royal Highness, everyone…everyone has become a monster! Are you here to save us?”

Arthas sighed, he stretched out his left hand, and the warm holy light was beating in the palm of his hand, but when he touched the girl, the originally peaceful holy light suddenly became distorted, which was infested by the power of darkness. The sign of the prince, His Royal Highness showed a bitter smile at the girl,

“Yes, I’m here to help you out. I’m sorry I can’t save you. I can only let you die without pain.”

“You…what are you talking about? Your Royal Highness, don’t…ah!”

Jaina tremblingly watched Arthas end the life of the girl who might have been infected by the plague. She watched Arthas kneel on the ground and cried bitterly while holding the corpse of the girl he had killed. The contrast made Jaina chill all over, and she suddenly remembered the words Dick had said to herself.

“Alsace has gone crazy… he has gone into the enemy’s trap, he has been driven crazy by himself!”

“Alsace, I will rush back to Dalaran immediately and ask the instructor to take action to curb the spread of the plague, you…you have to take care!”

“Thank you, Jaina…bye, I’m going to do what I should do!”

Arthas stood up from the ground. He took off his cloak and put it on the girl, then held the warhammer high and shouted,

“Warriors of Lordaeron, this city has been captured by the plague. Only by thoroughly purifying it can the safety of your family and your friends be guaranteed. Those who are willing to give everything for the country, come with me!”

Seeing Arthas and his passionate soldiers rushing into the city, Jaina closed her eyes in pain. The wise lady had a foreboding. At this moment, Arthas had already embarked on a real no return. road.

But she still remembered her appointment with Dick, so she glanced at the girl in the sky blue cloak for the last time, Jaina stepped on her horse and hurried towards Stratholme’s back door.

On the other side, when Dick and others arrived at the back door that had been crowded by refugees, the younger Dalyan finally couldn’t help but say,

“Brother Dick, are you really going to help Prince Alsace? These people, they are all innocent!”

“I know… Dalyan, so I need your help!”

Dick looked at the Paladins behind him, they were more or less dissatisfied with what they did. But they didn’t know that when Alsace decided to slaughter the city, Stratholme’s back door became the last escape route for the city that was about to be covered in blood.

“Listen to me, brothers, you may have just met me, but it’s okay. Uther and Alessandro have rushed into the city, and our brothers are trying their best to save innocent citizens, but they need a safe The retreat channel, the city gate has been blocked by Prince Alsace, he will not allow those citizens to pass through the main gate, so this, this will be their last way of life!”

“I will use my method to construct a holy light channel. Those who can cross this channel safely are the innocent people who are not infected. Your task is to help me maintain it!”

Dick walked among the terrified refugees. He stretched out his hand to take down the fire of justice behind him, and injected the holy energy in his body into this artifact. When the gleaming warhammer touched the ground, a wave moved. Lines with golden light appeared beside Dick.

Erigore immediately understood what Dick meant. He drew his sword and shouted to the panicked refugees,

“We are the paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand. As long as you can cross that line, you can leave here! Anyone who tries to escape will be deemed to have been infected with the plague and will be executed immediately!”

As soon as this murderous voice appeared, the refugees scrambled to squeeze in front of Dick, walked across the line one by one, and then were arranged to stand aside by the Paladins who had already acted.

“Dalyan, you take a few people to find Uther and Alessandro in the city and tell them the news about the back door!”

“Erigor, I need you to follow me, block the line along the back door, and purge the undead!”

“Other knights, you take turns to maintain the Holy Light barrier here. Everyone must walk over! Don’t let the infected person leave here! Otherwise, we will become the sinners of the entire Lordaeron!”

The other paladins understood Dick’s thoughts. These upright people immediately blushed at their previous suspicions. They immediately took action. The refugees who had passed the barrier also spontaneously held up the knights’ distribution. Weapons and shields help maintain order.

Everyone knows that only by joining hands can they help more innocent people.

“Di…trigger the task, under the crisis!”

“You disobeyed Alsace’s order, but this insistence is right. You must save no less than 1,000 innocent people before Alsace discovers your betrayal.”

“Task progress: 43/1000”

Dick didn’t have time to pay attention to the triggered mission. He was about to rush into the back door with the fire of justice. Jaina’s voice was also heard at this time.

“Little villain, what are you going to do?”

Dick turned his head and saw Jaina who hurried over took him by the arm, her eyes filled with pleading expressions.

“Don’t go! It’s dangerous in the city now!”

The expression of the eldest lady immediately moved the soft corner of Dick’s heart. He sighed and gently embraced the eldest lady in his arms. Jaina struggled, but finally hugged Dick together.

“My dear, do you remember what I told you before? These citizens…they were abandoned by Alsace. Even if they survived, it is estimated that people from other places would not accept them from Stratholme, so now Only you can save them.”


Jaina’s expression was a little weird, she pointed her finger at her face.

“My father will not accept them either. Kul Tiras has strict censorship on entry into Kul Tiras. Even if I am the crown prince, it is impossible to bring so many people into Kul Tiras.”

“No, do you remember what the prophet said? Go to Kalimdor, set sail from Nanhai Town, and sail across the endless sea for up to 20 days to reach a land surrounded by swamps and jungles. The prophet told me a lot. , There will be your future country, my baby, you will become a regent queen, the magic queen of Theramore! You will be the first human being to enter that mysterious land ruled by elves, I Baby, wait for me there, I’ll go back and find you!”


Jaina was already stunned. Dick smiled. He stretched out his hand and lifted Missy’s chin, and then kissed it. A few minutes later, she was panting and the lady with red cheeks looked at Dick. , The latter carried the fire of justice on his shoulders.

“Don’t be too nervous, my baby, I don’t want you to do it now. Go back to Dalaran, and everything will be revealed in 3 months at most, but you have to prepare in advance. I’m leaving and protect yourself!”

Dick carried the fire of justice and led Errigal and others into the corridor of Stratholme’s back door. Jaina stood in place. She was lost, but as a sane mage, she knew she chose now. What needs to be done, so after a few minutes, she mounted her horse again and rushed towards the Light’s Hope Chapel.

“Come on, brothers, let us get rid of these evil monsters!”

Dick held the fire of justice that had been filled with the holy light in both hands, took a step forward, and smashed the ghoul who rushed towards him with a hammer. The silver hand in his left hand flicked forward, the holy light triggered by the holy hammer. Flashed, with the addition of the power of order, it turned into a lightsaber, piercing the body of another shaky undead, and burning it to ashes.

Erigore, who was surging with the energy of the Holy Light, followed closely behind him. Behind him were ten equally brave young Paladins. Twelve formed a tight line of defense, pushing forward little by little. Their goal, It is to clear out the densely packed undead from the back door to the King’s Square and the holiday trail, and open a passage of life for Uther and others.

This was a very difficult task. They had to protect the refugees hiding in the house from entering the back door safely, but after Dalyan brought back the first batch of Paladins to save lives, the pressure on everyone was much reduced.

Endless undead rushed to the position constructed by the Paladins from all directions. Before Dick blocked the position, the Paladin template had a 100% damage bonus to non-order creatures, and continued to stack, and soon reached the elite rank 100. A touch of the sacred power of the power threshold made Dick the most dazzling person.

No matter whether it is a ghoul or an elite skeleton, no one can block a blow in the face of the fire of justice like a work of art. The only thing that limits Dick’s performance is the 15-point shackles of the holy power. Although in battle, the holy The speed of recovery is very fast, but when they are exhausted, Dick will inevitably fall into an awkward situation.

Can only rely on the order of the Silver Hand to fight.

But Dick quickly noticed the boxes placed on Stratholme street. Thinking of the settings in the game, Dick opened a few boxes while resting. Most of them were empty, but in the last box. Here, Dick successfully found three bottles of holy water.

This is the holy water distributed to the citizens by the Alonthos Chapel in Stratholme’s Old Town. On weekdays, it is only used as a medicine for daily diseases, but at the moment, these holy waters containing the dilute energy of the holy light have become divine water. The big killer in the hands of K.

But before he was happy, Errigal issued a serious alarm on the other side.

“Abomination! It’s abhorrence! Full defense!”

Dick turned his head, two huge monsters, one point stronger than Andorhal’s hatred, flooded from the King’s Road into the battlefield, which had been almost half cleared. Behind them, there was one more monster. The taller, more ferocious monster, who smashed the wooden doors of King’s Square and the Festival Lane with an axe, was whizzing and came over here.

“High-level Abomination”

“Undead Constructed Creature”

“Strength 90, Agility 20, Energy 300, Magic Power 0”

“Evaluation: Unlike the low-profile version of Andorhal, these monsters made by the Necromancer are the real war machines.”

“Ramsden the Swallower”

“Rare Elite”

“Undead Constructed Creature”

“Strength 150, Agility 30, Energy 380, Magic Power 0”

“Evaluation: The first hatred made by Kel’Thuzad himself was poured into his body by the power of the Lich King. Although it is far from the lord, it is undoubtedly the **** of death who came with a howling death to mortals. ”


————————————————– —————————————-

The population problem continues to ferment… this I really can’t explain it. In short, this thing doesn’t affect it. When you see words like “millions” and “hundreds of thousands”, brothers can automatically replace Adjectives such as “a large group”, “a large wave”, and “densely dense”. Well, I really don’t talk about this question, everyone has their own understanding Read the book happily, I hope everyone will continue to support this book Thanks

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