Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 38

Chapter 7 .At the Northern Xinjiang Conference-Add

“Then Miss Abidis, do you think this disagreement will cause the Silver Hand to split?”

Dick held the pipe in his mouth, took a deep breath of smoke, and asked silently.

Miss Abidis was shocked by Dick’s question. She wanted to refute it, but her reason told her that Dick’s problem might become a reality, especially when Wang Ling’s army was under pressure. , The trend of the main fighting faction will definitely drive the mood of his father’s faction.

Abidis knew that his father would not give up this opportunity.

“I… I don’t know!”

A few minutes later, Abidis lowered her head bitterly, and she found that she was afraid to face Dick’s bright eyes.

“I guess so, as you said, this kind of disagreement was suppressed by Uther alone, but if something happens to the Grand Knight Uther… well, I’m just guessing, then, the Silver Hand Facing the heavy pressure of the undead, it will definitely split further.”

Dick held the pipe in his hand, and his face was blurred by the smoke from his mouth, but Abidis clearly heard another meaning from Dick’s words.

She thought of Dick’s shocking remarks at the previous Silver Hand conference, and suddenly sat upright.

“What do you want to say? Knight Dick?”


“I think that the Silver Hand shouldn’t be so silent. Just a Tirisfal made Alsace’s power swell to a point where we panic. Lordaeron has 6 regions. Dare you imagine the undead? After they have conquered the entire Lordaeron, will their power swell to what level? What’s more, they are just the forwards of the dark forces from Northrend! So facing this terrible future, this world needs silver The unity of the hands!”

Dick stretched out his fist and squeezed it tightly. He looked at the nervous Abidis with very aggressive eyes, and said in a deep voice,

“If it cannot be unified, it is up to us to make it unified!”

“The contradictions at the upper level are their own business. Those of us middle-level commanders who truly control the main power of the Silver Hand should do our part for this organization. We must hug each other, and at least guarantee this before the darkness fades. The vitality and combat effectiveness of the organization!”

Dick’s words were like the magical sound in her ears. Abidis couldn’t help but think about it and couldn’t help being excited. But in the end, she curbed her expression. As a commander, when making a decision, she must To exclude emotional images, Abidis has already understood this thoroughly.

“Tell me about your plan, Dick, I won’t make a decision until I have listened to it!”

“This is not in a hurry. The most important thing now is to overcome the difficulties in front of me, but I need you to help me contact other young people, such as the current High Lord of Hearthglen, Tailan-Fording, such as Coldwind Camp. Ashram-Valofist, such as the high-ranking priest Madonil, such as the leader of the hunter’s troop “killer” Rohan, such as Colfax, the leader of the warrior troop, and the mystery of the gods Angela, the archmage of the United States, when we have overcome this fierce battle, I will tell everyone what I believe.”

Dick smiled mysteriously, looking at Abidis, but she nodded and agreed.

“Dick… you are a guy who surprised everyone, but you better not let me down!”

“Fu…beautiful lady, I will never let anyone down!”

————————————————– ———————————

In the early morning of the next day, Dick, who was riding a war horse and wearing a stiff black dress, took Errigal and Whitemane, as well as the newly-baked warrior Herod, appeared in the small house of the Light’s Hope Chapel. Town entrance.

Compared with the scene where no one had met last time, Dick’s appearance this time attracted everyone’s cheers.

“Look! Fire of Justice-Dick, the guardian of Stratholme!”

“Warrior of the Holy Light! Cheers for you! Dick!”

“Brother, your great victory inspired us!”

“Knight Dick, I want to join Stratholme, please accept me!”

The hustle and bustle of the crowd almost surrounded Dick. Facing this kind of enthusiasm, Dick was a little caught off guard. He rolled over and got off his horse, waved at the knights and civilians who were looking at him, and shouted loudly,

“Everyone’s enthusiasm makes me flattered, but I want to say that I am just one of the countless people who are fighting against evil, brothers, give you cheers, everyone who takes up arms and stands in front of evil, All are true heroes!”


This remark made everyone smile, and everyone was not ignorant. After cheering for a while, they also took the initiative to make way for Dick. Everyone knows that there will be a meeting here today. For an important meeting, Dick Knight must also be a participant.

As Dick rubbed his forehead and walked out of the crowd, a teasing sound came into his ears.

“Yo, see who this is! Warriors of the Holy Light…hahaha…well…”

Lady Jaina, who was wearing a sky blue dress and a magic cloak, wanted to tease again, but Dick’s powerful arm was pulled into her arms forcibly, followed by a suffocating kiss. .

“Hate you! Badass!”

Two minutes later, Dick let go of the blushing eldest lady. The disturbed eldest lady looked at Dick with open eyes and grinned bitterly, then chopped his foot on Dick’s foot and turned away angrily. Dick hurriedly followed. The two were like little lovers quarreling. One coaxed and the other tilted his head, but in the end, the two still held hands and walked towards the hall of the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel.

“My baby, why are you here too?”

Dick felt the temperature in his hands and asked curiously.

Jaina gave him a blank look and pressed down on her wide wizard hat.

“Because I’m the representative of Dalaran! This time Master Instructor has also come. He is very heartbroken over the destruction of Lordaeron, so he has already planned to support Princess Galia to rebuild Lordaeron, but Galia seems to Some lack of confidence, especially after seeing Alsace with her own eyes, she was about to collapse.”

Dick was silent for a moment.

“Is Princess Kalia here today?”

“No, she is very weak now, so we let her rest now in Dalaran. Everything will be said after this meeting.”

Dick nodded and didn’t speak any more.

Kalya Menethil, the eldest princess of Lordaeron, the sister of Arthas, a woman who was originally virtuous and virtuous, but to be honest, Kalya is actually a strange person, she does not know martial arts, no Magic, ordinary is unbelievable, but Kaliya’s ability to see people is first-class.

Ten years ago, when Arthas was 10 years old, the second orc war reached its climax. Due to the betrayal of the Alterac kingdom, the orc army led by Orgrim-Doomhammer passed through Otter. Rank Valley, surrounded the King City of Lordaeron, and the entire Kingdom of Lordaeron was in a precarious state.

At this time, in the besieged city, there appeared a heir to the throne who claimed to be from the Alterac Kingdom. He was personable and excellent in social skills. He soon broke into the upper society of the kingdom and won the king of Terenas. The recognition that the princess Kalia, who was only 18 years old at the time, was used as a bargaining chip in marriage by the old king who desperately needed all help.

But to be honest, the eldest princess Kalia was also very moved by this personable and impeccable heir. However, the incident itself was a big joke.

Because that nobleman is a fake, but Princess Kalia’s vision is worthy of affirmation, because the true identity of that nobleman is 10,000 times more noble than the successor of a kingdom. That is the fallen guardian of the earth, Azeroth. One of Si’s strongest creatures, the human incarnation of Nesario, the black dragon king, is named Sir Prestor.

Later, the orcs were forced to retreat to the south due to the betrayal of the great warlock Gul’dan, and Sir Presto disappeared as a result. Until now, Princess Kalia is said to be still remembering the handsome jazz back then.

This is really a secret that only Dick knows. Not much else, the eyes of the eldest princess are absolutely superb.

But right now, the eldest princess, who is overly worried and has the hatred of subjugation, is temporarily unreliable. Simply, Dick did not intend to get her consent to take the plan. Anyway, the royal family of Lordaeron only has Kalia. People, this is her responsibility.

Dick and Jaina spoke for a while, and when they heard the bell of the convener again, the two men rushed out of the grove and hurried toward the hall.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome everyone to come to the pre-war meeting hosted by the Knights of the Silver Hand at this critical time. I am Uther, the head of the Knights of the Silver Hand!”

Uther, who put on a blue dress today, looked very elegant. This is indeed a man who excels in manners and combat effectiveness, and is a natural leader.

And because of this meeting, the original hall was refurbished. The audience was replaced with rows of chairs from Dalaran, Gilneas, Alterac, Wildhammer Dwarves, and Quel’Sala. The envoys of Sri Lanka are already seated.

When Uther’s words fell, everyone stood up and applauded. I have to say that before the situation in northern Xinjiang has completely collapsed, Uther’s name is still very popular, even the proud elves. We have to face up to Uther’s huge reputation in Quel’Thalas.

Because the Holy Light is benevolent, there are also elven knights from Silvermoon City in the Knights of the Silver Hand. Although the number is small, it is also a force that must be valued.

“Before the meeting begins, please allow me to introduce you to a true Warrior of the Light!”

Uther stretched his hand to the entrance of the hall. Everyone looked back and saw Dick, who was wearing a black dress, dressed in an elegant and neat gray cloak, and his hair was neatly combed in the sun. The shy Jaina’s hand walked into the hall.

When everyone’s eyes fell on Dick, Uther’s voice also rang.

“While we are all immersed in the joy of victory, there is one person who is still alert to the dark boundary.”

“When we were at a loss, there was a person who clearly pointed out the direction for us to fight.”

“When we were in fear, there was a man who, with all the strengths that obeyed him with all his heart, destroyed the darkness that occupies this land in one go.”

“He gave the re-emerged dark power a big punch!”

“His victory inspired everyone who was frightened by evil!”

“Everyone, welcome him, the unquenchable fire of justice, Dick Don, the commander of the Stratholme battle group, he, will also be the real host of today’s meeting!”

————————————————– ——————————————-

The brothers are really awesome. Now it is the 50th in the new book list Although it is really in the top 50, I always feel a little sad, but it doesn’t matter. The promised ten more will be sent in three days. The brothers are happy to read it. , Please support this book! ! I need your support to give me the confidence to go further! !

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