Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 47

Chapter 16 .The Birth of the Ashbringer—plus seve

The battle for the Crusader fortress continued for a whole day. The Bulwark of Holy Light was finally destroyed by the four Nebs who sneaked into the fortress. However, under the guard of the knights and the support of the knights from Coldwind Camp and Hearthglen, Al was lost. Commanded by Sass, the undead who became chaotic again were still driven away.

But this is just the beginning!

In the deepest hall of the Crusader fortress, Dathrohan was seriously injured, Gavinrad who was almost cut to death by Alsace, Alessandro holding a box, and Ethanlien who came to support , Alessandro’s adjutant, high-ranking priest Falbanks, General Abedith returning with the remnants.

These silver hand knights and the high-ranking commanders of Lordaeron are reunited here. In the middle of them, a block of ice exuding a chill stands in place, Uther is lying in it, the black scar on his chest, even It is through the ice cubes that everyone can’t help but feel chills.

“You mean…Once Uther dies, the soul will be sucked into it by the magic sword, and even become a tool for Arthas to help his abuse?”

General Abidis was an old soldier in his forties. He was dressed in a straight military uniform with a warhammer on his back. He put his hand on the ice and asked with a sigh.

“So, is there any way to help Uther?”

Alessandro glanced at the ice cube and said in a low voice,

“Someone provided a terrible solution, but the worst thing is that it now seems that that solution may be the only hope to save Uther’s soul.”

“any solution?”

Ethanlion asked, Alessandro glanced at Tyran Fording who was standing next to Ethanlion, and shook his head.

“There is another guest, after he comes, I will tell you!”

Everyone looked at each other, Dathrohan and Gavinrad did not speak, but closed their eyes, as if they were restoring their spirits.

Ten minutes later, a tall figure wearing a gray cloak walked into the hall. He glanced at the person standing here. When he saw Taelan Foding with a puzzled face, the figure’s body trembled. There was a tremor, but before he could speak, Ethanlien got up from his chair excitedly.

“The light is on! Tirion! You…you are still alive!”


When Taelan heard the name, he almost fell from the chair. He looked at the figure, and the memory of almost 2 years ago was flipped in his mind, from the original nostalgia, to the resentment, to the current yearning, this just adult When the child hears a familiar name, he can no longer control himself.

“Hey…old brothers, it’s me.”

Tirion Fording took off the gray cloak, the weather-beaten face appeared in front of everyone, and everyone was excited.

Tirion Fording is no ordinary person. In the original history, among the first five paladins baptized, he was the only survivor who escaped the disaster, and seven years later, the legendary paladin took over. After the fallen Ashbringer restored the holiness of the Holy Blade, after his appearance, the seven-year-old Silver Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade were reunited.

In the end, facing the fighting power of the Lich King, they gathered the most powerful warriors in the whole world. When they were defeated by the Lich King, Tirion stepped forward and called for the Holy Light to add to his body, holding the Ashbringer. The sword smashed the Demon Sword Frostmourne and saved the entire world from the darkness of the undead.

And in the third demon invasion war 20 years later, Tirion Foddin was besieged by the demon army, and finally fell on the beach of the Broken Isles. It was also him who gave the Holy Blade-Ashbringer to Up the player.

In short, this is an absolute hero, and his life is even more glorious than Uther’s.

But now, Tirion has no future prospects. He is just a middle-aged man who has been abolished by the power of the Holy Light. The cause of the incident is that Foding was attacked by an old orc during a hunt. Attacked, but he did not kill him. On the contrary, he and the old orc became friends, but this incident was reported to the Knight of the Silver Hand by the mayor of Barthilas in Hearthglen, a villain. group.

Fording was imprisoned and tried for treason. In fact, as long as he promised to lead the team to hunt down the orc, he would be released by Uther and Dathohan, but Tirion was unwilling to disobey. For his friendship and conviction, he chose to be deprived of all power and status and imprisoned for life.

As a result, on the day of the execution, Foding was robbed by a group of orcs that suddenly appeared. There is no news from now on, but this actually confirmed the evidence of collusion between Foding and the orcs, so even Uther could not help it. Reverse the case for Fo Ding.

Everyone thought he was dead or escaped, but they didn’t expect that today, this exile reappeared here.

“I got your letter, Alessandro, Uther… Uther really…”

Tirion reached out his hand and patted his excited son on the shoulder, then turned his head to Alessandro, who waved his hand, and Falbanks moved away from the front of the ice, Foding’s gaze. , Also fell on the ice.

“Holy light is on!”

Tirion walked quickly around the ice cube. He looked at the wound and frowned.

“I’m in East Dallonemir and I also heard about Alsace. It’s really hard to imagine, this kind of dark power! Is there no way?”

“No! There is a way!”

Dathrohan opened his eyes suddenly, he stood up and hugged Tirion before turning to everyone.

“Someone told us that in the Deadwind Path of the Kingdom of Stormwind, in the mage tower of Medivh, who has been killed, there is another dark sword that has the same origin as Frostmourne. It is said that it is the only one. A weapon that can fight Frostmourne’s strange powers. As long as Uther touches that magic sword, his soul can continue to exist. But…”

Dathrohan took a deep breath and said the terrible consequence.

“But Uther will also be transformed into a death knight… a death knight with self-consciousness and a free soul!”

“Holy light is on!”

The eldest Ethanlien heard the news and couldn’t help but sit on the chair, closed his eyes, exclaimed, and hurriedly took out the Holy Light Rosary to calm his mood.

Others also had a **** expression, and Abidis roared even more.

“You are crazy! Uther won’t agree!”

Faced with Abidis’s accusation, everyone was silent, but Alessandro raised his head and only asked one question.

“Then what do you need to do to keep Uther’s soul? Falling into the darkness and becoming an accomplice, or erasing your faith and embarking on another path?”

Abidis was silent. The hall was silent for a few minutes. The youngest Taelan had tears in his eyes. He couldn’t understand why the Holy Light would let such a terrible fate descend on a great knight like Uther. Body.


“I will take Uther to the south, and after saving his soul, I will give him the right to choose. Now, let’s talk about the second thing!”

Alessandro took a deep breath. He threw the box in his hand on the ice cube in Uther with a face of indifference, and motioned for Falbanks to open it.

Falbanks stepped forward and carefully opened the delicate box. As a result, a black light bloomed from it. At this moment, everyone felt the pure darkness permeating the room.

“This…what is this!”

Gavinrad stood up from his chair hurriedly. The great knight is very low-key. This has something to do with the path he chooses. It is different from Uther’s preference for defensive, and Dathrohan and Fording’s preference for offense. Gavinrad’s path is more focused on healing, which is also the reason why he joined the church at the Northshire Abbey when he was very young.

However, no one dared to underestimate Gavinrad’s influence. In fact, among the first-generation paladins, the one who is most involved with the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel belongs to Gavinrad. He is even associated with the Holy Light of the Kingdom of Stormwind. The church has a very close relationship.

But when Gavinrad tried to touch the small box surging with dark light, he was stopped by Alessandro.

“Don’t touch it! Gavin, otherwise your hands will become like this!”

In front of the crowd, Mograine took off the gloves that he had never removed before. At this time, the crowd was shocked to find that there was a bone scar on Alessandro’s left hand. , Black energy surging in the scar, like a part of Alessandro’s body, it is like a terrible ghost claw!

“This is the price I paid when I touched it for the first time!”

The old Sir took out a delicate pipe from his arms and took a silent sip before speaking.

“In Black Rock Mountain, I led my troops to stop the orcs from being defeated. In one of the orc warlocks, I found this gem. The energy is dark, like ink like water, but I will not take the initiative to affect the surrounding things. He hid it, but not long ago, someone told me that this gem is the key to fighting Alsace!”

Alessandro’s eyes circled around like a owl, and he re-said what Dick had told him.

“He told me that the end of the light is darkness, but the end of the darkness is also the light. This sentence gave me a little idea, but I need your help!”

“Use the Holy Light to bombard this gem!”

“Won’t this cause any damage to it?”

Ethan Lean opened his eyes and tapped the surface of the gem with the staff in his hand. With just such a simple movement, a staggering dark spot of light stopped at the top of the staff, but Dissipated quickly.

Facing Ethanlion’s question, Alessandro shook his head.

“Don’t forget, I am also a Paladin. In fact, just before you came, I tried to bombard it with holy light, but my holy light energy is too small, and it may not reach the limit of transforming it! I need us to join forces!”

Ethan Lean was silent for a moment, then asked again.

“Alessandro, can you tell me who told you these two things?”

Dathrohan glanced at Alessandro and shook his head.

“Sorry, Grand Prosecutor, we can’t, but we can guarantee that it is a trustworthy guy!”


Ethanlien stood up and pointed his staff at the black gem. Others also took hold of the weapon. Don’t worry about harming Uther, the burst of Holy Light energy will only delay him. The injury will not destroy this ice block blessed with special effects and strong runes.

“3, 2, 1!”


Except for Tirion, who had been abolished the power of the light, the other seven people, including Tyran Fording, at this moment, all their energy of the light hit the gem, and the heavy The darkness of surging inside the gem, like a pool of lake water that can’t see the scenery in the pool, it completely absorbs the huge amount of holy light that 7 people converge together.

In everyone’s gaze, it started to shine, like the first point of light that pierced the darkness, and then brighter and brighter, and finally everyone closed their eyes or stretched out their hands to block the dazzling light. .

When the light subsided, Alessandro opened his eyes for the first time. As a result, he saw the silver sun, the black gem, completely turned into a jewel of surging light, and the light was so rich, even From yellow to silver.

Alessandro couldn’t help but reached out and touched the surface of the gemstone. It was different from the warmth as imagined. The surface was still cold, but a soreness came from his left hand, and Alessandro looked down. At a glance, his eyes widened immediately!

His wound!

The unhealable wound caused by touching the black gemstone in the past…healed in an instant!

“Holy light is on! What a mighty force this is!”

Alessandro lifted this gem high, like a small sun. He looked at everyone, his eyes filled with excitement.

“It was born! Look! The hope of defeating the undead and darkness! It…the Ashbringer, was born!”

Although Alessandro didn’t know why he called this gem the Ashbringer, the words that Dick left before he left made him feel the power of fate.

So he decided to call it the “Ember Messenger”!

Yes, today, a legend is born!

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