Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 547

Chapter 33 .In the dark…13 lights

Essentially, the ancient **** is a kind of parasite. Once it parasitizes the host too deeply, if it is removed forcibly, the host will die. This is when Amansur uprooted the seven strongest ancient gods, Y’Shaarj. , It has been proved that that reckless attack caused Azeroth to split a wound on the surface that almost killed Elune. The hidden danger of that wound has not been healed until hundreds of thousands of years later.

The lesson of the Well of Eternity is enough to come only once, so before leaving, the Titans cast a cage for the remaining three ancient gods that they will never be able to break free, just like when Dick faced C’Thun, Comprehended truth-this cage does not stand in the world in a way that mortal creatures can imagine. They bind the ancient gods from a higher level. As long as these disgusting parasites do not abandon their corrupted world origin, they will. Never want to get out of the cage, and once they give up, the strongest servants left in Azeroth by the Titans can kill them without harming the world!

This was the case with C’Thun’s death, but Yogg-Saron’s situation was obviously more troublesome.

It escaped earlier than C’Thun, limited to Ulduar’s special circumstances, it could not re-corrupt the world, but it has restored itself from weakness to the strongest state in these tens of thousands of years. More cautious and cunning than C’Thun, even C’Thun’s escape from prison a few years ago could not escape its shadow.

This is a truly dangerous existence. Once it breaks free from Ulduar’s cage, Dick can be sure that the fall of this world is in sight. Of course, the most likely thing to happen is that Yogg-Saron has just stepped out. Ulduar, the creators of the Forge of Origin will immediately activate the Forge of Origin and completely reshape it and the entire world that is on the brink of collapse.

That is a disaster more terrifying than the escape of the ancient gods, because if that happens, it means that the whole world will have no survivors…no one!

This means that this adventure of Dick and the hero can only have one result: victory!

Because the price of failure is too expensive, even the Four Dragon Kings and the guardians dare not regard it as a trifle. But when they really stepped into the lair of this evil god, although they had already planned to be benevolent if they failed, everyone Still coincidentally, they raised their attention and vigilance to the highest level. They are about to face the scars of this world. A monster that can destroy the entire world can’t be too careful.

And Yogg-Saron did not let them down either. Before everyone entered its territory, it used practical actions to slap Dick severely.

“Ah, flesh and blood… guess… are you in a dream or in reality?”

It was similar to this low and ridiculous voice, constantly rang in Dick’s ears, in his heart and even in his soul, and even An Wei Na was affected.

“Um… so uncomfortable!”

Guangling held Dick’s hair, covered his head, and whispered in Dick’s ear, “There is a voice in my head…so annoying! Get out of here!”

Along with Anvina’s roar, a blade of holy light flew out of her hand, rushing straight to the empty cage in front of her, thoroughly muddling the green mist above the clear stagnant water, and finally chopped into it. , This sudden blow also shocked the others. Dick hurriedly reached out and grabbed Anwina, who was rolling on his shoulder and holding her head, and whispered, “Go back into my body… . I’ll help you block it! Hurry up!”


Anvina quickly disappeared into Dick’s palm, but her disappearance also meant that the part of the pressure that she had suffered was transferred to Dick’s body. At this moment, it was originally only burning on her left arm. The silver flame ignited his whole body quickly, but as Mimiron said before, only relying on Tyr’s orderly power could not resist the pressure of an ancient god.

Dick’s head was in chaos, but with the roar of the thunder and lightning core, a light of thunder beats on his forehead, and the appearance of the Holy Rune of Order and the six light feathers behind him quickly restored Dick to his best condition.

“Look! Who is that?”

Alexstrasza’s scream made everyone’s eyes look into the completely muddled green mist, where a female Vrykul was slowly standing up from the stagnant pool, followed by a panic. Shouts of confusion.

“Come and help me! Help! There are monsters here!”

The Vrykul woman who couldn’t see her face seemed to be restrained in place. She waved her hands to attract everyone’s attention. Heimdall took a closer look, scratched her head, and whispered,

“It seems to be a survivor, shall we…”

“Enough! Firm your mind!”

Dick turned his head and glared at the Heroic Gatekeeper, “You have been affected!”

“Come and save me…Help! Help…”


The Vrykul woman who was “trapped” in the mist was still calling for help. What answered her was a scorching and crazy sun gun. Dick showed his attitude with practical actions, and the scorching sun gun pierced the stagnant water. Among them, the collision between the flame and the water surface produced water vapor enough to collide with everything in an instant. The green mist was washed away almost instantly, and even the image of the woman who seemed to seek sympathy was melted on the spot.

In the mist escaping from the water vapor, Dick took a step forward, and the epee of order in his hand struck a golden light, tearing open the curtain of obscuration before his eyes, and he was staring at him and he returned to calm within a few seconds. The stagnant water surface.

“Yug-Saron! Stop playing these little tricks, here we are! Right in front of you, right on your ground! Either fight! Or accept your defeat!”

“Lost? Me?”

“Hehe… you probably don’t know who you are talking to…”


For the first time, a certain existence who responded positively to the provocation seemed to turn around slightly, and the ground where everyone was sitting shook suddenly at this moment. Dick’s body staggered, and he saw that the stagnant water pool in front of him began to expand rapidly…No , Not just a pool of water, he slid his body with a long sword, and looked back, Heimdall and the Red Dragon Queen, who were still standing with him, were already more than 200 meters away from him in an instant…not just in front of him. , The entire space is expanding rapidly!

In other words, it is returning to its original size!

Dick was the person closest to the water pool. When he turned his head, what appeared before him was a huge lake, comparable to the Dahlonemir Lake in my memory. At first glance, the rippling waves of water were even It made him feel insignificant. In the lake in front of him, he saw his own reflection. It was a self who was sneering at him. In the deeper part of the reflection, a giant shadow that made people feel scalp numb at a glance was Ascending quickly, like a dark thing rising from the bottom of the lake.

The paladin’s body instantly turned into a golden flash and disappeared in place. Less than 1 second later, a tentacled with gray-white bone spurs, full of spiral teeth and fangs, pierced the water surface, and then fiercely. He was drawn to the place where he was just now, but at the moment of contact, a crack spread rapidly along the contact point, cracking, and the earth trembled under the blow!

Sharp, weird, weird, and crazy screams rang from the bottom of all creatures’ hearts. The entire cage with blue fluorescence turned to darkness at this moment. At first there was starlight, but it was almost on the surface of Yoggsaron’s body. At the moment, those stars seemed to be afraid of the ancient gods who had awakened from the darkness, and they quickly disappeared into the heavier and heavier darkness.

At this moment, the water of the lake was turbulent like a whirlpool, and there were one, two, one hundred, one thousand tentacles that pierced the surface of the water at the same time… densely packed, just like under the sky, roaring towards the sky. The evil **** of the evil spirits is of average will, and on the black tentacles, each bone barb is bigger than an adult, and in this black, it is covered with off-white spots, and it is greasy, as if it is covered with mucus. The body of the disgusting monster with the skin’s skin was covered with hundreds of eyes, just like C’Thun of the day.

But just the size of the body is nearly 10 times larger than C’Thun! Above every frantically dancing tentacles, wherever it passes, not only the air, but even the most basic rules that make up the air, are distorted. The chaotic force field that can be withstood before is increased by more than 100 times at this moment. !

This is Yogg-Saron, the ancient **** who has spent tens of thousands of years planning a prison escape that will never fail, the demon of the thousand maws, the true face of the evil **** who almost captured the land of the Titans, Heimdall The roar of the golden light blade pierced the sharp roar in the air, and the dragon’s breath of the four dragon kings also desperately prevented the breeding of the black tentacles that continued to spread from the bottom of the lake to the entire cell at this moment.

Mimiron’s powerful engineering bomb, Freya’s parasitic spores and thorn whip, Thorim’s thunder and lightning storm resounding through the sky, and the taciturn Hodir’s frost shock.

At this moment, at least nearly a hundred have continued to be read as fanatics, but this is not enough!

More tentacles rushed out of the water one after another, the magic flying all over the sky poured frantically, twisted and violent, chaos like dark mud, mental power like a surging wave, crushed towards the people struggling to fight back, here For a moment, whether it was Heimdall’s anger, Thorim’s thunder and lightning, or even the dragon’s breath of the Four Dragon Kings, they were completely shattered by the tyrannical mental power, pushing everyone into an uncontrollable dark magic vortex.

No, this is not enough!

Dick’s body appeared in the air, and there were other helpers who quickly lifted into the air. On the body of the Four Dragon Kings, Heimdall and the guardians looked down in shock. Within a few seconds, they were completely surrounded by black tentacles. In the cage, everyone knew that the battle with Yogg-Saron would be an absolute hardship, but absolutely no one thought that at the beginning of this battle, it entered such an unbelievable rhythm.


The scorching golden light flew out of Dick’s palm like a flying arrow. This solar spear was larger, stronger, and more lethal than those thrown before. It looked like a giant beam of light thrown from the hands of a paladin, and the crazy lightning throbbing on it made it look like a thunder that would only appear at the end of the world.

All the animals that stood in front of this sun spear, whether they were tentacles or enchantments of magic, were crushed, burned, and cut off, just like the sharpest sword, but they came into contact with Yogg-Saron’s The moment before the main body, it seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and sparks continued to pulsate on it, like a ignited golden flame, spreading outward along the arc-shaped surface, but Always unable to penetrate into it.

Dick’s expression came down cautiously, it was a haunting layer of colorful light, it was obviously not the power of the ancient god’s self! The source of that power…

“It’s the magic of this space!”

The Blue Dragon King’s voice came to everyone’s ears, “When the Titans tore off this space, they had completely closed the magic point here, but Yogg-Saron reactivated it in a way we didn’t know! Also used its tyrannical mental power to control it! We are equivalent to fighting the entire space!”

“It must be destroyed!”

Heimdall’s storm sword cut a golden light blade downwards, but it also slammed on the light shield and was quietly annihilated. In the reverberating and distorted wailing voice, the heroic spirit yelled to others with difficulty, “As long as those things exist, we can’t attack its body! And these **** tentacles! Its will is parasitic on these tentacles. , They can magnify its power, this **** monster!”

“Be careful! Disperse!”

Ysera’s voice made all the dragon kings unconsciously spread out in other directions at this moment, and the next moment, the dense, tumor-like “eyes” above Yogg-Saron’s body opened at the same time, revealing If there is something creepy in it, where are the eyes!

Those are clearly open mouths, just like the big mouths under the body. These small big mouths are full of twisted sharp teeth, tongues and bottomless throats. This monster has no eyes at all. !

It is called the Demon of Thousand Throats! Remember this…


The invisible sound wave spurted out of its nearly a thousand mouths with absolute malice at this moment, like a cannonball composed of sound waves, sweeping the audience at this moment, and the dragon kings tried their best to dodge, but they were still carried by them. When the sound waves of distorting will hit, each body was about to be out of balance, and when they swayed to the ground, a burst of silver light illuminated the entire sky.

The paladin no longer hides his figure. He holds the long sword in both hands, and smashes from the sky to the ground like a silver meteor like an ancient **** who flaunts his mighty power. He bursts out the light of order. At this moment, everyone’s spirit is clear , And then they heard Dick’s roar,

“I’ll break this mask! Give me your power! Give me all! I can bear these! Give me the maximum blessing!”


Almost at the same time, the four guardian powers of green life, blue thunder and lightning, red flame, and white frost were completely blessed on Dick’s body. It was the life gift from Freya, Thorim’s. Thunder and lightning are tough, Hodir’s frost is strong, and Mimiron’s flames are fast.

There are also light green dreams, crimson vitality, deep purple magic, and light yellow time. The four auras of the power of guarding the dragon also rise around Dick. It is the dream crown from Ysera, ah Lexstrasza’s scepter of life, Malygos’s iris of convergence, Nozdormu’s sand of time.

Finally, there was a golden lightsaber pouring straight into this space from the sky. In the Valarjar horn that Heimdall blew, the divine power from Odin formed a golden crown on Dick’s head.

“Not enough! Not enough!”

The paladin felt the colorful mask that was getting closer and closer. It was the magic of the entire space. With the addition of the nine auras, he could break this mask, but he had to hit the ancient **** in front of him! not enough!

Yogg-Saron is stronger than he thought! This is not enough!

“One more thing! Yogg-Saron! This is a gift from Uldum! Are you ready to accept it? Hahahaha.”

In this second, Dick suddenly remembered something he had forgotten for a long time. He laughed wildly and took out a beating white light from the storage ring and threw it into the sky. His voice was at this moment. Let the Buddha travel through time and space,

“Lend your strength! Lend me! Rasha! I’m already here! I am fulfilling my promise! I need your strength! Give it to me!”


Red, green, purple, blue, the four beams are heavier and more dazzling than all the previous blessings. The rainbow-like rays of light burst out from the lingering white fluorescent object, just like the last light in the vast darkness. The four bright lights that came up, together with the nine beating flames of different colors in the dark sky behind, completely lit Dick. The darkness ended in front of him, and the light appeared behind him.

This is…13 lights in the dark!

That is a kind of hope! That is the horn of counterattack! That is the last light, the light that guides to victory!

So weak and so bright!

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