Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 565

Chapter 8 .The Gift and Ambition of the King of Ou

“Crack La”

The door to the meditation room on the top floor of the Starship Storm Fortress was pushed open. In the world of Draenor, the king of Outland, who is as fierce as the real master, ignored the noise coming from behind, and he held his hands very carefully. A skull is like praying, and it seems to be performing some kind of mysterious ritual. m. The most mobile phone traffic, no ads site.

The skull is obviously not human, it is larger than a human jaw, and it has two sharp fangs, exuding a chilling whiteness. In the black eye sockets of the skull, there is a touch of abnormality. Emerald green, it looks like a touch of green pool water, and there are two weird swirling whirlpools.

This is obviously not an ordinary collectible, even if the mana in it has been drunk, but in fact, it only needs to be filled with enough soul, this skull will become the most irresistible treasure of the dark walkers. .

Skull of Gul’dan!

The magic weapon formed by burning life by the demon fire from the tomb of Sargeras, which gathers not only the life and magic essence of the almost demi-god warlock Gul’dan, but also those he has mastered that can make one The world is trembling with the knowledge of evil.

“I thought you threw it away…”

Dick held his pipe in his mouth, buried his face in the deep smoke, and muttered, “It looks like you are a nostalgic person.”

“Haha, I don’t miss the old days.”

The King of Outland stood up from the ground, put away the skull in his hand, and stretched his body. The dark green bat wings on the back were also fully opened in a moment, just like the wings of a demon that was about to cover the entire sky. The purple soul can The dark green flames entangled around Illidan, as his breathing continued to shrink or expand, just like a part of his body.

That was the manifestation of Illidan’s power, and it was a symbol of his promotion.

Although it is not the way of the Titans, it is clear that Illidan has found the right way. He is no longer a mere mortal life. Like Dick, he no longer crawls humblely on the earth, but holds his head. Looked at the starry sky, and had the power to conquer the starry sky.

“I just care about everything valuable… like you.”

Illidan turned around, and his delicate upper body was painted with a whole piece of dark green tattoo with weird and mysterious magic patterns. It was not only decoration, but also gave him unimaginable magic resistance and strength blessing. , Especially after defeating the original king of Outland, Magtheridon, he also kept part of the infinitely powerful Abyss Lord in his body forever, which made him stronger and more savage.

Facing Illidan’s brief compliment, Dick had nothing to be happy about. In fact, when he reached their position, it was already difficult to be happy, calmly facing everything, good or bad, for mortals. In terms of knowing that there is a “god” on top of one’s head, the advantage is that you can toss at will, anyway, there are gods who will clean up the mess at the last moment.

But for the gods, this is undoubtedly a tiresome finishing touch.

Dick waved his hand casually. Wearing only a purple pajamas, he walked slowly to Illidan’s throne in the smoky smoke, frowned and despised the outdated aesthetics of the King of Outland, and then sat swinging. On the throne made entirely of devil’s bones, his hands were naturally placed on the armrests, and he didn’t mind that on his exposed chest, those imaginative “red strawberries” were seen.

Well, actually there is no need to worry… because Illidan is blind, blind in every sense.

“Then should I be ecstatic about what you value? Your Majesty.”

Dick was a little bored with his left hand propped on his chin, looking at Illidan standing on the edge of the dim meditation room. In front of the two people, there was a suffocating landscape, and the endless mighty force from the twisted void would shatter Marton. The fragments of the continent are confined around the planet, like a belt of light that surrounds the continent, coupled with the weight of the ruins of the starry sky that eternal time has given them, at this moment, the sound of Dick’s sneer jokes Also muffled down.

He seemed a little bored. He took the pipe from his mouth and played with it in his hand. After a while, his voice sounded.

“Come on, Illidan, is it because you have found the keystone to come to me in such a hurry?”

“of course not!”

The King of Outland seemed to be in a good mood. He even made a joke. Every time he saw the fangs that licked his lips because of the flow of magical energy, it made people frightened. This is not to say that he is particularly ugly, but Because after absorbing part of the soul of the abyss lord, he also has a part of the physique of this powerful demon, or a little skill.

The double aura of fear and sacrifice!

Of course, we all know that this thing is of no use to Dick, so the cold joke did not get Dick’s response. Illidan had already guessed the result, and he didn’t need Dick’s response. After a short silence, he spoke again,

“But I have found its place! The demons thought they were hiding it well… but they didn’t know it. Such hiding is meaningless! I will not only take away the keystone, but also leave it to the Burning Legion. A real gift!”

“Are you going to ruin Marton? Is that why you came to me?”

Dick frowned, tapping his fingers lightly on the armrest of the throne, and finally expressed his disapproval cautiously, “This is meaningless, and it will expose you in advance. It is not worth it!”

“Worth it? No, no, value, do you understand? Dick, value is the most important thing!”

Illidan stretched out a finger with a black sharp nail and dashed in the air, “Everything has value. The value of Marton does not lie in its position, just like a cat bell, when it rang At that time, it means that the big cats that prey are coming…only the mice scattered in a group can gather together and fight the big cats together.”

The King of Outland turned around, and under the black cloth strips on his face, two dark green lights lit up, like eyes, and like a blazing flame.

“We are rats, but we will not always be rats. Watching the Scourge war gave me this idea, Dick, without the threat of the Scourge, will your world unite so quickly? All mortals are stupid, only death. The threat of “can make them sober for a short time, so that they can see the real disaster!”

“But don’t forget it!”

Dick stood up abruptly and “looked at” the King of Outland without fear, “You and I were originally mortals! They have their destiny, instead of passively accepting the “destiny” you imposed on them!”

“You’re playing with fire! Illidan, Azeroth, and Draenor have the power to face the Burning Legion that is coming from the nest, what is the chance of winning?”

“That’s why we need the keystone more!”

Illidan’s voice also became excited. If there was an Illidari here, he would be surprised to find that his always gloomy and cold leader would be so emotional when his voice seemed to be burning. Blazing flames, letting the Buddha burn all of oneself and everything.

“We will use the keystone to open the portal to the Burning Legion Lair! We will before they arrive! Burn the flames of war into their world! They can burn everything, and so can I…!”

“Oh look, a madman!”

Dick rubbed his forehead. Illidan’s plan was the craziest, boldest, and most arrogant plan he had ever heard of. In this universe, probably no one in this universe would think of biting back when facing the threat of destruction by the Burning Legion. They take a bite.

But I have to say, this plan is great! Very appetite for Dick.

“If you seek peace through struggle, you will survive peacefully, and seek peace and peaceful death through compromise.”

Dick dragged the sentence, but Illidan agreed with this sentence. He said with some emotion, “If Azshara had the wisdom of you in the War of the Ancients, he would not fall to that end. Up.”

The Paladin sat back on the throne again. He took a deep breath of smoke and stretched out three fingers towards Illidan.

“I think your arrogant fantasies are very interesting, but… first, Marton can be destroyed, but I have to wait until I find what I need.”

Illidan’s brows frowned, but Dick’s next sentence made him put his heart back in his stomach.

“Don’t worry, old friends, my subordinates are very experienced in this area. They have already locked the target. This will not affect your original plan, I promise!”

“it is good!”

“Secondly, I want the naga warlord under your command…Vashj, Azshara’s maid, I want her to confirm something.”

“She’s in the Coilya Reservoir in Draenor. Those naga have a double heart. I knew this for a long time, but she was a bit smarter. She was also a member of my Illidari.”

Illidan’s nonchalant words made Dick shrug his shoulders, “Don’t be so good. You look like a real villain. Has the person to succeed her found? Naga doesn’t obey a foreign race, and at present, yours Illidari is still inseparable from the group of underwater killers.”

“You don’t need to worry about that, Dick.”

Illidan gathered the bat wings behind him, turned and walked towards the edge of the meditation room, his voice was faint as if he came out of hell.

“At Vaschi, I accidentally met an “old acquaintance” from ten thousand years ago. Not all high-level elves obey Azshara.”


The paladin leaned on the throne, propped his chin with his arms again, “The last one, I want to take Maiev away!”

When Dick’s words fell, Illidan turned his head suddenly, and then “seeing” Dick’s fingers flicking in the air, as well as his stubborn and determined voice.

“Don’t tell me Maiev isn’t with you… and don’t tell me you killed her, otherwise, I’ll be… very angry!”

“She’s very annoying. She is trying her best to kill me. She is like an overpowering mouse, trying to challenge an evil dragon. I can give her to you, but remember, Dick, as long as she reappears. In front of me, I will kill her without hesitation.”

The scarlet tongue of the King of Outland licked his sharp teeth. Dick had no doubt how strong Illidan’s killing intent was, but he and Maiev had long been a bad deal, and Dick was not simple. In order to save Maiev’s life, just before he came to Mardun, his former comrade-in-arms, Maiev’s younger brother Jarod Shadowsong, broke into the heavily guarded Ulduar and asked him to bring Maiev back.

Regardless of the previous friendship or Maiev’s rescue, Dick couldn’t help watching Maiev’s life turn into a faint spark in the last darkness, so he came.

Dick was silent, and Illidan chuckled.

“Very well, it seems that we have reached an agreement. The action to capture the keystone will be carried out in 3 days. Don’t be late… Also, don’t waste too much energy on that woman. Love is supreme for mortals. Blessings, but for you and me, it just adds to the troubles.”

After the negotiation was over, the Paladin stood up from the throne, gestured a **** to Illidan fiercely, and then walked out of the gate with his pipe in his mouth, but when he was about to step out of the gate, Illidan stopped him again.

“Hi, go on!”

Dick turned his head and saw a bright red spot of light flying towards him. He took it in his hand, and a fiery flame-like feeling rose in the palm of his hand. At the same time, it rose. There was an unusually familiar feeling. The shadow of the leaves hanging on his neck and the order epee in the storage space all jumped quickly at this moment, seeming to be calling for something anxiously.

Dick is no longer the shallow paladin he used to be. He can easily tell what the thing in his hand represents. He shook it in front of his eyes, and then blew a whistle lightly.

“The heart of anger… one-seventh of the Atama Crystal, which is also a good thing for you, why give it to me?”

Illidan didn’t turn around, but his voice clearly passed into Dick’s ears.

“I have long been destined to not be able to return to Azeroth. This is considered a deposit. Help me take care of Malfurion and…her.”

“she was?”

A strange smile appeared on Dick’s face, and he turned the angry heart in his hand upside down, “What’s the value? Illidan, Tyrande will never know what you did for her, she didn’t even Will look at you…meaningless love, right?”

“Your words…too many!”

It suddenly lit up, and the dark blade that had cut all the space around the Paladin invisibly jumped up, blocking all the Paladin’s dodge space, which was accompanied by Illidan’s suppressed angry roar.

But Dick just stretched out his finger and tapped it slightly. The dark blade that was enough to cut a fortress instantly shattered like glass. His figure disappeared in the shining silver thunder, with a cheerful smile. ,

“Hahaha, Illidan, you lover! But don’t worry, I will tell Tyrande all this… although this is meaningless, hahahaha!”

When everything calmed down, the expression of the Demon Hunter King became peaceful again. He sat on the ground, seemingly intending to extract the taboo knowledge from Gul’dan’s Skull again, but after silence, he was cautious and cautious. Yes, I took out a small yellow flower that was already dry and put it in front of my nose to gently smell the fragrance that had dissipated thousands of years ago.

At this moment, the face of the cruel King of Outland was full of peace, and there was even a grinning smile on that terrifying sharp teeth and corners of his mouth.

Like a smiling angel in hell, his whole body dirty, but extremely sacred.

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