Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 569

Chapter 12 .Katherine, Queen of the Night Blade

Catherine didn’t like Marton very much, even though she was born here.

As the queen of the arachnid… well, here is an explanation. The arachnids of Marton are not the Nibru lingering underneath the Northrend continent in the world of Azeroth, whether it comes from power or from the level of life. In other words, the Marton Nebbo is more than one level stronger than the Nebbo in Azeroth.

They belong to the demon species. It is said that they were once one of the twisted beings imprisoned by the Titans in Marton. They are extremely good at space spells. The strongest of them can even easily tear apart space barriers. Moreover, they have a tyrannical character and are led by the queen , Like a group of migrating locusts, there is no doubt that they will threaten the balance of the universe.

However, it is said that after Sargeras smashed the planet of Mardum with a single knife, it was a queen of the Nerubian who rescued Mardoon from destruction. This is all the gossip spread among the demons, but it does not seem to be empty. **Come on, the Nerubians have undoubtedly joined the Burning Legion, but their current queen, Kessela Nightblade, has always stayed on the planet Mardun, seeming to guard the ancient rules.

But in fact, Catherine is indeed guarding something very important, but it is not an ancient rule, but… the keystone!

The destruction of the Pantheon was hundreds of thousands of years ago, and the Burning Legion was established even earlier. When the Dark Titans decided to launch the Burning Crusade, the keystone was left in Marton, and that **** existed, but Longer than many planets were born, Catherine is just one of its numerous guardians.

But mission is mission. As long as the dark green sharp stone suspended in the center of the Felmaul spacecraft does not leave Marton, Catherine will not be able to leave this world in her limited life. Of course, I am not saying that Catherine is innocent. Yes, in fact, she is more cunning and evil than most demons, but from a higher level, she is just a prisoner of fate.

When there is nothing to do, Queen Catherine’s favorite thing to do is to use her own spider silk to entangle those hapless souls layer by layer, and watch their helpless souls play the role of certain rules. Catherine’s joy will last for a long time if those souls are scattered, but if those souls are strong enough, she will use more extreme methods to torture them until The last cry of the soul came.

This is almost the only pleasure of Catherine, and the tragedy lies in the fact that as the guardian of the keystone, she has a lot of free time, so when Illidan entered the hall of the Fel Maul spacecraft, the first voice she heard, It was the soft sound of an unlucky demon’s soul breaking.

The King of Outland did not stop because of this. He could feel a powerful creature in this hall, but he could feel even more that the keystone was right in front of him!

The queen of the night blade spider leaned boringly on her bed. She was wearing a very revealing red leather armor. Five emerald green spars were inlaid outside the leather armor. The skin of the queen of the night blade spider was crimson. , Looks like an ordinary Eredar, she has a good figure, slender legs, and a delicate face. At least that face does not look strange. On both sides of her forehead, there are two small horns. Standing there, it looks like an ornament.

If this is the case, then Catherine might still be a lovely girl in the eyes of some people with unique aesthetics, but if your eyes are good enough, you can see the spider legs behind Catherine, yes, not It’s like Nibru’s spider demon instead of legs, but grows on the back, four on the left and right, but they are not used for walking. In fact, when those red bone-like spider legs are fully unfolded, they look more like a pair. wing!

A pair of creepy wings.

She just watched Illidan step by step approaching the dark green keystone suspended on the altar in the middle of the hall in so quiet, and even when Illidan reached out for the keystone, she did not give a warning, as expected, although the keystone Right in front of him, but Illidan stretched out his hand, but he caught nothing.

It’s there, but it’s not there. The keystone suspended in the air is real. This can’t deceive Illidan, but unless the guardian is defeated, no one can steal it… this is not the guardian. Is the meaning of the existence of the person?

“Madun’s space talent is really extraordinary…”

Illidan raised his head. That one was different from other demon hunters. The special curse horizon “looked” at the night blade spider leaning on the bed, “Give me the keystone.”

The voice was flat, just let the Buddha say something ordinary, but this tone did not irritate Catherine, she reached out her hand to cover her mouth, and yawned, “You are not the first person to make this request, Yili Dan, the new Demon King in Draenor… guess what is the final outcome of the last guy who made this request?”

“Give me the keystone!”

“Oh, a quick-tempered guy, we can have a good chat about the fact that you blocked Madun for three months. Do you really think that Kil’jaeden knows nothing about your actions?”

Catherine stretched out her slender **** nails with interest, stroked her plump lips, and then laughed in a low voice, “That idiot Mephisto wants to use your whereabouts to return to the great devil. For its support, I know it will inevitably fail, just like your legion discovered the Fel Gavel hidden underground a month ago, but I’m very curious, Illidan, what suppressed it. What is your desire for the keystone? And more curiously, what do you want to use it for?”

The Night Blade Spider Empress stood up from the bed and stretched her beautiful waist, as if she was moving her body. She seemed to be a guy who was curious about everything.

“According to the rumors about you, you are not the kind of guy who is ambitiously planning to invade a certain planet with the keystone, plus your brutal slaughter of those idiots on the land of Marton, I guess… .You are doing a very dangerous thing. You plan to betray the Legion, right?”

“I’ll say it one last time, give me the keystone!”

The bat wings behind Illidan slowly unfolded, and the scorching evil fire appeared in the palm of his hand, like two lighted fel lamps. Faced with this kind of substantial threat, the spider queen did not panic. Instead, she did not panic. Become more enthusiastic,

“I have seen many demons rebellious, but the first one like you who dared to publicly betray the Legion, maybe I will give you to Kil’jaeden, and I can get a real free life… even if I don’t like fighting.”


As soon as Catherine’s voice fell, Illidan’s figure disappeared from the place, not a spatial teleportation, but a simple speed, approaching the extreme! And Catherine’s reaction was also very quick. The bony spider’s legs behind the Queen of the Nightblade were completely closed at this moment, just like a real limb shield, completely blocking her body. The next moment, Illidan was killed by the evil spirits. The fire-wrapped fists hit her closed spider legs, making two loud noises.

“Bang, bang”

Catherine’s body was smashed by brute force and flew out, but when she left the ground, her figure disappeared in place. When she reappeared, she was already holding two crystal-like crimson daggers, one from left to right. The blind spot behind Illidan counterattacked.

“Hehe, the strength is good, and the firmness is okay… I just don’t know if it’s firm enough…”

There was something strange in her mouth, but Catherine didn’t let her move. The two daggers were like extensions of her arms. Every time she could launch an attack from an impossible place, but this swift way of fighting was also Illidan. Very good at it, but empty-handed against the weapon, the opponent is not much weaker than the king of the clan, just a few seconds to fight, Illidan’s figure turned into four swift shadows, quickly forced Catherine back, and He himself took two steps back a little later.

There was already a scar on her left arm, which was not deep or serious, but it undoubtedly represented the strength of the opponent. Catherine leaned on one side of the pillar without any image, sticking out her scarlet bifurcated tongue. Licking the blood on the tip of the dagger seemed to be provocative, but after tasting the blood, her face changed.

“You actually contained the souls of two high-level demon souls in a mortal body… You are such a lunatic! Even crazier than a real demon!”

“My madness, you haven’t seen it yet!”

The cold voice appeared colder as a knife after the sharp blade was unsheathed, and the dark green moon blade curved like a crescent appeared in Illidan’s hands. This weapon accompanied its owner in the battle for thousands of years and drank an unimaginable number of demons. His life has become as crazy as a demon hunter. Every weapon with its own soul is not ordinary. It roars and strikes with the crimson dagger every time, it can bring a howling energy storm in the air and entangle it. The evil fire above this moon blade did not dissipate because of Illidan’s rapid swing. In fact, this made this weapon even more lethal.

Wherever it goes, even the air is cut open, and the dark space fissures seem shocking, but in fact, in this level of battle, this is already commonplace, even Catherine’s spider The same trace can be left when the leg is swept across the air.

To put it bluntly, when a creature is strong enough, space can no longer restrain him.


Even if it was rubbed by this violent energy, the solid stone pillars inside the hall suddenly split into two smooth halves. Simply this is a spaceship. Although it uses demon technology, these pillars are only for decoration. Two creatures that are comparable to demigods are fighting frantically here, and even a real spaceship will be dismantled.

“Aha! If you win, you can beat me, so what?”

Catherine’s figure looked like a scarlet ghost, and she fluttered three steps back from the circle of war. She turned her back to the altar where the keystone was enshrined, opened her left hand, and said triumphantly, “As the Queen of the Night Blade, I Born to be the regulator and user of dimensional space, the transformation of a trivial three-dimensional space, as long as I want, Keystone will always…”

Speaking of this, Catherine’s face changed in vain. In contrast, Illidan, who had been fighting coldly and not saying a word of nonsense, pulled out a grin that made her creepy. It was not that she was afraid of the gloomy king of Outland. Her sharp teeth and terrifying combat power lie in the meaning behind this smile and the dimensional space that she can no longer manipulate at will!

“What will happen anytime?”

Under the blood-red curse horizon, Illidan’s completely burnt eyes shone like a dark green storm. “Since you know that the watcher is a Marton spider demon, you really think I will not do anything. Are you ready to break in here? Are you wondering why I delayed for 2 full months to attack?”

“Hey! Don’t throw the responsibility of your incompetent subordinates on me, okay? Obviously you need time to divide Marton’s demon army.”

Dick used the world scepter to point to the altar where the keystone was placed. The power of a world suppressed the changes in the space on the altar, even though it was extremely far away from Azeroth, but the already broken Marton , But it is not the opponent of this scepter and the meaning carried by Dick at all.

“Speaking of it, Ms. Catherine, your talent is really enviable. Small space is not a big deal, but dimensionality… can’t imagine that a creature that can’t be separated from three-dimensional space can manipulate a deeper level so easily. Dimensional changes… the universe is so big that it is truly breathtaking!”

A red light flashed across the surface of Arkavon’s heavy fist in the Paladin’s hand. He stretched out his fingers and rubbed his chin, shrugging in the eyes of the Queen of Night Blade Spider who wanted to kill.

“But how can I put it…I’m better.”

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