Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 572

Chapter 15 .Night on Atonement Island

The black clouds entangled in the distance of the sky, and the less dazzling thunder light appeared continuously in the clouds, and then disappeared in a flash, like a thunder giant snake tumbling in the clouds, ready to accept sacrifices from the world.

The low sky and Buddha are always brewing violent storms. For those who seek life on the sea, this kind of weather is undoubtedly the most disgusting and worrying. Sailors will always be the most superstitious group of guys in the world. Under word of mouth, many stories will become weird and terrifying.

For example, now, on the deck of the “Queen of the North”, there are a group of sailors talking in low voices. They are wearing dirty clothes and even holding various amulets, including righteous gods and evil gods. The captains generally don’t care much about this kind of things. As long as the sailors don’t do too much, they won’t be too harsh on these little things. These poor people who are begging for life on the sea.

However, for the sailors of the Northland Queen, this merchant ship, which is lined up in the northern border of the Eastern Kingdom, has three taboos that everyone knows. No one dares to violate these taboos. Those who dare to violate them are all. already dead.

“Clang, clang, clang”

The strong and ruthless sailor captain slung a knife on his waist and rang the small bell on the edge of Class A on time. This represented the most anticipated moment of the day.

dinner time!

As a warship retired from the Kingdom of Stormwind, this ship has a special kitchen, and the famous chef “Red Fish” Old Wright who is very famous on the seas of the Northland personally takes care of it. This is considered as an additional benefit of the Northland Queen. Up.

“I said, why does the captain have to come to this ghost place to do business?”

Duncan, the new sailor, nicknamed “Handsome Boy”, holding his wooden bowl and chewing on delicious fried fish steaks, while quietly asking Phil Laren, the old fur seal next to him, these two guys have the same past. They were both members of the infamous Bloodsail pirates. The difference is that Phil Larren, who has become the leader of a fleet, once encountered the fleet of the Dark Lord Morija, and followed his fleet. evaporation.

Duncan thought that Phil Laren was dead, but it wasn’t until the entire Bloodsail pirate was uprooted by the sea emperor Dai Lin that he met this old man on a hurried escape, and then joined the Northland Queen.

“You shouldn’t ask, don’t ask!”

Compared to Duncan’s activeness, Phil Laren, who is over 40, has long become a standard old seal who is careless about everything. He ate an omelette in his bowl and put another one. The golden omelette was given to Duncan, who was eager to see, and then began to taste the lobster fried rice carefully cooked for himself by the chef.

On the sea, it is difficult to eat this kind of fresh land food. This is also a symbol of Phil Laren’s status. He is currently the first mate of the Northland Queen, the real “big man” on this ship.

Duncan shrugged, finished the omelette in two bites, wiped his mouth, and while dealing with his fish steak, he asked, “Brother Phil Laren, where are we going this time? How do I feel that the course is not right? …Does this really look like the direction to Menethil Harbor?”

This question caused the feasting chief mate to stop. It is reasonable to say that this question should not be answered, but Duncan can find the difference in the slightly deflected course only by feeling. This is obviously a kind of enviable sailing. Talent, that’s why he looks at this young guy differently. To expand the fleet, he needs this kind of talent.

So he thought about it, looked around, then lowered his voice.

“Yes, we do go to Menethil Harbor this time, but the next stop on the journey… Atonement Island!”


Duncan’s voice immediately increased by an octave, which attracted the attention of other pirates who were clamoring for dinner, but soon no one paid attention to him. He turned his head and saw Phil Laren’s cold eyes, Duncan I swallowed hard,

“Yes… I’m sorry, I’m just so surprised! Brother Phillaren, Atonement Island, isn’t that the “ghost island” in the legend? I heard people say that the island was Kurti more than 20 years ago. The naval supply base in Lars was raided by the orcs and failed to complete their mission. The soldiers who were burned to death turned into ghosts after their death, guarding the island forever, and anyone who dared to board it would do it. Died unfavorably…no one can take anything from that island!”

As he talked, Duncan’s expression became frightened, so these rude and sensitive sailors usually made up their own stories, trying to scare others, to show their knowledge, but they were often the first It was themselves who were scared.

“Well, forget that boring legend.”

Phil Laren quickly finished his fried rice, threw a lime from the plate to Duncan, and patted him on the shoulder.

“That’s just an ordinary island…Well, if you want to know more, stay in Class A at midnight tonight, it’s up to you whether you have the guts.”

Phil Larren stood up, and as he walked past Duncan, he left another meaningful sentence.

“You want to be like them, be a stupid and trash pirate… or be a truly valuable person. You have already made a mistake once, Duncan, this is your last chance.”

After finishing speaking, the first officer’s hand patted the sailor’s shoulder twice, and then staggered to carry the rum, and walked to the top of Class A. Outside the window, a muffled thunder had sounded, and the storm finally came. .

That night, Duncan slept in a hammock, listening to the snoring of the surrounding sailors, he tossed and turned, and finally, he gritted his teeth, got up from the hammock, carried the dim lantern, and walked into the cold night. Above the rain-covered Jiaban.

There, a group of people are already waiting.

“Come here, Duncan!”

Phil Larren’s voice made the sailor regain his senses. He walked quickly to the guys wearing black cloaks. One of them was Phil Larren. Duncan glanced at the firelight and was surprised to find that there were big people on the ship. They are all in it, and like a sharp sword, standing in the forefront is their captain, “Mysterious Gibbs.”

Everyone called him that, he was a truly mysterious guy and the first taboo of this ship. Anyone who dared to delve into the captain’s secrets would die the next day.

“Is this the person you recommended?”

Gibbs asked without turning his head, Phil Laren nodded, “He is very young, has good martial arts, and has a gift for sailing. Most importantly, he is a smart man.”

“Oh, a wise man, this is really rare on this ship.”

Mr. Captain told a joke, but no one laughed out loud, whether it was him or anyone else. At this time, Duncan could see clearly what the captain was wearing. He didn’t look like a pirate. He was wearing a valuable leather jacket. And the command knife studded with gems made him look like a middle-aged old nobleman.

The temperament is more like!

“What are you looking at? Kid!”

While Duncan was secretly observing Gibbs, an indifferent voice came from the captain’s mouth, startling the poor young man, “Well… I saw you, right? Three years ago, north of the Treasure Coast On the sea, I defeated a blood-sail pirate who dared to resist… By the way, you are one of the fugitives who jumped into the sea and escaped. What is the name of that ship… Nautilus?”

This voice made Duncan take a step back and sat down on the rain-soaked deck. The cold rain hit his horrified face. He finally knew the secret of the mysterious captain…The Dark Lord! Nautilus was sunk by the flagship of the Dark Lord!

Oh my god! It’s the Dark Lord!

“Okay, let that guy stand up, Phil Laren, he looks terrified.”

Gibbs quickly lost interest. He waved his hand. A green light flashed in his indifferent eyes. The first officer hurriedly pulled Duncan up from the deck and gave him a bottle of rum. , The sailor took a few sips fiercely. This pungent liquid gave him new strength. Maybe it was the entanglement of the past or the impulse of the young man. He asked for the first time.

“Captain… are you, are you…”

Gibbs was observing the approaching lights, and was suddenly disturbed by this question. He turned to look at the frightened young man, watched him grumble but did not dare to say his guess. At this moment, Ji Booth seemed to think of a joke, he opened his mouth and smiled, suddenly becoming gentle.

“Who is it? The Dark Lord?”

The name made Duncan’s body tremble for a while, and then he nodded vigorously, his eyes filled with a kind of horrified expectation…Oh my God, the Dark Lord! The eternal legend of the South China Sea! Duncan never even thought that a small person like himself would have the opportunity to stand in front of the legendary Dark Lord.

But he was obviously disappointed. Gibbs shook his head and said with emotion,

“No, boy, I am not the Dark Lord.”

Seeing Duncan’s disappointment, Phil Laren patted him on the shoulder fiercely, and said loudly, “Standing in front of you, but the second character of the Dark Lord fleet, “Old Sea Wolf” Gibbs, Serra Mr. Viscount of Moroccan State, commanding the powerful Banshee fleet, you fool.”

“Okay, okay! It’s time to do business, let your kids shut up, Phil Laren, those beasts don’t care who he is.”

Gibbs shook his hand, and turned his head indifferently to look at the lights that lit up one by one on the black island not far away. He strode to the edge of Class A. There, the sailor Lauren had already put down a small boat. , Obviously, they are going to the island.

“Keep up, Duncan.”

Five minutes later, in the gently swaying spray, the small boat drew ashore, and Gibbs was the first to get off the boat. Opposite them, a dozen figures hidden in the dark were waiting for them. The leader was one in the cold. With his big bald head naked in the storm, Duncan saw a scar on his forehead at first sight. It was hard to imagine that someone could survive this kind of injury.

“You guys are 2 days behind the last time!”

The tall, sturdy, fierce big bald head stepped forward and whispered, “You broke the agreement!”

“Huh, promise?”

Facing this unceremonious question, Gibbs counterattacked indifferently, “Who made the agreement with whom? Don’t forget, if it wasn’t for the personal friendship between your master and the Dark Lord, we would never be here! We! Respecting Ms. Willinde does not mean that I should also have friendship with you. It is her business that the lady is willing to help you, but it has nothing to do with us. We are just businessmen.”

“Recognize your position, Grimson! You are just a real little person, so don’t play this with me!”


The big bald head named Grimson scolded viciously, “Shit merchants! A group of dirty pirates, without you, we can take Gilneas as well. You can call Ms. Villinde too? I want to teach you a lesson for your master, what is status and inferiority!

After speaking, this savage big bald head moved his shoulders. Under the shining of the lantern in his hand, Duncan could clearly see that all the muscles on this guy’s body were shaking abnormally, and his face was twisting. In the sound of a long howl of a wolf, Grimson’s body completely lost its human form and turned into a white mane covered with white mane and sharp claws like a knife… Werewolf!

This horrible creature made Duncan hairy as a creature out of mythology. As a sailor, he knew that werewolves were not just legends. These horrible creatures thrived in the self-blocked state of Gilneas, but were caught by other countries. The official blocked the news.

The dozen figures behind Grimson also quickly transformed amid the howling of the wolf, and then surrounded Gibbs and his party at a speed that Duncan could barely see.

“Be careful! Mr. Gibbs!”

Duncan drew his waist knife, brandished it frantically, and stood in front of Gibbs, shouting, “You beasts! Get out! Our artillery can easily tear you apart!”


Grimson, who was transformed into a werewolf, grinned dangerously on his wolf-shaped head. He looked at Gibbs behind Duncan, “Your subordinates call us beasts? Do you want to see the fury of real beasts? ”

After all, Duncan is only a 24-year-old young man. In his previous life, the most dangerous opponents were the naga who crawled out of the sea. But now, he has to fight hard with a dozen terrifying werewolves, which makes the young man How not to be afraid? But the next moment, a palm with black leather gloves was placed on Duncan’s trembling shoulders.

Gibbs bypassed his loyal subordinates. He looked at Grimson, the green light in his eyes grew brighter and brighter.

“Are you threatening me? Nandus probably didn’t know that his subordinates were doing a dangerous thing… For the sake of the respected Ms. Willinde, I will give you one last chance, Grimson, change back, and then Continue our transaction! I can assume that nothing happened!”

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