Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 578

Chapter 21 .Head wolf and head wolf


With a wolf roar, the sharp claws descended from the sky with a mighty force, tearing the black mane werewolf who rushed frantically in front of him almost completely along his chest, but he did not stop. The **** smell of the air on the entire battlefield made the werewolves who entered it completely Entering a state of mad rage, he waved his other paw, and the bloodtooth werewolf in front of him whimpered in horror. From those eyes full of fear, it is not difficult to see that before he was infected, this guy absolutely Is a coward.

But when the sharp claws swept across his chest, the coward had only time to let out a scream, and his body almost torn in half was thrown out towards the outside, and the violent one was wearing heavy iron armor with a **** his claws. The tall figure with the metal claw blade looked up to the sky and roared, holding a beating heart in his left hand.

The three manes of different colors on his face have been dyed red with blood, making him look like a butcher walking out of hell.

The former high lord Darius Crowley freely released the endless anger that flows in his blood on the battlefield, but his mind is always locked in the last shackle of heartlessness. Behind him, from the moonfury Although the werewolves are furious, like Crowley, they are also bound by some kind of higher-than-blood reason. Even though they are scattered, they still maintain the most basic formation, just like they used to be when they were soldiers. .

They will help each other and cooperate to kill the enemy. For just this point, they will be 10,000 times stronger than the chaotic Bloodfang Werewolves who are blocking the front. Those lunatics who have been completely reduced to slaves of power only know to continue to Before, they only knew that they waved their paws like wild beasts, but they would never be able to break the line of defense of the Moonfury Werewolves.

And the battlefield in the forest is no different from the battlefield of human beings, except that there are no flying flags, no horns, no drums, and bloodier and crueler… there is almost no difference.

But the bloodfang werewolves don’t care about these. Their total number is ten times that of the Moonfury Werewolves. This allows them to use the unstoppable power of Moonfury to drag them to the end. When they collapse, everything is over. .

With the remaining humans in Gilneas, it is impossible to stop such a furious army of beasts. In fact, the wolves decisive battle outside the North Gate Forest has already scared the soldiers guarding the outer city of Gilneas. That is not one. Or two werewolves, that is the fight of two tribes, that is the fight of one-half of the Gilneas people.

More than one hundred thousand werewolves crowded in the once vast North Gate Forest. Trees were uprooted at almost every moment, and the bodies of werewolves were torn to pieces at every moment, but the soldiers did not dare to look again, their commander The legs were weak, because in the telescope’s field of vision, every place was occupied by werewolves. On the trees, on the hillside, in the ruins, and even by the river, the bloodfang werewolves and the moonfury werewolves were mixed together. Human beings have no way of distinguishing.

But the werewolves who look exactly the same in the battlefield can easily tell who is the enemy. Darius, Nandus, and the leaders of Moonwrath, command their respective werewolf teams, constantly moving towards the bloodfang formation. Coming down, like sharp knives, ordinary Bloodfang werewolves couldn’t stop the attack of these sane werewolves. Only those elite bloodfangs who were given real power by Lyral Fangfire. In order to barely block their unparalleled offensive.

The almost unstoppable Crowley also met his opponent, the bloodfang commander wearing a blood-red armor and brandishing a blade, Iva Bloodfang, a fierce werewolf of unknown origin, but definitely a native of Gilneas.

“Go back to your hell, Darius! This is the age of Bloodfang!”

Iva’s claws swept wildly, pushing Darius back several steps, but the werewolf lord just grinned and threw himself out again. The incarnation of the werewolf gave him almost infinite power. Even if he was limited to his own rank and couldn’t fully release that anger, the experience of almost a lifetime of battle gave him more ways to win.

In the face of this real veteran, Iva Bloodfang, who had been invincible in the previous 5 years, finally felt the pressure. His green eyes once again glowed with a deeper light, and the muscles on his body swelled more wildly. Ye, with the help of this second rage, which was almost talented, was able to contain the furious Darius, but the wolves around him were also caught in a bitter battle.

Until now, Iva really understood the reason why the Moonfury Werewolf chose the North Gate Forest as the battlefield. The cunning and miscellaneous, the terrain of this forest is extremely complicated. Unless all the trees are cut down, they can be accommodated at once. Werewolves are absolutely limited. Just a battlefield will offset the biggest advantage of the Bloodfang Werewolves-the number is invisible.

If Bloodfang can’t break through the barrier of the North Gate Forest, they will never want to use numbers to defeat these Moonfury…After all, Moonfury is more like a perfect combination of power and wisdom than these beasts that succumb to power.

This thought made Iva feel a little bit of fear, but soon he thought of a way to break the game.


Iva’s body was severely swept by Darius’s left leg when he jumped up, and the iron armor on his chest was smashed out of a recurve-shaped depression at this moment, and the bloodtooth commander unstoppable towards As he flew out, he smashed several bloodfang warriors in succession before he managed to get up from the ground, but he just wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the mane on the back of his hand. He raised his head, and the blood-tainted Li His teeth opened, and a grinning smile appeared at Darius Crowley.

“You want to save them, right?”

The body that Darius was about to rush out came to a halt. This movement was caught by Iva. He opened his arms with a haha ​​smile, tore off the head of a Moonrage Werewolf who had come forward, and threw it on. At Darius’s feet, his fingers stuck out, and the black claws that looked like a hooked dagger pointed at the panicked soldiers on the Gilneas wall not far away from the forest.

“Even if they banished you, betrayed you, and wanted to kill you…but you still want to protect them, right? Hahaha, what a moving great, but I’m curious, Crowley… .Under the anger of Bloodfang, how many people can you save?”

“you dare!”


Iva used the most direct action to tell Darius the answer. With a long wolf howl from the Bloodfang Commander, the soldiers guarding the north gate of Gilneas City were horrified to find that at this moment, at least one-third of them The Bloodfang werewolf turned around, separated from the North Gate Forest Battlefield, and rushed towards Gilneas City.

“Raise the alarm bell!”

The defensive officer guarding the city wall drew out his saber with a chuckle, and roared at the panicked messenger behind him. After a second, the harsh alarm bell spread throughout the northern part of Gilneas, followed by the same harshness. The voice rang over the city.

Attacked! The city gate is attacked!

All the soldiers, whether they were loyal to the king or had fallen to Lord Godfrey’s army, rushed out in the direction of the north gate for the first time after hearing this harsh sound. Everyone knew that, Whether the king wins or the lord wins, this country will not change much, but once the werewolf wins, I am afraid that the entire Gilneas will be in ruins in an instant.

Especially Bloodfang… they will directly destroy the entire country and the civilization of the entire nation!

“Bayonet loaded!”

The defensive general yelled, and the soldiers slammed down their long-handled muskets. The sharp bayonet that was imprisoned under the muskets suddenly bounced out. They put their long-handed guns on their shoulders, and squatted down in the first row. The second row stood up, the third row sorted ammunition, and further away, the city defense artillery fixed on the city wall was already in place, and under the command of the chief officer, it opened fire at the werewolf who was swarming over there not far away.

“Bang, bang, bang”

The scorching shells smashed on the battlefield directly in front with gun smoke. When they landed, they exploded. The bright fire light swallowed everything around the spot, but it was useless, just like Luo who faced the undead natural disasters. Like Dan Lun soldiers, Gilneas faced the black and dizzying number of werewolves, and the timid guys even closed their eyes in despair.

There are too many…to use a city to fight one-half of the people in a country, not to mention, no matter whether it is strength or morale, they are far less than the opponent, they have almost no chance of winning.

“300 meters!”

“200 meters!”

“100 meters! Zero the ruler, let it go!”

The left hand of the defensive commander slid down suddenly. At this moment, above the tall North Gate city wall, an orange-red line of fire was shining through the dusky air of Gilneas. The werewolves who were constantly assaulting underneath seemed to have encountered the current of the reef. A row of werewolves hit the invisible wall head-on, and fell to the ground after turning over, but the werewolves behind did not care about the casualties of their companions, and madly rushed toward the wall.

“Second row! Let it go!”

“Bang, bang, bang!”

Another row of werewolves were knocked to the ground, and then the third row, but at a distance of 100 meters, for a werewolf running at full speed, it was almost close at hand. In almost an instant, these furious beasts rushed to the bottom of the city wall. The tall walls may block any mortal creatures, but they can’t stop the werewolves at all. Even the Greymane Wall, which is twice as tall as the walls of Gilneas City, can’t stop these werewolves from climbing!

In less than 2 minutes, the Gilneas warriors with their bayonets had already launched a brutal hand-to-hand fight with the bloodfang werewolf who had turned over the city wall, defeated!

For ten minutes, the north gate of Gilneas…falls!

In the palace area of ​​Gilneas City, the heavily armed guards were led by a king in uniform and rushed towards the north gate, but as they walked to the commercial area, the ruined soldiers and werewolves ran back from the front. The roar of scream came into the ears of these soldiers. Gene flicked his cloak and looked at Godfrey and Walden indifferently, who were not **** beside him.

“Now… do you still think that we can survive by relying on our wisdom and strength?”

“Stupid! It’s Moonfury who has been protecting us! It is your most despised werewolf holding most of the bloodfang’s power at the forefront… Godfrey, open your eyes and see! See what is best for this country Loyal, who is it?”

After finishing talking, Gene turned on his horse, stretched out his hand and pulled out the musket on his waist, with the other hand pulled out the golden epee behind him, and finally glanced at Godfrey.

“Did you know? Godfrey… I used to hate werewolves as much as you did, but now I no longer hate the other side of my soul. It can at least give me the power to protect my people instead of relying on it. Other people’s hands are here to protect my home, so who is the coward, the two of us?”

In human form, the old Genn always looks old and old, but at this moment, the old king’s waist straightened again, and he raised the long sword in his hand high, behind him, The silent guards raised their weapons one after another. Although it was in the city of Gilneas, the wide streets were enough to provide the knights with a way to charge.

After the defeat, those monsters with green eyes and inhuman bodies rushed to the ground, wild thinking roaring in their brains, urging them to keep moving forward, tearing everything along the way.


At the first shot, the head of the fastest werewolf exploded like a watermelon. The headless corpse fell to the ground. Gene indifferently flicked the musket in his hand, and the hot shell retreated, the old king. Point the long sword forward, and the next moment, the rolling iron hoof rushes forward.

“Soldiers! Charge with me!”

Just as the counterattack war in Gilneas began, an invisible ring had been dispersed on the battlefield in the center of the North Gate Forest. No matter if it was Moonfury or Bloodfang, no werewolf dared to break into this ring. .

The little wolf girl Velind leaned on the extremely sharp Moon God’s scythe, her tail swayed slightly. Opposite her, a tall werewolf wearing a gorgeous blood-colored robe had her hands lowered, and her sharp claws were shining. With a crimson light, like Villinde, behind him… there is also a tail.

“It looks like…”

This weird werewolf looked at Velinde opposite with his squinted eyes and grumbled his mouth, but his hoarse voice was clearly visible in Velinde’s ears, “Look, little girl, we were both night elves. , Once served the Moon God, but now they are all werewolves, all of Goldrinn’s believers, and they both command their own wolves…Look, we are more alike.”

The little wolf girl sniffed her nose and responded with disgust, “Come on, Lyral, don’t put gold on your face, Lord Goldrinn already disagrees with you, and I’m different from you, at least I will not turn millions of people into my own lackeys!”

“Tsk tut, look, what a naive idea!”

Lilar raised his paw, scratched his chin, “I’m already a wolf, but don’t have the consciousness that a wolf should have? Little girl, if you come to fight me with this idea, you will definitely be like the previous ones. Same time…very miserable! And this time, no one will come to save you.”

He looked up and saw that Liadrin, who was shining with dazzling light, was being besieged by the elite bloodfangs under his command. Even though Eliadrin’s heroic combat power, in front of these intrepid elite bloodfangs, Nor can it break through the blockade within a short period of time.

Therefore, as Lilar Firefang said, this battle will be a battle between him and Willinde.

“Do you know? Lyral, I hate you very much since the first time I saw you!”

Verinde barked his teeth, the sharp claws on his claws protruded from the palm of his flesh, and his body disappeared from the spot at this moment. When he reappeared, he had already jumped on top of Lyral’s head, the lunar scythe in her hand gleamed Shiningly, “There can only be one werewolf with a long tail in this world, and that can only be me!”

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