Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 58

Chapter 27 . A joke of fate

Sylvanas, who has been dealing with bows and arrows since she was a child, is already very familiar with the sound of flying arrows. When the flying dark arrow shot towards her, the ranger general turned up without thinking. , With his hands on the ground, the whole person stood upside down and sprinted forward.

Behind her, the dark arrow pierced the earth like a dragon. The dark power attached to the shaft exploded, and the sound of the explosion blew the nearest Sylvanas straight out. However, just as the Ranger General adjusted her posture in the air, the whistling of the chains cut through the sky again, and the dragon hook accurately swept Sylvanas’ waist, leading her back to the direction where Dick was standing.

The moment General Ranger landed, he subconsciously raised his bow to counterattack, and Dick’s left hand was placed on her shoulder for the first time, pulling Sylvanas’ body back.

“Hurry up and sail! Leave it to us!”

The Ranger General looked back at Dick who was silently looking forward. Her plump lips moved, but in the end she turned and ran to the hidden dock behind.

“You… be careful! Lor’themar’s swordsmanship is as superb as his shooting skills.”

Dick did not answer. He took a step forward. The warhammer in his hand swept across the ghoul who was on the defensive line. At the same time, he stretched his left hand forward. Uther’s sacred deed opened in his hand, and the holy energy was injected into it. It closed quickly again, and at the moment the book closed, a halo-like holy light sprang up from him.

The light formed a fist-like golden illusion on Dick’s head, and stronger power was poured into Dick’s body. This was the first blessing spell he mastered-Blessing of Power!

At the moment when the blessing spell was completed, Dick’s strength and agility skyrocketed by one-fifth, and the warhammer he wielded became stronger and more powerful.

But he didn’t rush out blindly, he knew what was the most important thing now. Although he was extremely sorry for Lor’themar Theron, who had been transformed into a death knight by Arthas.

The change of destiny controlled by Dick finally showed its power at this moment. Sylvanas was rescued. The future King of Banshee has disappeared, but the historical inertia is still strong, and the other is not weak. The guy from Sylvanas died in Alsace’s hands.

Lor’themar-Theron, the ranger lord who had a relationship with Dick, became the first victim of Dick’s path of destiny, his future, and his close relationship with Quel’Thalas. In the future, they no longer exist.


The second dark arrow struck again, and Dick’s hair on his body was upside down. He was not as agile as Sylvanas, so facing Lor’themar’s merciless death arrow, he could only Difficult to block the wide hammer face of the fire of justice in front of him.

The arrow dissipated in the golden flames ignited by the fire of justice, but the huge impact attached to the arrow almost made Dick complete a backflip in the air.

When he fell to the ground embarrassingly, Dick’s hands were numb, and it felt as if he had hit a mammoth head-on. It was different from Sylvanas’ tricky and precise, Lor’themar’s shooting skills. , Is more inclined to pure strength and penetration, if Sylvanas’ threat comes from her agility, then Lor’themar is undoubtedly strength!

And after being given life to darkness by Frostmourne for the second time, the power of darkness permeated Lor’themar’s black skeleton armor, making his already outstanding power once again elevated, and his agility , Being able to become the lord of the ranger is definitely not to be underestimated.

This is a more difficult opponent than Sylvanas!

His strength made Dick feel desperate. Before he stood up from the ground, the second death arrow had taken the Paladin next to Dick to fly, and it happened to fall by Dick’s side. With the paladin’s almost exploded head, Dick’s eyes suddenly turned red.

“Ah! I’m going to kill you!”

He grabbed the warhammer, instigated the holy energy, and rushed towards Lor’themar. The blazing holy light formed a road of ashes behind him. No undead dared to approach him, but on the line of his charge, his complexion was dry and cold. Lor’themar still opened her bow and arrows unhurriedly.

When Dick’s warhammer approached him, the number of Paladins who died under his humming black rose bow had reached five.

The battlefield at this moment has been dominated by Lor’themar alone!

“Stop! Stop! Stop! You crap!”

With red eyes, Dick smashed the holy hammer at Lor’themar frantically. The Dark Ranger pursed his mouth as if he was teasing a child. His body flashed to the left, and the warhammer rubbed his body and fell, before he waited. Dick turned around, and Lor’themar’s left foot had already been kicked on his stomach.

With a power of up to 400 points, this heavy blow broke Dick’s armor directly, kicked him out, rolled on the ground for several weeks, and smashed a ghoul that could not dodge into the ground.

The energy on Dick’s data panel was almost like an avalanche, and it fell to the bottom in a hurry.

But Dick gritted his teeth, ignoring his completely unconscious abdomen, dragging the warhammer to the Dark Ranger again, Lor’themar tilted his head and looked at the crazy Dick, bowed Black Rose back to his back, backhanded Holding the dark phoenix epee on his back, the moment Dick lunged, the black epee flashed a cruel light, and he was about to cut Dick in half.

But the moment its edge fell on Dick’s head, it was blocked by a thin barrier of holy light. Lor’themar’s blood-red eyes condensed, and then he saw Dick’s bloodstained face exposed. The grinning.



At such a close distance, facing Dick’s raised hand, facing the beam of holy light that almost pressed on his forehead, it was as strong as Lor’themar, and it was too late to dodge. This ranger and the Paladin fought against each other. The number of times is still too few. If it were Arthas, he would never leave Dick a chance to get closer at the first blow.

Although Uther’s sacred barrier is easily pierced by Frostmourne, not every servant of death has a chaotic magic weapon like Frostmourne, so facing the short-term and invincible sacred barrier, facing Dick Lor’themar could only survive the attack by gritting her teeth with the chance to fight back.

The divine power of the whole body and the power of order in the left hand were all bet on this blow by Dick. This is the first time since the divine shock was developed by Dick, it was compressed to the true extreme, and it was ejected from the palm of the hand. Yes, it is not a beam of light at all, but a small ball of holy light that is constantly rotating.

This small ball was dunked by Dick and slammed into Lor’themar’s face. The next moment, he was kicked by Lor’thema and hit the surface of the sacred barrier. Dick again He flew out, and when he landed, he was taken over by the four remaining paladins on the front. The three of them carried Dick, who was about to faint, and fled towards the pier behind him without saying a word.

The remaining paladin, holding the holy water sac in his hand, runs and throws it in all directions. Every time the holy water falls, it will cause terrible burning damage to the undead who rushes up, relying on this indecent ” “Saturation” attack, the 5 people finally got rid of those chasing soldiers temporarily.

There is another reason why they were able to escape so smoothly, because Lor’themar, who was in charge of the ambush, was almost obscured by the highly compressed light ball under Dick’s desperate blow. Clean, even though this injury is not even a skin trauma to him, the burning of his eyes still made him feel pain, the kind of holy light and death energy that collided around the brain fiercely. The pain that burns the mind.

So that at this moment Lor’themar, who was holding her face and trembling all over, couldn’t care about directing the low-level undead to encircle, but gave orders based on feelings.

“Rush up! Kill them!”

The low-level undead will completely obey the command of the high-level undead, but Lor’themar’s order itself is only a general direction, so at this moment, all the ghouls and skeleton warriors rushed to the escaped Paladin. There was no The rules and regulations have confounded the orderly undead.

When they turned the corner, Sylvanas, who had completed the summoning of the magic ship, knelt on the ground, waiting for their arrival.

“Multiple arrows!”

“Swish swish!”

It was another area, stained with stench of blood and death.

The elven paladins and priests who had long been unable to care for the decent, carried the seriously injured Dick into the magic ship that left first, and the other paladins also drove the war horse ship. These five The boats were not the small wooden boats Dick had imagined. In fact, these were five boats that would be used to transport soldiers on the bank of this river in critical moments, so they were quite large.

These ships are usually hidden by the elves in the enchantment at the bottom of the river with magic. They can only be summoned when they come here with a special magic seal. This seal is only held by Sylvanas. , This is also the reason why Lor’themar knew that there were ships here, but couldn’t destroy them, so he could only lay ambushes.

But when the third ship left the river bank, the life-killing buzzing sounded again. It was also multiple arrows. This time it was shot towards the three ships leaving. Unpreparedly, there was another Several Paladins overturned on the ship, and there was a priest on every ship, and their lives should be preserved.

Sylvanas looked solemn, and the ranger general took a deep breath, and put an arrow on the bowstring, agitated with only a few concentration points, and pierced the air with a “chimera bite” with a terrible look. The whistling sound disappeared into the dark night.

A few seconds later, Lor’themar’s tall body appeared in front of Sylvanas’ eyes. What was surprising was that the broken arrow was being grabbed by him in his palm, seeing General Ranger’s At that time, Lor’themar showed a stiff smile on his face. He shook it and broke into three sharp arrows, and was thrown on the ground in front of Sylvanas.


Sylvanas stood up, her face changed drastically, and the expressions of anger, unwillingness, shame and guilt kept rolling in her eyes. In the end, the proud ranger general still spit out these three. word.

“I am sorry…”

“No, you don’t have to say sorry, Sylvanas… General! Our attempt to fight the master is the most stupid act in itself. I offended him, but he forgave me kindly!”

Lor’themar has spoken for the first time since the war started. He took the Black Rose Bow on his back with his backhand, and from the quiver he was about to carry, he took out an arrow made entirely of white bone. Arrow,

“I feel very good now! The master gave me stronger strength. Look, I won’t be suppressed by you anymore. Come on, Sylvanas, come and see, now, who is stronger!”

Sylvanas also took out the last arrow from her quiver, and her arms were numb by shooting the bow in the middle of the night, but in the face of her former subordinates and friends, she knew that there might be no chance of winning. But she still intends to try her best.

The two Quel’Thalas, and even the most powerful shooter in the entire Azeroth world, are finally about to start a real duel on this destroyed ruin!

But accidents always happen. Just after both of them opened their bowstrings, a white shadow staggered in between the two.

Liadrin…high priest…Lor’themar’s former lover.

“Enough… Lor’themar, how can you, how can you become like this… Enough!”

Liadrin’s tears covered her beautiful face. She looked at her former partner, former lover, current opponent, and current mortal enemy with tears in her eyes. She opened her hands and stood in front of Sylvanas. , His face is full of determination and hope.

“Lor’themar, don’t hurt the compatriots you used to protect! That demon has distorted your will, don’t work for him, don’t be fooled by him! Lor’themar, wake up!”

“Leadrin, get away, Lor’themar-Theron you know is dead, standing in front of you is a monster changed by darkness! Get away!”

Sylvanas’ anxious voice rang in Liadrin’s ears, but the high-ranking priest trembles, but still firmly stands in front of her friend.

“If you want to kill her, kill me first!”

Facing Liadrin, Lor’themar’s expression finally changed a little. His eyes shrank quickly, and a struggling expression appeared in the blood-red eyes. Liadrin saw this scene, and she ignited hope. , But in the end the changing eyes were still fixed on indifference.

“Leadrin, my former lover… you want to protect your friends, then… please go… die!”



The arrow of darkness penetrated the body of the high-ranking priest and led her into the air. The bite of Chimera was also caught in the chest of Lor’themar-Theron, who was stunned in place, knocking his body back into the darkness. .

Sylvanas threw down her bow for the first time, jumped high, caught Liadrin who was flying into the air with the arrow, hugged it in her arms, and then quickly jumped to the last ship that had already left. In the magic boat on the shore.

She put Liadrin on the board of the ship, and several priests quickly injected the holy light into her body, but the roar, death, pain, shaking, all of this, Liadrin could not feel it, in her eyes Hope has collapsed, leaving nothing but sadness…

Lor’themar’s arrow did not kill her, but it completely left part of her soul in the dark ruins forever.

When the ship disappeared in the river, a tall figure appeared from the darkness. He looked at the boat going away, with no sadness or joy in his eyes. In the end, he sighed, turned around, said goodbye to the last light, and entered forever. In the dark darkness.

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