Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 580

Chapter 23 .The fourth party on the battlefield

Gilneas City 10 years ago, it was a world-class big city, known as the most shining jewel in Gilneas, Gilneas City 5 years ago, like an old gentleman, even though it has A haze shrouded his body, but his whole body exuded icy majesty, which still made Xiao Xiao afraid to get close.

In Gilneas two years ago, on the night of the North Gate rebellion, soldiers loyal to Lord Darius Crowley and soldiers loyal to the royal family fought a fierce battle in a quarter of the city. Time, the fire that ignited almost destroyed a third of the cities, like a strong veteran soldier, just like this country that has fallen into the dark, dying and hopeless.

Tonight’s Gilneas city, the last fig leaf was completely torn off, and one-half of the city became a battlefield between humans and bloodfang werewolves. The last human force in this country is struggling with the blood that is constantly pouring into the city. The fang werewolves are fighting a life-and-death war.

Yes, this may be the sorrow of a country. In just 6 years, from a complete country to an exile who is about to lose everything, it is also a tragic war.

The old king is wearing a strong armor, holding a sharp sword, and holding tired soldiers in the front line. The true nobles never shirk their responsibilities, so even Godfrey hates werewolves to the extreme. The nobles also took the army to defend every street battle. Every moment, soldiers bitten by werewolves and killed fell to the ground. Every moment, new soldiers filled their gaps.

In front of them, under the black clouds, a turbulent werewolf was crushed in darkness, and there were green spots of light in it. Those were the eyes of the werewolf, like the craziest phantom in a nightmare, in a half of the city that has been completely lost , The soaring fire has been ignited, which is the last resort used by the people who know they can’t escape to stop the violent werewolves.

The smoke and screams completely ignited this twilight city, turning it into the craziest battlefield in the world since the end of the undead natural disasters.

But even under the flames of the sky, the soldiers who used their last strength to resist the invaders did not shrink back, because behind them, their relatives, the civilians are being evacuated at the fastest speed. Like this country, they have nowhere to go.

“Child, my child!”

A miserable wailing came from the front of the battle line. Lord Godfrey kicked the werewolf who leaped towards him. His two stinging swords swung into silver raindrops in the night, wherever the blade went. It was blood and death. He suddenly raised his head and looked forward. There, a child of only 7 or 8 years old was sitting helplessly on the ground, crying, surrounded by the dead soldiers and werewolves’ corpses, his mother. , A lady in a long skirt wanted to rush back from the evacuated crowd to rescue her squeezed children, but was stopped by the soldiers.

If you rush back, both will die, and one will survive if you stop it… This is a cruel war.

The little boy has blond hair and is wearing a little black vest. He is a cute little guy, but now, he can only reach out his hand to his mother on the ground, wanting her to get him out of the **** of blood and death. Take it back.

A corporal rushed out from the battle line, but before he got close to the child, he was blocked by two bloodfang werewolves jumping off the wall. He waved the axe in his hand angrily, but he couldn’t break through suddenly. The emergence of the werewolf’s defense, there are more soldiers who want to rush to help, but they can’t go. Once they leave the line of defense, this line of street fighting that has been hard to support will collapse in an instant.

And a bloodtooth werewolf whose left leg was cut off seemed to smell the food. It struggled to crawl on the ground. The sharp, black, **** claws clasped the ground, towards the The crying boy crawled over.

Yes, food.

“Go away!”

Just when the dirty paw was about to touch the neck of the boy who had been stunned, a silver halo rushed from the front of the defense line next to him with a roar, Lord Godfrey’s thorn sword in his left hand. It was like a poisonous snake searching for food, piercing the werewolf’s head with a howling sound, but during the werewolf’s dying struggle, the stabbing sword was also snatched from his hand.

At the moment Godfrey jumped out of the defense, three black shadows jumped out of the blood teeth, forming a triangle, tightly surrounding Godfrey and the boy he was holding in his arms.

Judging from the cruel light shining in their green eyes, they are clearly wise hunters, the werewolves in the bloodfang elite, this is a trap…the trap aimed at all officers, but they have caught the real big fish.

Godfrey held the boy in his arms with the stabbing sword in his other hand. He watched the three werewolves around him vigilantly. They were obviously unkind. He took a deep breath and faced him. The child inside whispered,

“Close your eyes, child!”

The little boy looked at the werewolves around with a little horror, and firmly grasped the Lord’s clothes, his voice was still naive, he asked,

“Uncle, we… shall we die?”

Death, this should have been a word far away from children, but now a 7-year-old child has also understood the meaning of death.

A wry smile appeared on Godfrey’s face. “No.”

But the next moment, he raised his head to look at the line of defense that was already crumbling under the impact of the Bloodfang werewolf, and he bitterly clenched the hilt in his hand.

“Gilneas…really… there is no hope!”


The three werewolves rushed towards Godfrey at the same time. The heroic Lord drew a musket from his waist and shot the werewolf on his left with a headshot, then raised the stabbing sword to block the werewolf’s attack. But the stabbing sword is not suitable for parry, so the werewolf’s other paw brushed his face, but even more dangerous is that after coming to himself, in the blind spot behind him, the last werewolf smiled and rushed forward. The paw in his hand gleamed with a deadly light.

No one can stop him!


The little boy who had grabbed Godfrey’s clothes so tightly couldn’t help but open his eyes, and he saw the werewolf leaping from behind, with that hideous teeth, that hideous claws, and that crazy look. He couldn’t help but let out. A scream.

Godfrey was ready to use his body to meet the pain coming from behind, but he didn’t!

There was no pain, only a sword sound, that was the sound of a sharp blade slashing the body. As a veteran, he was familiar with this sound to the extreme.

“Sorry, betrayer, I’m late.”

Liam threw the sword in his hand and knelt down in front of him. The headless werewolf corpse kicked on the ground. His voice was cold, obviously because Godfrey had treated his father before. Betrayed, but he and Godfrey stood back to back on the battlefield as a comrade-in-arms, giving each other their backs.

Yes, he was a betrayer, but before the betrayer, he had another name, Gilneas.

“His Royal Highness, why do you want to come back at this time?”

Godfrey solved the last werewolf. While shaking the blood from the stabbing sword, he placed the terrified child on the ground. He said hoarsely, “You shouldn’t be back at this time. If we fail, you Will be the last hope of this country.”

“Want me to give up my father, give up my nation?”

Liam pierced the long sword into the ground, tightly tightened the hand armor of his right hand with his left hand, and took a deep breath, “No, I can’t do it…I brought reinforcements, but you may not like them too much.”

“In the name of Gilneas! Northern Legion! Shred them!”

The next moment, under Godfrey’s astonished gaze, among the horrified voices of the civilians, there was no difference between the bloodfang werewolves in front of them, but the werewolves wearing the uniforms of the Northern Army jumped in from all around On the battlefield, they roared, like executioners returning for revenge, like wild wolves fighting with anger and killing intent, they are like real sharp blades, but the moment they appear, bloodfangs that never fear We started to back away.

They… these beasts, these poor creatures controlled by power, they are afraid.

Violence and cruelty may scare some people, but they can never scare everyone, especially when faced with real iron-blooded power. Those who do not know the so-called cruelty can only be jokes that can be slaughtered.

And just as the **** battle in Gilneas was in full swing, the three forces were fighting desperately around Gilneas City. At this time, off Gilneas, on the sea where the fog was so dense that it was almost invisible, two huge fleets were quieting. Silently approaching the sea area of ​​Biting Reef, which is the sea off Gilneas, which is unwilling to be approached by all people seeking life on the sea.

In the past few decades, at least hundreds of ships have been sunk here. The horror of biting the reef is definitely not only spread among pirates. In fact, in the navies of various countries, its sordid reputation is also spread far.

But today, there are new conquerors coming. Are they the real masters, or are they just trying their luck just like the unlucky ghosts before?

“Have you not received a signal from Lord Godfrey?”

Admiral Matthew, the commander of the 3rd Fleet of Kul Tiras, folded the telescope in front of him and placed it on the table. With his left hand wearing white gloves, he lifted the command knife set aside without looking back. Say, “How long are they late?”

The adjutant looked at his pocket watch and responded loudly,

“Report your lord! It has been 43 minutes delayed from the agreed signal time!”

“Well, it looks like Godfrey’s adventure has failed.”

Matthew rubbed his chin. The tragic battle of the dead brought the commander not only combat experience and an increase in his position, but also a wound that almost tore his neck. Every time he shook his head, that hideous His wounds will be exposed from the neckline of the delicate white shirt, adding a touch of fierceness to the original elegant temperament of the youngest admiral of Kul Tiras.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but then, he looked at the still misty sea near Gilneas, and that doubt quickly turned into indifference.

“Contacting General Taylor, I decided to start the first round of landing operations!”

The navy colonel standing behind him froze for a moment, then lowered his voice and asked, “My lord, but there is no news from Gilneas. If King Jean is ready for defense, Kul Tiras may There will be diplomatic troubles, and our landing soldiers may also be…heavily injured!”


Matthew sneered, his left hand clenched into a fist, showing the uneasiness in his heart, “The betrayal of King Jean makes His Majesty Dailin still unable to let go. His Majesty cannot tolerate Gilneas being ruled by a coward. This is also a storm. The meaning of King Varian of the kingdom, let alone the queen of Lordaeron, Gilneas’ betrayal stabbed Lordaeron, who was on the verge of extinction, and almost made the country devastated… In the case of diplomatic disputes, Gilneas has already left the family!”

“As for the damage you said…”

The admiral commanded the knife in front of him, “Well, what you said makes sense, then let the dwarf’s aircraft formation take off… Throw all the bombs into the sea and land, and blow up the bite reef for me. !”

“From today, Gilneas’ sea routes will be completely opened! All oceans in the world are the territory of Kul Tiras, and here is no exception!”

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