Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 582

Chapter 25 .The vortex of war·double heavy blow

Lord Godfrey sat sluggishly on the steps of the Gilneas court area that had calmed down, beside him were Lord Walden and other nobles who were equally sluggish.

The soldiers who survived the brutal street fighting also had the same doubts on their faces. They gathered the bodies of their companions while still whispering.

Even the civilians who helped clean the battlefield were panicked for the rest of their lives, and there were some excited guys yelling, no one was going to stop them, and no one wanted to stop them.

What caused all this was the special reinforcements that joined the battlefield 20 minutes ago, Gilneas’ Northern Legion, a powerful force that was once famous, almost in the battle when the Bloodfang Werewolves captured the Wall of Greymane. Completely annihilated, but they reappear today, in another identity!


Moreover, the werewolf who appeared with Prince Liam, the prince who almost represented the national will of Gilneas, appeared with the werewolves, which caused a shocking result to the people and soldiers.

The Werewolf’s disaster ruined Gilneas, but now, it is not an exaggeration to say that if the Northern Legion had not joined the battlefield at a critical moment, I am afraid that the last line of defense of Gilneas street fighting would be ruthlessly captured. In a sense, these wearing the North The werewolves subdued by the Legion, at the most critical moment, saved the lives of the entire Gilneas City and more than 10 civilians.

This kind of thing can’t be concealed even if the government wants to hide it. Almost all the survivors of the **** battle of the Northern Legion and the Bloodfang were seen in their eyes. This made the people who were originally full of disgust with the werewolves discuss this issue. At that time, it was rare to keep silent.

After all, even the most indifferent people will have a hint of gratitude for the benefactor who has just saved them, even if they are alien.

But this feeling is fragile. If the civilians whose relatives died in this werewolf invasion, even when they look at the werewolves who are still protecting their Northern Legion, there will be a trace of hatred in their eyes that cannot be concealed. .

All this was seen by King Jean who was also resting on the steps. The old king sighed helplessly. As a ruler, his way of thinking about problems is different from that of common people. The appearance of the Moonfury Werewolf , For Gilneas, who has already won to the extreme, is not a bad thing. Their appearance gives Gilneas hope to defeat the bloodfang werewolves, but the whole process is too far away, and the time left for Gilneas is too short. Up.

The old king tried for two years before allowing some of his trusted officials to accept the existence of Moonwrath, but it also split the aristocracy. Lord Godfrey’s rebellion is the best example.

Until today, at this moment when Gilneas City was about to be captured, Genn really made up his mind.

Gilneas can’t just be ruined like this. Bloodfang is the real confidant. It is imperative to accept the Moonfury Werewolf. If anyone wants to interrupt this process…

Gene’s gaze flicked over the backs of Lord Godfrey and his party members. He shook his head, sat up from the ground, and prepared to go to the north gate of Gilneas, where Liam was leading the north. The legion expelled the bloodfang werewolves, they undoubtedly need assistance, if others are unwilling to go, then he is the only one to go.

While he still has prestige, pave the way for Liam early, his son is Gilneas’ real future.

But as King Jean walked past Godfrey, the sound-transmitting stone in the Lord’s arms jumped quickly at this moment. Godfrey’s expression changed and he held the sound-transmitting stone in his hand. The Tranquility Stone, who was in contact with the combined fleet of Kul Tiras and the Kingdom of Stormwind, was anchored off Gilneas. Now his force has failed. Is the combined fleet ready to forcibly attack Gilneas?

Are they going to start another war on this continent?

Godfrey’s face became gloomy. Even if he wanted to oppose Jean, it was because of Gilneas’ overall considerations. He would not be any worse than Jean for the love of this country. If Kul Tiras and the Kingdom of Storms If his fleet wants to attack by force, Godfrey is not afraid to fight them to the last drop of blood, but the current situation…

Godfrey opened the sound transmission stone, and before he could ask, a sharp voice jumped into his ears.

“Lord Godfrey, I am Fitzrank, Commander of the Gnomeregan Air Force. The Naga have invaded your coast. There are so many of them. They are rushing inland quickly and are ready for battle!”


Godfrey sat up on the steps a bit, and his voice became hurried, “Where’s the fleet? Didn’t the combined fleet stop them? Do you just allow the Naga to invade Gilneas?”

“The fleet… the fleet is gone, our entire army is annihilated! 8000 soldiers…all…bad! Can’t escape!”


There was a scream and explosion from the sound transmission stone, and immediately after that, the sound transmission stone in his hand turned into gray powder and fell from the palm of his hand.

Lord Godfrey’s face was extremely pale at this moment, until Walden awoke him, Godfrey pushed everyone in front of him away, and rushed towards Jean, who was already on his horse.

“Wait! Your Majesty, wait!”

Genn heard the shout, he reined his horse, and looked back at Godfrey. The lord didn’t care about the coldness in Genn’s eyes. He rushed to Genn, shaking his whole body, lowering his voice.

“Naga…Naga landed from the southern coast and invaded…the combined fleet of Kul Tiras and the Kingdom of Storms…the entire army was wiped out!”


Hearing the bad news, Gene’s body shook immediately. Even though the old king’s will was as strong as steel, at this moment, he almost felt desperate.

In the front is the unstoppable bloodfang werewolf, and behind is the deep sea naga who took advantage of the fire. The whole country has completely turned into a pot of porridge… Gilneas, is it really going to be subjugated?

“Look at… the good things you guys did!”

Genn was helped by the attendants from the war horse. He almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence. It was not that he lost his mind and blamed Godfrey for all the bad luck. Both of them knew what Genn said. What means.

In order to force the palace to go smoothly this time, Godfrey took the risk of taking part of the army that had guarded the last civilian gathering place in the southwest of Gilneas to enter Gilneas City. This behavior was originally nothing. When the Gorefang was attacking the city, Gao Frey was also a little grateful that he had made preparations in advance, but now, Naga is advancing from the southern coastline to the interior of Gilneas. Without these soldiers who originally guarded the south, the civilian gathering area of ​​Gilneas has become precarious.

That is more than 120 civilians!

If one fails, Gilneas will completely subjugate the country! This terrible consequence caused Godfrey to sweat all over his body. Before Jean issued the order, Godfrey turned and walked towards his soldiers. He wanted to take the army back to the defense as soon as possible. The southern line of defense was eventually pulled by Jean,

“Asshole! Listen to me!”

The old king was like a really angry lion at this time. The strength in his hand was amazing. Lord Godfrey turned his head and heard Gene lower his voice.

“Go and contact Lordaeron’s army, let them enter Gilneas as quickly as possible, go to Liam, the Moonfury Werewolves are hiding explosives in the Flint Mine, and go and blow the Greymane Wall to me. Make it clear to Lordaeron’s bastard, help Gilneas survive the catastrophe, even if I die! That is my mistake, don’t let my country be destroyed! Go to Quel’Thalas Elf, go find the dwarf, I don’t care what you do! Before I die in battle, drive the bloodfang werewolf into the Silverpine Forest!”

Godfrey looked at Jean and he stammered.

“Then you…you are going to…”

“I’m going to the southern defense line!”

Genn turned on the horse again, he held the rein, his faces were full of determination and determination, “Golfrey, think about it for yourself, in the current situation, do you have to cling to that ignorant way and continue to stick to it? Before I die, I will not let a naga cross the line of defense, I will give you the best time, Godfrey! Listen to me, this is your last chance, I am the King of Gilneas Order you, you must drive the bloodfang werewolf out of Gilneas and leave a last habitat for the people!”

“Gilneas can be destroyed, but not in our hands!”

Gene took the long sword handed by the attendant, and he glanced at Godfrey one last time, “Go and do what you should do.”

In the next moment, the king’s voice spread throughout the battlefield, sonorous and powerful, like a really unsheathed sharp blade.

“Warriors of Gilneas, I know you are tired, I know you need to rest, so do I… but we can’t rest anymore. The enemy in the south is approaching the last gathering place. Our defense line may collapse at any time, so , Whoever is willing to guard our beloved country with me, please come with me.”

Gene paused,

“I can’t guarantee that we will win, but at least before I die on the front line, I will not let any enemy harm my people. If I really want to die, I will be the first!”

“Today, I, Gene Greymane, I will join you in a feast in hell!”

After that, Genn no longer cares about the stunned nobles and soldiers. He took the last soldiers of the Guards and hurried to the south gate of Gilneas, from there to the battlefield. Everyone was frightened by Genn’s speech. One jump, from the founding of Gilneas to the present, for hundreds of years, there really hasn’t been a king killed in battle, but everyone in today’s battle has seen… Your Majesty Genn, maybe it’s not just joking.

When the kings of a country have made up their minds to fight to death on the battlefield to defend their motherland and territory, who else will spare their lives?

The first soldier stood up, his face was stained with blood, and his exhaustion could be seen only from the standing posture, but when he limped and chased in the direction where the king was leaving, he was present. All men know what they should do.

The second, the third, and soon, all the soldiers who were still able to move joined the silent team. An indescribable tragic and bravery made everyone watching all this feel like they wanted to cry. And the husbands, fathers, and even the elderly grandfathers among the rescued civilians. They reached out to hug their wives, kissed their children, waved goodbye to their loved ones, picked up weapons from the ground, and even mentioned them. With a wooden stick, after the soldiers, bravely entered.

Godfrey and Walden, as well as those nobles who were already extremely dissatisfied with Jean’s rule, stood behind the crowd. The expressions on their faces were not as firm as before, and some looked at their hands in a daze. , It seems that I only realized what I did now.


Lord Walden’s musket was loaded, he gritted his teeth, and was the first to walk out of the nobles’ group, and walked in the direction where Gene left.

“Walden, you…”

Godfrey’s voice stopped this former fellow traveler for a moment. He looked back at Lord Godfrey, grinning, and showing a relaxed smile.

“Golfrey, I figured it out… We did nothing wrong, but Majesty Gene did not do anything wrong, but when the most terrifying war comes, right and wrong have no meaning. Goodbye, my friends. , I’m going to fulfill the promise made by the Walden family to this land, if we are lucky… see you after the war!”

After speaking, the always taciturn veteran gave a standard military salute to everyone, then turned his head and strode forward.

“Grey Wolf Hunting Battalion, gather together, we must fight for Gilneas! We must shed the last drop of blood for this country!”

Walden’s move is like the last straw to crush the nobles on Godfrey’s side. The nobles who are willing to follow Godfrey to push the palace are deeply in love with this country. Those speculators were as early as the beginning of the street fighting. Having fled the city, only true devotees will stay in this hell.

The second nobleman saluted them, and then left with his private soldiers, the third, the fourth… In the end, only Godfrey was left.

The great lord who once hated werewolves stretched out his hand and saw the wound on his arm that was scratched by the bloodtooth werewolf. He knew that he would soon become the creature he once hated the most.

At this moment, Godfrey felt that destiny had made a big joke with himself, and there were only two roads left in front of him. To the left, to pursue self-salvation, to the right, to fall for everything he was willing to give. Into the darkness.

At last he gave a wry smile, threw the poison that he had been holding in his hand far into the sewer, knelt down on one knee in the direction where Gene was leaving, then raised his head and took two new thorns from the attendant’s hand. The sword, turned on his horse, galloped in the opposite direction of theirs, not fleeing, nor afraid, he had more important things to do.

Let go of all pride, to unite with those opponents that he has always despised, to pray for a ruler who hates Gilneas to the extreme, and leave the last glimmer of hope for Gilneas on the verge of subjugation.

Frankly speaking, this is much harder than suicide.

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