Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 585

Chapter 28 .The incarnation of freedom

The Storm Fortress is a very good ship. Naaru and the draenei Zengcheng rode it across the star field, searching for their home in thousands of worlds.

The speed of this spacecraft has long surpassed the limit that mortals can imagine. In fact, it is more like a way of jumping in space, advancing in the boundless universe, within its spacecraft force field, its three The frigate and the captured small starship “Fel Maul” accompanied the ship’s advance, also leaping forward quickly.

It’s like a whole.

But the scenery of the void is no different from the icy starry sky in Dick’s memory, and compared to the previous Milky Way, the star sea that has been ravaged by the Burning Crusade is far more desolate than the star sea in another memory.

Wherever the Legion went, the world turned into ashes. This is not an exaggerated adjective. In fact, in order to give Dick a more intuitive understanding of the Burning Crusade, Illidan deliberately chose a stop when he returned. It is an unknown galaxy. In the porthole of the Storm Fortress, Dick, Ronin and others really saw the world that was burned into the wreckage of the universe by the dark green evil fire.

In the icy dark galaxy, it was a pile of residues with no life reaction. More than one-third of the planets in the entire galaxy were burned to death, and it was like being cut open by a sharp sword, like an early bird. The dead body, the most insane thing is the green sun… the sun completely polluted by evil energy, it hangs in the center of the galaxy, but it has lost all the light and heat, and can only send malicious rays towards Scattering in all directions, the Buddha is crying.

The cruel murderer deliberately left his identity certificate at the scene of this murderous tragedy. It laughed wildly and strode away, leaving behind a place of corpses, allowing the souls of the victims to linger on the spot and completely extinguishing civilization. All this cruelty showed all the onlookers a terrible experience.

In this way, you can show your sinful power.

This scene made everyone who saw it palpitate, even after leaving the nameless galaxy, Dick was far from letting go, he couldn’t believe if Azeroth had encountered all this.

No, he won’t let this happen like this!

Dick stood by the porthole, looking at the unchanging scenery outside the window. They had entered the wall of stars, and at most one day, they could return to the world of Draenor, and then return to Azeroth through the Dark Portal. , This is the last moment of this long journey.

Sylvanas did not accompany him. The Windrunner sisters were discussing about Alleria, while Ronin was invited by Illidan to enter the Felmaul to study the secrets of the Burning Legion starship. , Dick was idle, and many ideas kept surging in his mind, about Azeroth, about the Guardian, about the world, about Illidan’s bold and crazy counterattack plan.

All this mixed together and messed up his mind, but in the end, it was the dark green sun that appeared in his mind… The dead galaxy, he was sure that stars were also born there. Spirit, but he was not as lucky as Elune. Before he grew up, he was completely destroyed by Sargeras and his Burning Legion.

The Paladin put his hands on the edge of the porthole. He took out the pipe from his arms and was about to hold it on his mouth. Suddenly, a burst of pain from the soul made him cover his forehead and completely disrupted all his thoughts. As if the brain was about to split at this moment, the pipe he was holding fell to the ground, and he fell over at this moment.

This is almost unthinkable…At his level, this kind of situation will actually happen again.

But at the same moment, the Paladin immediately realized that something went wrong!

He hurriedly took out the world scepter, endured the pain of tearing the soul, and sank his consciousness into it. It was too far away from Azeroth, even if he held the world scepter that could talk to the planet, his consciousness It was also extremely difficult before he returned to Azeroth. He followed the tingling of his soul and walked forward. Beyond the root cause, he opened his eyes and saw Verine sinking slowly into the river. Germany.

The night elf he rescued in the Twilight Forest, the one who accepted Goldrinn’s mission and the first follower to leave him, the little wolf girl who was connected to his soul.

Her face is no longer full of smiles, instead, it is full of pain. In her still open eyes, there is a thirst for life. Her hair is scattered in the water, so that the delicate face is matched with an unimaginable touch. Weak, her lost vitality hands swayed in the water, seeming to want to catch something that has been lost.

Is it life or hope?

Dick appeared in the river in a form that mortals could not imagine, without causing a single ripple. He stretched out his hand to catch Velinde, but he couldn’t. If he was still in Azeroth, even if he was thousands of miles away, the whole The world will help him do what he wants to do, but now, he is no longer in that world, and his mobilization of world power has also weakened too much at this moment.

Willinde is dead?

That free little wolf girl died like this?

Do not!

Dick gritted his teeth, no! He doesn’t allow it!

He raised his head and looked at a certain existence in the deep river. There was nothing but a small boat that can only be seen by the soul. A small white lamp was lit on the bow, and another Villinde was sitting. Above, the look is dull.

Lead the soul boat! The wooden ship that carries the soul to the Kingdom of Shadows.

Dick walked quickly closer to the boat, reaching out to pull Velinde down from above, and with his current authority, he could easily do this.

But just as he stretched out his hand, a silver light was blocked in front of his fingers, and the Paladin couldn’t move forward. He tried several times, and an invisible barrier blocked him. The most important thing is Yes, he is familiar with that silver light, that is his power, the power of order.

He can’t break through it, because life and death… that are part of the order, that is part of him now, how can he deny himself?

To become a practitioner of order, he must abide by the laws of order. He once vowed to maintain all this and he can no longer break it with his own hands.

But he did not expect that the first time he saw the ruthlessness of the law, it turned out to be in this case, obviously there is the power to save, but can not interfere with the evolution of all orders, which made Dick’s heart slowly sink to the bottom. It’s all so full of irony, everything is so hard to let go.

The canoe has already begun to flow in the direction of the Kingdom of Shadows, but the Paladin can only watch this happen…no! wrong!

Dick’s sad and desperate eyes changed suddenly, wrong!

Willind is different! She is different from other followers! In addition to Dick, there is another power in Velinde!

Power from Goldrinn!

The paladin turned his head suddenly, and sure enough, the shadow of the lonely wolf **** was lying on the river not far behind him, the most mysterious demigod of the wilderness, lying quietly on the water, with those faint green eyes. Staring at Dick, letting the Buddha go is waiting for his decision.

Dick knew what it was waiting for, just as Sylvanas wouldn’t share Dick with other women, Goldrinn was unwilling to share her favor with Dick, even if he is now the manager of the world, Ge Delin was still unwilling. Its favored ones could only inherit its will and strength, but they could not belong to another existence.

There is no reason, just because it is Goldrinn, it will never obey anyone, nothing more!

“You want me to set her free?”

Dick asked in a low voice, Goldrinn raised his head and showed nothing else. Those eyes that became brighter and brighter represented his attitude.

“Can you save her?”

The Paladin asked again, and Goldrind’s tail flicked. The demigod didn’t need words to communicate. Dick already understood its meaning. Not only could it save Velind, it could also give her more.

“Okay! I give her freedom!”

Dick opened his eyes and saw the wall of Storm Fortress shining red light in front of him. The Paladin stood up and held the pipe on the ground to his mouth. The follower was part of the evolution of Norgannon’s power in the Paladin’s soul. This kind of form, when this kind of power still exists, it is impossible to remove the followers, but now, 70% of the world twist has been achieved, and the lock of Norgannon has been completely opened. This power Already can be controlled by Dick at will.

But even so, when the souls are connected, there is still a great price to pay for Velind’s true freedom, that is…


Dick put his finger on his forehead, his face paled a lot at this moment, it was the pain of tearing off a part of the soul with his own hands, that was the soul!

Even at the current level of Dick, the soul damage is very troublesome, but Willinde…he can’t give up her.

This has nothing to do with love, it’s just that you can’t give up, there is no reason, no why.

With the part connected with Velinde’s soul being torn apart, Goldrinn, who was lying on the river, felt the integrity of Velinde’s soul sitting on the soul-catching boat. It stood up from the river, Roaring into the sky in the posture of a wolf, at this moment, Lilar, who was turning around and preparing to reach out to hold the Moon God’s sickle inserted on the ground, suddenly stopped in place.

Behind him, a distant wolf howl came from more distant places, and the whole werewolf battlefield was quiet at this moment, whether it was Moonfury or Bloodfang, whether it was rational or irrational, all werewolves, They all stopped their attacks at this moment, and the throbbing from the deepest part of the bloodline made them unable to control the power in their bodies.

Goldrinn began to run along the water, towards Velind, who was sitting on the soul-catching boat, and finally, it jumped, and the entire streamlined body disappeared into the soul of the wolf girl.

At this moment, Vilind, who had sunk to the bottom of the river and was lying in the sand, had lost his life in the eyes, a group of green sparks jumped out, and then burned, and then ignited everything, igniting the extinguished life. , Her painful expression came to life at this moment, and the gray mane quickly spread on the skin at this moment.


Lilar turned her head and saw that the nameless river was boiling at this moment, and an invisible rift opened under the current of the Buddha. The white storm cut through the flowing water, revealing the hidden path in it, once again. Villinde, who had restored the form of a werewolf, walked out of the path. The scar on her neck was still there, but at a speed visible to the naked eye, the collapsed throat quickly returned to its original shape.

A layer of white airflow wrapped around her claws, her body drooping slightly, like a hunter preparing to prey. There was no emotion in her eyes, indifferent like a piece of ice, wherever she went, Whether it’s the ground soil, stones, or surrounding trees, they are all cut directly by this knife-like wind blade.

This is the power of the wind, this is the power of Goldrinn! This is the most suitable power for werewolves!

“Oh… look, have you finally decided to give up the part of being a human being?”

Lilar’s squinted eyes filled with brilliance. He moved his shoulders, and there was a hint of excitement and bloodthirsty in his tone. It was only then that he could feel a trace of the same kind of aura and aura from Vilind before him For the taste, he licked his lips, the sharp claws that had been collected in his paws popped out again, blood-red energy began to entangle outside the body, hovering, he stretched out his fingers and hooked towards Velinde.

“Come on, little girl, let me see, what did Goldrinn give you?”

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