Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 589

Chapter 32 .Leadership Meeting·Naga & Anomaly

[92z]    Theramore Palace, a crucial meeting is beginning. ^^^Baidu search @+#Latest chapters^^^

“Bang, click, click, click”

The door of the heavy conference room was pushed open by the knights in heavy armor. The bright and warm sunlight shone into the dark hall from the growing cracks. The dark red carpet and the conference table made of mahogany seemed to be because of the sunlight. The light came to life, and the extremely clean table top was wiped with a special light shining, but the darkness to disperse did not have the strange smell of dark and humid when receiving the sun.

This hall used for special missions is maintained by a dedicated person, and after it is built, this is the first time that it has undertaken an important mission.

Queen Kalia, wearing a pale red coat, holding a scepter of Orsis and a silver crown, was the first to walk into the hall. Behind her, King Varian from Stormwind and Magni from Ironforge ·Bronzebeard, night elf high priest Tyrande Windspeaker, Daelin Proudmoore of Kul Tiras.

The five leaders of the alliance entered through the left door.

At the same time, Orc Chief Thrall, Troll Chief Vol’jin, Goblin Trading Prince Gallywix, and the tallest Tauren Chieftain Kane Bloodhoof, entered from the right door.

At the third door in front, walking into the hall is the Sun King Kael’thas of Quel’Thalas, the draenei prophet Velen, and Jaina Prod who is present on behalf of the mysterious Ulduar Guardian Dick. Moore, Miss Mage is also the host of this emergency leadership meeting.

Almost the rulers of all the forces in the entire world are included, indicating that the event to be discussed this time is absolutely important, and judging from the angry or indifferent expressions of the seated rulers, it must be related to all the forces.

The reason for choosing Theramore is because of the special nature of this city. Although it is nominally an overseas province belonging to the Kingdom of Lordaeron, it will also pay full tax to Lordaeron every year, but in fact, it It is the first absolutely neutral city in Azeroth. Any race that obeys the laws of this city can enter it. Of course, the biggest subject is still human beings.

All this is caused by one person, Grand Duke Theramore of Lordaeron. Although he is not here, his special identity determines that he is very suitable to be a point of contact for the three parties, and only in this city, everyone Don’t worry about being stabbed. ^^%Search for @+#Latest% chapter^”

This is not an exaggeration. At least the blood feud between humans and orcs determines that it is very difficult for them to sit down and talk.

All the rulers only took two guards, and after everyone was seated, the grumpy dwarf king was the first to speak. There was still bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and there was a lingering fatigue. He sat On the particularly elevated chair, his fists hit the table, as if to vent his inner anger.

“Yesterday at noon, the Naga attacked our Menethil Harbor. It was a despicable attack. The villains killed at least 2,000 people and captured them. A quarter of the harbor was destroyed. I just want to know one thing now. , I came to this meeting for this, why would those **** soft creatures attack us madly from under the surface of the sea?”

Although talking about the problem, Magni’s eyes stared at the high priest Tyrande on the left. The relationship between Naga and the night elves is a secret in the mortal world, but for these rulers But no, everyone knows that the current leader of Naga is the former queen of Kaldorei.

So if anyone in the room knows the reason why Naga attacked the world best, it would be Tyrande.

However, the high priest did not answer immediately. On the contrary, he was speaking with the goblin trading prince who has always had a low sense of existence. This well-dressed dress, top hat, and explosive rings on all ten fingers, he used The shrill voice screamed,

“Yesterday! The Bilgewater Chaebol lost 5 caravans! We killed or injured at least 3000 people! There are goods worth millions of dollars. Naga is crazy. They are attacking us everywhere, High Priest, I am not accusing us. You, but if you have some news that we don’t know, it’s better to say it now, before those naga become crazier!”

“Whose site is this here? I thought it was humans who had the final say!”

Dai Lin slammed a fist on the table, and the sound made everyone startled. As the emperor of the sea, Kul Tiras lost no less than a goblin yesterday. What’s more, go to Matthew. The news that the whole army led by the expeditionary army was wiped out also came back. The ruler who had a bad temper had already been swallowed up by anger, and the accusation of the goblin’s allies undoubtedly directly ignited this anger.

“The orcs have also suffered losses, and all the ports of the entire tribe have been attacked!”

Thrall’s voice followed, “We are not accusing anyone, but we need a statement! The night elves who know the most about the Naga in the entire world are the night elves. Is it wrong to ask the night elves?”

“There is nothing wrong with your statement, but as far as I know, the attack on Orgrimmar’s Blade Bay is the smallest…”

Varian put his hands on the table, and the pale-faced ruler looked at Thrall, “May I also think that this is a scene between you and Naga!”

“This is this kind of false accusation without evidence!”

Woking responded in a gloomy response, “We know that the fleet of Stormwind’s expedition to Gilneas has been destroyed, but this is not the reason you framed the tribe!”

“Then don’t use your dirty mind to try to figure out our allies!”

Varian’s voice suddenly increased. “I believe that the high priest will share their news with us, right, Ms. Tyrande?”

At this time, everyone closed their mouths. Tyrande, with his eyes closed, could feel that everyone’s eyes fell on her. This feeling of being accountable was really not good, but the inner heart of the Moon Sacrifice She was also aggrieved, why did Azshara anger the world, but let her bear it?

But the next moment, she took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “The Black Sea shore has been hit by sea tides four times, and our losses are no less than you. Even now that you have achieved peace, my daughter and I The people of the people are still holding on to the Feathermoon Fortress in the south. I know that everyone has been attacked, but… the night elves have been attacked the strongest. You are asking me for a reason? Yes, then I will tell you. ^^^Baidu search @+#Latest chapters^^^”

Tyrande opened his eyes and glanced at everyone in the venue.

“Azshara is back. We have confirmed that she appeared on Ashenvale Coast yesterday… As for why she came back and why she started this war, unfortunately, I don’t know, but I think she probably It came with hatred.”


Magni snorted coldly, and he let out a sigh of relief. “I don’t remember any hatred between the dwarf and Azshara, but I am willing to trust you, high priest, I just hope you don’t hide anything.”

Hearing this, Tyrande’s face changed a bit, and the anger burned in the heart of the Moon Sacrifice, but she finally suppressed it, then stood up from the chair and said indifferently,

“I didn’t hide it. If nothing else, I will return to Mount Hyjal. The people of Kaldorei are still being attacked. I have no time to waste here!”

After speaking, the priest of the moon planned to turn around and leave. Obviously, her patience for this unreasonable disaster for which there is no reason at all has reached the limit.

“Wait, Ms. Tyrande.”

Jaina spoke at this moment. She stood up, glanced at Kael’thas and Willen, and then said loudly, “Actually, we have some guesses about Naga’s actions, which may help your resistance. .”


This sound made Tyrande who had left stunned. She looked at Jaina and confirmed that the mage was not joking. Then she sat on the chair again, but moved the chair outward, making no secret of her The disgust of Magni sitting next to him.

The dwarf king was a little embarrassed. The sentence he said before was indeed driven by anger. In fact, he regretted it when he said it. But this occasion is not suitable for apologizing, so he can only let it go.

“Go ahead, Jaina, we are all listening.”

Queen Kalia, who had not spoken all the time, stretched out her hand and patted Jaina on the shoulder. In yesterday’s attack, Lordaeron was the only country that was not attacked. It’s not that Lordaeron is special, it’s just because of Naga General. The main attack direction of the sea area was Gilneas, so Nanhai Town escaped a disaster. Therefore, Kaliya was probably the least stressed among all the participants.

“Well, the sea tide that Naga set off yesterday was stopped by the wizards of Theramore and I. In fact, in the ensuing battle, we accidentally caught the leader of the Naga who attacked Theramore.”

Jaina organized the language. She looked at the rulers in front of her, including her father. She whispered, “Mr. Wilfred, the master warlock of Theramore, personally sampled the soul of the naga. , But… we found nothing.”

“What does it mean to get nothing?”

Varian frowned and asked, “Couldn’t you even be able to torture any information?”

“Actually, it is indeed impossible to torture at all.”

The Sun King spoke the next thing in place of Jaina, “Because the soul will dissipate immediately when it is drawn out of the body, I even tried it once, but…I can be sure that it is not because of magic.”

Kael’thas’s voice hovered throughout the venue, “The naga are controlled by some higher level existence, and even the soul can’t escape.”

“what does that mean?”

Magni asked aloud that as a dwarf, he instinctively hated the way these magicians speak, but Dai Lin laughed at him once.

“Because they are controlled, genius… Sun King, you mean, this invasion was not the naga’s intention?”

A trace of hatred flashed in Dai Lin’s eyes, “But according to the information I got, they killed our compatriots, but they did not hesitate! I can be sure that they are sober, and they also invaded Jill very pointedly. Nice, how do you explain this?”

“It’s very simple, some existence makes them think that is what they have to do.”

The prophet who has lived for 25 years explained in an insightful tone, “In my opinion, it is meaningless for you to criticize Ms. Tyrande. Don’t let anger dominate your mind, rulers, don’t you find out , Didn’t the invading naga carry anything related to the Queen Azshara at all?”

“If it is a large-scale invasion, they will at least carry the battle flag, but in fact, there is nothing, right? They captured the port and don’t even know what to do next. After the attack, they can only carry With those captives diving back to the deep sea, then the problem is coming!”

Velen paused, and asked about a phenomenon that everyone could not explain, “If the naga’s goal is really to start a war, wouldn’t their retreat seem too weird? If they are just Want to rob, then why do you want to attack the whole world at the same time?”

“Naga is not ready for a full-scale war at all!”

When everyone was thinking, Jaina explained in a final word, “They don’t even know what they want to do when they invade the port… Only Gilneas and Darkshore! After all the invasions in the world have receded, only The war there is still going on…they attacking the night elves can be said to be hatred, so what is Gilneas for?”

Queen Kalia also folded her hands together,

“So, this is what we really want to consider. Will Naga come again? Or, this invasion is really just an accident… But before that, I have another thing I need Seek your opinions…”

“About the Gilneas war!”

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