Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 591

Chapter 34 .Leadership Meeting-Overwhelming…sleep

At this moment, the atmosphere of the venue became a little weird. In fact, from the perspective of bystanders, Dai Lin, Varian, and Kalia at this time were a bit too harsh. If this scene falls on unknowingly In people’s eyes, they would definitely think that a group of rulers were insulting a poor man.

But in fact, judging from the longer history, Gilneas’s status quo is definitely what they deserved. At the beginning of the War of the Undead, Gene had already begun to build the Greymane Wall, and he did not tell his allies. Under the circumstances, the Gray Wolves brigade defending Sabcher was withdrawn, causing the Fourth Army to be almost completely annihilated, and Gasiris almost died on the front line.

Not to mention that Genn and Arugal took the initiative to be uncontrollable, and the werewolves with infectious properties were put into the silver pine forest.

More importantly, if Sabcher’s direction could be held at the beginning, the situation in northern Xinjiang would definitely not collapse so fast! Even if it was just to contain Alsace’s energy, the situation in Cidharonmir could be resolved more easily, but unfortunately, they withdrew.

Then Lordaeron was forced to the brink of extinction, so Kalia had enough reasons to hate Gene in public and private.

As for Dai Lin, this veteran was more annoyed at Gene’s betrayal. During the second orc war that year, he and Gene were comrades fighting side by side, and they had life-long friendships. Unfortunately, Gene took the initiative. Betrayed all of this, for Dai Lin, nothing is more intolerable than this.

“Fur…what’s the use of I want his life? According to you, Gilneas will not be able to settle down in 10 years, and that place will become a real battlefield ruin in the future.”

Dai Lin took the pipe from his mouth. He shook his head and groaned for a moment, “I guess, you are planning to use Lordaeron’s forces to expel the werewolves and then move the civilians from the south to the north? To be honest, I don’t I suggest you do this, whether it’s a naga or a werewolf, it’s too much trouble to expel, so let’s be more direct and transport civilians out of that war hell!”

After that, regardless of Godfrey’s opinion, the old king turned his head and looked at Magni Bronzebeard who was curiously observing the werewolf, “Magney, the closest ports to Gilneas are Menethil Port and the South China Sea. Town, can you get some boats to transport civilians? Although Gene is damned, the werewolf is right. The civilians are innocent.”

The old dwarf thought for a while, then nodded readily.

“Uh, yes… after it is shipped back, it will be placed in Menethil Harbor to help rebuild it. Although the wetlands are not suitable for farming, as long as they are diligent, they will not starve to death.”

Queen Kalia also circulated her fingers on the table,

“I have ordered the troops from the Hillsbrad Foothills to enter Gilneas to disperse Bloodfang, but frankly speaking, the difficulty is very high, we can think of a road to transport some of the refugees to Arathi Highlands… well.”

As she spoke, the queen yawned very ungraciously, and her uncontrollable sleepiness suddenly rose from her heart. The queen forcibly aroused her spirits and continued.

“Of course, if they want, Lordaeron can transport them to the Borean Tundra to reclaim the wasteland.”

Varian immediately realized the meaning of Dai Lin’s words. Sure enough, Jiang was still hot. Even if the Gilneas war lasted only 5 years and the civilians who were scattered to various countries, it was certain that a large part of them would escape from the war. The country is equivalent to dismembering a part of Gilneas out of thin air to strengthen the strength of the three countries. Although it is not very bright, as a ruler, this opportunity should not be missed, so he also interjected,

“The Grizzly Hills also have large fertile land, and we can help too!”

But as he spoke, Varian’s eyes suddenly became sore, probably because he was too busy yesterday. Thinking of this, Varian moved his shoulders.

“But… Lord Godfrey, remember, this doesn’t mean we forgave Gene, all this is just… well, humanitarian support.”

How could Lord Werewolf not understand the hidden traps in Dai Lin’s words, but as he said before, under the lives of 120 civilians and the inheritance of Gilneas, these are not important anymore. He stood up from the ground, With a trace of sincere thanks,

“Enough… Enough, thank you… Thank you everyone, thank you! Gilneas will not forget your assistance today!”

“Go ahead, Godfrey.”

Dai Lin waved his hand, and the guards behind him walked to Godfrey, “With the help of Dalaran’s teleportation array, go back to Kul Tiras, and follow the Third Fleet to Gilneas at the fastest speed to assist the civilians, if necessary. , Can participate in the battle, Queen Kalia’s army should have entered Gilneas, so just…Kalia? Kalia!”

When the old king turned his head, he saw that Her Majesty was lying on the table and fell into a deep sleep. Jaina made a gesture.

“Let her rest, Father, I heard that Queen Kalia hasn’t taken a good rest recently. Let’s continue discussing the Naga, Moam. Send the queen to the guest room and don’t wake up. she was.”

Standing in the hall, Moam, who really regarded himself as a sculpture, opened his eyes and walked over attentively, waving his hands, and the soft magic power lifted Her Majesty from the chair and put it on Behind him, then the stone statue turned to Jaina and said,

“Yes! Mistress!”

This claim made Jaina a little shy, and Dai Lin even snorted, but the old king didn’t say anything. Instead, he knocked on the table and brought the discussion back to the topic again, but just when he spoke. , A flower suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, although it was only a short moment, it still made Dai Lin’s speaking movements slow.

Sure enough… I’m old.

Dai Lin sighed slightly. Dizziness has appeared more than once. He is a real human, even a hero-level warrior, but still can’t fight the cruel time. He has been maintaining high-intensity exercise. Come and try to delay the inevitable weakness of power, but… forget it! Focus on the moment!

Dai Lin gritted her teeth, forced herself to cheer up, and then said,

“We continue the speculation just now, who is the Naga controlled? Even in Kul Tiras, where the navigation technology is the most powerful, our understanding of the deep sea is extremely limited. According to the Kul Tiras National Museum It is recorded that there are traces of naga in the entire world. Where did they come from? High priest, can you tell me? High priest? Huh?”

Dai Lin’s voice calling for Tyrande failed to awaken the priest of the moon. In fact, it was not until Magni tapped Tyrande’s shoulder with her finger that she awakened the priest of the moon in a special thought. Somewhat blankly, he glanced at the meeting place, and then reacted.


Dai Lin looked at Tyrande’s blank eyes and confirmed that she was not deliberately ignoring him, then coughed slightly and repeated the question just now.

“I mean, Naga is in the deep sea. Has the night elves recorded this?”

Tyrande nodded.

“According to the druids’ records, there were once archdruids specializing in underwater forms entering the deep sea. According to their records, the capital of the Naga Empire was located somewhere east of the Maelstrom of the Infinite Sea. Under the trench, the area called Vaskir, there was also the capital of the torn ancient Kaldorei Empire, where a part of Kim Azshara sank to the bottom of the sea, but to be honest, even Drew The Iraqis themselves don’t quite believe this judgment.”

The Moon Sacrifice explained a little sadly, “Although the Big Bang of the Well of Eternity has distorted their body and soul, it has given them the ability to master the deep sea, and the Naga still has the ability to reproduce. He followed Azshara’s pendant back then. There are at least a million high-level elves who have entered the deep sea. After ten thousand years, no one can tell how many of them are… The most important thing is that you have also seen that the distorted form gives them more power. In the past tens of thousands of years, Naga is almost our number one imaginary enemy besides the devil.”

“In addition, it is said that when Dath’rema left, he also took away some of the information about Naga, and the secret watchers during the Azshara period, Syndra, certainly did not give up this aspect of research. , So next, let His Majesty Kael’thas explain to you, I’m a little tired…”

Kael’thas was watching something from side to side. There was a lingering doubt on his handsome face, but when everyone’s eyes turned to him, the Sun King quickly nodded, rubbing his chin, and said A creepy guess came out,

“The Moon Sacrifice is very detailed. I don’t know more about Vaskir’s situation than you, but based on the naga’s attack on the Sunsail Port of Quel’Thalas, my wizards and I have A bold idea.”

The Sun King didn’t sell it, but said straightforwardly, “At the same time, the sea tide magic attack was launched in various ports in the world. This is impossible even for the upper elves of the world with magic civilization. This is beyond It is the extreme that a race can control, so I guess… the naga may have reached this point with the help of some kind of artifact, or some kind of special existence.”

“For example, the real master of the sea!”

As an old sailor who had escaped for a lifetime on the sea, Dai Lin immediately understood what Kael’thas was talking about. He stood up from the chair in surprise, “You mean…you mean, hunting.” Trendy? How could it be…that is the elemental prince, how could it be driven by the naga?”

“Naga definitely can’t… but what about the existence behind the Naga?”

Kael’thas said a bit irritably. The next moment, he saw the painful expression on Dai Lin’s face flashed away, and the old king sat on a chair with his heart in his mouth. The painful stimulation not only didn’t make him worse. Being sober, it made him even more groggy. Dai Lin turned her head hard, only to realize that before he noticed, Varian beside him had fallen asleep on the table. , And his daughter Jaina, and Tyrande, and even the bearded Magni, this guy even snored.

Thrall and Woking were trying hard to get up from the chairs, but their efforts only turned the chairs upside down. The two chiefs lay on the ground, fighting against the indispensable sleepiness, and they couldn’t lift their eyelids in Dai Lin. At the time, he saw the draenei priest Velen who was next to Kael’thas roared, and then, the door of the hall was pushed open, and then there was a noise and the sound of spells.

There is a fight! He was going… he was going to help, but the moment Dai Lin held the commanding knife, his last struggle reached the extreme.


The old king’s forehead touched the conference table. He struggled to make himself more awake, but he couldn’t. It was like a separation of spirit and body. It was supposed to be a rest and a sweet dream, and it turned into a dark spiritual vortex. , He only had time to let out a difficult exclamation, the next moment, all consciousness, everything, turned into darkness.

It wasn’t until the last moment that he understood that the naga were not attacking the world for looting at all, they were just to attract the world’s attention, just to gather all the forces of the world in one place, so that the people behind them could start!

Dai Lin didn’t even dare to imagine how terrible the consequences would be if all the leaders of the Alliance tribe lose the news at the same time. In the world that was already walking on the tightrope, under the provocation of people, war… has been inevitable. .

damn it!

The world…the world is going to be chaotic…

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