Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 596

Chapter 39 .Touch of Chaos

At midnight, on the outskirts of Theramore, beside the road leading to the city and Dustwallow Marsh, dozens of elite soldiers in disguise were preparing for the final infiltration.

This is a joint combat force from Stormwind City, Kul Tiras, Lordaeron, Ironforge and Nordrassil. The selections are all true elites of all races. Their goal is to sneak into the present The city of Theramore, which had become chaotic to the extreme, searched for news of leaders of all races.

The war has started for 5 days, and the whole world has become a mess. But so far, the focus of the war is still on the rescue of the leader. However, no matter whether it is the alliance army or the tribal army, they will not allow the other party to advance. Stepped into Theramore, and around the city, countless naga almost surrounded the city with three and three floors.

The city is now like a terrifying behemoth with an open mouth, swallowing all warriors or lunatics who dare to enter it.

Anduin tightly tied the buckle of his hand armor, then carried the guardian of truth like a round of the sun behind him, and tied the sharp vow practitioner to the leather buckle of his waist, beside him. Not far away, Fenna Golden Sword, the queen of Kul Tiras, polished the pair of ice-like daggers, and inserted three exquisite bursts of muskets on her belt, carrying them on her back. A slender and sharp serpentine long sword can be said to be armed to the teeth.

It stands to reason that such a dangerous action cannot allow people like princes and princes to enter it. After the king disappeared, they were almost the symbol of the entire country, but now the situation is serious after all, and the generals of Kul Tiras The secret technique of the De Moore family can only be used by Fenner. If you want to find the missing leaders, you must use this secret technique.

As for Anduin, the current level of force of the little prince is among the best in the entire Stormwind City. He has participated in the battle of the quicksand, the battle of the undead, and has enough capital to call himself a young veteran, and there is also a leader from MI7. Dias Shaw and elite assassins and guards escorted the entire process, and the newly returned Dalaran’s Archmage Ronin and Khadgar were the leaders, almost reducing the danger to the extreme.

This is the action this time.

“According to the intelligence sent by the scouts desperately, the naga have indeed completely blocked the city, but they have overlooked a place.”

Khadgar was still wearing his purple robe and holding the Guardian’s staff in his hand. He used magic lines to draw a simple map of Theramore in the air, and a winding route.

“Theramore used to be the temporary city of Lordaeron. Naturally, there is a way for Her Majesty to escape at the most critical moment. It is very secretive. In fact, if it weren’t for the reminder of Major Samuel who broke out of Theramore , We may also ignore this, but after the exploration by the battle mage, the good news is that this secret path still exists. The bad news is that the place that this secret path leads directly to is the depths of Theramore’s palace. !”

Luo Ning pointed to the center of the map, his forehead almost wrinkled into a shape of Sichuan.

“It is also the place where the leaders disappeared. It is destined to be very dangerous, so I still recommend that the prince and the prince leave the team. Your identities are too sensitive and may attract unnecessary trouble.”

Upon hearing this, Wang’s daughter Fenna snorted and said with a high cold that is unique to the royal family, “Mr. Luo Ning, my father, my sister, and my only two relatives have disappeared in that city. You told me that I cannot join the team looking for them! Do you think I might agree to this rude request?”

After finishing speaking, the Queen ignored the somewhat embarrassed Archmage, and took the Kul Tiras scout team to the depths of Dustwallow Marsh. The others looked at each other helplessly, and could only follow quickly. .

Ten minutes later, in the dark secret tunnel underneath, the soldiers with torches moved forward quietly. In the middle of the team, Anduin’s face under the firelight looked a little anxious, beside him, his arms were still bandaged. Major Samuel held the long sword in one hand and guarded the prince tightly to prevent all possible dangers.

“Samuel, are you sure that the father is out of danger when you leave?”

Facing the inquiry of His Royal Highness, Major Samuel, who has served the royal family for 20 years, nodded and said in a low voice, “I can be sure, Your Majesty, at that time, His Majesty was rescued by the Prophet Velen, but the whole Theramore was rescued. It was blocked, and the Prophet took His Majesty and other seriously injured leaders to hide temporarily, and we each rushed out of Theramore along the secret road with tokens, asking for help from the nearest army.”

Speaking of this, Major Samuel’s eyes were a little moist. He touched the corner of his eyes and turned his gaze to other places. “Unfortunately, Corporal Grmerson…that was a brave young man. He volunteered to go to Stonetalon Mountains for help. He also has a 3-year-old child, and I really hope that it is me who goes there, at least the little Gemerson will not lose his father.”

“I will avenge the corporal!”

Anduin gritted his teeth and said, “Those **** beasts of the Horde, when I rescue my father, I will take them away from us and bring them back!”

As soon as Anduin’s words landed, the entire secret road shook quickly. It seemed that fighting was going on from above, and the reinforced secret road began to shake.


Khadgar released a spell to stabilize the shaky secret road, and everyone rushed forward quickly, but when they rushed to a fork, a dark shadow rushed from the forked road behind. Came out and knocked the dwarf warrior running at the end to the ground, and then Fenna’s exclamation sounded.

“Naga! Watch out for defense!”

The three-headed Naga warriors rushed from the front, and their tridents waved to separate the entire team. Then, amidst the roars of the wizards and warriors and the clash of weapons, more Naga rushed. Come out, completely disperse the entire team.

Anduin took Fenner’s hand in the chaos, while avoiding, while rushing forward, when they reacted, they had been separated from the large army. This secret road was originally designed with the pursuit of soldiers in mind. There are several wrong passages around each section of the secret path, just like a maze. Only the most elite scouts can distinguish the real passage from the clues.

It’s a pity that neither Anduin nor Fenner have such skills.

But just when the two of them were a little hesitant, another voice rang in surprise.

“His Royal Highness! It’s great that you’re okay!”

Anduin suddenly turned his head, and found that Samuel, who was covered in blood, walked out of the side passage with a torch, just like a real elder, he slapped Anduin’s dusty clothes back and forth. , The little prince took advantage of this opportunity to wink at Fenner, who was shocked, then put his left hand on the hilt of the sword around his waist, but Anduin’s stern look stopped him.

“Samuel, are you also separated from the main force?”

The prince asked in a low voice, and the major shook his head.

“No, no, I came to you specially! The two great masters have already dealt with the naga, come with me, Your Highness, we have found the exit, they are waiting for you there, come with me!”

After speaking, the major quickly led the way. Anduin and Fenner followed him. Sure enough, within a few minutes, an upward staircase appeared in front of the three of them. The major was the first to step out of the stairs. Armed with swords and shields, Anduin and Fenna then walked onto the ground, but it was not the archmage and scouts who greeted them, but the empty square.

“Where are everyone? Samuel?”

Anduin looked around and confirmed that this was indeed the depths of Theramore’s royal court. He looked at the major, who pointed forward.

“There, that is the hall where the leaders meet. Mr. Luo Ning said he would investigate the situation there and come with me!”

Anduin and Fenner followed closely. Fenner’s left hand was already on the dagger around his waist, and Anduin’s eyes looked at Samuel’s back with a hint of indescribable regret and peace. ..disgust.

The little prince walked into the meeting hall that had been violently demolished and burned by flames. The interior was empty. Even Major Samuel, who had walked into the hall before, disappeared.

He sighed, held the weapon tightly, and shouted,

“Samuel, come out! Let me see the true face of your traitor! What is it worth to make you betray your country, your king and your family! I’ll get out of here!”

“Hey… the price of being smart is often to die young, my Prince Anduin… isn’t it good to be an honest fool?”

With the gloomy voice of Major Samuel, a dozen or so men in black robes with weapons poured in from the other two doors. After seeing the emblems on their chests, Anduin’s eyes were fierce. Shrank a little,

“Twilight’s Hammer! It really is you, you lingering scumbags! Where did you take my father!”

“Sorry, Your Highness!”

Samuel walked out from behind the black-robed men and gave an exaggerated salute. His original loyal and determined face was full of cunning and insidious expressions, as if he had completely changed a person, but maybe, that’s it. It’s his real face.

“I wanted you to see your father without suffering, but unfortunately, now we have to use a little violent means. You are as smart as the rumor has it. I can ask, where did I show my feet? ?”

“Don’t think I can answer any of your questions! You disgusting traitor!”

Anduin cursed, and put the Guardian of Truth in front of him, and Fenna also drew out the dagger. Samuel couldn’t help laughing when he saw this scene.

“It really is the blood of the Wrynn family, would rather die than surrender? Good!”

“But I will not let you die in our hands, Your Highness, I will throw the bodies of you and that beautiful prince into Orgrimmar! Think about it, after the respected King Varian, the great prince Also killed by the barbaric tribe, this war will probably enter the craziest chaos! Hahaha, chaos, I like the word, chaos is everything, order is so disgusting! We have already succeeded, The Kingdom of Stormwind has become a land of chaos! But you father and son ruined everything!”

“Do you really think I am Samuel? Hahahaha, your loyal Samuel… died 2 years ago! I, just the vanguard of chaos, I will start a new era!”

Samuel looked crazy, like a real lunatic, his eyes showed a sharp color, and then, he waved his hands, and the black-robed warriors rushed towards Anduin and Fenner with weapons in their hands. , But at this moment, another voice rang out of the hall,

“Oh oh oh! My Mr. Bigworth, don’t run around! This place is full of savage naga and idiots, they will hurt you! Come back to Dad!”

“Well… I found you, little guy, there is a nasty guy who asked me to say hello to you. He asked you and that little girl to obediently take the army back to Stormwind and Kul Tiras and wait, he said He will take care of everything. This game is too dangerous for you now. Then… Mr. Kerruk the Wind Reaver, would you help us clean up everything here? These are smelly Furious idiot, it’s really annoying! Why are there such **** in the world! Why? Why?”

“…Follow your instructions, great master!”

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