Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 598

Chapter 41 .Under the deep sea

What kind of experience is it to be active under the deep sea?

In fact, if a real mortal enters the deep sea, it will be crushed directly into powder by the strong water pressure. This is a forbidden zone for mortal creatures. In fact, no matter which world, which planet, deep sea is It means mysterious and dangerous.

Varian and others used the key thrown by Tyrande to unlock the shackles. When they ran out of the mysterious confinement hall, their strength gradually recovered. It seemed that the previous weakness was indeed a curse. The formation of an enchantment, but the recovery of power takes time, so these most powerful and noble characters in Azeroth can only be like thieves, sneaking out blindly from the gaps in the naga patrols on the seabed. The escape.

They don’t know where this is, and they don’t know the way to escape, but once the matter of escape begins, they can’t stop.

Frankly speaking, everyone present lacks the experience of moving in the deep sea. Even the Great Shaman Saar can barely use the power of the water element to protect everyone from being crushed by the powerful water, as well as being able to reluctantly. Breathing under the strong water pressure, this palace, accompanied by continental debris sinking to the bottom of the sea, is anomalously chaotic. Sometimes one step out will lead you directly to the bottom of the sea, but most of the time, due to the existence of the great enchantment above everyone’s heads. , The water pressure is still maintained at a relatively moderate degree.

“Why does Azshara help us?”

Woking leaned on his wooden spear, trudged forward in the water with difficulty, and at the same time asked other people in the spiritual link that Thrall held up, “I have a bad guess, maybe, this is also aimed at us. Trap… those monsters may want to see an escape drama, maybe everything we do is meaningless.”

“I don’t think so.”

Regarding Woking’s pessimistic thinking, everyone’s hearts were under heavy pressure. In fact, this conjecture came after everyone escaped from prison. However, Jaina, who was walking in the middle of the team, carrying Kalia on his back, proposed different things. Opinion, Miss Mage’s situation is the easiest among the people. Her contract water Lingbobo sits on her shoulders. Under the deep sea, it is the home ground of this ancient water element. In fact, if you don’t worry about it, you will be here. The number of Naga guards was so great that Bobo could rush out of the sea directly with the crowd wrapped in water.

“I don’t know if you have noticed the naga patrolling…they are different from Azshara.”

Jaina frowned, organizing her language with some difficulty, “Uh, I mean, they look sober and they know what they are doing, but compared to Azshara, I always feel that they lack something. .. I don’t know what it is, but the feeling they give me is incomplete!”

“I got you.”

As the Flame Archmage, Kael’thas absolutely did not like the feeling of being surrounded by water, but his sanity was not affected by it. After Jaina finished speaking, Kael’thas said, “Heartlessness! Well, you may not understand this symptom, but when the addiction appears, dementia is already commonplace in Quel’Thalas. Although the symptoms of these naga are different from the addiction, their reaction is different. It looks like a patient in the early stage of heart failure.”

The Sun King’s gaze looked into the distance. In the extreme distance, a group of tall Naga warriors were patrolling the crimson coral walkway.

“They are still conscious and know what they should do, but they have an extraordinary enthusiasm for something. The most frightening thing is that they never think about where this abnormal enthusiasm comes from. It is instinctive to let the Buddha go. Generally… our guess is correct, the Naga is controlled! By some creature far beyond our imagination, controlled in a creepy way.”

“Then what do you mean, Azshara is sober?”

Varian stretched out his hand to catch a fish swimming in front of him, and handed it to Thrall. The latter took the sea fish reluctantly and placed it in the palm of his hand. The red light like magma flashed in the palm of his hand, and then He handed it back to Varian…the fish is done.

Judging from the shaman’s skillful movements, this is not the first time he has used flame shock to “cook”. In fact, King Magni is sitting on the sand at this time, with Kane Bloodhoof, A grilled extra-large lobster was shared without any image, and the others were also munching on it. They had been trapped for at least 4 days, and they were already starving.

“Not completely sober.”

Kael’thas took the grilled fish that Varian handed over, smiled friendly at him, leaned against the wall full of coral and seaweed, and ate gracefully while saying, “Actually, according to the previous surprise Hong glimpsed that Azshara was much better than these ordinary naga, but in fact, she also had signs of heart attack, which can be seen from her moody mood…According to our records, historical Although Azshara is arrogant, she is a true ruler. It is one of her instincts to control her emotions.”

“But at least she knows that she is not free.”

The goblin prince Gary Vickers casually threw the lobster shell in his hand aside, rubbed his mouth rudely, and ended the discussion with one sentence, “Thanks to the queen, we escaped, this That’s enough. I only care about when we can escape. Do you dare to imagine how these leaders disappeared together and what terrible results would it bring?”

This sentence made everyone lose interest in the conversation. In fact, everyone present is very clear about the serious situation that the civilized world may encounter now, but frankly, they have nothing to do.

“War… even if we go back now, can we really stop the war?”

Dai Lin, who was originally the most stubborn temper, was now a little decadent leaning against the corner of the ruins. “It’s really sad. We could have ended the conflict early, but because we ourselves caused a more terrible war, the blood has flowed and the hatred Reactivation, even if it is the king and chief, under this kind of massive bloodshed, let alone ending the war, we are likely to fall into it ourselves.”

“The wheel of war will crush everything that stands in front of it, everyone, this is no longer something we can control.”

“But no matter what! We are going to escape!”

Varian touched his stubble chin, a touch of sorrow gleamed in his eyes, “The most troublesome thing now is, where is the Prophet Velen? He is the strongest one of us, Dai Lin Your Majesty also said that before he fell into a coma, he saw Prophet Velen rushing out, but now, where is he? We can’t let him be left here, otherwise the draenei’s inquiry alone would be enough We are in utter horror.”

Jaina was about to speak when a familiar voice suddenly rang in her mind. When she heard this voice, Miss Mage’s tears slammed down, it seemed like she appeared in front of her when she was most helpless. The warm embrace always makes people want to rush over and isolate the malice of the whole world in that embrace.

Until now, the anger and rifts caused by Kalia’s affairs were wiped out in an instant. She is like a real wife. For her husband’s mistakes, she always chooses to forgive in the end.

“My dear, I’m sorry, I’m late… Tao Shi and Shivana are waiting for you in the trench 2500 meters in front of you. Leave here first and leave the rest to me.”

The gentle voice was like a gentle kiss, imprinted on the forehead of the eldest lady. Maybe it was not an illusion. After all, with the help of the whole world, he could always do many things that mortals could not even imagine.

“Anna, what’s the matter with you?”

Dai Lin noticed the abnormality of her daughter for the first time, but when others saw it, Miss Mage had already wiped away the tears. After finally regaining the support of her soul, Jaina became firm again, and the corners of her mouth With a smile on her face, she pointed to the dark seabed ahead and said to everyone,

“My husband is here, and the pick-up he arranged is 2 kilometers ahead. Don’t worry about the prophet’s affairs. He will take care of it. Everyone, let’s get out of here!”

“I knew it, Dick kid is the most reliable one!”

When Magni heard the news that he could leave, he immediately jumped up from the ground. It was really embarrassing for a dwarf who instinctively hated water to stay on the bottom of the sea for so long.

At the same moment when the leaders were quietly taken by Val’kyr to leave the deep sea, Dick’s figure was standing on the sandy beach on the bottom of the sea, outside the concave large trench on the edge of Vashkir.

He doesn’t need breathing spells like Thrall, and he doesn’t need enchantments to help him slow down the water pressure.

He stood there, wherever he went, the heavy sea actively separated a path forward, like a loyal guard surrendering in front of the king, clearing the safest passage for his majesty.

The world manager has the highest control of the entire world. Although limited to his own rules, he cannot break the balance, but outside of the balance, he is almost the most unsolvable existence in the world, just use an improper word to describe it.

“Any weapon built to attack me will inevitably break. Any will to hurt my existence will inevitably be annihilated.”

It may not be this height, but it is almost the same. It is precisely because of this existence of the supreme authority that is only lower than Elune, that he has the capital to really discuss with Odin. He may not be able to beat Odin. But it will never fail.

Dick stood outside the deepest trench in the world, but didn’t step into it. He was waiting, waiting for the arrival of some guide.

Ten minutes later, a slender figure swam from the distant sea, like a giant snake wandering freely in the ocean. Azshara saw Dick’s back from a long distance away, and the queen was swimming. The speed slowed down a bit, and it seemed that he was reluctant to lose his last dignity in front of Dick.

After all, she was once the king of a country, after all, she once ruled the most powerful country in the world.

She has her pride.

“Dear guardian of the world, you are really late!”

Azshara’s snake tail swayed constantly on the sand, approaching Dick from behind with a weird elegance unique to reptiles. She teased, “I almost exhausted my mind to maintain Naga without breaking the world. Any city in the world…If you’re late, I’m afraid I will lose control of them. It’s sad, isn’t it? A king actually has to rely on lies to control his country.”

“It’s not sad, Ms. Azshara.”

Dick turned his head and glanced at this deep-sea stunner, perhaps to express a certain etiquette. Azshara took her six arms back in some way. Now she looks like a night elf with a snake tail. The beauty of the light in the light that has been passed down through the ages is really extraordinary. In fact, Dick seriously suspects that by relying on this face tightly, Azshara can capture the loyalty of all men in this world.

Of course, excluding him, maybe Dick has reached the pinnacle in terms of fighting, but in terms of feelings, the Paladin really messed up his life. He now stays away from all beautiful affairs, and he doesn’t want to go anymore. Caused trouble.

But this does not hinder his appreciation of Azshara, after all, beautiful things always make people happy both physically and mentally.

“Vashj is a guest at Ulduar now, Your Majesty, when everything is over, you can pick up your loyal maid.

Dick stretched out his hand, a crystal bottle filled with blue liquid appeared in his palm, and he handed it to Azshara.

“Drink it, the eternal water is gone, but this essence from the core of the world can help you completely get rid of the shackles of N’Zoth’s thinking. The place we are going to is very dangerous. In your current state, we can see If you don’t see the true face of the ancient gods, you will go crazy.”

The queen took the bottle without revealing the suspicion peculiar to the ruler. Instead, she raised her head and drank the essence of the world. This is also a symbol of her trust in Dick. Of course, this is what Azshara did to Dick. Look, with the current status of the Paladin, there is no need to deceive her on this kind of thing.

“Uh, the taste is still as bad as ever.”

Azshara wiped her mouth gracefully, “It’s like a mixture of rotten berries and beef, but it feels really good.”

While talking, Queen Naga quickly recovered from her body twisted by some power. The snake’s tail, scales, and snake’s hair faded between the starlight, and turned into a completely naked body with a hint of lavender. The skin, and the silver hair, the perfect arc to the limit, is enough to drive all males crazy.

Of course, this is not that Azshara is deliberately seducing the Paladin. She herself did not expect the power of this world essence to be so powerful. There was also a bit of embarrassment on her face. He took out a robe from the ring and handed it over.

“Okay, let’s go…Old Velen persisted very hard there, I have to save him.”

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